I work for Blizzard on WoW, ama (part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:


When is the diablo mobile game coming out?

Credentials? If not, there's no point in asking some random lying idiot a serious question.

No clue. Though usually a date is announced when it's known. At least that's how it works on the WoW team.

Yeah no. Not risking my job just to post on Yea Forums.

How fucked are they? Wow crashing hard, Diablo legacy tainted by mobile, hots murdered, overwatch on life support, hearthstone LOL

Can you make Luke Perry a NPC?

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how long roughly have you been working there? have you noticed any change in general attitude since the merge with Activision? How out of control are the gender politics?

Forgot to say but... last thread; Not at all. The company is doing well.


What do you think about the Jewish and Chinese influence in Blizzard?

Does Jaina live

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this, do you think they can save themselves? do they have anything big planned that can pull them out of this gutter are are they going to spiral till they crash?

What would you say was the rough ratio of "things we falsely think the players will enjoy" against "things we know the players won't enjoy, but will get us more of their money"

Where do you commute from? What's your favorite place in the Irvine Spectrum?

Is this an off-season april fools joke?

new IPs?
what's D:I fallout?
when's the company finally dying?

>Not at all. The company is doing well.
All the proof we need to know you work there, congrats

A LARP then. Thank ye for warning us.

Is it the feminists, jews or niggers that are ruining overwatch behind the scenes? Go on be honest. Also would you fuck soe? Im bumping your thread so you better answer my questions nigger.

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When can I buy BFA season 1 transmogs with pvp tokens

Also where the fuck is Thrall

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When is Wrathion coming back to claim Anduin's boypussy?

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Will you please sacrifice your coworkers to the Dark Lord Bobby?

A low res photo of your ID with any PII masked would suffice and be untraceable. But since you can’t even provide that, you’re full of it.

Alternatively, provide the hash of something you know, which will be announced in the future. E.g, the name of the next expansion/major patch.

Tell me any long term plans they have for Overwatch and are there any talks balancing the game more or changing the current meta game.

Did Jaina and Thrall do it?

How did people feel about this 'content patch'? Did everyone realize it was a total joke?

When are you firing Ion and fixing WoW?

Yeah, on the tiniest off chance anyone gets a whiff of who I am, I'm not saying.


There's no spiral, just a sub drop no lower than Blackwing Lair. It'll improve by 9.0.

I'm not really sure how to say what people enjoy or don't enjoy because different people enjoy different things. Then there's some people that are doing things wrong and then complain on the forums about not having fun.

Nice try, boss.


When we get bought out by Disney in 2056.

Thrall isn't coming back. Too much bad blood with Metzen lately and the company. The only talk about him coming back to voice act is to save face and make it look like we're all friendly with each other at this point. There were plans for him to become leader of the orcs when Saurfang dies but that's out of the question now.

No immediate plans for Wrathion at the moment. Just seeding stuff for Dragon Isles, but even that is 10.0+.

I'm sorry but if you think that shit can't be traced by angry employers, you don't know what you're talking about. 8.3 is untitled and N'Zoth themed. Current plan for 9.0's name is Rifts of K'aresh.

No. Yes.

We don't know that yet. I haven't seen the numbers yet for this week.

Ion's like my boss's boss's boss, so... I'm not firing anyone.

when will you stop raping the lore and move on?

also i fucking wish you the worst for trying to inject your disgusting abomination of a lore into WC3 Reforged, i hope somehow that ends up biting you guys back in the fucking ass really hard

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It’s pretty clear there was a different faction war planned and was butchered in favor of the garbage they’re releasing now.
Who’s responsible?

>Too much bad blood with Metzen lately

Please spill the beans.

when the fuck are we gonna get ethereals
whens that pirate ship coming to the mount store
how 2 get a draenei erp gf that doesn't have a horse dick

know anything abou hearthstone?

Bring back WOTLK gameplay you faggot.

Is the team working on the new expansion?

Saurfang still gonna die? or has this changed? Who will lead the orcs.

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is Sargeras actually dead/gone.. forever?

Answer my damn questions

These threads are always fucking garbage. "AMA except I won't answer anything in absolutes or provide proof teehee"

I feel like everything in Wow has been done to death already and there's really nothing that meaningful Blizzard can do to capture such a huge audience and cultural impact as when the game was new and exciting, not when there's so much competition in gaming and wow's tech is so ancient.

