what was your favorite G4 series?
what was your favorite G4 series?
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Chad here
Ninja warrior and code monkeys
x-play obviously
X play
ninja warrior
Unbeatable bonzuke
TechTV is better, G4 its like the MTV of tech channel, too hard to be "hip" its borderline on cringe
what the fuck
how was morgan webb so fucking hot
As a kid I loved X-play and would always watch it along with MXC after school.
As an adult I can appreciate that the true kino was Icons.
XP (before they took themselves seriously)
They we're all pretty fucking based but I can tell you the worst one was Portal.
That shit was boring as FUCK
This. The merger was the worst thing ever.
Nocturnal Emissions was oddly comfy.
G4 had some decent shows still, but you're not wrong. Something was oddly comfy about the fact that they had like 0 budget.
the channel had an underground feeling to it
Cinematech was my all-time favorite.
There was just something so comfy about watching game trailers. No commentary, no gimmicks, just game trailers for 30 minutes.
G4TV Website is officially down
Cheat introduced me to so many gems. I get nostalgic for that show but x-play was probably my favorite even if I only discovered G4 by the point where it was already going downhill.
AoTS no contest. Been watching episodes from 2008/2009 on archive lately and I realized I would pay hundreds of dollars for access to every AoTS and X-Play episode. I truly wish there was a network like G4. Some of the AoTS bits had my absolutely dying specifically this episode
For me? It's Cory Rouse.
>code monkeys
A forgotten gem
this shit was twitch events before streaming and youtube were even a thing
This, Ninja Warrior especially was great as it had a great balance of light-heartedness in the first stage with guys like the octopus and glider man and serious competitors, especially in the later stages.
Too bad it never gets dubbed or subbed anymore.
>Screensaver died because of this
Why would anyone like AotS is beyond me, its hardly tech related
>MXC and Icons
My bruda. I didn't care much for X-Play though.
Olivia Munn did it for me
And I semi-enjoyed the banter. Like a shittier Funhaus
I didn't know of G4 before 2007/2008-ish. AoTS wasn't meant to just be a tech show. It was a tech/nerd/internet culture variety show with two fantastic hosts in Kevin and Olivia before they left.
Cheat! had legit information and my patrician childhood taste acknowledged that Kristin was the best G4 waifu
Cinematech was THE best way to showcase new games during the time but it wouldn't hold up in modern times, a relic of the past that served it's purpose
X-Play was fun but the quality dipped immensely during 7th gen (albeit the whole industry dipped in 7th gen)
Icons was underrated
AotS was overrated
Remember when they organize an award show in a dingy warehouse but tried make looks like the oscar with the host wearing tuxedo and interviewing dev on a "red carpet". Cringiest things I've seen in channel about tech.
I don't think this could exist ever again. People don't really watch TV anymore and YouTube is chock full of gaming channels and content.
First and last of its kind, rip G4
G4 is trying to capture the "MTV" crowd which fucking retarded considering they are a tech channel. Everything they did reeks of desperation. TechTV is the only good channel and I feel bad that your childhood revolves around G4. In the end, G4 died because they trying to capture a demographic that wasn't interested in tech.
>i dont like things
>if you like those things i actually feel bad for you
G4 was a small part of my teen years and I greatly enjoyed its programming between 2007 and 2010. I would say I feel bad that you sound like such a miserable cunt but why would I feel bad for that?
I'm sure techTV was already not getting enough viewers. It seemed like a channel just slapped together during the age when all cable providers had to have hundreds of channels to entice buyers.
Shit probably never really had legs to stand on.
ICONS was the best by a mile. Especially that theme song
AOTS was pretty good for quite awhile, at least up through 2009 or 2010. I've done the same archive viewing, and the episodes tend to hold up pretty well despite the time-sensitive nature of the show. It was just a good format. Munn was the target of a lot of bile because she replaced Sarah Lane, but I think she and Pereira had a fun dynamic.
