Does your mom play vidya?

Does your mom play vidya?

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Nope, she's a gay.

My mom used to play Tetris on NES, got really into Bejeweled and You Don't Know Jack later.
For fun I made her play Super Mario World when she came over for dinner a few months ago, it was hilarious how awful she was at it.
She doesn't really play anything now besides some cell phone word search game. I showed her Tetris 99 and she got a kick out of it.

Lesbians probably play more vidya than straight girls

Anyone got any good mom stories?

Isn't that Darlene from Rosanne?

So is Darlene

only shitty phone games

She's really good at working my joystick

no but whenever she had a boyfriend over she used to ask them to play vidya with me in the morning.

there was one black guy who came around like 4 times, and i swear to god, he would also choose NBA Jam on snes and go Seattle

My mother has 100% OOT MM TP and BOTW.
She's finishing up Spyro Reignited right now.

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I wish that were my mom


my Mom used to love Tetris, and played the RE games on our Gamecube
She also really liked skyrim, but only used some Quality of life mods, or inmersion tweaks

I'm a 24yr old boomer though.

>tfw you are a millenial with boomer parents that were out of touch with everything

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mommy feet

Nah, they make her motion sick

My mom used to watch me play Resident evil 1-4 when I was younger. Now when I try to show her 2 remastered, she reminds me of how much of a loser I am for playing video games.

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She helped me beat Red because i was straight up retarded/ young.

Darlene wishes she looked like that.

this is true. on my lesbian discord the overwhelming majority of are gamers

Is that chobits? Holy fuck she aged.

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too flat-footed no arches and they look dry and rough. 5/10

like wine

She plays Tetris on her phone, that's it.

Fuck off tranny, men can't be lesbians

It could potentially be the angle. Her right foot looks like it has some curves. They do look a bit rough though.

Holy fuck she's 41. RIP.

It was cute when you were younger now it's just sad too her.

Mommy vidya requests?

im not a tranny and we literally have voice interviews before people are even allowed in the server just to prevent that. Go take out your closeted tranny rage on someone who cares


pic not related

Post your penis and prove you aren't a tranny

you're a special type of specially special ed person aint ya?

What happened to the "Oh there's a helicopter" call of duty song that chobot did?

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No, she insists that she can't figure out the controller. She watches anime instead.

Sounds cute user, if she has a bubbly personality and a motherly figure then that would be perfect mom material

My mom is a boomer and played both OoT and Majora's Mask, and now she's playing Hollow Knight on her Switch that I gifted her on her 60th bday.

Are you flirting with me? The tism makes it hard for me to tell.

>why are there predominantly gamers on a platform, that was primarily made for gamers and is used by gamers

How many brain cells did that take you to figure out?

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Not really. She will play Mario kart with my nephews and she tried to play Alan Wake years ago but it made her sick.

Yes he is

but hes not good enough for you baby
get with a real man like me

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Yeah weirdly enough she likes driving sims

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I would be disgusted if my mom played video games

I raided with my mom and her guild when I was like 10 back in Vanilla WoW

>ywn lay under that couch and put those feet in your mouth

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nice fucking feet

Also male, I forgot to say that part.

>Does your mom play vidya?

just phone games

video games are created for men, so no

How do I find a foot gf lads? I heard the trick was conditioning a girl until she turns into a foot queen but they never get into it and just stick to vanilla sex.

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I'm gonna need more Mommy Chobot buddy, I know you're holding out on me

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My mom used to play Runescape. She got a couple 99 skills before she quit.

Force her to suck on your toes by threats of violence to show her how sexy it is.

my mom played animal crossing a lot, before she died

I’m sorry user.

I lost my dad 3 months ago.

Holy shit I completely forgot about that. I can't find it.

Should have just picked up a new copy.

What are the actual chances that you're THAT user??

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no, but my dad plays pacman and kicks my ass

she doesn't do anything except talk on the phone, drink and watch tv once she get home from work. she has no hobbies at all so she is impossible buy gifts for

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>enter thread expecting some good milf doujins or porn
>it's just whiny manchildren complaining about their mommy issues

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Old mans are so freaking good at pacman. What the hell.

And they say the internet never forgets, huh. Looks like it was lost in the ether.

My mom has some weird fascination with any game that has driving and violence. It started with downhill domination when I was in high school and never stopped from there.

It's gotta be out there still, surely someone can find it. I keep getting fucking attack helicopter memes and unrelated COD videos.

Hi Maddie

OP's pic looks like she gets fucked by little boys with big dicks

No, as a kid my entire family played Street Fighter II a couple times tho. She liked using Dhalsim.
Still likes watching fighting games, especially the female characters desu she thinks the skanky outfits are fun. Would probably enjoy DOA

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