Dios mio

dios mio

Attached: 9o.jpg (1400x1400, 241K)

Other urls found in this thread:


only amerimuds find this attractive

Attached: 9oj.jpg (1400x1400, 470K)

looks like my local crackhead.
i guess its okay when the japanese make ugly women

Attached: 1538157909668.jpg (1080x1214, 146K)

why did you make this thread, OP?


white bitches are fucking ugly


>looks like she's in her late 30s in game
>face model looks young

How'd they manage to fuck up this hard, all the men look fine.

Attached: what is this expression trying to....png (3200x1922, 3.2M)

Attached: 1505443303843.gif (459x459, 2.6M)

Where do I get them from?

From here:

Attached: nuro-you-ok.png (1920x1153, 928K)

Attached: pull my devil trigger.jpg (221x224, 7K)

>charging money to dl ripped assets
What a piece of shit.

No, were not. You are though

Attached: 1530568548521.jpg (1944x2592, 492K)


ContraPoints has seen better days

Attached: DagvlbCUMAA1ntV.jpg (1200x1200, 220K)

She looks like Mia from RE7.
Same hair too.

>Not trying to make a render using the best breaker
still got to love the "seen some shit" default look they have though

Attached: Capture.png (850x771, 377K)

nasty hair, nasty outfit, nasty face and nasty skin

what is this thing and why does she have a video on incels

hello unironic tranny chaser


la abomination de mundus...

Sucks kyrie has no game model so we can't get any Nero using sweet Surrender on her

I've seen skanks like this walking around east london back in the day

Yeah...now remove all the makeup.

le taco bell speak maymay

So is DMC still canon?

Yea Forums is more obsessed about race than sjws. resetera is looking more sane than this place

le epic rasism mey mey xD

Nightmare fuel

Attached: 0D89E066-8842-4AB3-BDDB-4C56AA8C22F6.jpg (720x720, 87K)

La Judía Americana


> tranny posters
What the fuck? Why here?


Attached: 1551446810860.jpg (2544x4000, 865K)

Attached: Trish.jpg (688x446, 37K)

Shop her head into a music artist body.

the new remake will never be a terrifying as this. it's just impossible

Fun fact. Their eye's have bones in the pupils for dilation

Attached: Capture.png (780x625, 667K)

Attached: 1552410089046.jpg (1476x1684, 714K)

Attached: okhand.jpg (900x600, 57K)

Attached: 90.jpg (3500x3500, 1.49M)

Theyre not going to remake 2

Neither movie was scary in the first place

make similar renders for dmc4 nero please

>muh animu girls

Do this with a transparent background please.

>Ada is literally the only model in both RE2R and DMCV that Crapcom didnt fuck up and made ugly

I feel like they are trying to send a message here. Like asian girls are superior. Which I have to agree.

literally what?

Attached: Routine-Man.gif (576x576, 261K)


I'm sure skin would look fucking weird if we somehow edited out lighting.

i like handler

report that faggot

>>Ada is literally the only model in both RE2R and DMCV that Crapcom didnt fuck up and made ugly

omg incel hahahahhaha

Attached: 1552240088163.png (596x541, 419K)

I can't believe they haven't ripped the nude models.

>muh unrealistic beauty standards, if the woman doesn't have a manjaw she's from animu

Attached: athlete vs model.jpg (1036x704, 156K)

There's no way something this ugly was an accident. Maybe the devs just really disliked Trish and knew she was unpopular and thus that most wouldn't care, but goddamn if she isn't the ugliest female Capcom has produced in recent years.

You think these virgins will ever touch a woman, let them have "standards"

Lady so cute it hurts, bois

Attached: 1537445550404.png (361x516, 322K)