Is it really the plan to just keep wow afloat and nothing else? I mean, in the tech industry if you don't plan for the future you will eventually be wiped out.

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So you say that Sylvanas is going to leave horde and Baine will unite with alliance, what happens with factions? Will we get new factions like Light and Void or something else?

How do people at Blizzard feel about everyone hating BFA and does Ion even care that Azerite aka the worst system in the history of MMOs is making them bleed subscribers?
Also do the dev team even play WoW or MMOs in general, or is it all mobile game players?

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basically this

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Lore isn't being raped. He's doing just fine.
No one in the company is happy with BFA's lore. It's the result of two expansions being merged into one at the very last minute. No one's fault exactly.

I don't want to defame what he said in 'private' since I actually like the guy and wish he'd come back. Let's just say in the heat of the moment, some people construed some things said as racially insensitive. No one meant it though.

Next expansion, but not as a playable race. Not enough customization features.
Pirate ship isn't going on the store. We don't want to betray the people who got it during the promotion by making it so that everyone can have it. A part of it is the exclusivity of the mount.


Every team is working on both at the same time. Alternating between things here and there.

He will die at the beginning of 9.0. No plans for a new orc leader.

He's not dead. He'll be back for the Void Lore arc.

4 years. I've only known Activision-rule. No issue with gender politics here.

WoW is still the top MMO. I'd say we're doing fine.

Factions will only matter in PvP. So, warmode and BGs. If you're in a party with someone of the opposite faction and enter PvP, you'll count as a member of the faction of the party leader. All faction quests and such are open to everyone so long as warmode is off.
9.0 will have two 'factions' that operate more like Aldor and Scryers. They're just two different storylines that play out like war campaigns/order hall campaigns. They're called the Lightmarch and the Unshackled.

People don't hate BFA. It's a loud minority like any fan base has. I can't speak for my team but I don't play the game currently.

What is the expansion after BFA about?

You mentioned that Horde is going to be disbanded in 9.0, what the fuck does this mean?

Einxe I don’t know what I’m talking about, enlighten me how on posting a low res photo of your badge with the PII masked will make it easier for your employer to identify you.

Otherwise, this is a LARP.

>People don't hate BFA.
is this really what people at blizzard think? are you all retarded?

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>Pirate ship isn't going on the store. We don't want to betray the people who got it during the promotion by making it so that everyone can have it. A part of it is the exclusivity of the mount.
but that's wrong you fucking larper
it says here that blizzard is putting it in the store sometime this year. why would it be about exclusivity whenever it was planned to hit the shop from the very beginning?


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I get the "loud minority" angle they try to push but me and my entire monkeysphere have completely checked out of the game and nearly all of us had over a decade of happily having Blizzard's cock in our mouths.


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>Pirate ship isn't going on the store.
Apropos ships, are you planning on bringing some new unique types of mounts?
Right now we have normal ones, flying ones, 2 waterwalking ones and somewhat swimming ones.
What about mounts that can actually SWIM with an appropriate speed (at least on the surface), jumping mounts (like some sort of a bird mix that jumps higher and further/can doublejump), tank mounts where you take reduced damage/are immune to daze/cc and so on?

What are the plans for WoW Classic expansions? Are they completely out of the table, or is that still being discussed?

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GG OP confirmed fake faggot

K'aresh. It's exploration-based with low/high stakes. Meaning, if the baddies win, shit will go down big time, but it's a 'calmer' expansion overall. Main enemies are Yrel and Locus-walker.
Already explained what's happening with the factions. You'll be able to group up, guild up, raid up, etc with the opposite faction and go to each other's cities and do each other's quests so long as you have warmode off.

Would you post a low res picture of your ass and pray that no one could figure out it's you if they knew your ass?

Just talking about the numbers, man.

Don't believe everything you read. That was to soften the blow since people get oddly pissy when these promotions happen. It will never hit the store. People who didn't get it will forget about it and the people with it will be happy.

Not as far as I know.

Not really discussed but something some people are interested in if Classic does well. Not sure about the company as a whole.

Also, you’re just regurgitating information from:


Which is laughably fake, reads like a bad fan fiction. Here’s a juicy tidbit:

>Lubundu, High King of the Churduuns, a race of elephant and hippopotamus spiritual seekers, aims to banish the invading Azerothian forces from his homeworld with the aid of his people’s personal gods.

