Dubbed "Yamamura the Wanderer", this old hunter hails from a distant Eastern land...

>Dubbed "Yamamura the Wanderer", this old hunter hails from a distant Eastern land. Pursuing a beast for honorable revenge, he became a hunter of the league; a confederate. But when he stared straight into impurity itself, he was driven to madness.
>Mysterious illness that's plaguing the land called "Dragon rot"
>Sinister cult that worships a strange god
>Confirmed horror elements
Sekiro is set in the Bloodborne universe.

Attached: GfRfhsX_d.jpg (406x407, 14K)


Sekiro sets in the "Eastern land" all these games were referring to.

A multiplat can't have direct crossover with a Sony property other than the usual From easter egg shit.

That'd actually be a cool tie in


Real question is: will the MLGS be in? If so, how will it be implemented?

I forgot to add
>Entire game revolves around you saving the "Divine Heir" (your lord who is the last in a "special bloodline")
Bloodborne's twist was the cosmic horrors. Sekiro's twist is that it takes place in the "Eastern Land."

Because I asked Miyazaki and he said so you retard

Wait, the story is delivered in cryptic way as how soulsborne were?

>My uncle works at Fromsoft

it'll have that element yes (the greater universe of sekiro), but the main story line is delivered in a straightforward manner this time

its just a teaser just like chester was teaser for BB

post proof faggot

>chester was teaser for BB

Special prosthetic forged from a shard of it that lets you summons the full one for attacks

explain this then

Attached: dark_souls__marvelous_chester_by_menaslg_d9xyvkz-fullview.jpg (1024x1439, 264K)

explain what?

He's just being an asshat. Ignore that guy. Chester was most definitely a BB teaser.

Attached: chester-s-set-large.jpg (600x609, 85K)

Development of BB started around development of the artorias DLC. And it's not just chester, Manus' model looks similar to the cleric beast too.

Yeah, but Chester was in the original Art Book included with the deluxe edition, before the DLC

>Arr acooding to pran

Yamamura hinted at sekiro the same way that Chester hinted at bloodborne. They always do this.

Would they be effected by the cycles?

>Chester was most definitely a BB teaser.
Prove it.

My uncle works at Fromsoft.

So, is the Portuguese knight in Sekiro a hint at From's next game?


>Chester was in DLC
>Yamamura was in DLC
Not likely

No evidence other than they're development being the same time. He's quite like the fat officials from demon's souls also

>the fat officials from demon's souls
Do retards honestly think those are a Bloodborne reference too?

Would be pretty neato, although i would like it more if it's just implied

Pics? Haven't seen that character.

He's a late-game miniboss that was revealed in some leaked footage on the weekend.

Oh NVM if it's a spoiler. But thanks for giving me something to look forward to when it comes out.

Attached: 1528001053240.png (559x642, 186K)
