Baba is You

What the fuck, maybe it’s only because I smoked earlier but this game is way harder than I expected. I’m only at the second screen in the level select and the difficulty has already ramped way up

Attached: 3119DDE5-BF84-4C28-A6D7-66AE1CEC733B.jpg (431x431, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Rock is win mah nigga.
This game also has like 200 levels and they get insane at times.
Great game, I've been waiting a long time for it to release.

That’s just an image I grabbed off google, I’m stuck in the submerged ruins right now
I’ve been psyched for this game for months, very happy that it finally released, and on the switch too

Well I’m sold
Buying this when I get home

Sorry, I don't play propaganda games.

can somewho buy this for me on Nintendo switch?

Oh, yeah. The one after that is even harder. These two were the hardest yet.

Agree totally. There have been several times where something clicked and I go "I'm an idiot! I'm a fucking moron" and then other times where I found a solution but I am thinking "there has to be an easier way..."

sent ;)

why is this crap being promoted everywhere? nintendies got nothing else to play?

What keeps you people running? What makes you happy? What do you like? Why are you the way that you are?

It came out literally today, There's always a couple threads on new releases.

Total shill response

literal and unironic marketing
about 10% of OPs on Yea Forums are marketing efforts

likely copping. 15$ is super generous for a nintendo indie, and this will prolly keep me busy for longer than any

Rent free.

The soi streamers are heavily shilling it.


Oh boy, I can't wait to buy this game when I get home, I've been waiting for months

Look at this thread. It's not like a niche indie game like that has any heavy traction and if according to you niggers everyone here is a shill then what do you have to worry about?


Attached: 1E7F44B2-9724-4180-A87D-1DA85E0BDDE7.jpg (2048x2048, 657K)

Actually nevermind. It was only because it conflicted with the “rock is rock” above

Rock is Rock. Never let me catch you disrespecting rock like that again.

I don't want to be baba!

>those air bubbles under your screen protector

Attached: Capture.png (999x956, 1.18M)

thats as particle effect from the game but good attention to detail anyways

Screen protectors are for faggot little kiddies.

to be fair the shitch screen is made out of cheap ass plastic.

That’s part of the game, dumbass. While I do have a glass screen protector, I can assure you it is bubble-free

You aren’t. The baba is you

Hmm, it's actually on Steam
I wonder if there's a stand-alone version

If the dev is here in this thread, is there a stand-alone executable for PC?

>thought I broke the game in the very first level
>that's actually the game

You haven’t seen shit yet

pretty glad hempuli put out something that's going to get recognition and do well, environmental station alpha 2 using baba's funding when

i was gonna ask him but he's offline, just use this

Attached: good.jpg (202x152, 10K)

>bought this because I love Environmental Station Alpha
>It's boss as fuck
Dude is legit awesome. When's his other thing coming out? Noita or whatever

This is by the ESA dev?? I had no fucking clue

noita seems like it's taking forever, but i'm sure the people working on it are doing a little at a time, so i'd probably expect it later this year or early 2020


it's not even switch exclusive you dumbass

I turned into a room of flags in the second level and ran into a winning wall

Is the objective to simply win or am I getting style points for how fast or simply I win or something

Lucas Pope and Hempuli are the two gods of solo indie development as far as I’m concerned. Does anyone else deserve to join the pantheon?

Simply to win, user. You'll get "flowers" by completing areas. I wondered about that at first, too. The puzzles are more mind-bendy than execution heavy. Learning about how to make things overlap with text when pushing is important to learn, btw.

>i was gonna ask him but he's offline, just use this
now I just need to wait for some rich user who'll share the zip file

The game doesn’t track moves or time or anything like that. The goal is to win but you can take the time to be creative as possible
I’m warning you though, most of the time you’ll be struggling to think of any way to clear the stage at all

I'm way too fucking dumb for this game, stuck on level 4 in the Volcano world

Only gave I’ve found that scratches the same itch as those one-screen Mario maker puzzles

>loosely related to ESA


Is this one of those 1080p 60fps switch games?



