Play Foxhole

Play Foxhole.

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Your nation needs you. For Bmats.

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reminder FUCK wardens

I saw there was a patch and another sale. Kind of tempted since it probably means the population will go up.

Shame they still haven't done anything to alleviate engineers building RETARDED emplacements.

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Naw fuck that, not feeling like playing truck simulator with the occasional retarded teammate hijacking my supply transport

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rundown me, now.

>Naw fuck that, not feeling like playing truck simulator with the occasional retarded teammate hijacking my supply transport

Just lock the truck. They made it so it can't be wrenched for 15 minutes.

I haven't played since they added nukes and clan fags acted like complete retards.

it's on sale faggots. It's also one of the only online communities that isn't completely full of trannys

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You either play as the brainlet soldier who spends all the team's resources by getting killed or you're the guy running logistics and transporting/building defenses/vehicles for said retards to waste on the front lines

That was honestly the high point though. I don't find driving to be that enjoyable, and if I don't do that, 3/4 nobody in my team would and we'd lose because of that.

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>rundown me, now.

>Persistent war
>11 interconnected maps
>all weapons, ordnance, vehicles, fuel, medical supplies are ordered at factories and delivered to the frontline by autists
>all defenses are player built
>combat is about teamwork and tactics

Too much of a time sink, I'm too old for that.

>two factions fighting a war for the world
>everything is crafted by players down to every rifle clip
>everything is also distributed by players, which means frontlines exist
>each faction tries to secure enough territory by capturing then reinforcing HQ areas spread across different maps
>all the while, each faction goes down a tech tree that allows them to field deadlier equipment and vehicles
>a single "war" lasts about a week or two, ends when enough HQs have been captured and suitably fortified

>if I don't do that, 3/4 nobody in my team would and we'd lose because of that.

You don't have to do logi. Frontlines not getting supplied happens to the enemy too. It's not a big deal.

>Only I'm a good player

Must be nice being 16

Soo it sounds like SS13: The War

No thanks. I dont work 8 hours a day just to come back home to do more work.

>Too much of a time sink, I'm too old for that.

You don't have to do building or logi. You can just be infantry. It's easy to jump in and out when you are just playing combat roles.

Time for webms

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Anyone wanna gift me it haha

No atheists in there

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Fuck that, i don't want to play Tiberium harvester:the game. Fuck all that time wasted collecting materials for hours on end just for some jack ass to spend it all in 15 minutes.

Doesn't mean the community isn't complete garbage though. I'd say it's 40% full of retards who won't stop bickering with each other over petty slights and paranoia, 60% full of people who don't actually want to do the actual mechanics of the game and just want a rifle and to get shot in the face, and 10% full of people who won't stop bitching about people talking in chat.

sent hehehehehe

You don't have to do that you idiot. You can be combat role. There is much more to the game than materials and trucking. The people harvesting and trucking are doing so other people can push on the frontline.


>60% full of people who don't actually want to do the actual mechanics of the game and just want a rifle and to get shot in the face

Most of the players should be fighting. Most of the game isn't building, harvesting materials or trucking. At least 60% of a team should be running around with rifles.

>Go as rifleman
>No resources are being farmed for the war effort
>Forced to go tiberium harvester for the next 30 minutes
>Get tired of the game and play an FPS.

I don't doubt that, but I can't in my right mind bet on the off chance that the enemy team doesn't have one dedicated autist to supply their retarded ass
When did I say that? I'm saying almost nobody does the legwork to have a fucking team you illiterate faggot

If 2/3 of the team isn't combat troops there is a problem. The game isn't a logistics game. It's still a war game and needs dedicated fighters.

That was the joke but I don't think I did it well enough to be clear.

>>No resources are being farmed for the war effort

Rarely happens.

Since when? Not him but as I said somewhere above I haven't played since they added nukes and that shit was happening all the time, at least early to mid game.


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im not a furry, faggot

Wait, do furries dominate this game now? I won't get it if that is the case. Or are you just making fun of the title?

why isnt this a fps

and fuck world war 2... give me this game with magic and warriors...

