>foul mouthed
>generally just kinda trashy
>still cute
How'd they do it?
Foul mouthed
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's a Japanese game and you deepthroat your Nipponese masters
they gave her a cute face and glasses, your mind did the rest
I want to have sloppy seconds with Nico!
I thought she was straight. She got all of nervous and calmed her self after she did that are you flirting with me bit with nero before he gets in the van. I know she says lady has a smokin bod but, that doesnt mean shes gay...
because in the dmc world everyone is a virgin, so Nico is pure
Does her face look a bit different from the e3 reveal? I kept noticing while playing that she looked a lot cuter than I remember her when I saw that trailer.
She was checking out Nero's girlfriend and even hitting on her in the novel. She was even checking out Lady and telling what smoking bod she got.
She might be swinging both ways, but it's obvious that she's digging women due to how she acts around them.
She isn't foul mouthed, nero is more foul mouthed
its the smile, she is almost always smiling or having a smug expression, too bad women with all her traits are usually cynical, depressed harpies that never smile.
She isn't obnoxious, has a pretty good rapport with the player character that doesn't undermine his story or image, is pretty well voice-acted, plays an important support role that's actually tied into the lore behind the Nero's mechanics in-game, all while maintaining a healthy level of pluck that keeps her watchable.
I SHOULDN'T like her, and judging by the debut trailer, I thought I wouldn't, but I do. A lot. She's a welcome presence and I hope she's a recurring character from here on out.
In other words. it's okay when Japs do it because they know HOW to do it. Westerners don't really have much of a sense of how to craft female characters or employ them in a narrative, and tend to be afraid of writing an actual character around them in due to how much scrutiny female characters are held to these days in terms of empowerment and respectability, which is why so many western female protagonists or deuteragonists fall so flat so often. They don't really have this problem with male characters. Conversely, Nico's crafted in a way that her femininity complements her grease monkey demeanor and appearance, and the white trash look and personality is done in a way that endears rather than repels due to how earnest, but caring she is. She's pretty unique in that regard. She's kind of like Cindy from FFXV, but done by somebody that writes her as a character rather than an archetypeal NPC.
Western devs can't even compete.
because she's got character depth and speaks in more than "FUCK YOU"s like Donte did. She's not obnoxious and pairs well with the other characters. Hell even the smoking part is funny since every character that she does it around reacts with disgust and walks away. The reason why the "It's okay when Japs do it" is even a meme is because a lot of Jap games do it properly, while very few western games do it properly.
If Nico was a western character then her entire character would've just been what we saw in the trailers.
She's cool
who fucked up her face?
cause she looks cute not a fan of the tattoos though
Her trashy voice is such a boner killer. I only like her when she's in the background of the customization screen because there she doesnt talk. She looks cute as hell when she grabs Nero an arm
she's not lesbian, she drops her spaghetti to Dante and Nero
>southern girl
>has to be Jewish even though they practically don’t exist in the south
was her breast tattoo in the model or the modder added it? asking for a friend
this but unironically
Because she's nice, hardworking, and never talks down to you because you're a man.
Three characteristics that are almost impossible to find in the average woman.
Trashy can be exotic as well.
This but with complete sincerity
Lemme guess pretending something as ugly as this shit that could pass for a western developed female character is loved in d!c threads cuz japan. I rather the cindy spam
Nobody really knows, but the nip tattoo is too well done for being user made. Nico is Itsuno fetish too, so it's REALLY suspicious
As she puts it, she got her looks from her father.
It's her amazing Jewish genes, the goys just can't keep away from God's chosen people. It's both a gift and a curse to be most perfect human beings on earth.
That Nero scene was because she was totally out of control with the van. She's panicking before she talks to Nero, acts like she's fine while they're chatting, and then resumes the panic / relief when he's not looking
How do people not understand that
Her face actually doesn't look to bad here.
>How do people not understand that
autists can have a bad time recognizing emotions
I don't think western devs can even make southerner that isn't a stereotyped dumb redneck.