I do miss Screen Savers, though, and a lot of other people hated the show at its core for being a quasi-replacement. And that's the thing about TechTV/G4: the merger pissed a lot of TechTV fans/people off and alienated them (including employees). It's easy to remember the stuff that people complained about in the last few years of its life, but as someone that had started watching back in the TechTV days there's been a vocal disdain for the channel for a very long time. Just googling about the merger will bring up "YOU RUINED TECHTV YOU G4 BASTARDS" irate forum posts from 2005. Indicative artifacts. This guy is a surviving example of that continued resentmemt.
Ninja Warrior
code monkeys
attack of the show
Whatever movies they show (that's how I was introduced to Toxic Avenger and Fight Club)
Big event shit like Halo 3 launch
>XP (before they took themselves seriously)
Yeah, that wasn't a flattering shift. The first few years of X-Play were its strongest, I think.
Wouldn't TechTV have died if not for the merger? I assume thats why it happened in the first place. I was actually super surprised how well AoTS holds up. Some of the jokes, especially between Kevin and Olivia, wouldn't fly today with the current climate despite being super funny
I don't know what financial shape TechTV was in prior to the merger, but the real reason the channel was bought out was because G4 (Comcast, at the time) wanted the distribution TechTV had. Calling it a merger at all is generous. It was more of an absorption of real estate, and the shift in programming (Laporte was outright let go) reflected that clear as day.
Feel bad for you because you're unable to experience TechTV during the height of their popularity. You are unable to know the difference between TechTV and G4, hence you think G4 is good. Its like console fag that think 30fps is good without knowing what 60fps feels like.
The merger was really dumb. Nu-G4 tried WAY too hard to be cool and normie-friendly, despite being the deformed love child of two extremely nerdy parent channels. You went from shows about LAN tourneys, anime blocks, weird tech and gadgets, and video game reviews and history, to Cops re-runs, street racing, Ninja Warrior re-runs, and a bunch of other dumb shit. Sure, pre-merger G4 had its trashy side at times, but it was nowhere near as bad as it got after the merger.
Nocturnal Emissions and Anime Unleashed were peak half-asleep kino
I remember watching Betterman through Anime Unleashed. Good times. I remember finding it weird that anime was being aired on the same channel as Screen Savers and Call for Help, but it wasn't a bad fit given the shows they chose to air with it.
i remember the days of Tommy Tallarico and his overly arrogant ass reviewing video games alongside the other guy whose name I can't remember, and they and X-Play pretty much hated all anime like that uncle that has no idea what the fuck is going on
Cheat! and Krstin were amazing. Those legs HNNNGGG
Also enjoyed cinematech
Nocturnal Emissions was great for any nerdy teen without internet) shitty internet.
Man I feel like when AOTS started is when the channel really started going downhill.
Icons is the best
But I also enjoyed Filter, Cinematech, Cheat! Judgment Day, and even Portal at times. (Some moments were funny to me as a kid)
X-Play was funny at points.
Cringe and blue pilled
Icons was based and taught me so much about the vidya industry before I grew up to shitpost about it on imageboards, I'd recommend newfags to watch all the episodes.
I would say just everything 2002-2004
>Kristin's legs and ass at 21:30
Unf, 10 year old me knew she was the hottest one on the channel and I was right.
cinematech by far
>Cinematech Nocturnal Emissions
my dick
Cocaine Snorting with Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb
Cinematech was the single best way to find a new game that you had never heard of. I miss it bros.
Judgment Day
Cheat! when hosted by Cory Rouse
Filter when hosted by Diane Mizota
I couldn't get into it primarily because Kevin Pereira was such a raging douchebag.
>tfw Skygunner
It was fucking MTV video game trash tv. Every fucker that was on it believed they were living the holywood life.
It's hilarious to see all these big developers in the early 200's have this good success but the modern age still bit them in the ass.
Well, in their defense, the vast majority of anime games at the time were fucking garbage, on the level of that terrible Fullmetal Alchemist game, for example.
The only passable ones at the time I can think of were *some* of the DBZ fighting games, which they did have a tendency to shut down, IIRC.
Oh...well if it isn't a shitty actress.
cinematech when i was growing up
I saw on there video games that only I had heard about on tv and it blew my mind
now a days xplay and code monkeys would probably be my go to
protal was top tier
She used to be super cute before the "Japanese potatoes."