Lmao you stupid fucking nigger you must have overdosed on soi this morning.

Scott Cawthon and Toby Fox

So I won't be able to open this 3 flower gate for a while?


>looks like a mildly interesting flash puzzle game
>look it up

Attached: example-52475.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

Consider something like Fire N Ice or the Adventures of Lolo. Baba is You's puzzles are like lateral thinking puzzles, which is great.

Have you done all of the optional levels up to that point? I'd say you're doing not bad.

It won't take that long, but not immediately. The starting puzzles are all pretty easy. The third area is where they started slowing me down a bit, but it was easy to clear the actual world. D

I can never tell what’s going to set you frothing schizos off
Put a cloth over your head and take some deep breaths, okay?

Get out you fucking bitch!

there has to be at least one guy here that has $15 bucks and can then upload the zip file to a zippyshare or something

That's not a glitch. Just activate the green switch in the room that has a teleporter underneath the sea serpent boss, it's easy.

I could, but a demo exists and the game is from an actual good dev. Get fucked.

I'm going to pirate it just to spite you

>a demo exists
got a link? I went to their site and the store pages it linked to (including steam, which usually puts the demo front and center) page and didn't see a demo anywhere.

As if you could afford it anyways. Enjoy waiting for it.

This one? Yeah I've done that a couple dozen times
the room will either have one green block set active or both, but there's nothing that makes it so they're switched so the alternate set is the only active

Attached: stdrt_2019-03-13_22-16-58.png (1920x1080, 92K)

I was interested in this when it was first revealed but idk about fifteen bucks.

I swear I made "you is win" work before and now it's not working..

What? Green switches are global. If those ones there being activated is a problem, deactivate them and go back to the computer. I don't understand what you're saying.

Yarr Harr Fideldeedee

both download links for the demo don't work
what a jew

these are the only two results I get from switching, it's either that set is gone or both are active but this one blocking the way does not turn off

Attached: green.jpg (1920x2160, 484K)

Get fucked bitchnigger suck more dev dick
imagine thinking they'll lose a sale from people with $0


no thanks

It works fine. What the hell are you talking about?

Oh, that's pretty fucked. I'll let hempuli know about the steam thread and see if it's a problem with the game. Have you tried backing up your save data and reinstalling?

I haven't actually tried that, I'll do that now

Where did I say you were actually going to buy the game ever? I called you a poor faggot and you are. I just hope you one day support the dev because his shit is good.

I clicked both links and nothing happened

It's also possible that there's some other variable influencing it. What do you have left to do in the game?

No, go fuck yourself
If I could personally tell the dev I'll never support him because he knows a selfish asshat like you with a shit personality, I would

Here's what my save data looks like, if that's any help
I've basically just done the first/second endings and have 3/4 pillars unlocked, this is the last one to activate

Attached: 2019-03-13_22-34-01.png (549x539, 16K)

I've turned you in to the FBI for piracy.

fuck me.

Attached: Baba_Is_You_ABwSGEBZQx.png (1796x1008, 71K)

Loser Is Lonely And Spiteful

You can dude. There's a link to his page to communicate with him directly in this very thread. Go ahead.
>Hey yeah someone didn't share your game with me for free so I refuse to ever buy your game
After you compose that masterpiece, go dig through some couch cushions for your lunch money.

The problem is evidently the first digit in your line "switch". Change it to 0, save the file, and load the game. If that doesn't work, change it to 1. 2 shouldn't be a variable for it.

Here’s a hint: the YOU and WIN boxes are both colored in. What does that indicate?

Not even that guy you are helping. Just wanted to thank you for being a bro. I hope that other user enjoys the rest of that game. Post game is a wild ride

what the fuck do i do

Attached: help.png (1617x865, 63K)

>see people post levels I already beat
>have no idea what to do looking at them now
I think I might be a goldfish.

Only one I’ve given up on so far

Hint: You can use text to push things past death squares.

I kind of figured that, but I don't really know how to get text down there with something to push and then become it.

