It's OK when Japan does it

It's OK when Japan does it.

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when japan does it, you can feel the soul. when the west does it, it just feels like they want your money and they don't care about you. totally soulless.

>this is your brain on Nippon propaganda

Yeah I know

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Japan doesn't give a fuck and isn't overrun with SJWs


Unironically correct

It is sincerely 100% unironically OK when Japan does it.

>squids in butts

literally no western video game character looks like nico

when they do what

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Thank god

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video game

it's okay because Japs aren't forcing anything. they do it just because they want to meanwhile western developers are doing it for controversial and agendas.


cope more incel

counterargument: gacha

It literally is, because Japan AAA games aren't total fucking garbage.

>western company makes a movie game where you can literally skip the gameplay to watch the cutscenes play themselves
>"ugh 0/10 movie shit why do cucks enjoy this filth?"

>eastern company does the exact same thing
>"wow 10/10 take my money you guys are the best!"

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most people hate other m tho

Rational people at least, but ask a waifu fag and they'll claim it as the 10/10 masterpiece of the wii. They'll love anything as long as it has tits in it.

you post this in literally every thread. you're the biggest retard prick in the universe. this guy doesn't realize that there were always SJWs during history and things are actually better for it. it takes balls to go against the hivemind. i bet that if it wasn't for so called SJWs this dude's parents would be broke, have no health insurance, he'd have no education and no phone to post from

there are good SJWs, you take the good with the bad. hopefully this horribly reductive terminology becomes less of a common thing or some other equally annoying term takes its place

cope more incel

cope more incel

>special SJW snowflake.


>special SJW snowflake.

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The difference is Nico is actually likeable

My favourite one

>Western company puts out and action-adventure game with cutscenes no longer than a few minutes each that you can skip anyway
>“what is this cinematic garbage? Literally the cancer killing the industry”

>Japanese company releases a game with long as hell cutscenes, dialogue boxes and “combat” that consists of pressing a button to select an animation you have to watch every single time
>“Fucking GOTY, based [company] does it again!”

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It's okay when Japan does it!