Does Yea Forums look like any video game character?

Does Yea Forums look like any video game character?

Attached: Capture.png (616x765, 686K)

ewwwww that's a fake twink

literally me

Attached: nepgear.jpg (1076x1162, 155K)

a tranny

I also have glasses and messy hair so I too look like the P5 protagonist.

I look like wesely snipes

>that clearly defined mustache shadow

>I look like [CHARACTER] XD
this is literally never true

Attached: 1461024518668.gif (379x440, 140K)

I look a lot like 2B

>this is literally never true

Attached: nailed it.jpg (502x331, 27K)

Wesley Snipes isn't a bad look. Be grateful, user.

Damn he/she/they is really fucking cute

If you combined my current hair with my weight 3 years ago, I'd look identical to Kaz.

Also in my late teens I was a doppelganger of this guy.

Attached: rhodie.png (1770x2706, 2.37M)

Yeah I look like the girl reading this ;)))

wrong dante nigga

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Looks like Kate with glasses.

Attached: Kate Marsh.jpg (780x429, 39K)

I look like Gregor from FE:Awakening if he was younger and let himself go

age | interest | pronoun/pronoun | taken by @handle

You know in Fallout New Vegas when you get to Nipton and that guy who runs up to you screaming about the lottery?

I kinda look like that guy cause my head is round and misshapen like his and I have a stupid haircut like his and glasses.

Attached: Oliver_Swanick.jpg (800x572, 161K)

nice eyebrows trannie

Attached: Mancubus-Doom-video-game-upscale-Hisfan.jpg (500x445, 38K)

Last this I did this on Yea Forums was years ago. I got told I looked like I would be a good dad and a bit like Alan Wake.

i legit can't tell if that's a male or a female

if i had to guess, lesbian feminist

Nah, this is what a REAL P5 protag lookalike looks like.

Attached: P5.jpg (414x612, 36K)

Literally me.

Attached: Preta2.jpg (512x480, 17K)

i've been told i look like
>Dave Navarro
>John Lennon
>Axl Rose
>Anthony Kiedis
>Weird Al
>Johnny Depp
>Iggy Pop

but as far as vidya goes, most my friends have found were random NPCs.
if there's any skinny, slightly-tan prettyboy vidya characters let me know, i need easy cosplay ideas

Post dick

No. I look like Smooth McGroove, though.

Attached: 1550194861006.jpg (1024x693, 295K)


I've been told I look like Frank Zappa, Dream of the Endless, L, and Yusei Fudo.

some fat youtube guy who covers video game music through singing and beatbox

He could unironically pull off a black Dante if he applied himself.

Some chick told me I look like Squall once.

I got my hair lopped off the next day and never talked to her ever again.

For me it's Daffy Duck – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

Attached: me.png (470x469, 489K)

The guy from the briefings in Ace Combat 5.

Attached: perrault.png (512x256, 206K)

I've been told I look like Big Boss but with shorter hair/no mullet

based Toledo-fag

she looks like that one girl from life is strange
the one with the messsy hair

Shut up.

Looks like a tranny Kate Marsh

Medic, stop posting.

I look like a random Muslim terrorist from basically anything
Ironically im not even muslim

my own clone

oh cheer up pal, you aren't as ugly as NV NPCs
have you done that cosplay of him yet?

It's a male. Look at that profile picture.