Perfect taste user
O..oh, okay then
Nico is my aunt back in Kentucky minus 100lbs and 40 years. I cannot enjoy R34 because of this, but I immediately found her endearing.
>Nico is Itsuno fetish toi
Sorry to burst your head-canons, but it was added by modder, aka user made.
>sneaked his fetish into the game
Fake news
Nope. Chink modder added these himself. Nico doesn't have "official nude body" like Trish, Lady or V do. Modder only "improvised", dear namefag.
really a man of taste, itsuno
kittens cry "meow"
This man speaks the truth.
The real question is what fetishes would you guys sneak into your game?
>perfect man likes being told off by bad girls
Poor guy, he's almost flawless.
sexy women
Absolutely haram, we can’t have that. After all, it’s 2019!
buff lizardmen
Absolutely fucking based
are tomboys a fetish?
>are tomboys a fetish?
Is water wet?
the call that saved the world
literally give it a vagina and everyone will fall in line with it
I don't quite like her character. It's just too much.
>nip tattoo is too well done for being user made
Ever heard about .png or CS brushes? Or do you think tattoo mods tend to be user created, by users themselves?
It's easy cuz small peepees
>Is water wet?
t. Itsuno
>He has it!?
>Summon the Temen-Ni-Gru
How do I become a god with royal guard?
People who complain about her design because it isn't sexy are literal pea brains. Shes a fucking crude, unsophisticated hick mechanic. It would be retarded for her to look like a fucking supermodel .
that one Paper Mario game had a trap ghost and Hooktail asking the player if he wanted to lick his feet.
if I could sneak my fetish into a game I would make a monster that implants eggs into people to corrupt them or something.
Should I buy her game?
how much actual screentime does this wonderful lady have? I don't really care about the demon brothers
>Ara Ara, you must be the Infamous Dante...
timing is everything
Yes, and a patrician one at that.
very petite
she looks like a fucking monkey wtf?
Jesus fucking Christ
She reminds me of Hange Zoe.
reminder this character is what grolius nip master race thinks amerimutts look like these days, weeb faggots
>When she bends down to give you a new Devil Breaker, showing off her back and tramp stamp
I love trashy girls.
her vag tattoo is kino
>still cute
lmao no
she's feminine unlike western dikes
fuck you user why I had to come back to this thread why, FUCK
>tattoo of guns pointing at her vag
She’s gotta be fucking CUHRAZY in bed.
Because she's sorta funny and she barely affects the plot too much. She's not constantly pushed in your face. A perfect example of a side character.
>getting this triggered
socthe opposite of the handler in MHW?
she's the perfect fit as Nero's partner in crime
Is there something special about the Pasta Breaker or is it a meme?
it's kinda fun to use during air combos
You sick fuck
Dunno she is a huge turn off for me. Something about her overall look really rubs me the wrong way.
I can't.
Short haired fit tomboys
Nobody is complaining, only people saying she's ugly with which you just confirmed by saying she isn't sexy. Her being ugly is part of her character, just admit you like skanks.
>tfw true best character of the series
Delinquents, magical girls and magical girl delinquents who are embarrassed about being magical girls and wearing such girly clothes
Monster girls of all shapes and sizes. And I mean REAL monster girls, not some thot with cat ears and a taped on tail.
Based, thats also why Lady is best giro
Someone post the why tomboys are superior post
I like Code Red Vergil but I wish they put in the time to make 3 Dante fights.
I would rub her the right way.
So this is Kassandra part 2, huh? I don't know which is worse.
How do I find a trashy southern woman? That drinks about 1 liter of whiskey to get drunk and smokes rolled cigarettes and dips because regular cigarettes with filter is for fags.
When you use it, it shuffles your breakers. You could essentially use it to "choose" your next breaker.
Absolutely based
Is Lucia coming back? She deserves way better than to just be left forgotten
She was in the 5 prequel novel, but that's it. I doubt she'll ever show her face again, Capcom really seems to be avoiding the shit out of ever mentioning that a DMC2 even happened.