This is you:

>Vehicle still alive
>Died for nothing

>armored car

Also you

>and fuck world war 2... give me this game with magic and warriors...
Cringe and bluepilled

>user too stupid to understand that vehicles need to retreat and use resources to repair

It's ok user, you'll get the hang of it.

yea ok go jack off to tiger tanks or whatever you ww2 fags do

It's full of military RPers, though.
>no way fag we need mats

Play Running With Rifles instead. It's a superior game and has big anime titty mods.

>this faggot

Fun fact: If you search foxhole threads in the archive you can find this faggot forever posting his story about how a precious truck got stolen once. It doesn't even happen anymore but he got so traumatized over a few minutes of work, he's mentioned it dozens of times. It's like got raped online but for real.

I'm waiting until this war is over. I got into it too late.

>There are colonial scum in this thread RIGHT NOW

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>current players :758

You're crying because you cucked out and let your truck get stolen? Breh, its a fucking truck. It takes like a minute to get a new one.

Enough to make it the 229th most played game on Steam right now.

Your game is up, idiot doomposter. The reality is PC playerbase is spread against so many tens of thousands of games, numbers like that mean a game is very alive.

Tried it, got annoyed the way fog of war works. Or rather, the way fog doesn't exist and it's hard to fucking tell what you are actually seeing and what you are not seeing. I'd probably get used to it if I played more, but I don't really want to.

>Running With Rifles
when I saw foxhole I instantly thought of RWR. Which is better anons?

>peak players:846
wow you sure showed me

>this level of tinfoil hat sperging
The fuck are you on about? You should stay on your discord with the 6969th Anal Ranger Regiment. Every time a game like this gets shilled on here is because some discord wants more players for their shit game or it's some sort of gay ops.
Running With Rifles has a modding community. And a Girls Frontline mod, if you like big anime titties. I think it's a better game, personally, but if you want multiplayer you might want to go Foxhole but the community is absolute AIDS as evidenced above. They say they managed to cure AIDS, but I dunno if science has a cure for that specific strain of AIDS.

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This never happens.
>big anime titty mods.
Oh you're such an unbiased source of information. I do like you for being honest though. If you hadn't said that I might have guessed it.

All on one map, though. That ends up being a lot of people. A fight of 30v30 or 40v40 looks a lot bigger in game.

>More than 99% of games on Steam
>and a game in which maps are like 70 vs 70 or something
>n-no it's dead! IT'S DEAD! STOP HAVING FUN!

>post count goes up, IP count stays the same
Try reddit, that seems more your speed.

Foxhole, no comparison. RWR's AI is fucking retarded so it's no fun to play and these "titty mods" user is pretending are a plus actually look like pic related. See also this webm for an example of the AI:

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>that stupid furfag will never update anything related to this ever again

Foxhole absolutely

RWRs big thing is modding, thats like the only thing it has over Foxhole. The Starship troopers mod is pretty cool.

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Can you steal enemy trucks yet or are they still magically protected from enemies?

Did you fucks forget the taxi system since I stopped playing or what?
You pick up anyone on the side of the road while delivering Mats.

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>virgin colonialfags still salty that we chad wardens kick your collective asses all day everyday

So you can haul them back to base? When they're going to the front? You only give them a ride if you're going the same way, you don't fucking stop a load of admats because some RPer wants to go pretend to be Patton.
>postcount gone up this much
>IP count gone up by two (2)

Yeah but the AI sucks shit, what's the point?

>incel shocked that people want to talk about his topic of conversation more than once.

>Hey, can I get a ride/ Taxi!
>Yeah, but I'm going to (Location) so you're going to have to walk the rest or catch another ride.
You should be having trucks circulating between resource nodes and the frontline, what changed?

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Imagine being this angry over some random user thinking ur a faget and ur gaem is trash. Hey, I heard eliminating all the servers except one really helped consolidate the playerbase was so spread thinly....

is free?

I'm not apart of any gay foxhole clan. And you're way too butthurt over a fucking truck. Its a fucking truck. Only a hundred bmats and you have a new one. Hell, you could have just nigged one with a wrench.

Is not.

How well does it play on toasters?


