What's the best game you've gotten for $1 or less?
What's the best game you've gotten for $1 or less?
>PC games general thread
Team Fortress 2
I snagged this out of some random store for a buck. I had already listened to the soundtrack but never played it so it was the best dollar I've ever spent
sneak king
Pic related
Got deusxps3 for 4 dollars. Gamestop employee was impressed it was selling like that.
Well physical, i stole smash for the n64 when I was a teen. I was a poorfag with no morals then.
Then pirating, too many to mention.
you’re mom
3 friends and I all picked up Bloody Trap Land for .99 each on sale. It was pretty fun for a bit.
Either fruit ninja or fortnite. I've honestly gotten a lot of free entertainment out of fortnite, it gets a bad rap.
Eye divine cybermancy
Fallout 1&2 collection at the dollar store
Also motherfucking SHOGO at that same dollar store
Humble Bundle has had some legit non-indie games in $1 bundles just because they were old, e.g. Dead Space, so it's probably one of those games. Let's just go with Dead Space. It was fun.
The $1 game I've played the most is probably Devil Daggers, which I got from some other $1 Humble Bundle. But I don't think it's really a better game than Dead Space. It's just addictive.
Unreal 2
Didn't play it for long but it had some great weapon and crosshair design and the fast pace of Unreal Tournament
Too bad the release date was when most of the shitposting kids here were born so nobody probably remembers it
Battletanx on N64 at a flea market. Loved that shit as a kid and still do today.
If only it and the accompanying system survived.
I got these for free from Ubisoft a couple of years ago, and still haven't played them because I'd have to use Uplay. I do have Uplay installed though. I just never log in.
Which of these games is most worth playing? I also got Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag for free at some point. I'm not sure when.
They're all good but outdated some way or another (besides Rayman ofcourse)
FarCry is the most timeless of those, if you like neon 80s atleast a bit just boot it up and have fun 1 or 2 hours
Splinter Cell and Blood Dragon are alright, I'm not sure how the new Rayman is but I used to love playing it on my Genesis. Haven't played the rest, but if you've played one Asscred you've played them all.
I think I've always bought at least the $1 tier from the Playstation and Nintendo humble bundles
Yume Nikki and Princess Trainer spring immediately to mind.
I got cortex command for 30 cents
Civilization 2
My bad, it was on the Saturn not the Genesis, I'm losing my mind.
the first handful of humble indie bundles were great, back when you could pay a penny if you wanted
>What's the best game you've gotten for $1 or less?
Fuck the rules I got Lost in Blue and its sequels for like 1.50-2.00 each
Nigger you were ripped off.
Got Daxter on the PSP for a dollar at Gamestop when I was younger, really good game from what I remember.
everything this developer did for PSP was gold, shame what happened to them
Sonic Gems Collection. Was $1 at a Gamestop back in 2010
I think it's pretty much impossible to buy a non digital game that's good for a dollar a less. I did get Trauma Center New Blood for $2.69 at FUCKING GAMESTOP years ago though.
Legend of Dragoon at a garage sale for 25 cents. Worth every penny and a lot more.
Prince of Persia is a really fun action platformer. I haven't played it in awhile but it probably still holds up if you can deal with 2004 era visuals. Rayman Origins is a fun 2d platformer. I've heard good things about Beyond Good and Evil but never played it. Far Cry Blood Dragon is an alright FPS that's not too long.
Titanfall 2 is currently at the dollar store near my house
Jade Cocoon 2 for 1 cent at EB games
The cover said 1 cent and when they scanned it at the register they confirmed it was 1 cent
The guys at the counter then grabbed the other copies they had and bought for themselves
this game suffered such a tragic fate
Misadventures of Tron Bonne.
No idea what it was doing at the Dollar Store, but I grabbed all three they had.
>Misadventures of Tron Bonne for a fucking dollar even loose
ass pirates is fun for sailing. i wouldn't recommend 3 unless you have some desire to run around a semi-accurate recreation of colonial america.
I was obsessed with this game as a kid along with Generation and Jetters. Had a loose copy.
I've pirated a ton of games for free
so since that's less than $1
this is currently the best game I've gotten
Ghost Squad on Wii.
I can't really think of any especially games I've paid a dollar or less for. Cheapest I can think is Sequence which was like $2 or something back in a winter sale on steam years and years ago.
Best free game I've ever gotten (as in free free, not "free" free) is Cave Story.
Are you illiterate?
The Way Remastered.
I got SFxTekken for free because Best Buy didn't get the CE on the release date.
I made $20 buying and immediately selling Playstation All Stars Battle Royale for PS3 and keeping the Vita version.
I'm not sure either one was worth it.
Was it the SHOGO pack that came with Septerra Core? I remember Walmart selling that around the same time as the Fallout two pack.
Each of the packs were $10 at regular retail. Still worth it, the games weren't even that old at that point.
the candy here always, ALWAYS tastes like it's expired
I got stronghold crusader (just the expansion, I already had the base game) for something close to $1 although it might've been $1.50. that was probably about 2 years after its release
Does the dollar tree actually have stuff for only a buck? I'm a gigapoorfag and I've thought about stopping by there before for snacks
I got assassin's creed 3 , god of war collections and battle field 4 for ps3 for .89 cents
The place i bought them sells stuff by the pound
My pops used to smuggle GBA games out of costco for me
Half Life 1
You are absolutely not gigapoor if you've never been to a dollar store.
Deus Ex
The sign on the store says "Everything's $1.00" and they ain't lying.
yes but don't buy food there. Shit's always either expired or crushed. even when it isn't it's really fucking nasty. literally the only good food product I've ever gotten at a dollar store is 3-liter bottles of some knockoff sprite. I still remember when I was a kid and I bought a gallon of milk at one only to realize it was a fucking month past date when I got home.
I’m a piratefag and proud.
Nah. Only ignored the stipulation.
I got this for 75 cents.
I have a friend who lends me his physical copies. Kingdoms Hearts 3, RDR 2, DMC 5, etc. I keep them for about a month before giving them back to him.
What kind of food do they have? Is it all offbrand shit? I was mostly talking about candy/junk food
nigga just fucking walk into one
it's not some exclusive club, it's like a liquor or corner store or whatever
Giants: Citizen kabuto
Kino game for 79 cents
this was a metroidvania beat em up based on a teen read book series, it wasn't bad really and I resold it for 75 cents losing less then a quarter in the process
I never really bought a lot from steam sales so i guess why this is my answer
God I miss the hand-tailored icons. This bundle was great if only for Cave Story+ and Jamestown.
Holy shit I never made the connection that this is the same artist as SMTIV till now
I bought physical copy of games so I have a physical version just in case shit gets fucked. At Dollar stores I've picked up:
Rise of Nations
World in Conflict
1st assassin's Creed
Star Wars, the best of PC
Battle at Practice
And others. I have ~25 physically copies of games I have on steam
I bought the 100% orange juice 4 pack for like 5 bucks once, gifted it to my closest friends and we played a couple of games of it. Kicked their ass each time and now they refuse to play it.
I enjoyed it quite a bit.
I bought that way back for JSRF and then ended up playing the shit out of sega GT 2002
klonoa 2
Blood and bacon
halo combat evolved PC with original key and Halo 3 for 1$ each at a swap meet , nice day that was.
How bad do these stores age?
1 dollar back in 1990 sure as fuck isn't the same as 1 dollar today.
Helen's Mysterious Castle when it was on sale (it's about 3 bucks otherwise). Not a lot of replayability, but still a delightful little game.