Ass and titties threads get hundreds of replies

>ass and titties threads get hundreds of replies
>far superior threads wo them do not
you're all a bunch of horny teens

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nice ass pic op

24 y/o here
I'm genuinely tired of boner culture

I want to eat Samus' ass

I'm a horny 30 year old fat alcoholic virgin neet.

I beat Evaxephon made this thread instead of working on his game

what is there to talk about

I'm a horny 24 year old though.

It's true.
Now that we got that out of the way lets enjoy a good ass and titties thread

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I'm tired of them

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I want this to sleep next to me

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I fapped before work like 2 days in row because when I was on my morning Yea Forums lurk, there allways must be someone who posts well made art with cute feet

This board definitely need more hugs

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can't ever go wrong with more hugs

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samus is the type of girl that makes ethnic women depressed, such a pure cutie

wtf can even be superior to ass and tits?

I think it's mostly a result of the poor state of the gaming industry right now. Not much worth discussing, we default to horny.

This is Yea Forums it's filled with nothing but thirsty losers (except for me)

29y/o here
I'm not.

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What companies have actually been doing anything positive in the last few years? Capcom's had a huge comeback, but I can't think of much else. Everything seems to be getting worse and worse.

She's an alien mutt bird dna genocide happy goddess.
tfw no tall flexible gf that would prob rape you

Not so fast

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That's a very wholesome butt.

>Capcom's had a huge comeback
A remake and a sequel?
??? Monster Hunter fag ???

CD Projekt Red, Respawn, and Fromsoft all seem to have a genuine interest in making good games. I'm sure other developers do too. I'm pretty sure the issue lies mostly with publishers and their greed. Videogames are going the way of film. It'll be nothing but corporate nostalgia-fueled money grabs here soon. Almost already is.

>CD Projekt Red
3 games with only the last one having not so shit gameplay

My point is that they're genuinely working to make something good and new, which is a lot more than can be said for developers like BioWare and Square Enix.

How is their new game good and "new"? Honest question. Did I miss something?

Well idk if it's good or not yet, but Cyberpunk 2077 looks like it brings a lot to the first-person RPG genre. All the body-mods seem fairly unique, the environment certainly seems different from any other RPG I've played, and there's a very refreshing amount of gameplay variety. That's all judging by the 45 minutes of footage though. I obviously haven't played it myself.

We're all very horny, but I'm not a teen. Post more Samus ass.

Well... If Cd-projekt-red will do the same with cyberpunk what they did with Witcher then things you should except is.
- Game you will buy is a full game, game won't be butchered and then its parts being sold as DLC
- All DLC will bring additional content and paid DLC will be big as full games.
- No microtransactions.
- At release physical copies will contain not only game but also some nice game related gadgets and there will be collector editor with even more of gadgets.

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>chuck art
now post sneed art

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