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seething Nintendo boy

Well yeah, games are disposable pop art meant to be consumed and discarded. Only weird people play games more than a year old.

until dlc comes out

Man this game sure was good. I think I had around 250 hours? Maybe I should hop on again some time. I only ever managed to down Behemoth the one time.

I bought my copy on day 1 and never opened it. It's still sealed and collecting dust on my ps4.

Should I even bother opening it?

I got 124 hours out of it on PC. Discarding possible hours of being AFK, still easily 110-115 hours. More than enough for me. I didn't do the absolute end-game stuff like Behemoth and Kulve, because I played it 100% solo, but still worth it to me.


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friends and i just booted it up last week to prep for DLC

but good b8 OP

can't wait till bloodborne. sekiro will help hold me out until then. I think AT Nerg is supposed to be this month too.
A massive DLC comes out in fall. There might be more players for you to play with then or not depending on how many newbies jump on board due to marketing being ramped up for iceborne. There are still a good amount of players online right now though, more than plenty to play with. You should play the game solo at first anyways, and not play any content in multiplayer until you have cleared it solo at least once. So i would say its worth opening up. its a fun game.

I bought GenU and never looked back

You don't seem like an intelligent person

Waiting on AT Nerg and Iceborne
Also its not forgotten it just needs more elder dragons and mons that actually matter, so for me im playing GU until further updates

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you have to be an autist to still be playing mhw multiple hours a day every day. you can only repeat the same content for so long.

is the ac and witcher event still there?

last time I played this game was when I was autistically trying to beat EX behemoth with randoms on ps4

I think I played for 12h straight and the closest I got was the 1st meteor in the last area. Fuck that pos

Dlc equivalent of the Grank expansion is coming out this year

just use a bow or LS and solo it

Is there non-G rank version of MH which doesn't get boring quickly?

I've only played MH3U&4U before World so I got spoiled content wise beforehand

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I'm not asian

neither are most of the shitters in /mhg/ probably but several of them still did it

just wait for iceborne bro

world is such a shit place
I've got masters degree in mechanical engineering and i dont even make half of that, even less after taxes

I bought the game on lauch day but stop play after reaching HR 100, but play it again recently and I can say for sure there more lobby now then when I was first play the game. I'm thought the game is dead because lack of endgame content but nope, there more peoples playing it now. I'm guessing its because of the cross server that the lobby is always full of players, and for some reasons JP players are the worst players in the game. Fucking carting 3 times when fighting behemoth.

sometimes i wish i was a girl so that I could post suggestive pictures of myself and make 150k a year doing so.

You know it.

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be glad that you are actually contributing to the world. money doesn't measure character.

Eh, I gave it a small revival when the chungus event was out. But I'm probably not gonna bother till iceborne, dont feel like farming the same shitty 4 monsters cause RNG is fucked

Got over 300 hours out of it. Can't complain.

Probably would have bought the PC version too if I could port my character over.

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Man shut up. It doesnt, but money makes it way easier to live in this world.

ok i tried to help you be happier with your situation but if you want to be a whiny bitch mad that they don't get everything for free then go ahead.

Its not all rainbows and sunshine, if money can makes you happy then rich celebrities wouldn't commit suicide

just tell me if these events are open i dont care about your thread

Bro, that aint per year. That is per month. Absolutely outrageous

She is pretty hot though
Also modelling and being (heavily) paid for having a nice body and winning the genetic lottery has been a thing since civilization.

Witcher is permanent since it adds a new monster but the AC one is on rotation and not currently available. There’s an extreme version of the Witcher one that’s also on rotation which lets you make Ciri’s stuff but the normal one for Geralt’s stuff is permanent.

>On average each user spends 65,-/month subscription on this patreon
What the fuck

>She is pretty hot though

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yeah but its makes life super easy because you have no financial stress and you have tons of freetime to do whatever the fuck you want if you are belle delphine

Well yes, after you fight behemoth/kulve, everything is just re-hashed into Arch-tempered shit. No real reason to keep playing anymore except for mods.

Nope, they all reach that point pretty quick. People tend to underestimate just how much G adds to these games.


if you want to be a little pussy pink haired faggot bitch with no raw experience and an easy life. then life just aint for you

goddamn i hate being a lucklet. why couldn't i look so good that one day im walking down the street like any other day and a random dude comes up to me and offers me 100k a year just for existing?

