Attached: 1552372942206.jpg (501x571, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Screenshot_20190309-204349_Chrome.jpg (733x1366, 399K)

>super power
>the fat kid who didn't get bullied in school
How do they do it?


this type of guy is like /fa/ fat, in that he's fat but he looks like what a fat person should look like. He's proportions are somehow even, despite being fat. He is like an idealized fat person.


Attached: 1548058482155.jpg (640x630, 46K)

Attached: sam.gif (440x355, 2.32M)

Any of the following

Attached: pick your fighter.png (1688x1214, 2.72M)

Attached: The War Master.jpg (675x1200, 138K)

who are you quoting?

Fuck, who was the massive ISIS soldier that carried around some soviet era mounted gun?

Attached: 1426857724607.png (720x960, 1.37M)

How on earth do you defeat a boss like this??

Attached: 1544763139852.gif (472x360, 1.11M)

Stop this.
It's not good for you.
Not the person who made this thread, and others contributing. They're too far gone. But you, the passerby who opened this thread out of curiosity.

Don't focus on shit like this. This "lolcow" tripe.
It only leads to bad places.
Did you know that Honey Booboo only got knocked off the air because a child molester was dating the mother? This stupid lowbar shit never goes away. It just takes over until everything is a husk, with very few exceptions.

Attached: king.jpg (653x1024, 225K)

>boss has steadily been draining your health the entire level

Attached: Jeanette Jennings.png (631x716, 765K)

Attached: dancer of the haunted valley.gif (240x240, 321K)

have you tried carrying the water?

>t. furfag or tranny or whatever that's currently being mocked by internet bullies

wait what?

Attached: 1552241567329.jpg (1079x1077, 539K)

>don't laugh at weirdos
fuck off weirdo

That fatboy slim album is great

What the fuck are you talking about?

Attached: 1552343308156.png (719x699, 519K)

His codename is The Bulldozer.

Attached: Untitled.png (1422x1561, 359K)



Attached: 1552054476300.webm (1920x1080, 1.91M)

Attached: Regginator.png (487x228, 234K)

nice, thanks for reminding me.


Why are zoomers saying this so much all of a sudden?

kill yourself tranny

King please.

Attached: ssb4_splash_card__jontron_drops_in_on_a_grommet__by_nintato-d9lyvh5.png (1024x576, 820K)

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Otacon never ceases to crack me up

Attached: 1527771627433.jpg (1227x1416, 539K)

look at this lad

Attached: 45376fgjsfgjdgfj.jpg (640x734, 75K)

Attached: ScreenShot_20190222182819.png (498x598, 454K)

schizo freak


Attached: 1548084239263.jpg (1500x2667, 966K)

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Attached: you should be able to solve this.jpg (640x480, 23K)

What am i looking at?

Attached: 1550074232042.jpg (564x751, 50K)

The fuck am I looking at

That image is cursed


Not a single salient response.

Attached: 1529819642569.jpg (720x900, 36K)

Attached: 1549520622079.jpg (585x495, 77K)

They were cool, and had the latest games.

Attached: 1413411391645.jpg (600x850, 126K)

Attached: 1552142869236.jpg (280x280, 21K)

Thanks for reminding me about this song.

They wore the fat instead of being ashamed of it. No way anybody would fuck with the unit in ops pic. Doesn’t make him any less of a disgusting fuck, but the confidence is admirable.

Attached: bug.jpg (600x462, 57K)

Oh I hate this

>enemy is specced into str, def and agi all at once
name a more horrifying combination

Attached: 1527771543449.webm (360x640, 2.7M)

You have the option to skip this boss if you buy his game

Attached: 286.jpg (1920x1080, 76K)

Attached: ModdingForTheFirstTime.jpg (640x853, 125K)

Attached: Skulltula.jpg (1238x800, 192K)

Attached: D1Gw9YsWwAA17hv.jpg (799x1200, 146K)

Attached: 1416349339922.gif (255x176, 1.11M)

wow funny original joke user good job


Attached: who.jpg (1594x2057, 426K)

Jesus, Hal

Attached: 4cc.jpg (600x516, 48K)

Threads like this have been a Yea Forums staple for over 10 years. Please go back to wherever you came from.

Attached: example-60726.jpg (1024x1024, 60K)

who is she?

> :)

> >:(


Attached: 1532308644059.png (417x455, 449K)

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Attached: tumblr_n3u5bxbdor1t1vwjwo1_250.gif (200x150, 1.94M)

>people joked about how he would be a boss in MGSV
if only we knew

Attached: absolute.jpg (480x640, 14K)

The term's older than you are, dumb shit.

