How can people say Final fantasy 13 is the worst final fantasy

When 8 exists?

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Neither of those are the worst Final Fantasy.

but which one is it

also, being a SaGa fan, I actually liked FF2

>tfw you liked every single FF and whichever one is "worst" is still something you liked

Because 2 and 8 are both worse than 13.

You liked Mystic Quest and Dirge of Cerberus?

Because FF8 didn't overstay it's welcome as thoroughly as FF13 did with three installments.

Riddle me this OP, if 13 was the worst, why was there THREE of them?
No other game but 7 has that many to its name.

Because 13 is worse than 8, obviously.

I still replay Mystic Quest now and then

but now that I think about it I never tried Dirge, kinda forget it existed

Because 13 is only considered the worst outside of Japan, while inside Japan the love for Lightning was so strong they made a trilogy

XV, only FF I never finished. Bland world/lore, plot doesn't start until you get to not Venezia, combat sucks.

Mystic Quest is unironically one of the best FF games.

Because 8, for all its flaws, is miles better than the shit 13 was.

That's not 14, user.

Not to mention Venezia is like 20 hours into the game. At least you had story in FF13's 20 hour tutorial even if it was nonsense

Toriyama's a lucky man. He got to make his waifu a literal god.

if you think mystic quest was bad then you're a massive faggot who should stick with shitty ff15

OP here. I meant to say when 15* exists, sorry

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remember that when you want to pretend to be OP, you should do another post first, so you don't appear as a new IP in the thread

This is the proper response. What an absolute shitshow.

Mainline only.

>tfw still haven;t played because was waiting for it to be finished, and then new stuff for it gets cancelled
guess I should just pirate it already and replace the characters by naked girls

9 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 12 > 10 > 4 > 8 > 3 > 1 > 13 > 2

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Triple triad, bitch
triple triad

>literal nostalgia bait
>the best

Come on, bro. 4 Is better than 6. Switch those two around and I completely agree.

Dirge of Cerberus isn't an FF games in every sense, its not an RPG, its an action games. Its like DMC but you only use gun

is that you sakaguchi?

Easy. FF8 has some positive aspects besides the soundtrack, 13 can't claim that.

8 is bad only if you're too stupid to learn how to play it and spend hours drawing magic from monsters

protip: draw is used only for GFs and on islands closer to heaven/hell

>tfw an obscure game like Dirge of Cerberus had mouse & keyboard support on console but modern games don't

Call me a faggot but I actually liked 8.
The leveling system was fucked and the beginning of all those scaled leveling rpgs. I mean you were pretty much punished for leveling up early. I wish I knew that as a kid.
But I liked the story, characters, atmosphere, the card game was really good.

It was the last good one.
9 just didnt do it for me. I cant stand the chibi characters. 10 is a railway rpg, 12 has shallow characters. It just isnt that interesting.

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8 actually had alot of potential, so I have to admit I'm sad that it wasn't better, since i have a soft spot for it.
The guardian force and junctioning system is a good idea, just terribly messed up. It should have had magic not go down when used (like you still use MP to cast magic, but the "more" magic you drew the stronger a spell would be, meaning collecting more was still good, and of course still increasing junctioning). Additionally, they should have had GF's scale with characters as super spells, so that you'd have a bit more thought into where the GF's got junctioned.
Had a GF that was powerful as a summon? Give it to the casters. Less powerful summons should have had a niche in having slightly better stats, so you'd give them to melee.

Its plot also wasn't completely unsalveagable and had some really good moments: the garden fight where you had some moments like squall getting knocked out the side and getting into a fist fight with someone else while hanging on a wire reallly made it feel exciting.

They just need a better way to actually tie the plot together and make us CARE about ultimecia instead of her being a boring generic doomsday villain. Fuck, adel felt like a more fleshed out villain than ultimecia, even if she looked like a man.
Hell, fans have made the plot make more sense and feel better with their wanking of things, like trying to make rinoa ultimecia.
I really hope that if the FF7 remake gets good results they'll remake 8 and do an almost full revamp of it.

13 is the Captain Marvel of the FFU

anyone who says 13 is the worst is a shitposter who hasn't played 2, 3, 8, 12, or 15.

DC captain marvel or Marvel captain marvel?

>implying they made the XIII trilogy for any reason other than to subsidize fixing FFXIV

Why is she a brunette now?

Mystic quest.

>hating on 2 and 3
Oh hello western casual.

2 is the worst and its not close.

Fuck off, I'm the OP.
I pretty clearly meant the straight number ones, not side ones.
And if I wasn't clear enough, clarifying now: Only 1-15. secondary ones like X-2 can be counted as well I suppose since being tied to "real" ones. Though MMO ones are a bit sketchy there.

