Random Encounters or Visible Enemies which one do you prefer?
Random Encounters or Visible Enemies which one do you prefer?
Definitely visible enemies.
Visible that attack you. If they don't attack you, there's no point.
visable 100%
Random encounters have more soul.
Visible. Random encounters and extremely annoying and outdated.
Random encounters are way more hype. Only literal brainlets prefer visible enemies.
Honestly I don't mind either
Zoomer buzzword
zooms trying to boom
random encounters are soulless
How about a progression system? Random at start of game.
Visible entities but random enemies in middle of game.
Completely visible enemies end of game.
People who don't play pokemon: visible enemies
People who actually play pokemon: random encounters
They're a relic of worse times.
Random. The element of surprise is great. LGPE overworld models were soulless as fuck and dropped the fucking frame rate.
Visible with enemies attacking you
Not only is less annoying, it makes the world feel more alive
Visible enemies for most areas.
Random ambush encounters every now and then, mainly in specific areas like caves. LISA did this and it worked really well. You could clear out most areas to explore, but in certain patches of grass or caves there would be respawning random enemies to fight.
Both. Visible for when the frame rate can allow, and random in special zones where they don't
It is an outdated mechanic though.
Left offers a lot more possibility for immersion and one's imagination imo. Ive always sort of been a faggot with constantly internally roleplaying when playing rpgs. Right strikes me as rather video gamey
random cause it triggers casual phone babby z*Omers
Friendly reminder that random encounters were an abstraction designed to compensate for weaker hardware not being able to smoothly and reliably render complicated things like overworld enemies and the only reason we don't get more in depth mechanics like that today with the supercomputers we currently play on is the deep-seated, childish demand for every game to have a vast majority of resources devoted to making the hairs on the ass of the man in the next town over glisten with hyper-realistic sweat.
Video games would be infinitely more diverse and rich in mechanical depth if we could shake the MUH GRAFIXS retards.
>weaker hardware not being able to smoothly and reliably render complicated things like overworld enemies
So nothing's changed then.
based and imagination pilled.
visible that just zooms the camera to a new angle rather than transition to a battle screen
The areas in the games aren't nearly big enough for visible enemies to not look like shit.
When do we become tired of this topic?
Cringe. Why do zoom zooms want games to be easy and predictable?
Wow pokemon looks like that now?
Actual fags
Random always but bring back the fucking DexNav
The ultimate zoomer strawman
>zoomer trying to disguise as a boomer.
You're cool this time, but you get a warning.
Random encounters > Visible
What's the fucking point to make them visible anyway?
I am fine with both but I have preference for random, since I actually want to play the game and I like the genre I am playing unlike most people that play pokemon only for the cute monsters
In about 42 - 59 more years, statistically speaking. Give or take a decade for medical advancements and societal collapse.
How unfortunate. Guess I'll just create another filter.
Definitely random encounters
Random make rare pokemon, well, rare.
controlled random with low-level pokemon and repel
Random Encounters but with strict rules such as "In wild grass or caves" is fine, especially considering there's an item that prevents it. Random encounters anywhere except towns is dumb and is unfortunately making Octopath a little tedious for me.
Its a matter of a game attempting to display visually what most people were used to imagining internally. imo it never really goes well because, just like when you transfer a book to film, a lot is either going to be different than imagined to simply inferior to what went on in player's heads. Theres a reason the only good threads left on /vp/ are /Comfy/. What we imagine as being "out there" in a supposedly adventure/exploration game like pokemon is always going to trump the game actually displaying whats there with cutscenes. A lot of nuance and possibility is lost. This is in a lot of older franchises that keep trucking along, not just pokemon
"rare" pokemon stopped being a thing the moment the internet was invented
Visible in a good game. Random in Pokemon.
A mix of both is best.
Bitch you can know Chimecho was at the summit of mt. Pyre. Good luck with that 5% encounter rate.
>Tfw I had such shit luck I actually started to believe I had misread the information
‘Outdated’ is a regular word used in life beyond your computer
Ironically, everything that you said can also be applied to you
>He doesn't know what rare is in pokemon games
Random. Pokemon is already piss-poor easy as is. Why make it easier?
random doesn't work well with pokemon, which is why they added repels
the problem is, repels also don't work because it discourages you from hunting for pokemon
it actually works better in other games because encounters don't matter nearly as much, make them not nearly as tedious
there really is no point debating it though, the gamefreak defenders that "want" random encounters will change the mind when gen 9 uses LGPE's engine which has visible encounters
the one "argument" for random encounters that they have left is "muh dopamine" aka theyre gambling addicts who also likely defend lootboxes, the difficult isn't an argument at all especially how the newer games are designed where you rarely even need to walk in tall grass anymore
>know exactly where something is
>omg walking back and forth for 15-20 encounters is the epitome of skill
I've played more pokemon games than you can imagine. "Rarity" never meant shit outside of one-off legendaries
>People actually like old shit because it’s old and worse
DQ moved on years ago, losers
>random encounters somehow equals more difficult as opposed to more tedious
The only reason let’s go had overworld encounters is because you don’t actually fight and the game was limited to the original 150
They wanted it to appear first because that’s literally what happens in Pokémon go, you see them and then you decide if you want them
Visible is objectively better, if only there was a way to combine them
There is only one answer
>Make Pokemon a rare/very low encounter rate.