Attached: 1548629702143.jpg (480x477, 30K)

Generative Adversarial Networks
They're cool Machine Learning algorithms that can draw really convincing pictures if given a good data set. If given a bad data set they make pic related though

Attached: example-66676.jpg (1024x1024, 44K)

Attached: Ngt5RdY.jpg (1530x1536, 566K)

Attached: 1545667699339.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Attached: wewuzoperatoz.jpg (640x499, 233K)

Ok lolcow

Completely irrelevant to my question. Literally nobody has used that word is ten years and now it's popping up all over the place. Explain th

>That bitch gets creampied By Goro "I fucked your waifu!"

It's more the fault of the algorithm for getting confused by a "bangs covering one eye but not the other" image.

Attached: example-63418.jpg (1024x1024, 52K)

Attached: 1549267853384.jpg (750x556, 71K)

It's literally the name of the game on websites like ED and Kiwifarms, and of course, various *chans whenever a lolcow thread gets posted.

Attached: alchemist nigga.jpg (700x1051, 138K)

That's in favor of the point I was making, not against.


source please

Attached: 1551998863521.png (771x366, 63K)

Attached: 1NhRibyYMIGB58k3x4xuLkw.png (900x1113, 879K)

Attached: desu.jpg (1200x630, 129K)

what the fuck are you even talking about you spastic retard

>Whatchu want senpai?
>Nigga y'ever heard of Saskatchewan?
>Say no mo'

Your point was that it would "take over until everything is a husk". It is absolutely against your point. It's been over a decade and if anything it's less prevalent than ever. It hasn't taken over.

Attached: 1546524955044.jpg (930x892, 404K)

Based on some guesswork and a bit of luck, I'm pretty sure the source is pppd488


lmao @ the teenagers replying not knowing what he's talking about

>It's been over a decade
Anyone will tell you it used to be nicer.

Attached: gwk8fgeo0ia01.jpg (3036x4048, 1.49M)

god bless

Attached: 152468721444.jpg (1692x1252, 109K)

He's a schizo. user.

I appreciate your exploration of, shall we say, "discordant" styles of writing. It's understandable why this post is poorly received, but I appreciate its originality.

Attached: Commodus.jpg (1920x2417, 729K)

kys tranny

Attached: 1551588337457.png (2240x2360, 3.99M)

Sigourney Weaver

Attached: paccondorf.png (1180x1319, 1.42M)

Do you come to this board to have some kind of socratic discussion? The average age of the posters ITT is 15. They aren't going to affirm or deny your post in a reasoned manner, especially since it seems barely related to the OP

>that boss that have minions

Attached: boss.gif (240x240, 624K)

Attached: 2664883751C0F9A10D6B9F.jpg (499x591, 66K)

>The average age of the posters ITT is 15
I'm not a bean counter.

Attached: 1533339381841.webm (1280x720, 707K)

I blame the current state of Yea Forums more on the /vg/ split than anything. The autists and shitposters were in balance, but one day autists got /vg/ and Yea Forums was handed over to the shitposters. The last time I ever played games with Yea Forums and enjoyed the company was in 2011.

>It only leads to bad places.
Like Yea Forums?

I bet that was heavy and smelled grrreeeat

no one cares sperg

Holy shit

Attached: 1552222662001.png (900x900, 589K)

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Yea Forums is not a magical location that has to be 'bad place' because evil wizard deemed it so, user.
Think cause and effect.

Attached: 1540175760827.jpg (2048x1536, 235K)

Ted Cruz has snapped.

Attached: 1552328504335.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

I'm on vacation, I'd rather not think about your pseudo-intellectual tripe. Stop thinking you're important and accept your mediocrity.

sarse, por favor...

Attached: This+guys+pretty+close+_308c57e80dd06e1649f2556411f894f7.jpg (881x596, 226K)

I blow my nose in this reply, as it was not very relevant to anything I just said.

Attached: (1024x759, 70K)

Attached: 1526117709378.png (750x917, 974K)

Could it be...?!

Attached: YrNu3KM.jpg (320x180, 11K)

Reika Saiki


>I'd rather not think about your pseudo-intellectual tripe
Then you're on the wrong website friend

Attached: 1398626929063.png (250x167, 42K)

I thought that was magikarpusedfly for a second
Why would you ever do that unironically

how the fuck do you get a dog to look like that

Attached: 1531871151110.jpg (1750x2500, 428K)

You really think that art major represents Yea Forums?

Attached: HUE mohamed.jpg (634x378, 32K)

Imagine the smell

Unironically, no solution

rainbow six singleplayer campaign

the twist is they were the good guys all along

Attached: 1552281637915.jpg (2126x1495, 281K)

paint its naills

Attached: 1372872880849.jpg (600x480, 102K)

Attached: final-boss-of-asian-tourists_o_7195884.jpg (640x640, 114K)


His rival here

Attached: The shooter fucboi.jpg (1125x750, 446K)

Pseudointellectualism permeates Yea Forums. Disproportionately so on boards about types of media. See: this post

Attached: 1552416574666.jpg (645x1000, 107K)

Your literally scaring me


This website is fucking laden with pseudo intellectuals. If it wasn't, why did they try to push the meme that streams are "friendship simulators?" Look it up on the archive, people tried to force it as a term, or that one image about the stoner eating cereal watching Rick and Morty. There's a lot of fun-hating faggots here who try to pull moral grandstanding about how life should or shouldn't be lived.