Sorry user, doesn't seem to change anything.

Man I don't know then. Either way he should be aware of the problem now, so it will probably get patched in pretty short order.

Oh well, appreciate the help regardless

Attached: 1542946900482.jpg (460x444, 47K)

Just finished this one. Push baba into the flag room using text

You don't have many options, user.

Hint2: There is some superfluous text. Just one word, in fact.

I have absolutely no idea what the hell you're trying to tell me.

How does the game decide which has precedent if they are competing, like rock is rock and rock is flag. Seems like it's not based on time established either

I don't know offhand which variable is the one that influences those computers being set, but if you want to try setting your spawn point inside certain rooms, it's the X and Y at the top of your save file.

Solution below: Before you look, maybe you just don't understand that if an item (the rock) doesn't have a modifier, you can walk right through it. You can move the bottom text to the left side no problem. That tripped me up at first, then it was easy once I realized there was extra text to push.
Push all of the text out. Change text to become the rock and get it to where you can push it near the crab. Use the extra "is" to push it past the crab and then take control of it to touch the flag

My poor retarded child

Just finished the first level

this game is too fucking EZ
glad I didn't drop $15 on this kiddie puzzle

it becomes ever so slightly more difficult

It’s going to involve a vertical ROCK IS PUSH

only slightly?
pfft come the fuck on
I expect to be fucking challenged, not tickled

Attached: Mensa IQ Result.jpg (1779x885, 155K)


where retards get scammed into thinking they're smart

>online IQ tests
It's funny that you saved this image as if it means something

Sounds like someone's mad mensa wouldn't accept him :^)

I saved it because it always gets a reaction from people insecure about their IQ

>I'm so smart but I can't understand irony

Attached: I_Have_Autism_Cap_300x300.jpg (300x300, 11K)

So let me see if I'm deduced this correctly

The reading order is top to bottom or left to right, and the colored squares can only go at the end?

In certain cases, non-colored blocks can be on the end. BABA IS CRAB works, for example

Non-colored can occupy either position
Coloreds must go to the back of the bus

LOL you guys thought I would get stumped on this first tricky level?

Take that!! I finished it in style with an advanced maneuver

Attached: Baba is FUCKING EASY.jpg (1532x885, 179K)

this game is very high IQ

There's many different ways to win the first few levels, and yes, they're easy, they're just trying to teach you how the game works. Keep going.

Yeah, multiple different kinds of problem solving skills being tested at once. God-tier concept, feels like it should have happened a long time ago

oh of course Im testing out the limits of what different blocks and combinations can do

Attached: Baba is FUCKING EASY 2.jpg (1315x774, 108K)

I feel like such a brainlet. I can get the crab block free easily but I can’t fucking figure out what block or series of blocks to push up there. I don’t see a possible way of changing the block being pushed once it passes BABA IS and I even tried to use some set theory to make an Euler diagram of which blocks could pass through which line but I’m just plum stuck

Attached: 8778FF40-B034-466C-803E-B800C7B84BD3.jpg (2082x1536, 586K)

So, anyone got a crack?

well, not everyone can have a 140 IQ

uhhh...crack for what?
I'm playing it just fine without a crack

Yeah I have one right here
[shows you smelly b*ttcrack]

Solved it in 2 minutes
IQ unknown

There’s no way it’s that hard to figure out, there are only so many possible choices

been waiting for this for like a year and boy howdy im dumb as rocks.

having a blast

By looking at the image or when you played?

It's necessary to have realized from an earlier room that "rock is rock" overrides "rock is flag"

You should be able to get it easily with this

>door doesn't open

Attached: example-62879.jpg (1024x1024, 76K)

open as in the verb open not the adjective

im so fucking lost

Attached: file.png (1572x840, 41K)

Good golly, thank you user

Why the fuck is this the 5th level in the Lake when you figure out this technique so early in the game?
This is so fucking dumb

Attached: Baba is FUCKING EASY 3.jpg (1636x884, 185K)

its really important to repeatedly drill into the player's head that assignments can happen southward rather than just in the direction of the initial statement

read my post again you monkey

What does "door is shut" even mean? How does it differ from "door is stop"?

