No games over 100GB are worth playing

No games over 100GB are worth playing.

Attached: ugleh.gif (720x404, 1.84M)

No games under 50GB are worth playing, obviously shit with literally no content that isn't word the price tag.

no games between 50GB and 100GB are worth playing

no games

Nice thread

No games between 4-15gb and 25-45gb are worth playing.


No games outside the range of 4-45 gb are worth playing

Am I the only faggot on this board who was amazed when the internet moved at mb/s? I'm not even that old

Attached: ap550x55016x121transparentt.u3.png (549x413, 93K)

no games under a year old are worth playing

>Am i the only faggot on this board

doubt it

6kb a those were the days *siiiiiiip*

Attached: boom.jpg (380x349, 26K)


Attached: 1542317214760.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

Halo MCC when it comes to PC unless its less than 100GB if you don't install Halo 4

Attached: 1552412302824.png (1280x1380, 1.48M)

>when you had dial up and your friend would call your house to fuck your shit in

Attached: 1541189916221.gif (320x256, 1.86M)

no games are worth playing

halo was never good

>tfw decide to download the new netscape overnight because it'll take a long time to get those 40MB and your mom end up picking up the phone while you were sleeping to make a call and made you disconnect

you were never good user

>click picture
>go make dinner
>eat dinner
>come back
>picture only 79% complete

nu-Hitman 2 is if you're willing to count that (base game is only ~60GB but over 100GB with the Legacy Pack installed)