No one gives a shit about the truck you goddamn velcro-wearing pants-shitting retarded porch monkey. It's the discord trannies ruining shit. Or discord roleplayers, in this case. Stop shitting up games with your roleplaying, no one gives a damn you're Major Butt Ranger of the 96th Special Forces Recon Omae Wa Shindeiru Battalion on loan to the Emperor of Mankind and Holy Terra and special liaison to the FBI's X-Files division with a license to solicit sex from minors and possess child pornography and child of the holder of the super secret chicken tendie recipe.

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I feel like every single stolen valor guy is schizophrenic or has some kind of turbo autism

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I have literally never seen any of the shit you're sperging out over. You must be a hyperautist that got too attached to the tissue of vehicles and then sought to blame it on anyone in a clan because someone in a clan was an asshole to you.
Think smaller. Think narcissism and greed. People want attention and they want those sweet sweet military discounts which are basically fucking nothing.

I absolutely despise military RPers because they're either pic related or some 12 year old that is being groomed to take pic related's dick up their ass as soon as their mom leaves them home alone. I also despise discord shitters, so fuck all y'all niggers, hope your house burns down.

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user, you got some issue.

someone want to answer this? sneaking deep into enemy territory and hijacking a supply truck is the only thing that interests me in this game

You've always been able to steal trucks, user. They are just locked sometimes and you need an easily acquirable wrench to break the lock.

nigga i was rather enjoying ur shitty webms

But is on sale at least

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You can do better.
>tfw crossing the border with 2 mates in a fucking half track
>one guy manning the gun, me driving, one guy commanding with binos
>we're fueled for long hours and have 40 boxes of ammo
>spotter scouting out watch towers and defenses we fuck up
>camping at popular logistics crossroads and ambushing trucks
absolutely kino, destroying MULTIPLE trucks filled with precious mats and shirts

>tfw going around destroying all their trucks behind their combat zone
>tfw finding someone trying to mine fuel and killing his truck while leaving him alive
>>>in a map with no vehicle factories to make trucks

>ip count still hasn't changed
I have never seen an user more in need of a blowjob in my life.
Never trust anyone who uses "kino" to describe anything, especially outside of Yea Forums.

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you maybe could always steal the trucks, but i remember that for some dumbass reason any enemy resources stored on it weren't able to be taken

Locks protect the cargo too.

It only has one server where everyone plays on(or forced to)? Am I reading this correctly?

Last I played was before tanks. Probably back when the tech part exploit was found. How is it now?

Every map is one server. All the maps are always actively contested. You can travel from one map to another if you want to.

>Every single game
>Hey, can I get a ride?
>I'm not going to the front, fuck off
>Have to fucking walk or build my own goddamn truck

Anyone else feeling these feels?

I'm more concerned about possible ping problems. Where are the servers located?

that's the point, it's persistent warfare, on when you're off

it's also a really great feature IMO because in-game events affect EVERYONE equally, the Jade Cove incident for instance, literally every player knows about the events of the game because it's all contained to one server that affects their own world and has lasting effects

>but night caps
win or lose it's all fun and games, and your team does it too

Oh no idea about that, sorry. It should be fine though, the game is not that twitchy. There's a clan of aussies and one of chinese and they seem to play fine, for example.

ping problems are real more for russians/chinese, euros can play just fine as the game isn't very reaction based but tactical/strategy

the guy camping the bush regardless of ping is gonna kill you if you don't know how to flush them out properly

Russians and Chinese are some of the best players because they're veterans. Chinese are actually pretty cool, they don't speak english but they can understand you. Just treat 'em with proper etiquette and they'll like you.

>tfw you start using their townhall base instead of the port base because pubbies are less likely to abuse their resources cause they don't spawn there
Chinese also use their resources better and stockpile for hard times.

the /vg/ thread lasted like three days last time there was foxhole hype. Don't tell me you faggots are on discord or something

The general just got full of the usual mentally ill doomposters and cheaters. No point in hanging out.

>found a large fortifications with tons of weaponry and ammo around a resource node
>it was some faggot ass clan's private stash
>team was short of supplies and the fags don't share

Can I play this on a intel integrated graphics 3000? I only have this old laptop.

well, it's certainly no graphics powerhouse but a laptop shouldn't be playing anything... you can refund it if you don't like it or doesn't run very well

>laptop shouldn't be playing anything
I play plenty of games in this laptop, if I ever want to play anything more graphic intensive I just use my PS2