What's the videogame equivalent of a well-poured pint of Guinness?

What's the videogame equivalent of a well-poured pint of Guinness?

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Something which leaves a disgusting taste in your mouth while pretending to like it?

Fucking hell, take your pick.

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Ales > everything else

>Irish beer
>not a smithwicks

first i wanted to say battlefield but that's more like pepsi
>bland for the genre
>old people like it
i dunno, crash?

american guinness' only use is as a tophat for ciders

least red irish red i've ever had


I want to start drinking again so badly.

Minesweeper. It takes just a few minutes to finish and you don't feel too strongly about the outcome but you had a nice jaunt down memory lane.
You can change that to anything you don't like and it works exactly the same as beer:
>what kind of meats do you eat
>what kind of juices do you drink
>what kind of weed do you smoke
>what kind of MDMA do you take
>what kind of fur do you wear
>what kind of air do you breathe
>what kind of dildo do you like
>what kind of dicks do you like
>what kind of butts do you like
>what kind of STDs do you like
>what kind of fursonas do you like
>what kind of scat do you like
>what kind of feet do you like
>what kind of beer do you like
>what kind of political party do you like
>what kind of movies do you like
>what kind of erotic poetry do you like
>what kind of cunny do you like
>what kind of hentai do you like
>what kind of janny do you like
>what kind of mommy do you like
>what kind of onee-chan do you like
>what kind of onee-sama do you like
>what kind of suicide do you like

beer is shit. it taste's like shit. it has shit alcohol content. people who like beer are shit.

drink hard liquor or you're a pussy

Eh it's not worth it.

This makes me so mad because the people IRL who say this drink the same cheap ass party lagers or hopped to shit beers. Like its such an opinion made out of ignorance

People who say things like this are the most likely to puke after four drinks

Is Guinness is that good or is it just a meme?

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I drink both. Whatever I can get my hands on, I'll drink it. Same with drugs.

only difference is there is no such thing as bad cunny

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the edgy teenagers are coming in, make space


Extremely popular and well made, but not quite as good as most people say it is. This is probably one of the best comparisons anyone could make.

It's just personal taste.

Edgy teenagers are the ones who pretend to like Guinness. It's fucking vile.

Actual Irish people think it's trash

Clearly DOOM

A tight, well-made, slightly dull, predictable shooter or action game.

What you're getting isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it does nothing in an outstanding fashion. It's repetitive, but it's also consistent. You'll enjoy it just enough to keep coming back, even though you might not especially enjoy that type of thing. No matter what the market looks like, you'll always be able to find a fresh one.

Seething pommy

No they don't, they dont think about it at all
It's just kinda there

It's alright. It's not terrible and it's not good.. Easily one of the best examples of a middle bar kind of beer. If you want a decent beer, then try some Innis & Gunn.

It's very very light. I drink half and half mixed with Smithwick's and it's pretty alright. Don't be fooled by the black color, it's lighter than the lightest beer you can think of.

Tastes exactly like black coffee

I prefer Yuengling or Rolling Rocks personally as far as cheapshit beer goes

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fuck the haters. i love the creaminess of guiness, theres nothing like it

>drinking alcohol
it literally turns you less manly

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>accepts beer
>complains that it's bad
>pretends to like it ironically
I seriously hope none of you do this

>Innis & Gunn
patrician taste

It's the most entry level and easiest to drink of any "stout" beers you can get. Tastes pretty good with tones of coffee/chocolate.

Most stouts are usually pretty high in alcohol content and taste sort of bitter. Guinness is the exact opposite of that.

I just said it because it had an Irish guy in it

>Says some pasty NEET on Yea Forums after thousands of years of history of viking marauders, knights, spartans and army men drinking ale


>taking underage b8

t. triggered alcoholic or satan

Most popular beers are pretty shitty, IMO. Then again, I tend to prefer IPAs and dark stouts.

that's not it, the head's past the top of the harp and i can tell it's not just because he's had a sip and shifted it down

I prefer Dopplebocks if I'm going dark.

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It tastes pretty bad for how weak it is compared to other dark beers. I'd only drink Guinness if there was literally no other beer available.

that's due to it being a nitro stout, which is injected with more air and is usually a very light stout, mostly because of guiness i am guessing.

An user after my own heart.

>sweetened, foamy sludge

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>all these beer snobs coming out of the woodwork to tell you it's shit
Yes retards, we know your $7/bottle beers are the best beers.

>bigbottle meme
$9 for 6 can get you plenty

disgusting, get some taste

The intent isn't to hold it over people. When you've tried many varieties of something your taste for it is refined and you're more familiar with the ones you gravitate towards. Sort of like vidya.