You made me worried for this one but I got to it and beat it in thirty seconds

It involves floating

Objects that are shut are destroyed when they contact an object that is open. The open object is also destroyed

crab and baba is you

I really doubt there is a player who wouldn't know that by the time they reach this point
We need to stop bending over backwards for mental midgets. No child left behind never worked.
This level is out of place, encountering it here.

Attached: Untitled.png (375x158, 48K)

so a shut door won't necessarily stop you unless it's also stop?

>submerged ruins
what the actual fuck is this shit comrade


Come back to it once you’ve had more time to get used to when objects can and can’t be pushed, walked through, or passed through other objects

Is it possible to mod Baba into a cute chibi anime girl sprite?

Attached: hqdefault[2].jpg (480x360, 27K)

yeah i've tried pushing baba through the crabs using the letters but then i can't recover the letters to make baba myself again

wtf it's just images of dolphin vaginas

Attached: C8659958-C823-4B99-B35C-6431A90F134C.jpg (570x406, 48K)

don’t bash me, bapu

the fuck are you talking about?
I didn't need to change baba into anything
post a screenshot

no shit it involves floating its the only thing you can move

look bro, if Baba had a cute anime dog or girl sprite like in my pic, it would sell 100x the copies
also add some cute story dialogue about how Baba needs to get home

It isn’t! You need to hand off the job of making sure that you stay baba, I’ll put it that way

I can't wait to see the memes we'll get out of this

probably just gonna come back to it tomorrow with fresh eyes, appreciate the help though

it's the only way i see myself passing through the crabs because they're always defeat

Good idea, that usually helps. Good luck mate

oh wait as i was looking at the screenshot i figured it out lmao. this happens in like every single level

What if it’s not “yourself” that needs to pass the crabs?

>bappu bash you
n-no pls

Attached: 1507072192022.png (700x417, 83K)

i actually just got it lmao, jesus christ that was a nightmare

what other messages can we write

This post is so dense
>I feel like such a brainlet
>posts an easy puzzle
>a picture of his screen taken with a camera

what is a baba?

Here, a hint: Push the center operator chain down to the bottom first

A Miserable pile of YOU.

I’m not going to go through the process of getting a switch screenshot onto my phone

a white coated animal of some kind

baba is win


Baba is rock star

Attached: navnav.gif (800x600, 49K)

just imagine if Baba was accompanied by his own harem of cute girl waitresses/bodyguards

Attached: L5wyT6r[1].png (640x480, 152K)

no one cares

I still can't imagine how what you were describing looks like
how were you pushing baba using the letters?

baba only has one waifu

Attached: keke.png (304x110, 2K)

Rock is you
Baba is push

Put some letters in a row with baba in front and push.

I care
and you should care too if you're a fan of this game and want it to sell more copies
A good presentation elevates it beyond just being a clever indie-looking puzzle game and can make the difference between a customer plinking down money for it or not

fuck off

Attached: baba is push.png (964x596, 7K)

>feel like im outsmarting the game by doing what im supposed to
havent felt this way since i first played portal on release
mama mia what a charming game

something like this
but the solution was much simpler than that so it doesn't really matter

ah I see
Your method is actually solvable, you just didn't try hard enough
I solved it initially with a different method

Attached: Baba Is You.jpg (1920x973, 178K)

no I want this game to be cuter

Attached: stop.png (238x237, 2K)


Here is my initial solution and probably the one you eventually figured out

Attached: Baba Is You 2.jpg (1627x876, 167K)

level 6: tiny pond
stumped as fuck

I mean key is open is something you can do but you can't push the key

>it doesn't really matter
I just wanted to know because I was curious if there was a way to solve it using your path
I like finding alternate solutions or even stumbling into them
given the two solutions I found, (one with your help)
I wonder which one was the straight-forward or obvious solution intended by the creator?