Trust me, to say there aren't pseudo intellectuals here or that Yea Forums isn't a pseudo intellectual cesspit is absurd.


Attached: 1433561757501.jpg (310x334, 24K)

Is anyone else here super attracted to this body type? I feel like such a fucking weirdo but nothing gets me harder than a soft man with a big belly, bubbly butt, and moobs to make even the most well-endowed woman jealous.

>This website is fucking laden with pseudo intellectuals
Yes that's what I just said. If doesn't want to think about pseudo-intellectual tripe while on vacation, he shouldn't be on 4channel.

Attached: example-18956.jpg (1024x1024, 51K)

IGN legit posted that vid to see who was stupid enough to still subscribe to them or not.

Hence the quotation you idiot.

Attached: what the fuuuuu.png (626x609, 585K)

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Attached: b69s8vbqrz3z.jpg (1080x838, 129K)

Baed schizo user

Attached: 1538585376744.jpg (740x1250, 312K)

nigga look at this thread and tell me anyone aside from you fags are trying to be intellectual
this is amusing images not philosophy you cocksmokers

i was fat and never got bullied because i was funny and charismatic as well as not being ugly and wearing clothes that actually fit

I fucking hate you fatties and there's nothing you can do

creepy as fuck, do not open.

Attached: 13466428539265.jpg (600x568, 96K)

Attached: 1528706079603.jpg (480x800, 18K)

>Boss blocks you from summoning allies
This dude is fucking overpowered

>I picked up this word from somewhere
>But I probably couldn't tell you what it means if you asked me with no search engine handy

Attached: giant dick.jpg (800x509, 70K)

Attached: 1334368744258.jpg (630x700, 71K)

Cope harder, tourist faggot. You know in your heart that we're right about that kind of stuff.

It means that you quote things that were never said.

Attached: 1326088500090.jpg (345x518, 33K)

no you're not lmao

Attached: dabears.jpg (351x537, 72K)

That's about the tier of reply I expected. Buyer's market I guess

Are you ? Because that would explain so fucking much.

Looks like a Dead Rising boss

Attached: 1537220964081.jpg (675x449, 79K)


Attached: image.gif (365x400, 551K)

>you're wrong
>yeah well you know i'm right!
great argument nigger


>ELDER GOD TIER: Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's.

Attached: jews fear the samurai.jpg (1272x700, 256K)

Attached: qgmukatxw6c11.jpg (660x910, 96K)

No that's not me. Idk what he meant by that post

X-7 = 19+X
X = 26 + X
And there's nowhere to go. Moving X across would just end up with 26 = 0X.

(pic unrelated)

Attached: smoke boss.jpg (960x640, 169K)

Attached: dark-souls-final-boss--213381.jpg (610x305, 120K)

Is there a public site or something where I could upload images to and have it try and figure them out

What do you want me to do? Dump all the screencaps and flowcharts again? You'd said it yourself that you've already seen them. You're ignorant and a lost cause, and I'd recommend that you leave this site.

Attached: FwJc7qB.jpg (840x1200, 159K)

Who the fuck are you talking to lmao nigger I just said that pseudo intellectuals flock to this board. You have me confused with someone else.

I'd post that follow your dreams guy riding on a penis but the mods banned me for that last time.

Attached: l8m8hwoztrwz.jpg (720x720, 38K)


Attached: hbox.jpg (1500x1000, 146K)

Attached: 1539139614044.webm (510x800, 1.02M)

remove the water

Even if I do understand the idea behind the post, I don't feel there's any real harm being done here, maybe if it there was a specific target people would speak about then maybe you'd be more justified.
Or perhaps you're talking about how it affects the personality of the reader, how it makes them a tad more judgemental perhaps? That I do agree with but I think it depends a lot, people are quick to jump on the hate bandwagon and go bitter about these things, but I think it still depends.
Pic unrelated, IRL boss.

Attached: DeathGrips-608x405-608x405.jpg (608x405, 39K)

You think you're fucking Varg or something?

Attached: 1360715161951.png (317x266, 72K)

Attached: 1354657640971.gif (297x198, 1.49M)

>I’m gonna blow you away!

I was a fat ugly nofriends autist but I have the male equivalent of a resting bitch face so people never really messed with me. The only time anyone ever called me fat was from a moving car.