See this absolute unit, you underage faggot? This is the product of six pints a day and nothing but chip butties and salted peanuts. This is physical perfection.

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Not even bigbottle meme. I have retard friends who pay $6 for a single normal size bottle
But that's fine because they're capable of ordering at a bar too

>it all tastes the same!!1!
A fag wrote this

I enjoy beer so much I make my own. I appreciate the different options, how one drink can range from a light and crisp pilsner to a dark stout. Mixing wheat beer with lemonade on a warm summer Saturday, drinking a random discount beer or two with a friend or two, a midling local seasonal lager with coworkers on s friday night, beer is the perfect drink. I won't pretend beer is for everyone, or that all beers are good beers. I implore you, slash your sugar intake for a week, mow the lawn on a hot day and then crack open a cold beer. There's nothing else like it.
I fall for this bait everytime.

this is how I imagine you faggots
god i hate all of you

What are you lads drinking today?

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>socially acceptable poison consumed by normalfags despite superior quality of competition because of brand recognition

>asshole who doesn't like beer wastes a perfectly good beer that someone else would've enjoyed to "fit in" because they're too much of a pussy to just say no

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Guiness Draught is the most beautiful beer, but it tastes like chemicals. Guiness Extra Stout tastes like a real porter. You can still do better, though. Personally Great Lakes Blackout is my favorite.

Because I can't find a store that sells The Premium Malt's in the Midwest

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Wheat beer is the only beer I ever had that made me think "damn this is good I want more to drink this outside off a soap setting"

HofbrÀuhaus is like a dollar per bottle in a six pack and literally the best thing you can get most places.

I prefer Murphy's.

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Griesediek bros. From the old dudes who use to make Falstaff beer before it was deleted from existence like all other St. Louis beers. Glad they brought it back through. Tastes like banana weirdly enough.

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Don't ever let anyone shittalk you for liking wheet beers user, it's a traditional style you should drink proudly. Blue Moon is the American standard but there are other to try. There are also dark wheat beers (Dunkelweizen) that might interest you. Don't fall for the hipster beer fad, stick with what you like and branch if you get bored.

It tasted like nothing diluted with water.

>Tastes like banana weirdly enough.
I'll have to look around for it or order some, that sounds mighty tasty.

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I used to love getting hammered on beers and eating snacks while watching TV or out with lads but since I hit 23 my metabolism said fuck you and I started gaining a lot of weight even though I had been drinking and eating the exact same shit for years. I wish I could go back to binging beer cause I love the taste but it fucks me up too much now. I can only imagine how fucked I will be when I'm 40

i fucking love beer so much, hits the spot like nothing else after a long day's work or an intense gym session, even better with your favorite meal, goddamn it's a blessing

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>I hit 23

That's rough, most people with half-decent genetics can usually abuse their body with beer and junk food and not get hit too hard until they're in their early 30s.

Oh fuck you might also want to try a Hefeweizen, it's another classic you can get easily enough most places.

>slightly better than average but still not worth drinking unless you're bored and unimaginative
Dark Souls

>beer thread on a wednesday night
Get help.

>what kind of suicide do you like
Going to sleep with a breathing mask connected to an oxygen-displacing gas. Easy, peaceful, probably one of the least painful methods possible besides medically assisted using carefully dosed chemicals.

its spring break for a lot of people here

>had surgery recently
>can't drink for two weeks at least
guess it's pepsi for me

Never trust the palate of someone that enjoys the taste of cock.

you know you can enjoy alcohol without getting black out drunk right?

Look man, not all of us have the luxury of being off on the weekend. I have to take my tuesdays/Wednesdays regardless.

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t. underage

When you get out of high school you'll realize the weekend is whenever you don't have to be anywhere tomorrow, sometimes wednesday is friday

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Every time this is posted my blood boils. You can politely turn something down if you don't like it. Fucking 20-somethings that have only tried beer once need to fuck right off.

That means they conditioned it at higher temps. You can make styles such as Hefe taste more of clove or like straight up bananas. It develops the same chemical that bananas have, actually.

The man that drew this is over 40.

Neat. Thanks user!

Being an man:
>"No thanks, I don't really like beer"
>"No worries bro, jenny's making cocktails"

Being a manchild
>"Heh, I don't like this thing but everyone else does, which means that everyone else must secretly agree with me and be doing it out of peer pressure. What a bunch of drone, heh."
>"Heh, I should write a smug comic about it, it'll be epic".
>"Heh. But first, let me bow to the imagined expectations of others, because I'm a hypocritical faggot who would rather conform than risk judgement from my friends."

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