Attached: baba is win.png (247x299, 2K)

What the fuck

Attached: help.png (1775x971, 43K)

nevermind I got it
fuck taking screens with the switch is so tedious

>baba is you
is this game a dad simulator

can you make a webm of your solution pushing baba? i can't think of how you did that

These are perfect. I will be using these as much as I can.

funny is not you


Attached: you is weak.png (485x399, 3K)

I wanted to use my switch fuck off
I'm going to bed and I'm going to keep playing for 30 minutes until I fall asleep

Attached: 1456535314152.jpg (858x851, 341K)

don't know how to make a webm
I'll try to take some step by step screenshots

I was going to post how I must be missing something here, and while posting it I realized what to do.

Attached: 20190314013221_1.jpg (2560x1440, 218K)

sweet dreams, sweet köksal

cut me some slack its like 5am here

>baba push you
>bapu bash you
This game is a gift that keeps giving

>mfw you are both you and move

Attached: spurdo propellor.gif (250x194, 13K)

ok this should be clear enough


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba1.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba2.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

would crab is baba is you also work?

Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba3.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

That's how I did it

So I need four objects to push the "flag" left. That means I have to get the cog across the water. But I can't remove either attribute that makes the cog melt, and the only way to remove water is to destroy the cog by making it "sink".

Attached: 20190314014944_1.jpg (2560x1440, 202K)


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba4.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba5.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

You can sink one of the water tiles with a word instead of a cog.


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba6.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba7.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

but then I am back to having 3 objects to push.


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba8.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)


Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba9.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

You don't need to push a string of objects over the skulls like you're thinking you do.

Aaand, that's pretty much how I managed to do it by pushing Baba. You can try it now too

Attached: Baba Is You Push Baba10.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

I thought I might try to sink the skull by turning the cog into water, but the word you sink to get the cog over has to be "sink".

Fuck no.

You can sink the word water, too.

thanks senpai

Attached: cornella.png (205x197, 90K)

Pay it forward if you figure out how to do the level called Prison coming up soon after that.

Not him, but you guys don't have to worry
With my 140+ IQ I can give you the solution to anything once I reach it

just passed that one. the bonus level next to 06 in that area took me like an hour

>playing demo
>reach GRASS IS STOP level
>have a fucking aneurysm for 5 minutes before i figure out that you can double down

Attached: Wojak.png (645x773, 10K)

matt thorson

poppenkast is faggots


me too, can't figure that shit out


I'm sure that A is A instantly invalidates all other A is X rules (where A and X are objects and not traits)

>Push all of the text out. Change text to become the rock and get it to where you can push it near the crab. Use the extra "is" to push it past the crab and then take control of it to touch the flag
I don't understand in the fucking slightest jesus christ this shit is impossible

I know very little about the game except what I see on here. Can you push the text through walls if they have the Stop operator?

Unless I'm dumb (and I'm thinking I have to be) there's no way to push anything in there through a wall.

I did try setting it up so that Keke would become a wall on top of me to see if that would let Baba walk through walls - that doesn't work.

nevermind got it i'm fucking retarded

and on that note i have no clue what to do on this stage

Attached: 20190314222843_1.jpg (2560x1440, 201K)

You're gonna be turning yourself into a door to start.

I have zero idea if this will work, but try moving Move down one tile, then push the "Keke Is" right below "Baba Is". Then push You down one tile to switch to Keke. Then push "Baba Is" to the right until it lines up and makes "Baba is Win". Then touch Baba.

At least I think. If you can't push text through walls here then I'm stumped too.

that one involved some annoying manipulation


I really liked hempuli's last game


Yeah, you got me thinking that maybe for some reason moving objects could push text through walls, but that doesn't seem to be the case from what I just tried.

We're literally playing a pirated version of the game, you fucking Low IQ dicksucker

Damn. I'll keep thinking, there's not much you can do here so the solution should be simple.

>Oh no, this game does not appeal to me!
>Yea Forums is and has always been a perfect reflection of my personal tastes.
>This is unequivocal evidence that everyone talking about it is a shill!

