>killed some birds
>shit in the neighbor's garden
>taunted some dogs
Is there any vidya that helps encapsulate the feeling of being the chad of the animal kingdom?
Killed some birds
Dogs are way more expensive and you actually have to pick up their shit.
The Lion King for SNES
catlateral damage
>tfw the rat poison traps killed the local stray cat who kept pissing in my garden
Yes. Yess....
Dogs are the chads of the animal kingdom. Plus, chicks dig dogs.
>cat fags: I love cats
>dog fags: I hate cats
Why is it always like this
>leaving rat poison laced in food for strays
>booting the neighborhood cat square in the fucking jaw anytime it even goes off property onto the sidewalk or fucking it up when it comes on my yard
The best part about cats is how their owners have 0 control of them once they leave the house, I fucking love it.
Okay this is based
Just the pitbulls. Most dogs easily become subservient to their masters, domesticated cats don't give a fuck about their owners unless they feed them and they get moody enough to scratch and bite them at random times.
Tokyo Jungle
I used to shoot the stray cat in the ass with my airgun whenever it wandered into our yard.
Good night sweet prince
>domesticated animals
>chads of anything
Reminder that killing stray cats is doing community service
>being too beta to take on another person
>having to resort to cats
I love AND hate cats at the same time, I love them online, hate them in real life
What now
>being owned exclusively by soibois
>chad anything
I like cats and dogs but I take them on a case by case basis because they're all different. Is that weird? People too
>This kills the cat
That's how you should treat all creatures. People included.
If you feel that your masculinity is threatened by owning a certain animal, maybe the problem lies with you.
>anytime cats get brought up, seething incels come out of the wordwork to post "y-yeah, i-i totally k-killed cats before haha"
How can one animal be so based?
>the cat "man" attempts to cope with the fact his animal is for soibois
There's a game just like that, except with dogs.
That man looks like he's dying
Birds and Lizards are the patrician pets desu.
All animals are for soibois. Theirs nothing "chad" about needing a pet to cope with your loneliness.
Or someone took the cat in?
What kind of fucking cat eats something that doesnt smell appetizing?
Based lizard friend.
>deflecting from "n-no they're not" to "w-well all animals are"
Dogs are for the ghetto, cats are for girls. Fish are the only thinking man's pet.
seething petcuck
Why do lizzers do this?
The cat was lying next to the rat trap. Shit was dead as fuck.
>catcuck cope
>being triggered by a stupid cat
Based cats making incels and edge lords go crazy
Because they're styling on you.
I don't own a cat. Pets are for lonely virgins and families. Get laid sometime loser.
That's a good point, user - can you name a more c*cked pet owner than cat "owners"?
>"Oh, my cat doesn't like me at all, but I still let it brainwash me with its poop and let it hiss at me and scratch me whenever it wants teehee - all I have to do is clean up its poop, feed and water it whenever it wants, and stay out of its way at all times, and sometimes it lets me pet it!
You're both wrong and mentally incompetent.
Our mighty ancestors made a pact with wild creatures to aid each other and grow prosperous together. As we have changed animals to suit our needs, so have they done to us. We are symbiotic and it's a sign of modern spiritual decrepitude that imbeciles like you cannot appreciate our animal brothers.
>i-i dont own a cat
I've had a fish I caught at a county fair for 7 years now.
petfag cope cringe
>t. Cat man as he attempts to explain why his wife took Tyrone's BBC
Did you get lost on your way to facebook? You can use not having sex as an insult there with other normalfags, it doesn't work here. FUCK. OFF.
Honey Badger.
>needing an animal to feel approval
What a sad little fag you are
Piss off bitter incel.
>catcuck samefagging
Damn that's a good pose
>catfags and dogfags having a chimpout
Why doesn't this happen with any other pet?
>That part where it looks towards the camera
Yeah that dude's such an incel. Hey bro, ignore him anyway, let's go find some roasties to bang later! What's your favorite posish (position)? Haha! Sex is great! It's like air, once you have it once, you can't live without it ;) Know what I'm saying? You keep on being awesome, okay bud? SEX
they ate him eventually
he was delicious.
gotta hit my shitpost quota