Do you cuddle with your switch sometimes?

I think non switch-owners don't understand how much you fall in love with an adorable console you can hold in your hands. Also, when you consider Its significantly more powerful than an Xbox 360, you really can't call it weak. Yeah its not an Xbox one or ps4. Fine. But its pretty damn powerful, all things considered.

Attached: Switch+dog+is+for+hug+not+fugg+_1c8f187539dd144b8c9c38a07b724d67.jpg (563x646, 86K)

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The first console you can fuck will sell trillions.

>implying there arent already consoles you can fuck

>Its significantly more powerful than an Xbox 360
No, it isn't. It's slightly more powerful than an Xbox 360.

why do i want to fuck an anthropomorphized video game console controller dog


Attached: F4A3092E-808C-4C9F-ABB7-BC21A9F96C9E.png (872x757, 155K)

Because she thicc af.

Sort of.
I always put it on my bed before I go to sleep and watch a relaxing YouTube video on if for twenty to thirty minutes until I pass out.
Feels pretty good wrapped in blankets and with the cool breeze coming from the window.

i almost always smell the heat pipes after long sessions. it smells sweet

Well, on a technically you might be wrong cuz VR is struggling to get off the ground.

>Calling someone else a faggot

Attached: 1547801911224.jpg (859x755, 105K)

I might roll over onto it and break one of the analog sticks!

Switch Dog is cute!

Attached: 97824b137bca5d6fa232fa8728ab8ecd.gif (700x700, 865K)

there are far less feminine things people will fuck

>tfw switch dog will never knot you

But Switch dog is a girl

Attached: 756F4122-7AEA-4719-AA0A-1282C13AC9EB.gif (1024x1024, 665K)

So? I want to get fucked by a futa switch dog.

Switch is closer to Xbox one than it is to Xbox 360.
Watch is video that compares all three side by side

Lol i do the same fucking thing.

Fuck off, retard.

Based retarded iPhone poster