I don't like 8 but hating it has become a huge meme propogatee by people who haven't even played it and are just parroting ecelebs.

8 may have been disappointing, full of wasted potential and obtuse design, but 13 is an outright horrible game and 8 does not deserve to be compared to it.

8 is like the Last Crusade of FF, a weak point in an otherwise legendary series, but still enjoyable.
13 is like the Phantom Menace, every single thing about it is wrong and it can only be enjoyed either as a joke or by a complete drooling retard or contrarian.

7 = 6 = 5 = T > 9 > 10 > 11 > 14 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 8 > 15 > 13 > 2

The sequels were made because they invested a fuck ton of money into the first game with the plan that it was going to be a trilogy, and they owed it to Toriyama to at least let him finish his story.
Also because like with Dragon Quest, literally anything with "Final Fantasy" on the box automatically sells well over there.

>no 12

FF8 > vomit > diarrhea > tranny cum > FF13

>while inside Japan the love for Lightning was so strong they made a trilogy
Thats not true.
Nobody here likes that shit.

First week sales in japan:
(2001) Final Fantasy X – 1,400,00 (PS2)*
(2006) Final Fantasy XII – 1,764,266 (PS2)
(2009) Final Fantasy XIII – 1,501,964 (PS3)
(2011) Final Fantasy XIII-2 – 524,217 (PS3)
(2013) Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – 277,082
(2016) Final Fantasy XV – 694,262 (690,471 PS4|3,791 XOne)

There was advertisment all over the place though.
In a Konbini I could buy a ff13 drink (which tasted horrible), fashion posters etc.
It was weird.

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>8 is like the Last Crusade of FF, a weak point in an otherwise legendary series, but still enjoyable.
Last Crusade is The Other Good One in a series with two good and two bad entries.

VIII is better than IX. In before contrarian hipsters bawwwwwwwwwww

FF2 exists.

pretty sad given LR > XIII-2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> XIII

I didn't really care for the story in any of the 3 though. But LR was just fun to play and reminded me more of SaGa than FF.

Episode Ardyn is the last actually story relevant DLC. The other remaining episodes were going to be alt timelines.
It's as complete now as it was ever going to be.

Dont Be Afraid but keep your Eyes On Me mother fucker because a Man With a Machinegun is about to make a very abrupt Landing in your black chrysanthemum flowerhole without any Roses and Wine and a slow dance Waltz in the Moon to butter you up beforehand you massive faggot.

I actually kind of agree.

While I LOVED 9 when it first came out, replaying it I gotta say the plot feels alot weaker than it should.
Kuja is a shit villain, and I really think some of the existential stuff is just annoying, and that's all before the Necron final boss.

I hear that this is because the game's plot revolves around "japanese values" and I'm western, but fuck that shit man. if your villain feels weak because I'm not from your country, then your values aren't that strong after all, you want stuff that transcends countries.

it was more about having all the content the first time I play it, doesn't matter what the content is or is alternate routes or whatever

but being cancelled, it means it's probably the end of it, so yeah.. it has all the content now

2 is literally broken.
3 is strictly worse than 5. There is no reason to play 3 when 5 exists.

8 had Nobuo Uematsu, a competent mini game, an overworld, a turn based combat system and the best opening of the series. The XIII cope squad drink from the same golden water fountain as Toriyama

FFVIII is one of the worst video game experiences I've ever had in my life. It's a straight up broken game with a nonsensical plot, unlikable cast, a complete trainwreck of a battle and character progression system, and an awful fanbase of mouth breathing philistines. The only thing that was executed well was the musical score.

FFXIII's greatest sin is just being dull. The battle system is boring, the plot is boring, the characters are boring, and it never really stops being boring. Certainly it never rises above mediocre, although I do think the art is impressive, and the score is one of my favorite in the series.

The difference is that FFVIII made me actively loathe it. Even almost two decades after I played it, I still get fucking angry thinking about FF8. I see all the wasted potential and I just start fuming about how absolutely shit it all is. I can't not get mad about FF8. I truly, truly hated this game with every fibre of my being.

In contrast, I can't really muster any sort of strong feelings about 13. It's just an unremarkable slog more than anything.

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hah, this is funny. I remember when 12 came out people all bitched about it, and yet it seems like no one rags on it that much anymore.
Saying this as a 12 fan, its refreshing to see that its no longer the series chewtoy.

>unlikable cast
Squall's a good character. The issue with Squall is that he's like Auron, he works best as a team dad kind of guy. He works drastically better in games like Dissidia or KH due to this.

They needed to have designed the cast to take advantage of this, having a secondary deuteragonist who ticks the normal shonen hero tropes as a foil to Squall.