Fuck off LARPer.

Any news on WC3 Reforged?

Sylvanas. Does it get better? Does she survive? Will the people who are loyal to her feel punished and wronged?

what's your favorite expansion? you don't have to have worked on it.
what is your favorite ability?

FWIW I played from vanilla to BC, and then resubbed end of MOP. I'm sad they got rid of dark apotheosis and symbiosis. I know they were hard to balance but that was the moment I saw the writing on the wall and unsubbed when WoD came around. I hate the homogenization. I hate the pruning.

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>I work for Blizzard
Gay and dilationpilled.

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>tank mounts where you take reduced damage/are immune to daze/cc

you would effectively guarantee that no raid or 5man content would ever be put outdoors or in an otherwise mount-usable location with this

Do you have any info you are willing to share about the class balance in the next expansion?
Is there going to be a new class (Necromancer etc.)? Are you going to bring old/new abilities back? Are you going to nerf healers so they stop being one man army and could actually be killed by one single player?
Because in my opinion balancing arena around 3v3 doesn't justify that healer has to surivive against 2 DDs. He shouldn't. That's what's peeling and CC is for, and dds should for once try to save their healer. Right now it often feels like you can't even kill a healer with an entire party properly.

>dodging the question
As I said, LARP.

Who's in charge of all the shitty decisions developers make? Is it the community, shareholders, directors, or is it the lowly faggots like you?

Well the same way waterwalking and flying mounts don't work in Battlegrounds (at least rated ones) your tank mounts won't work in dungeons and raids (you will be able to mount on them but the function won't work) so that's not the issue here.
I am thinking it would add more variety and fun to actually get that one reputation to maxiumum to get that mount (like Anglers in Pandaria) just for more convenience in open world.

Not that I know of.

Sylvanas leaves the Horde after defeating N'Zoth. The Forsaken are still loyal to her but their new leader is Calia.

I don't really play WoW. Though Army of the Dead sounds like a cool ability.

I don't work on class design, so I don't know. Not under the impression there are any solid plans for balance at this time though. Tinker is the next class. Though 'prestige' classes will be available that are just reskins. Some I heard thrown around were necromancers for warlocks, some sort of spellsword for paladins and dragon druids.

A mix but overall it's directors.

>dont want to risk job
>posting at all
Fuck off with your larp thread

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Part of me wants to see them put an alliance character not even in the game yet in charge of the forsaken


There's this too that seems related... Doesn't that just confirm it?

>Sylvanas leaves the Horde after defeating N'Zoth. The Forsaken are still loyal to her but their new leader is Calia.

A couple contradictions it feels. How are the forsaken able to be loyal to her after she leaves? How does a human become leader of undead? What happens to the players who chose to side with her?

What happens with Derek? Also with Lady Ashvane?

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>Tinker is the next class.
REEEEE I thought that was just a stupid meme.....
>Some I heard thrown around were necromancers for warlocks, some sort of spellsword for paladins and dragon druids.
Okay, that sounds really interesting. So from what you say I can guess you mean that abilities will stay the same with same numbers but just look differently and have other names, huh? That's pretty creative way to get around it and get more variety.
Necromancer being a warlock but with a spooky skeleton instead of Succ, hmm...

Tell your co-workers in the Overwatch department that every character added since the base game release has been poorly thought out and actually make the game less fun overall with each addition.
>>>>>adding a character with passive wall hack

Does/Has Asmongold influence/d any decisions made by whoever is in charge of game direction or anyone at all?

>Just talking about the numbers, man.
And what are those?

I am not a blizzard dev and even I can say that this autist doesn't even have influence over his own life. Him shitting on blizzard doesn't mean he is trying to be productive for blizzard, it's just popular for quick buck, why should blizz even consider his existence?

>People don't hate BFA. It's a loud minority like any fan base has. I can't speak for my team but I don't play the game currently.
Sorry user, but even the die hard fans are starting to bitch about things like forced grinding to get races

you tried user. he's larped out at this point. too many (You)'s

Are you going to reveal something big on E3, and especially gamescom? I am planning to visit gamescom and have to buy tickets already now, and it would be a shame if blizzard doesn't appear this year.

whats the salary like at Blizzard, say for an intermediate artist? I work on the East coast but was thinking of moving there. Does it off set the ridiculous cost of living?