>It sucks even for single player standards.
>the epitome of skill
it's not about skill, it's about dedication.
In Pearl and Diamond you had to find this unorthodox beaten path in order to enter a cave from under a bridge through an entrance covered by scenary (so the pokedex shows a common location). Only then you may run back and forth for a chance to find Gabite, who will at high levels become a pokemon so game breaking it shaped the competitive metage, let alone break the main game.
In Platinum you find it in it's 2nd stage on the victory road as common as the rest of the worthless rocks.
>it’s old and worse
this site is 18+
Visible enemies because it feels better when something I want randomly pops up and I know visible enemies make a lot of people happy.
Also I genuinely think they had overworld Pokemon in Let's Go not because it fit the region and not because the series is trying to move forward, but because it's in line with Pokemon GO, just like Pokemon following you on the overworld. It's a gimmick and based off of what little we see in the new games' trailer, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see these features for a while in the series. I hope following Pokemon comes back and the trailer just didn't represent that.
Buddy you have never tried to catch a ralts or bagon.
Earthbound and mother 3 had visible enemies, but it does lag when there are too many enemies on screen so case and point
earthbound was pretty good I think with random visible encounters
when I made an rpgmaker game I had 0 respawning enemies in it because that's lame as fuck
Fucking this, fuck off visible fags
>"Rarity" never meant shit outside of one-off legendaries
>5% chance of appearing
That doesn't change anything. If DP had visible enemies, you'd still have to take this unorthodox beaten path to get to that cave, then wander around until the Gabite popped up in the overworld, which it rarely would due its low encounter chance.
How about an in-between? Visible enemies on the overworld so you have the option to avoid but only as vague shadows so you can't know the identity.
Wouldn't matter if the combat was good
There was nothing wrong with overworked encounters to begin with.
If you wanted to not get swarmed to be tedious, that’s literally what repels were for.
People need to remember overworld Pokémon in Lets go wasn’t implemented as “an improvement”
It was implemented because this game is Pokémon Fucking Go, a game specifically focused on catching, there was no reason to have random encounters.
>Using kirby for shitposting
I wasn't commenting on the visible or random argument, but rather how chance% for rare Pokemon is a matter of dedication as opposed to skill.
I still prefer random encounters, though, Visual would remove the exitement from finding new pokemon in new routes. I'd like it to happens, however, on a pokemon game that actually is moderately difficult (like the Colloseum games, games without random encounters and technically all visible encounters), so then people cry about needing to grind because they skip all battles and then get their asses kicked by the gym leaders because they're underleveled.
nobody gives a fuck about your autistic "dedication." It's not rare regardless because anybody who wants one will just look up where it is. Even if you are some type of supreme retard who couldn't find it alone, you could still just use the gts
>walking back and forth is so hard
my bad, for bagon you need waterfall before you walk back and forth
etrian odyssey did it best imo
random invisible encounters, but you have a coloured orb that randomly progresses from blue to red to let you know how close you are to an encounter, but you never know EXACTLY when its going to hit, forcing the player chosoe between taking risks or being cautious with their movement if they are around a F.O.E.
But EO is a dungeon crawler not a more traditional rpg like pokemon.
Visible random encounters
>waaah waah, I'll use the literal picture of a baby
Just admit it, you don't want to work for your shit. You don't want to sit through random encounters, you don't want to work having to look them up, you don't even want to take time to get a shiny new mon to dump into a PC and never use.
Stick to Let's Go, that game is right up your alley. You can fill out your entire dex in just a few hours.
If you watched the Pokemon anime at all you'd pick the latter. Random encounters were a limitation of the game boy and it only stuck because Game Freak is stuck in the past.
t. 26 year old boomer
what, you don't run marathons with your eyes closed and with your legs tied together? are you a casual?
Visible shadow enemies that are randomly selected from the spawn pool once you touch them
so both combined
anything else is for filthy casuals
Visible enemies with complex and engaging behaviors > Random Encounters > Visible enemies that just walk around and do literally nothing.
As pokemon is and has been, random encounters is better. If Pokemon games were completely changed to become an open world botw meme (I hope this doesn't happen) then obviously visible would be required.
Randoms and not cause supreme autists that like everything strict oldschool. Cause its meant to be played where you work with the randoms you catch.