Attached: 154657583683.jpg (480x476, 47K)

Did a double-take on this one

>not knowing about fatboy slim

Attached: a99.jpg (800x450, 50K)

I'd like to see one of these videos where the person doesn't run, because I wonder if the person chasing would also not expect that and crash into them or something

x equals 13

>tfw I know where this picture was taken

Attached: HOL UP.jpg (1440x2560, 623K)

It's poorly received because it's a long-winded
>stop having fun

Attached: coming attractions.jpg (540x403, 38K)

Attached: Genius Dog.jpg (388x587, 140K)

Attached: 1390791737166.jpg (850x586, 211K)

Well lolcow communities aren't really having "fun". They're insecure and constantly troll shielding.

Attached: High Heels.webm (450x800, 725K)

Ok now you're just trying to bait a screencap. Jesus you're pathetic.

Looks like you only suck.

Attached: Nero.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

fatties are strong

Attached: 1552315361125.jpg (608x828, 65K)

When his family found him they made him cut his hair and he instantly looked way worse

Attached: Receding Hairline Convention.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

The Bulldozer?

Attached: b948a0394e6ecdcd9430bb34bc36ec05.jpg (600x905, 97K)

Looks like an AI trying to win your heart by being a cute anime girl, but not understanding how

>The End

Attached: 1510993846581.jpg (480x709, 70K)

>bait a screencap
why the fuck would someone screencap now

Haven't you been to those communities? ED at least pretended to do it for harmless laughs, but kiwifarms and /lolcow/ is mostly devoid of that.

Attached: 7222739692bf24765de4fb2aa655ec96.jpg (570x760, 93K)

Flies you to the final area if you've collected all the secret seeds and fruits.

Attached: DvMJyRKX4AAFqxb.jpg (496x451, 59K)

>Its not a video of them using these rad skate suits
>Its some faggot pilgrim shit

Attached: 1551900372855.png (1920x1882, 2.5M)

Attached: DAWN WILL BREAK.png (1036x583, 712K)

>tfw can't get past the japanese hot spring monkeys.

Attached: 401b13cbb8c7c8ce77a7fb63a02c705d.jpg (960x647, 94K)

>The Lin Kuei send their regards, scum.

>Well lolcow communities aren't really having "fun"
Dude's attempting to be the new "fun is a buzzword" and falling flat on his face.

Attached: 1537767345618.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

haha ebin donte xD

the fuck are you on about?
what's wrong with this thread? the majority of the shitposting in here was caused by (You)

>Dude's attempting to be the new "fun is a buzzword"
Who is?

I eat babies that scream


fucking math, how does that work

Attached: 5adaef7e9af45.jpg (700x624, 106K)

still isn't me, idiot


Attached: Defender.jpg (771x767, 66K)


what did you mean by this?

This world is so strange

Attached: 96vpa50zuviz.png (1186x1180, 1.44M)

Attached: Defender (Final Form).jpg (530x507, 132K)

dumb schizo poster

He's in.

Attached: 20180913_165914.png (391x300, 179K)

my face is so much more masculine than his and yet my facial hair isnt that thick and im not nearly that hairy lmao. genetics are weird


took me a second

>boss uses the corpses of your allies to talk to you

Attached: Cordyceps fly.jpg (2048x1365, 145K)

Attached: 1326084328571.jpg (900x585, 172K)

>Emergent gameplay

I can parry the T Pose but I can’t get past the Thumb

Attached: 10EFC6A7-9F7F-43A9-B988-7CD9C3DD1D4B.jpg (409x230, 19K)

Attached: Possum.webm (500x508, 2.97M)

Attached: 1552047713572.jpg (600x649, 37K)

>OoT UI in the Koloktos fight

>tfw they don't all rape her at the end

What a drag

Is this guy from Yea Forums? I want to fuck him.

Attached: 1385878160464.gif (400x300, 1.9M)

Attached: shaking man.jpg (1024x768, 101K)

>there are people on this website who don't immediately recognize Aika, Julia, Ai Uehara, or Anri Okita

Attached: Anri Okita approves.webm (1280x720, 785K)

I like them too and it was the only reason I clicked on this thread

Attached: 1534419181034.jpg (236x354, 15K)

Attached: 1539326482512.png (500x540, 367K)

Attached: 1326088463698.jpg (1600x1200, 941K)

Attached: 050-debate-the-atheist[1].jpg (600x448, 121K)

>can sing
>can draw
>has a fucking amazing body
>has a cute face
Is Anri the most attractive woman alive?

Attached: Singer.jpg (907x1200, 115K)

Attached: DaWITF5WsAI-CYU.jpg (1200x870, 277K)

Attached: IMG_6623.jpg (500x667, 57K)

he is unironically a legit martial arts master who could rip your arm off and shove it up your ass
but also a complete douchebag
such is the duality of man

mexicans are something else.

Attached: 1548134202779.jpg (750x500, 77K)