Trish and Lady. What's really going on between these two? They seem to always be trolling each other...

Trish and Lady. What's really going on between these two? They seem to always be trolling each other. Some people say they are lesbians, but the same sex-weirdos also think Dante, Vergil, and Nero are gay. Delusional. So what is it:

1. They are out and out faggettes
2. They sincerely hate each other
3. They are catty over Dante.
4. Girls being playful friends

Attached: trishlady.webm (642x614, 2.87M)

5. shit writing through and through

what's that suppose to me? They aint gay or are they?

Every character in 5 is antagonistic towards each other in a really petty way

please, everyone help me sus out the specifics on the relationship between these two fake girls. i can't play the game otherwise, pleeeease Yea Forums.

There is not gay character besides Nico in the series, neck yourself, fag.

They're just two friends who both happen to have a competitive streak.

Theyvare friends you dumb fuck. No fucking way, this board cannot be autistic.

>girls hanging out makes them automatically lesbians
Do you have friends op?

A mix of 2 and 3, in short - women.

Same thing that Dante and Vergil are, but with less destructiveness (now at least): RIVALS.
Lady used to hate all demons in the past and Trish was on her shit list in the past. While working together they came to kinda get along with each other, but still retain that form of rivalry between each other.

Dante x Lady is canon

stop masturbating, the cum's gotten to your brain

anime rots your brain

>here are four possibilities, only one is them being gay
>duhhh retard they are not gay!


They surely look like that russian lesbo band.

Attached: Tatu.png (400x400, 269K)

Japanese idea of what girls are like

appear more like cute dogs than humans tho

that girl was actually the inspiration for Lady
apparently she looks like total shit now, though

the sad fate of slavic women

Is Nico gay? seems a bit gay around Lady

Weren't they fake lesbos, last I checked? They only did it for shock-value in order to stand out. Julia, Lady's former model, actually hates real unironic fags.

Plastic surgery. Don't do it kids.

Attached: th.jpg (474x618, 29K)

They're friends. Relationship between Dante and these two have always been weird. The files imply Dante and Lady have no romantic relationship because they share too much of the same trauma. Dante "killing" Vergil in 1 and Lady killing Arkham in 3. Dante has a mysterious relationship with Trish because of the leftovers from Kamiya's attempt of pairing them. Lady and Trish became good friends because of their connection with Dante. Anime and some of the novels show this.

Bi probably. She swooned while he wasn't looking when Nero "flirted" with her, and she was wet on sight with Dante.

Lip fillers abomination, not plastic surgery

Trish was made by Mundus and looks exactly like Dante's mom which makes me doubt that he'd want to get sexual with her.

That's a good point against it but Itsuno doesn't really try to deny it because he respects Kamiya alot. They're always doing this weird dance to not give a clear answer.

The answer is that in the end it doesn't matter at all. Dante's romance doesn't matter to the story of these games, at least not until we see another Grandson of Sparda.

nah, she was just scared as shit from that crash landing and trying to act cool

RE an d DMC are those sexless universes, even when childs of some characters appear. Both have hot people that dont fuck on them.