>every zone has a fixed set of elements
what game?
Holy shit this. It's easier just to run randomly in the grass than waiting until the pokemon I want appears.
Tales of Graces f.
I like the way Etrian Odyssey handles encounters best, but I'd rather have field enemies than completely random encounters. I love Dragon Quest to death but I always get burnt out by all the random encounters during dungeon crawls.
Visible with space to run away and minimal "targeting" from enemies. This game blew ass because dungeons were too cramped to run from shitters and said shitters regularly stalked after you even if you can one-shot them. What sucked even more was that they ran faster than you could so even if you tried to dodge them, they'd eventually catch up unless a dungeon had loads of obstacles they could get caught on, which was a rarity.
Random for grinder collectathons. Visible for normal battle JRPGs
Amazing how a new release of one of the most popular series in history, on a flagship console, manages to look barely any better than a 2D game from over a decade ago.
Visible enemies but not like that Jesus christ that looks retarded.
Well said
Visible with a mix between earth bound, chrono trigger style and lets go. Basically I want some enemies to jump out and surprise you, some enemies to chase you down if they see you, some to avoid you and some to just wonder around doing what they do
Visible in all porn games. No exceptions
Random sucks but its fine in other rpgs.
Although legend of dragoon had a step counter for battles. That shit was annoying and by far the worst.
only pokefags pretend that running from or OHKOing garbage until you find the thing you actually want is some type of compelling gameplay worth saving
Random encounters. The encounters only happens on the grass, it's not like old SMTs where you get a random encounter every three steps. In Pokemon you purposely go for Pokemons on the grass
>my first pokemon game was LGPE
Visible enemies, but are blacked out until you engage with them, only being identified by their cries, shape, speed, and footprints so that both worlds are happy while adding a layer of depth both are lacking.
random encounters are shit, octopath traveler reminded me of that
We still don’t know why’ve Scottish-chan was sneaking in the grass
If anything we might have specific overworld encounters
personally I'm on the fence
visible enemies makes the game easier for better or worse, but random encounters has more soul for the reasons that user stated very eloquently you're projecting because you yourself don't understand what soul is
All this retards asking for visible enemies are the same retards asking for an open world game. I bet you their last pokemon game was Gold/Silver when they were toddlers. i wantz to see a shit model of pikachu running in teh grass xdxdxd so realistic omg so immersive is like playing gta cx
Random encounters are the game there's nothing quite like the hunt for specific, rare Pokemon. Or trying to survive a long adventure between two towns. Or the sense of seeing your team steadily raise in power as you train them. A culmination of all these experiences finally come together when you decide to face gym leaders / elite trainers but it could only have happened from these wild encounters.
Fuck you assholes pokemon already has a bigass fanbase we don't need you.
He's right you know
Visible enemies are still random encounters. Be less stupid.
Visible. Even in Pokemon. The world makes more sense when you can actually see Pokemon.
If visible was done better than literally totally visible then sure. Random encounters are boring bullshit, you just run around in a designated patch of grass and hope rnjesus selects something not shit. I'd rather see a patch of grass move and run over and try and chase down whatever was there and see what I found.
People who want to explore and spot/catch pokemon like in the show
People who want to play a turn based RPG and don't care if it's pokemon
There's room in the world for both types. But after 20+ years of random encounters I like the fact they're trying something new. Even if it is hamfisted as shit. I'd rather a pokemon game like a Monster Hunter where you gotta track shit and hunt them down and prep for an encounter, instead of there being 14 ratattas clearly visible in a 6x6 square grid of grass.
the point of pokemon is to explore a region
if you remove random encounters you remove the mystery of exploring a region for the first time by literally showing you what every route has in the first 5s
visible encounters only work if the map is huge which GF clearly isn't capable of doing
>All of these random encounter fags
No wonder we're still stuck with the same core game mechanics ever since red and blue. Pokemon mmo never fucking ever.
Not really. The spawn rate is still random. Rare Pokemon are still rare.
i haven't played Pokemon in a very long time, but I think the idea of random encounters is a lot better. They were definitely a little too frequent and annoying, but they could have easily been adjusted. If Nintendo just made it so random encounters were less frequent when most of your Pokemon were dead, then the tedium would have been cut down tremendously. Other than that, they should have slightly lowered the overall chance of the encounters happening. Then to compensate, they could have added an attractant to ensure that farming also didn't become tedious.
There's tons of aspects of old JRPGs that give them a lot of soul but random encounters are not one of them.
That's incorrect, plenty of new games come out with soul put into them, but it's most plentiful in older games because smaller teams that loved what they were doing were at work instead of a corporation trying to push out the next big title in a huge team directed by endless marketers. I would say that the amount of heart put into particular Pokemon games varies with X and Y being the bottom of the pit with empty animations, sterile models, and an empty world that no one cared about and was obviously all simply going through the motions to make the first 3DS Pokemon game. Sun and Moon had a lot more put in by comparison but unfortunately little to no effort was made on the Pokemon battle part lacking any sort of heart to it.