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Shut up faggot

The amount of sad lonely men out there who’ve reached the point they’re willing to give a chick money online for something they can get elsewhere much easier for free just for the tiny amount of female interaction and validation they get out of it is really god damn sad. I’m very unlucky with women and I know that part of it is my fault and I need to try harder if I wanna have a meaningful relationship but I’m grateful every single day that I don’t need validation from women to feel good about myself.

It’s just how things panned out. Life and existence is inherently unfair. You don’t have to accept it though, do what you want and get where you wanna be through sheer force. Even if you never make it where you want to be, you can at least have some level of satisfaction knowing you didn’t let fate fuck you raw without a fight.

Maybe not announce DLC that is literally a year away


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The fact that they had nothing to show when they announced it other than a CG trailer that continues on directly from the original reveal trailer and has probably been sitting in a hard drive in someone’s office for a year to drop whenever makes me think that they planned on announcing it at the anniversary event this month, but announced it earlier in a rushed video announcement because they were getting swamped in complaints about how there was nothing on the horizon to look forward too.


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Playing LS is babby mode, prove me wrong

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i think they handled it as best they could. they let everyone know that hey don't forget about this game once you get through all the content and once we are done putting out free content and hopefully got your $60 worth, because not-G-rank is coming.

why would you do this

pls never leave /mhg/ again

Yeah they did the best they could with what they were up against. Ideally they’d have been more open with the player base from the beginning, but they did at least change their tune eventually.

Arch Tempered Zorah soon, I'm sure it'll be an engaging and fun fight.
My only hope is that Iceborne isn't delayed.

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There's no such thing as easy life user, human always wanted more in life, you will never be satisfied

wrong. everyone would commit suicide then.

you have to be blind to not think that humans can have an easy or a hard life.

>New World
>more than half the monsters are returning monsters
>only like 2 of the new ones are good
>post launch DLC is cut content pickle, a boring grindfest raid boss that plays nothing like MH, a reskin, and 2 chink tier MMO horseshit crossovers
>monsters still move exactly like they did in old MH, which makes them painfully easy since hunter's and weapons have had their movement drastically buffed
>all the maps suck
>shit post game
>switch charms and decos' obtain methods making builds an absolute chore to make
Biggest disappointment of last year. Hopefully Iceborne redeems it but given how they handled post launch monsters I have little hope for it


But I was playing this today

Sounds like a dumb thing to do

Is this any fun in single player mode?

>tfw when love this game
>have no one to play with

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Nah, it takes a lot of dodging and properly placed attacks to avoid being a deadweight.

500 hours of gameplay well spent.


I've played mh3 a good deal and mh4 a bit. Those games are fine, but I fucking HATE playing on the 3ds with only one real joystick, and no I haven't bought the circle pad pro. I'm sure I would enjoy mh4 more if I bought, but I hate having to buy bullshit extensions to make a console feasible. MH3 is much better since I can play on Wii U.

Enjoying P3rd a lot right now despite the similarities to 3U, since it still has a lot of unique stuff like Warning quests and a different town. Don't think I'll get anywhere near the same hours out of it though.

>that SNL skit where Shatner calls out 20-somethings for driving from all over the country and paying to masturbate over a then-30 year-old television show

I'm glad people are waking up to the fandom meme. Do something productive with your lives, it's literally better to communicate with people on a message board than to narcissistically impose your ego on one-way communication with pop. art. But most of your day should be spend building something or working.

No you're not. I still keep myself updated with new events, but already got everything else so no need to continue atm.

>pic is me one month after release when i got platinum
460+ hours now

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you are like a little baby

this or hitman 2?

I still dont know how the fuck i clocked 500+ hours in motherfucking Tri

No kill yourself instead

go on /mhg/

dont go there, it's one of the worst generals on /vg/, literally no one plays the game and they all spend their time shitposting and doing console wars

>But most of your day should be spend building something or working.

So it's just like Yea Forums?

3pseat rooms are posted often enough to not care about the thread itself

>wrong. everyone would commit suicide then.
Are you retarded? how the fuck did you even come up with this conclusion?

worst, /vg/ is a containment board, not a place to discuss videogames
there hasnt been a room posted in the last two days, there was one posted today but it died quickly

>worse than Yea Forums
how new are you? im unironically asking this

The people aren't doing anything productive. Instead of autistically dedicating to 1 to 3 specific fandoms/games, they are just playing the bi-weekly game/anime/show/whatever of the month instead. Its arguably worse.

I have been here since 2005 you fag and yes, I meant it, /vg/ is just Yea Forums, Yea Forums, discord trannies and reddit mashed together