Anything cool with dwarves planned in the future? You seem like the writer type. Any plans for outland? Anything you wanted to work on for the next expac?

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azmongold fans deserve the rope

Do any of the writers get jealous over the fact metzen leaves and the story goes to absolute dogshit, or are they too far up their own asses?

Mainly because he has a massive fucking audience and is a huge wow streamer. Him saying that the game is boring has spread so far that even other countries report on it.


That's gotta do something, even if blizzard just acknowledges him.

Imagine being the pic related ever taking a larping faggot who won't prove anything rambling about dumb inane shit pretending its leaks or real info
Now imagine being a guy who pretends to be an employee of a big dev/publisher for attention on Yea Forums

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It's a LARP people. Relax.
I give a 6/10

In the rare event you're being serious, there's 0 reason not to ask. Given that it's an anonymous imageboard, it's implied that someone might not be who they claim to be. Trying to challenge this is the stupidest thing you could probably do as it's fundamentally antithetical to the platform.
>hey I know this is the only place left on the internet where you have the ability to speak freely without fear while anonymous but could you please identify yourself for me specifically? Thanks
Like are you retarded? You're only wasting posts and time.

At worst the person is lying, at best they're telling the truth. Regardless of which it is, at least you have an answer with which to speculate on if you so choose to. You think you're doing some grand service pointing out the obvious conventions that have existed here since the sites inception?
>whoa guys, this person may not be who they say they are. Make sure to take what they say with a grain of salt!

God damn it. I thought it was an exclamation point not a pound sign... This is my new tripcode.

>I don't really play WoW.

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No wonder the game is going to shit. I'm a game dev who's been working on fairly known titles. Or teams consist of people who all have played and/or are playing our games or games like it.

shieeet, only 80k? thats more or less what I get now. I imagine with California cost of living, it would be a downgrade. I heard the bonuses used to be great though, but I guess its not that great with activision taking over?

oopsie. nice r/wow post, buddy. generating fake bullshit for free internet points?


Forsaken yearn for Sylvanas' return. Calia is a "Light" undead. Nothing happens to those who picked Saurfang or Sylvanas.

Derek was already brainwashed. He's going to make an attempt on Jaina before being purged and infused with Light. Ashvane is a boss in the Azshara raid.

The necromancer 'succubus' is a banshee.


We aren't going to E3. Gamescom is likely to have the K'aresh announcement and N'Zoth reveal unless things pick up in Rise of Azshara.

Not an artist but as far as I know and if I had to guess for intermediary, near 80k.

No Outlands plan. Dwarves will likely be featured in 10.0, though nothing in 9.0. I want to work on Nathreza but I doubt we'll see that for years.

Jealous? No?


That's your opinion.

There's good opportunities for advancement.

>That's your opinion

Literally a million+ players: "Game is shit, fix it by doing x. X will make me come back!"

You guys: "Lmao, that's like, your opinion bros"

that literally was not the fucking argument you absolute fucking mongo

When titan residuum was added, why wasn't azerite gear made soulbound again?

He has the numbers from subscribers. If 1000 thousand players bitch on reddit how "shit wow has become" and the sub amount doesn't drop beyond statistical noise, then all the hate means nothing.
People pay with money, not with reddit posts, and blizzard is going to change only according to the amount of money they get and not according to some mad redditors who shit on blizzard, but yet keep paying for sub and other services
Is that fucking simple

Even if you are a LARPer, that was based

Is the direction in class design still the same or are they just focusing on developing content at this point?

Are they changing anything regarding titanforging?

By the sounds of it the next expansion is going to be more of the same with a 'same faction' gimmick

Do you hear talks about Final Fantasy xiv around the office? What do blizzard employees think of it?

He doesn't have any numbers because he's lying.

I don't know dick about that.

Detailed gameplay stuff isn't my team's department.
It's not the same thing. It's a wild turn.

Know some people play it if that's what you mean? MMOs aren't my thing.

Will tinker have 3 specs
Whose lame idea was it to cuck DHs into only 2??

Why is the game so terribly out of whack with the playerbase? Its catering to literally nobody. Its not fun for hardcore or casuals anymore.

