What is the autistic Yea Forums consensus on this game?

What is the autistic Yea Forums consensus on this game?

I see a lot of threads shitting on it, but why?

Attached: sekiro.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

It's a linear hack and slash with online 1 weapon

started off as autistic soulsfags upset that they're not getting another souls game. but then our lovely shitposting culture took over and most of the threads are made by people just looking to farm some (you)s

The only thing I don't like about it is the autistic weebshit setting.

It's gunna be gud
Unless you're retarded enough to mistake it for a souls game

Attached: 37672-Tenchu_-_Stealth_Assassins_[U]-1491923706.png (960x720, 333K)

I'll wait 4 months and pick it up from a bargain bin for $10. It looks alright but no PvP or NG+ really kills the game for me.

don't care, bought DMC so it's way better than this

>Contextual hookshot
>Fuck-all verticality
>No poisoning or alternative stealth options
>No real routing, vent/shaft use, etc.
>No proper detection/indication system
>Trying to hide after being spotted is functionally pointless
It's not going to be Tenchu and you know it.

It'll be more Tenchu than Tenchu 4 was and that's fine by me
Been a big fan of Miyazaki since AC4/A, not worried at all.

>It'll be more Tenchu than Tenchu 4 was
That's not saying very much and it's a huge downgrade from the previous games. I'm still getting Sekiro simply because a new Tenchu game probably hinges on it being at least a moderate success, but I'm not expecting much.

I'm not sure about whether the gameplay is going to be particularly engrossing, but I'm still excited about any world/environment/story Miyazaki and his team choose to build

No it won't.

Don't be autistic, it's been fucking ages since Tenchu. Obviously things have changed. There will also be improvements but you're too much of a retard grognard to ever acknowledge that or acknowledge just how jank those games were. Good job being so retarded you can't enjoy anything anymore, I bet you'll convince yourself you hated it, dumbass.

T4 was a fucking Wii puzzle game with the shittiest combat imaginable, kill yourself zoomer

I like that my complaints that they left stealth elements out of a fucking stealth game is unwarranted and blinded by nostalgia, any other inane comments and ad hominems you'd like to make? I didn't even say I was determined to hate it, I'm just not setting unreasonable expectations, least of all it being a suitable Tenchu substitute.
You're entitled to think it's going to be amazing, but don't try to convince people it's going to be the next Tenchu and then get pissy and defensive when people point out that there's tons of features it straight up lacks to meet that kind of expectation, don't be such a fucking bitch.

this is only a bad thing if you're expecting Souls.
It's a different game from Souls.

will be good

And Sekiro is nothing even remotely close to any of the Tenchus you fucking retard. Tenchu 4 was still Tenchu with its tank like controls and the ninjas.

How upset are DMCfags going to be when they lose GOTM?

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>japanese company does a game in a japanese setting

What if... it didn't have to be a souls game?

2 weapons
no stats and instead skill tree cancer
no stamina management

it's going to be an action game with arpg combat

You're so insanely retarded I don't believe you even played it, probably some youtube watching zoomer dickhead
Eitherway, commit seppuku with a sharpened wiimote you turd guzzling inbred

It's made by Fromsoft and it's not a Souls game so one of the most insufferable fanbases on this website is having a meltdown.

Plus the usual crew that only comes here to complain about every game, especially the ones they have no interest in.

I bought it on release day. You're wrong, that's why you're deflecting like a mad man.

Sekiro is a fucking action game it's not a stealth game in any fucking way.

Oh I see, you're just braindamaged. Probably hit yourself in the head with your wiimote too many times. Fuck off shortbus, your arbitrary designation of what is stealth and action is meaningless, just like your life.

Imagine getting this mad over being wrong.

If you pay attention to those threads it's a bunch of people defending the game constantly. Yea Forums loves this game and loves this game and talking about this game
This is the true red pill