Kickstart or Game Fuel boys?

Kickstart or Game Fuel boys?

Or is there a better energy drink alt for when I get home from work? I've been way too tired to play competitive games lately after work.

Have read that in 200mg doses Theanine which is in game fuel has also been positive in treating depression and improving concentration, though I highly doubt it has that much in it? Also kickstart is $15, and game fuel is $20.

I already normally drink tea, but it just hasn't been enough lately.

Taco Bell has kickstart on tap, which is what makes me lean more towards it.

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Neither of them taste good. I just drink assloads of coffee.

I greatly dislike coffee, but orange kickstart is 10/10 for me

Would likely buy the tropical game fuel if any.

This is the only energy drink I can palate. DESU though you're better off drinking water.

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I don't care too much for Kickstart, each of the 16 fl oz flavors just taste like their 2 liter store brand soda counterparts. I like Game Fuel more, it tastes slightly less artificial and has more interesting flavors besides the green which is pretty much slightly less artificial tasting regular Mountain Dew but not quite as non-artificial-tasting as Throwback.

I will most likely avoid anything with Taurine in it since it's just a meme.

Caffine amount is the same, only difference is the extra chemical for an extra $5.

Kickstart is also solid due to the lower calorie count, I wish to own a Taco Bell just for unlimited kickstart.

GameFuel def does more for my concentration than any other energy drink.

Also I can't fucking believe I'm endorsing a "GAMER" product.

Just inject methamphetamine into your eyeballs and youll be MLG in no time

I want to get on the coffee train because it’s supposed to be better for me, but I hate block coffee so with the amount of sugar and cream, I might as well be drinking energy drink.

The biggest factor for me is price. I love
Red Bull but that shit is pricey as fuck when you’re on a budget. I always end up getting Nos for that cheap quick energy.

kickstart for me

I just want to get my life back to normal and enjoy playing vidya again

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The only energy drink worth anything is regular Monster. Everything else tastes like shit.
Prove me wrong.

That blue one is delicious.

Then eat decently and exercise. That'll do way more for your energy levels and focus than any amount of Dew.

Hello heart attack

Monster is pretty bad overall.

Does it taste like mountain dew voltage?

Unlikely to happen, I want my american quick fix.

Kickstart is pretty reasonable on the nutritional side.

Is there a flavor like classic game fuel from halo 3?

Rehabs are the only Monster product coming anywhere near my tongue, thanks.

No, there is no citrus or tart to it really, just sweet berry goodness

I often see these go 4/5 dollars.
How’s the taste though?


Nobody has mentioned cotton candy or pina colada BANG energy drinks because they are sugar free, not a meme and yall niggers fat as fuxk.

The 16oz dew cans are under 100 calories at least

I ordered tropical wish me luck friends.

Typical semen slurper

Stopped energy drinks because I don't feel the effect, it's just glorified sodas which I don't drink too. Never tried regular coffee, is the energy boost that noticeable ?

You probably just got resistant to the caffeine

I fucking love NOS. Not sure that it actually does anything for me in terms of energy though.

Attached: nos.png (177x435, 102K)

Kickstart can be tasty, but Game Fuel tastes like shit.

I don't mind game fuel, besides the awful lids.
haven't tried kickstart yet but if it tastes anything like amp it's basically sugar sludge.

Game fuel tastes better, but I have a hard time recommending a drink that comes in a can that requires a "tutorial" to open

I recently stopped drinking energy drinks because they don't really help and I think they've actually been causing some brain and heart troubles.

Enjoy your fucked up teeth and cavities. Have fun with the dentist when you need to visit.