The new Doom movie will be goo-

>The new Doom movie will be goo-


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Watch them spin it into disgusting gamers hating it because it's a woman.

Doom and Hollywood don't mix. They should make an animated film. Just a lot of gore and carnage and hellish imagery. That's what Doom is all about.

who really cares about video game movies? are you 12 years old? have you not learned from the past?

games will never be art

Ra from Stargate is looking good.

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art is gay anyway

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>tfw the plot of the 2005 doom movie is about people turning into monsters from having too many chromosomes.

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Actually, that probably won't happen.

This movie has extremely low budget, you think they have the money to toss over to journalist shills?

Resetera will probably be mad, but they're always mad at something. 2,000 active users who just want to censor everything and ruin fun for everyone wonders why no one likes them irl.

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What an original way to start this thread, faggot

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> it's a direct-to-dvd movie
who cares?

this looks like it belongs on the CW right after Arrow

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O shit

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that screencap IS art user

>autismo art

makes sense to me

Looks so ridiculous, now imagine i dunno, the Rock holding than BFG...ah now it makes sense.

Damn its almost like pure technical skill wasn't interesting by that point in art history

Hitler's art was boring and mediocre.

>The ugly is BEAUTIFUL

What is wrong with artfags

Nigga literally the only thing people care about in Doom is Doomguy ripping and tearing his way through hell and space. It's the equivalent of making a Halo movie but making it about regular UNSC marines and not having anything to do with Spartans or even ODSTs for that matter

huh? all I'm saying is there is nothing great about his art.

Well the issue is that it's the same shit people have been seeing for a couple centuries at that point. It'd be equivalent to hundreds of years of Call of Duties. It;s the same thing every time. Though I suppose Farcry is a little bit more relevant of a series in that regard now

I watched trailer and it isn';t even about MUH STRONG WOMYN
Movie looks like a budget Sy-Fy level trash.

jesus christ.

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What’s great about Picasso?

Hitler made damn fine nature art. People just don’t like looking at a hill and grass because LUL BORING

He is kinda right about hitler's art. I would not call it bad, but nothing remarkable, and definitely forgettable.
But here is the thing, 99.9% of so called and self proclaimed artists alike have no talent whatsoever. Add the fact that there is no compass and literally anything can pass as art, if you have the right contacts and do a heavy amount of political cosplay. The mainstream scene is a very, very sad circlejerk joke and everyone in it knows it. Few things are more sad than being in a dinner with older artist hasbeens and seeing them play the charade with a straight face, despite the fact that everyone knows what is going on.
There is a tiny, minuscule percentage of good art if you look in the right places, I personally have seen some interesting pieces in tiny outsider art circles, even in designer dens like Behance, believe it or not. You have to waddle through miles of garbage like the "guy sucking himself" piece user posted before finding anything of value, but art is not entirely dead.

Let's make a Devil May Cry movie with Kyrie as the protagonist and about her struggle with Nero being an unemployed demon hunter.

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imagine seeing this on display in an art gallery

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By very far not the worse thing I have seen in a gallery.

Sad to know that Hitler would've crushed it in 2019 art school

Dude sucking himself off is less gay than a dragon.


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The creators of DOOM have no say or part in the movie. Thats the problem.

>when you have to accept the fact your aren't as good as fucking hitler in art

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I would not dare to say "crushed it", but based on what I have seen, admission is a trivial matter in many schools nowadays, if you have the coin.

>Literal Netflix budget

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haha yeah instead of a dragon capturing a princess it should just be some dude sucking himself off and then the knight comes and is like "haha need any help haha" and then the princess remains trapped while the knight helps the guy suck himself off haha that would be so less gay.

what were people expecting from a direct to video movie

Did they on the one with the Rock? Because seriously fuck the Johns if they contributed to that.