Ps retard, next expansion is the shadowland

Learn a bit about lore before attempting to larp it

are there any plans to create a wow2, or some other potential fresh start in the same universe? or is it just gonna be new expansions as far as you can tell?

You all have convinced me to never come back to Yea Forums. Peace.

>There were plans for him to become leader of the orcs when Saurfang dies but that's out of the question now.

>Detailed gameplay stuff isn't my team's department.
>It's not the same thing. It's a wild turn
Nothing you add lore and story wise is going to change that the fundamental game systems are stagnant. I haven't seen anything that would change the meta of WoW.

>Leveling will continue too easy to be anything other than a chore
>pvp is a side game
>Casuals do LFD and LFR to see the content
>more core players will do a bit of M+ and raiding for better gear that gets reset every few months

useless moron

Meh. Now I lower your LARP from 6/10 to 3.7/10

LIVE ACTION role play
yes, so much LIVE ACTION in a text forum....

Will there be new zone revamps? Especially following the supposed removal of factions

And nothing of value was lost.

Tell the Overwatch division that this user sends them his love and support.

Also to make more skins showing off McCree's chest, and Tracer's beautiful feet

why do still hate the alliance (terrible story, consistency, last to get work done on map, areas, levels, quests, these things)

btw, why do wow add nice weapons like pic related but make them never being able to be wielded?

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I went afk, sorry. !RLCiAmodo6 is a troll.

cya tomorow user


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holy shit lmfao

you killed that user

Are you in the Austin office? When I went there, there were grumblings that one of the ladies was stopping up toilets with menstrual pads.

Why are we even going to K'aresh?

Seems like the thread to ask, did 8.1.5 add/fix anything?

>sorry guys that was my little brother

The OP posted the trip code and deleted it. It was IonSucks. Don't believe the new guy.

We're on Yea Forums. Your reputation is so mired in ruthless, pointless negativity just for the sake of it at this point that there's no way you can convince anyone that your criticism of anything is valid anymore.

kek. I'm the leaker now.

Is there a way to play Diablo 3 offline without just yanking the cord out of the toaster?

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This recent patch let Hunters keep the names of rare beasts that are tamed, such as Loque'nahak and Death Howl, rather than them being changed to their pet species, such as Spirit Beast and Wolf, respectively. Why was this not applied to quest NPCs as well? Or rather, all beasts in general?

Can we get OP fired using this?

Just get the console version which actually has proper offline

I know it's you Ion.

Did he make IonSucks his trip code to fool us?

>Just get the console version
That is heresy speak, demon.

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Your lost

Yes. He uses Yea Forums jargon ffs. Also greeks are racist af.

Wait was that legit Ion

I'm bout to re-install BfA. What changed over the past year?

What Yea Forums jargon?

What are the new races going to be? Will I ever get to be an ogre?

As a faggot who loves minipets, is there going to be more intractable pets, like ones that sit on your shoulder etc.

When are you going to remove the rep requirements for the allied races, or is there a plan to?

>reddit wojak poster
even worse

Aren't you afraid of having the entire gaming media framing your whole company as pedophile apologists anti-lgbtbbq racist nazis for posting on four chan?

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If the Tinker is a thing, is it gnomes and Goblins only? Or can I be a Blackrock tinkerer.

Please tell me Tinkers are going to wear mail. I'm going to kms if we get another leather class

I say they should wear plate.
Mainly because Mail transmog sucks balls.

I just want a comfy MMO where I don't feel pressured to jump content just to get to the newest DLC. What should I play?

Is there anything coming in the future in regards to Bolvar and the Scourge? Could Frostmourne potentially come back or be replaced by another weapons? Anything about Arthas?


>People don't hate BFA. It's a loud minority like any fan base has.

Maybe it's not hate directly, but something made those 6m, according to you, drop the game.

Are there numbers to even prove 6m people dropped the game because of BfA? WoW isn't even popular anymore.

Probably a paid shill at best or a larper at worst

Does blizzard like Anime?

Dunno, according to OP it was nearly 11m at the highest point in Legion.
And there were these exposed APIs that gave a bottom floor of at least... what was it? 3 mil?
But we can't be sure :/

May as well all be bots at this point. I mean these clearly aren't well-adjusted people.

Any news about another warcraft movie?

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>I mean these clearly aren't well-adjusted people.

They're playing BfA.

And that makes you "not well adjusted"?
