Fortnite Quarsntine.
Whats going on Yea Forumsros?
Fortnite Quarsntine.
Whats going on Yea Forumsros?
That's what they get for playing the worst version of a shit game.
I thought the whole gimmick is that Xbos can play Switchlet? what happened?
Reminder that this is ONLY for matchmaking crossplay, and you can still join parties with friends on Xbox and PS4 for casual play. Clickbait rags and (You) farmers like OP will conveniently leave this information out to get more attention.
its probably a thing
that makes no sense that MS fucking pushed for playing with Switch and for this to happen makes no sense.
im calling BS until the problem is said by officials of MS or Nintendo
they are pissed that switch has gyro aiming, which is fucking amazing and better than a controller
Nothing beats mouse and keyboard, baby.
yeah, but only KBM can fight KBM
gyro had to fight controller, which was LIKE KBM vs controller, just sad and unfair.
In that case, keep sticking it to those cucks
Fortnite's gyro is dogshit, though
It's also 30FPS on Switch
Apparently the extra 30 frames aren’t helping you
Your reading comprehension skills are abysmal
Do have reading comprehension problem? Real question
but the article said gyro is shit and switchlet are getting btfo left and right
>The article
Game journos suck at games, more news in 20 minutes
So... I thought gyro is better for aiming? what wrong tendies? can't compete with a REAL controller?
Fps is the real reason. 60 versus 30 is not fair for 30 bros.
30fps and motion controls happened
not that anyone should give a shit about a skinner box gambling addict drone game
Yeah, that's why they pulled the plug for cross play on the switch, right? Not because of Switchlet disastrous win ratio
if pic related can win at fortnite on switch
anyone can
they caught something from xbox and ps4 and are passing it to mobiles to finally conquer the world...wide web
I'll have to ask my 8 year old nephew.
You're telling me switch can't do 60fps on fortnite? the game isn't even graphically intensive, didn't it run at 90fps on ROG phone or something?
>clickbait titles that contradict the article
>saggy tits
Looks great with a bra on but if you take it off, such a boner kill
Based Nintendo killing off Fortniggers.
>doesn't know who she is and that her tits are amazing.
and nothing of value was lost.
She's a butterface mutant.