>if your villain feels weak because I'm not from your country, then your values aren't that strong after all
I'm trying to think what Kuja's values were besides selfishness.
>Sorry boss, I want your shit
>Sorry other boss, I want yours too
>What do you mean I don't get to keep it? Everyone fucking dies then.

probably color grading in the attempts to "clean up" the quality, and the end result was making her hair color shift

12 had a lot of problems, but the world made it interesting

Because II is the worst game in the main series, so neither VIII nor XIII can be worst.

12 is basically inoffensive at this point.

2 was great though, sure it had its share of bugs but that didn't make it a bad game

Enjoyed the solo run I did recently, funny how well that went with the leveling system.

>The battle system is boring, the plot is boring, the characters are boring
How pleb am I if I disagree with these? The only characters I found dull were Lightning and Snow and even then they have their moments but I loved everyone else and where the plot took them. I also liked the battle system, though I was pushed away at first. The more you learn about it, the more you like it, I feel.

Zidane and kuna was supposed to be about finding your place in society and a group/family to belong to.
This was supposed to be what put them apart, Zidane worked hard to find a place and a family to "belong" to while Kuja actively rejected the world and society and sought to destroy it since he disliked his "place" in it.

>but the world made it interesting
Agree. When it comes to JRPGs you have 3 main weights--the main stage (cast/plot), the optional stuff (worldbuilding/lore), and the gameplay. Ideally all of these should be rated highly, but when one fails to deliver the other two can carry it. When you have two fail a game is mediocre. When all three fail you have Final Fantasy 13.

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plus it had Girl chewbacca and han solo. Hell, I wish we'd get a spin off just staring Balthier and fran.

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>8 is like the Last Crusade of FF, a weak point in an otherwise legendary series, but still enjoyable.
But Last Crusade was the best Indiana Jones movie.

>VIII is better because Uematsu
VIII's soundtrack is good and has a ton of classic tracks, but XIII's soundtrack is a candidate for the best in the series. There are a lot of reasons XIII sucks but the soundtrack is not one of them. Hamauzu's work may not get stuck in your head like Uematsu's, but that doesn't mean it's worse.

LR was the worst of the trilogy by far.

For me it's XIII-2. Just didn't grab me the way XIII did, plot is completely nonsensical, one of the worst endings in all of video games, Pokemon mechanic wasn't fun.

>The other remaining episodes were going to be alt timelines.

got a source because I heard that the cancelled DLCs were all story relevant, including a better ending.

I don't remember any music from 13 other than Blinded By Light. 13-2 had a bunch of great tracks though.
Uematsu is weird to me too, his music with Square was all fantastic but as soon as he left Square he made nothing but shit. Makes me wonder if he was stealing the work of his understudies or something.

What I found refreshing was that the villain's plot wasn't some "become a god and unkillable/fightable" like all the rest, but more political.
The bahamut wasn't even an unstoppable superweapon, it was still just a very fancy and powerful Military vehicle which still required a large contingent of support and other military craft.

This made the finale and plot make more sense, since it wasn't just some insane murdergod like Kefka or Sephiroth that wanted to kill everyone, it was very obvious why Vayne was supported by and worked with the people of his country.

7=10>12>14>13>15>8 and the rest I didnt play or care

FFXV is one of the worst JRPGs I've ever experienced. Absolutely mind numbing dogshit.

When I listen to old Final Fantasy games it sounds like every game has their own unique feel to them. But with Lost Odyssey I just get the feeling that he's rehashing a lot of his old songs.

I liked his work in Before Meteor, but you can't hear most of it ingame anymore. Also, for whatever reason, Narita seems to rearrange all his shit before it gets released. Why is that?

12 was the one that made me stop buying final fantasy games. The game itself really isn't that bad but the cast is so unbelievably shit it ruined the entire thing for me.

A lot of the music heavily incorporates either Blinded by Light or The Promise since they're the two central themes, but there are some really fantastic tracks that aren't Blinded by Light rehashes. Here are some of my faves:

FF7 is the only good game in the series, too bad Square wont leave it alone

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Dafuq? I'll give you vaan and penelo (even if I don't personally think they're THAT bad), but the rest are all perfectly fine characters.

Its tied between 2 and 15.

Think they might do a 6 remake if the Seven remake sells?

they already did a 6 remake, and let's not talk about it

When the fuck did they do a 6 remake?

that was a rerelease with some bells and whistles, not a remake.

Probably not. 7 is pretty much the only FF that would turn a profit on all the cash they're dumping into the remake.

they took the time to butcher every assets, that's not a re-release

Only FF8 would get one considering its the most popular one after FF7

>8 more popular than 6, 10 and 9.
Surely you're joking.

how can you say mystic quest is bad when it has THE best FF boss theme?