Visible enemies are superior in every way. You get to choose how much you fight enemies and it becomes your own fault that you're underlevelled and underprepared if you skip over particular enemies, but you can also give yourself a challenge that suits your own needs by doing so as well. In the case of Pokemon this applies even more because RNG as a sole mechanic for determining encounters is the dumbest thing in the world and only serves to waste the player's time. If someone wants a particular Pokemon that appears on a certain route they should be able to run into that Pokemon, not be subjected to either run into it immediately with no effort or after running from 100 battles with far too long of loadin and introductory time. In basically every RPG with random encounters it becomes groan inducing at some point because you just want to get somewhere and have to put up with the busywork of crushing easy enemies or your time wasted by running.
This is valid as well. It adds another element to the game where you don't get to breeze right past because there are visible enemies either.
>oh yeah lets have visible encounters in a tiny ass map which make everything tedious as fuck to move through
Visible enemies in an environment that that's clearly big enough to have them.
maybe gamefreak should make better games and fans shouldn't reject positive improvements just because gamefreak could/has fucked it up with their incompetence
GF knows that they don't have to try at all since people will still buy their games
Random encounters are better for the concept of pokemon. It wouldn't be a Pokemon game if I didn't run into a million pokemon I don't want and then eventually get frustrated with a random encounter just to find out it's a really cool pokemon. The surprise is part of what makes the games what they are.
I hate the smarmy kirby meme so much.
Their spawn rates are still random you stupid piece of shit. The only difference is you can avoid the ones you don't want until you find the one you do as opposed to trotting around in circles and rolling dice. Or having to deal with running or not running when the wild Pokemon wants to be a stubborn piece of shit.
ORAS style encounters plus very subtle visible roaming pokemon to make it realistic. hard to believe there wont be any roaming pokemon in this new game. insane if they dont add a few.
I think I like random encounters more.. I like the idea of running through a gauntlet and testing how well you can fight through enemies efficiently and scraping by. I don't think I can accurately say what's 'better' though.
SMT/Persona does it best
>visible enemies in the field
>enemy party is random
>silhouette in the field gives a hint as to the kinds of enemies within
I must be playing the wrong games because these people acting like random encounters are some kind of grueling challenge instead of a mild annoyance at best have me confused as fuck
I prefer random
I prefer visible enemies in most games, but prefer random encounters in Pokémon.
pokemon can walk on roads and clutter the map making it worse to avoid encounters
pokemon only spawn in specific places and you can easily avoid them by not walking
on grass
why would anyone prefer the more annoying one is beyond me
>No wonder we're still stuck with the same core game mechanics ever since red and blue
Because the core mechanics of the game is fun?
Im thankful pokemon hasnt tried to reinvent the wheel a hundred times and end up like FF15
I like the way it plays and enjoy having more of the thing I like
I must be playing the wrong games because these people acting like random encounters are some kind of soulful challenge instead of an annoyance at best have me confused as fuck
Random encounters
What's the point otherwise?
A generic monster sprite / model in which the enemy will be random upon encountering them.
This is the best possible thing to do for games like Pokemon.
But also makes the world seem empty at the same time. Without the Pokemon exploring the fields, it's just not the same.
just put both options in the game and let people fucking choose.
There has to be a mechanism for forcing conflict on the player otherwise its silly.
If the wild pokemon are visible they should have some sort of behavior, running away, hiding, attacking, defending an area.
Otherwise its fucking stupid.
Gamefreak isn't going to do this any time soon, so until they have have technical capacity, I would rather that be simulated through random encounters than just visible
>the game shows you what's the screen
>this is using your imagination
did you bump your head mate?
if the encounter rate ISNT aids than I dont givee a shit
How the fuck do they hold those cups?
invisible enemies that are not random
This is the reality of it. If they're just walking around, minding their own business, what's to stop the play from avoiding literally everything?
Gamefreak will never be at the competency level to properly do visible encounters, and it's clear that they should stick with what they know best.
hey somebody else played Mystic Arc
I want to fuck that transition.
Random encounters suck ass and Game Freak/Nintendo only keep them in because they know the retarded fans who for some reason enjoy playing the shallowest series in an already shallow genre (JRPG) will continue buying the latest iteration of their shitty happy meal of a game
For single encounter type games like Pokemon random encounters work better since it can get too clustered and defeats the purpose of exploring to find each pokemon. For normal RPGs where you fight like 3-5 enemies at once or you have a way to start battles at an advantage, symbols are superior.
Visible, another opinion isn't valid.
Visible enemies, but change the environment away from tile based.
Random encounters are okay, but LGEP was a weird in-between for me.