Man, I remember the day I first discovered G4 after my dad got cable, probably sometime like 2004-5. I think the first thing I ever saw was one of those commercial break videos of a dude getting the world record in SSX Tricky and talking about it. I was stunned that something like this could be on TV, and it pretty quickly turned into sheer joy as I called my brother over to come see it. Now I'm all sad and shit remembering this.
Anyway, Starcade was weird, but I'm glad they played it. I have one vague memory where after one of the contestants played Roboyton 2084, the host followed up with something like "what if there was another planet where aliens would play arcade games and they'd have to kill humans?" There was this really awkward moment for like a second, and he just moved on. For some reason, I never forgot that.
codemonkeys was nice
That machinima show about early 2000's jank MMOs. Portal I think it was. There was nothing quite like it before or since.
Why ditched those gaming shows? Fuck i miss those formats
Yeah, connecting a bunch of MMO worlds together with a narrative was oddly clever. Even moreso with The Drifter, who traveled between the games.
The Sims Online, Everquest, Asheron's Call, Anarchy Online, Second Life, and more. I think it's one of the big things that led to my nearly decade-long love of MMOs.
xplay was pretty gud
As I got older I appreciated Cinematech more and more. There needs to be more shows like that.
Post more.
Case in point.
Depending on who you ask, the channel hadn't been any good since 2004.
Loved all of those shows growing up because they either gave me gaming news or gaming-related entertainment. As much as I miss it, I am glad it's gone. When gaming news became more and more relevant online, the channel stayed for a while longer, suffering, because they aired dumb stuff like COPS and Cheaters in the U.S
Why are people suddenly nostalgic for a shitty channel? G4 got shitcanned for a reason. Nobody wants to watch COPS and CHEATERS and fucking star trek reruns all goddamn day. It's like the morons who pine for blockbusters don't know that it's a fucking shithole.
>Give us all your information
>No all of it
>Ok go get some movies
>None of the ones you want are in stock? Sorry
>Did you check our obscure as fuck section?
>A minute late you say? Well enjoy paying those late fees buckaroo!
Attack of the Show fucking sucked. It was like the Big Bang Theory of """news""" shows.
I don't think anyone misses G4 circa 2012. I think missing TechTV or G4 pre-merger is understandable, though. They were very, very different channels (both from each other and what their merged offspring turned into). Even G4 circa 2007 was quite different from where it ended up.
I find the arc of ZDTV/TechTV to G4 mildly fascinating, though. The dialogue of how we think about and talk about technology and interacted with it changed a shitload from the late 90s to the late 2000s, and the channel's various shapes reflect a struggle to survive amid all that change. There's also a lot of classic TV executive dipshittery. There was some good television in there, though.
I miss the shit out of techtv.
>Big event shit like Halo 3 launch
This and Code Monkies are the only real highlights of G4 in my opinion. I ended up so hyped up that I spent an entire day and a half without sleep only playing Halo 3, and part of that was all the coverage G4 had of it.
Other than that, it was an inferior TechTV.
Go back to rocknight, zoom-zoom.
I remember there being a series where all they did was review new releases, and they were actually decently written and well put together.
They did a review of the 360 Shadowrun FPS and I've been looking for it forever
I uniornically found several games due to Cinematech. It was also the first time I saw the NO ROOM FOR HIDEO trailer, which is absolute kino.
>Nobody wants to watch COPS and CHEATERS and fucking star trek reruns all goddamn day
when G4 was good it wasn't running any of those things, no one is nostalgic for the final days of them spiraling the drain they want when it was actually good
>The only person who left G4 and was more successful because of it
I didn't really have a favourite series, I just masturbated to Kristen Holt and Layla Kayleigh a lot.
>when G4 was good
When was this?
Cinematech was always pretty cool especially because it was the pre youtube days and proper video capture hardware was quite expensive and not easily available. Just having somewhere to watch a bunch of random video games cutscenes or gameplay footage like that was pretty awesome.
before they stopped airing cinematech, icons, and cheat
So never