Nope, wish I had the screencap post that basically explained its popularity especially in Japan
also there are more people asking for a FF8 remake in general than any of the other titles, FF7 was honestly fine plus they raped the lore with Crisis, Dirge, Advent and so on but I think FF8 could be improved with one

Why does the PS3 version look different when it's literally just the PS1 version being emulated? Differences in capture hardware?

because it's the PS1 version being emulated, duh

it's probably applying some upscaling filters when it comes to cinematics

Sucks that canonically everyone literally died due to the side bosses, of all things, fucking up the world with literal natural disasters.
Like fuck, I killed Ultima without breaking a sweat and this bitch supposedly broke the world so badly that it went back 2000 years technologically and lost all historical records?

I think people want to see it remade the most since there's the most potential for improvement from a remake.
8 had very obvious key problems that held it back but not alot of Subtle problems, meaning its not just overall poor, just very specifically poor in very specific spots, meaning it has far more potential for improvement than others.

>tfw play FF8 with the requiem rebalance mod (available for both PS1 and PC, but I played the PS1 one)
it's literally perfect

not that it does anything if your problems are with the story

yeah thats what I meant, Im not surprised many people want a remake or that its really popular considering it came after ff7
its also the one most have been saying is good but could be improved upon in some areas, I honestly want it to happen more than FF7 cause FF7 was a fine game imo and the side stuff just kinda ruined its legacy

1 sucks, boring old shit
2 sucks, even worse boring old shit
3 sucks, mediocre old shit
4 sucks, its baby shit
5 sucks, same shit
6 sucks, more copy pasted shit
7 good, great unique characters, unique setting, environment
8 good, unique fantasy setting, cool fantasy weapons, great experimentation
9 sucks, boring, slow, furry garbage
10 good, colorful unique cast, great combat, everything good
11 sucks, mmo
12 good, beautiful artstyle, actors, balthier, fran, addicting gameplay
13 ok, its just an ok adventure
14 good, good mmo
15 eh, severely rushed game


Did everyone forget FF8 had the best summon animations?

Every FF is bad

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literally the most soizoomer opinion possible, grats

Why use a Summon for an overly long animation and a basic damage cap's worth of damage when abusing the shit out of critical health Limit Breaks let you potentially do 9999 per hit?

I fibbed about 6 just for the 6 kiddies, but rest is objective.

Why doesnt this come to Switch?

Because it's not a nintendo system game. Duh.

square-enix doesn't have the port source code unlike 7, and haven't put in the effort to scrounge together a new mobile/PC port like 9 for 8 since they basically already released the original PC port with a trainer on top.

>How can people say Final fantasy 13 is the worst final fantasy
Because 13 has that fat headed pink haired tranny, that's why.

12 world and characters was literally just ripping off starwars, fullstop.
Fight me faggots.

Despite this I don't like Star Wars and really like FFXII. Born an irredeemable weeaboo I guess.

maybe you're an /m/ deep inside

I'll fight you to death with this: who's Luke?
It sure as shit isn't Vaan.

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>farm boy
>gets tangled up in an epic adventure to save a princess and fight the empire

Yup, its vaan. Just there's no force in this universe so he;s fucked.

Basch somewhat fills the 'family member is the bad guy' trope and protects Ashe

sounds like literally anyone is Luke

Mystic Quest is unironically underrated

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Yet Darth Vader (Judge Magister Gabranth) has no relationship to him. He doesn't use the Force (Nethicite). He doesn't wield any lightsabers or save the day.
The only connection is "farm boy"? Really? He isn't even a farm boy, he's a rough and tumble pickpocket orphan.

Even though I dislike 8 and has not managed to make it all the way through it once in the 18 years I've owned it it was still made in the 90's and is therefore better than XII by default.

Gabranth is dark vader, Basch is luke and Vayne is palpatine.
Freya is chewbacca, balthier han and the strahl is the Millenium falcon. The bahamut is the death star.

8 is good fag

>but which one is it
VI or XV, it's hard to tell.
FF VI also has annoying fanbase, so I guess that's a ''bonus''.

Basch is far from the protagonist, though. He has no claim to the legacy of kings, the Occuria have no interest in him, while he has general enmity with Archades and personal enmity with Gabranth he never leads the party and is always a secondary character, a knight in service to Ashe from start to end, never making decisions for himself or the group.

In short, all these comparisons are shallow as fuck pseudo-intellectual masturbation.

>Basch is far from the protagonist, though
if you to talk about MC, Ashe is pretty much the MC

And Leia isn't.
This is all ignoring the fact that not a single character in XII is a match for Obi Wan Kenobi.

Please refrain from posting any more hoyboys. This is a Final Fantasy thread.

which is why this postis retarded