I like her a lot, doesn't feel too forced
Freckled redheads
She has a decent amount, as long as you don't miss telephones.
shy female monsters that slowly open up to you as hang around them/ have them in your party.
muscle grills
people don't actually need much to think something looks attractive, they just need some key parts in the right place that look the right size
it's like figure drawing 101
she cute
Marry Kyrie
Friend the rest.
>You will never have a sweet religious wife who makes you lots of food and acts innocent in bed when you come home with a vibrator strapped to your arm.
>you will never have yamato
She is literally Sandy from Spongebob
and a fucking annoyance
Dante's daughter, a tall, muscular amazon woman with the personality of Dante who style ranks you in bed.
Well said!
If you find donkeys cute then sure. Sorry dumb weeb faggot, it's not okay when Japan does it.
She was orignally meant to be black
Brown like Agnus, not black. She was also supposed to have abs. Fuck photorealism for taking away my brown goddess.
Black as in African American you autist.
"Brown" isnt a race.
She had dreadlocks and nigger lips in the concept art.
I like her
That's only for one of the illustrations. In another concept art, She had short blond hair.
its cute because its all an act
she wants to look tough in front of everyone
im not playing this piece of shit game until modders fix the characters. take her tattoos off and get rid of her ratty jew head, and turn nonte into an animu so he stops looking like donte with white hair. at LEAST do that
robot girls
>southern accent
Big Cum
Good writing and by being devs who are actually focused on making something they like and for people who just like things / don't sweat the small stuff in life or the gay stuff like politics. So many characters in Western games these days feel like they were written by some no-fun-allowed limpwristed fag or dyke.
My dick exploded
>foul mouthed
>generally just kinda trashy
are these supposed to be bad things?
This reminds me of the talk Matt had to do at a convention where he revealed the tomboy arm and had to try and work around the gendershit and not trigger people. Then he's on a Jap stream a week or so later and he's so much more relaxed since he's not needing to dodge fake issues.
This is my first DMC game. Will I be okay bros?
yes. its good to start with the worst and work your way up. try DmC after this one
>muh western devs
Why are weeaboos so insecure?
you cheeky fucker
>still cute
Fucking yikes my dude, have some standards and decency
>Nico has a strikingly similar jawline / lips / body to the Divinity Statue goddess
>just so happens to be related to Nel so she can inevitably cross paths with Dante
>just so happens to be related to Agnus so she can inevitably cross paths with Nero
>is a master demon weapon craftsman
>deals in demon blood
Pretty sus if you ask me.
It'll take a little while until you're full stylish and you may see yourself starting at C-B ranks, don't fret. The best advice I have is the following
>Jump is your best dodge, sure you have a roll but jumping is superior
>get enemy step and air hike asap, they give you more air movement.
>Don't worry too much about trying to understand everything and overwhelm yourself. You'll start with Nero so get used to timing swings and learning how to use lock on since you'll want to be toggling it on and off.
>Learn your moveset, it may seem overwhelming but take your time, run down the list and gain as much of an understanding as possible about how each attack works and is used.
It's a bit of a learning curve but once you start understanding you'll gain confidence and start seeing those higher ranks. As you improve you'll naturally start trying new things to get more moves to blend into your combos. Just keep your cool and take the time. Auto may sound tempting but don't do it and take the time to learn. It will be worth it.
BLEACHED Nico is best Nico.
I think they tweaked her appearance since the e3 reveal. Sorta like what they did in re2 with Claire. She was pretty cute to begin with though. Did they mess with her teeth? Because I thought she had pretty big gap.
She just needs to look more like pic related:
>remove shitty big teeth
>make her hair look more like pic related
Idk it def looked like she was doing that cute girl nervous thing. But w.e. I guess your headcanon just wants dykes.
>remove shitty big teeth
>teeth in pic is just one big solid white tooth
yea ok
Is there one without the logo?
Do you all think the mission 13 red orb farming method is an unintended bug/exploit?