While I think his art was bland, I do believe he had potential, but good or bad, that kind of art is literally frowned upon in pretty much any art circle. You'd get the equivalent of a "this guy watches bob ross, lmao" shitpost tier comment. You'd fare better getting naked taking a shit on the floor and putting a plate on top of it, which incidentally is something I have seen during a "perfomance".

Agreed, people should have expected garbage, especially with how the last film turned out, but I expect culture war bullshit to crop up over this.

I still maintain that you could do a good DTV DOOM film if you did it as a found footage type of thing with spurts of Doomguy fucking shit up, but that genre isn't as in vogue anymore.

Why is it considered okay to make an already existing male character into a female or make a white person black but if you do the exact opposite the sjws and liberals start screeching?

I too, would put as much distance as possible between me and this dumpster fire.

While technically near immaculate his art just doesn't evoke any feeling in you. The three hacks below, if nothing else, at least make you think what the fuck is this shit supposed to be?
I think I'd rather be confused than bored.

Most artschools still seem to think replicating that one guy with the urinal over and over is really fucking deep and compelling and haven't even made it to post-irony yet.

This sounds like something that happened in an Oglaf strip.

*modern art is gay

>art circle
There's your problem, bunch of faggots worried about their own skill form a crab bucket.
...but of course nobody can really say detailed landscapes and portraits are worth an artist's time, even the highest "quality" art isn't necessarily profitable art so badgering it isn't without meaning. hmm

the age of man is over

In high school we went on a trip to a nearby modern art museum. There was an asian guy sitting in a box with mostly just his head poking out. I'm guaranteed he was naked in there. Once in a while he would eat strips of paper and yell "Happy Japan!"
I think that was the time when I realized I didn't want anything to do with modern art.

I mean, were you actually expecting people to care about direct-to-video reboot for a video game movie?

Shut the fuck up, you tried this thread already and everybody pointed out how retarded you were

you mean you didn't get it?
I'm actually familiar with that piece and I thought it was fairly on the nose


Yes, I do agree. Also, you know this one phenomenon where a hipster, in his quest for uniqueness ends up, somehow, looking exactly the same as every other fucking hipster? That kind of shit is rampant in art schools, so expect the fucking urinal and all the coffee table bookshit to be the hottest stuff for many decades to come.

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Can't argue with that.

I guess it has something to do with how rigid the japanese society is but I didn't feel like putting much thought into it. I'm an artlet so what do I know.

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Lmao that's great. I didn't expect the tweet to be so blunt.

Can you blame them? That movie right now is like that mass of melted super radioactive shit that piled up in chernobyl. The less they touch it, the better.

>take a hyper violent game with equally hyper masculine MC
>cast a woman
Like, literally how did this go down I wonder? What was the meeting like?

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something like that

user, That literally happened

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The Doom novel had a female co-star alongside Doom Guy and it was pretty good.

Not so sure about that last point

what is she, 100lbs, max?

wtf dude

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What this guy said. The people making this movie don't have enough money to start the usual culture war drama in order to drive up sales of a shitty product.

I like how everyone in this thread shits on this movie, but you will all end up seeing it. Bunch of hypocrites.

all of those are shit

wtf I hate jews now?

She probably fits in a suitcase

Architect here, fuck every single one of the pedantic assholes you have to suffer trough. Never trust an Artist or an architect, if you ever need something call a fucking engineer.

>Wanted: Doomslayers
Who wrote this garbage?

Because they are low IQ hypocrites with an anti-white agenda, user.

I went to a dinner with a bunch of italian architects a while ago and I kinda wanted to knife all of them.


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to be fair, thats not what theyre doing, the ladies are just some unrelated space marines (not doomguy)

Two things: one the womans name is Joan Dark. Are you fucking kidding me? Two, the wikipedia article says this is direct to video. Is that actually the case, or is it just someone fucking with wikipedia?

Five seconds of looking tells me it actually is direct to video, so never mind on that. But still. Joan fucking Dark. Fuck Universal for making this just to keep the rights to the Doom name.