Attached: 1552256944053.jpg (640x496, 26K)

Oh, can you apply the "Keke is Wall" and "Keke is Move" operators at the same time? Will that do anything?

Attached: 1552554015268.png (400x557, 315K)

Nah; the way that works is that Keke just turns into a wall and loses all properties attributed to Keke.

Have you played around with is move + is you? You can leapfrog 2 blocks at a time. I used it in another puzzle to jump over hazards, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on STOP objects.

He figured it out?

pixel (cave story and kero blaster dev)

I spent like 45 minutes on this level yesterday, booted up the game 5 minutes ago and immediately beat it.
Minor hint: Baba can push text so that it overlaps Baba.
Major hint: Keke is Baba, then [Baba] Wall is Stop [Baba].

I don't think that works with stop objects like you said. I also tried setting Keke to move and stop to see if Keke would force me through the wall somehow; no dice.

You're a fucking genius. Thanks a million, user.

Figure I'll throw this one up for help too even though I know I'm gonna feel stupid when I get the answer.

I know you can teleport the leaves, but I can't figure out how to not make it an infinite loop of leaves that make the rocks inaccessible.

Attached: help.png (1288x925, 37K)

this is going to give me PTSD

>so I need an extra copy of myself to punch two holes and still have a guy left over
>game over

wait shit

Attached: 20190314030046_1.jpg (2560x1440, 215K)

Did you end up solving that one? I've got it figured out if you need a hint or anything.

no wait I got it, I'll just insert the column from the top and-

Attached: 20190314030506_1.jpg (2560x1440, 213K)

I'll tell you that the hole you need to blow open is specifically the one to the left of the win box.

and just when I figured out how to put this here, only to realize that I can't fit OPEN into the stack now

Attached: 20190314030949_1.jpg (2560x1440, 215K)

oh, I figured it out. It's just like bullshitting an essay to increase your word count.

looks like it's very much possible to mod Baba

Attached: Baba Mod.jpg (1626x873, 176K)


porn mod when

Dont worry about the leaves
Try teleporting text

not sure you can fit much in 24x24 pixels
you can probably make Baba a living penis, if you want



Totally forgot about this game after the trailer. Guess it's good then? I'll give it a try.

Is the friend of the dev still here?

I found a bug

1. Go into level you haven't finished
2. Exit to main menu
3. Start new game in new slot
4. Skip intro (probably happens if you don't skip intro too)
5. Finish first level
6. Instead of the world map, you'll immediately be sent to the level you exited from your other save file

I will bump this so they can fix their motherfucking game
and they think pirates don't have their uses


Literally impossible.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1547x825, 88K)

We are?

nice someone else stuck on the same level as me.

I'm pretty sure you have to take

IS+WATER+SINK+COG and use that combination to push the flag onto win but I'm not sure how.

My other guess is that it has something to do with putting COG+IS+SINK and then using it destroy a river tile but I don't see what to do next.

You use cog is sink to destroy the first skull, letting you push flag into is win. Someone already discussed it in the thread and I just read it.

Yes we are, now quiet

So 100% the end of the game is going to have you solving a puzzle on the world map. That's why it says baba is you and flag is win in the corner. Indie games are so damn predictable

are you kidding me.

i just finished it but how the fuck were you supposed to know that? how does cog+is+sink destroy a skull?

because if X is SINK it means anything on top of it will sink

I'm way too much of a brainlet for this game.

it's sad, but not everyone can have 140 IQ

Attached: 1552552328815.png (485x399, 4K)

>tfw currently being brainlet filtered by the first puzzle in second area

Attached: 1534331099292.jpg (303x311, 28K)

Get out of here, Forsen.

Holy shit. I just got it. I'm retarded.

>download Stephen's Sausage Roll
>solve 1 puzzle
>delete Stephen's Sausage Roll

I got as far as the tower and gave up. Now I feel like playing it again.

how'd you get the cog over to the other side?

Man, that's another 140 IQ puzzle game

Attached: Sausage Roll 2.jpg (1188x767, 141K)