Because getting like 80,000 orbs per minute seems a bit excessive.
If I post the nudes will I get a ban? The goddamn mod...makes her looks delicious.
You'll only be banned for like a month at most. Post it if you really want. We all know we could really use a vacation from this place.
>still cute
That's where you're wrong.
Soft, loving, cuddly romance with gay monsters and aliens
and vore
Strong-willed kuudere.
Weak to anal.
Someone find me the Lady nude xps so I can model nipples and sculpt a pussy on to her so I can spank one out real quick.
I have a fetish for hairy pregnant women who are lactating. If I had my way, I'd have a post-credits sequence where the self-insert protag is cuddling with his pregnant wife in bed and he rubs her pregnant belly.
probably not but i really hope so, she'd be a fun return.
I've nut like a hundred times to this specific work because of the way it hits all the right pregnancy and birthing fetishes of mine.
Pretty sure she's voiced by the same person.
Cringey wingey
Paizuri. Probably put some kinda sorceress type character into the game who has all her items pop in and out of her cleavage all the time.
Even though she is all of that, she is still a woman and acts womanly in her own way.
Where can we find nude Nico? Rule 34 is still scarce.
Are we gonna pretend these games are any better written than DmC and not just shitty cliche anime garbage storywise? I've seen people on here legitimately say that the older games are not melodramatic without any sense of irony. I mean for fuck sake the ending for this game is seriously power of frirnship I'll do my best nonsense
Why is "southern" listed alongside other negatives? I don't know if you've ever been to the south but a sexy southern woman is second to none.
I'm really happy Japan is making girls look different while being sexy at the same time, finally moving on from the same face
Because you drink moonshine, lynch black people and shoot everyone you have an argument with. Oh and fuck your cousins.
Alt outfits are better
>file name not Vante
You blew it, user.
I dont think its a bug, but still I dont think they intended players to get that much orbs in so little time. I think they just overlooked it. It may very well be patched away, but I'd say only at the bloody palace update.
Why would they model that under the clothes if it's never meant to be seen?
she was obviously wanted to fuck dante
Brown loli with twintails that pisses in multiple cutscenes and is playable with a taunt where she pisses on the ground so you can take pictures of her pissing on dead enemies with the photo mode that pauses time so you can zoom in on each orb of piss that soaks through her panties. Also has a country accent, doesn't wear shoes and a band-aid on her face
Because they stopped making everyone look like CG anime characters last gen and have been using scans of supermodels since. And supermodeling now prefers attractive people with "unique" facial features because 10/10s are too common to find.
to put clothes over and have it look natural
None of those are bad things.
dios mio... el atrocidad...
>>still cute
>he actually argues with people
being called a good boy by women
>DMCucks are still at it
They probably ran a cloth sim for her clothes and needed the geometry there to guide them. Every model starts nekkid.
How do I get a wife like her?
that bir was because she tried to act all cool after nearly crashing her van or whatever happened then exhaled all worrisome as soon as Nero looked away
If this wasn't DMC or a Jap game in general you fags would be crying about SJW shit.
Fuck you cocksuckers.
That doesn't explain the tattoo.
my nigga
how can Nipponese deepthroaters were recover?
Cute? She's the book definition of a prostitute you dipshit
Fucking based
she's only a little bit foul mouthed
everyone hated her at first, including me, because she seemed like she would just be a total shit head but she turned out to be mostly level headed and incredibly useful/resourceful
>Nico is Cidney done right.
WTF was Square-Enix thinking?
>the talk Matt had to do at a convention where he revealed the tomboy arm and had to try and work around the gendershit and not trigger people
Explain. How could the word tomboy trigger people?
She became my sister's favorite character with 2 minutes of exposure, but she didn't care for the accent.
Dante and Vergil kept reminding her of someone and she said V was a beautiful faggot.
i play mostly nip games and this is true. she's fucking disgusting
Legitimate autist detected
>time to shill this tranny again cause there already isn't another thread about 'her' ugly ass already