Yea Forums how good are you at fighting games?

Yea Forums how good are you at fighting games?

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Good enough to be considered a pro by normie friends.
Good enough to do basic combos and play footsies.
Not good enough to get out of any rank where people actually know frame data and blockstrings.

pretty fucking awful but I only ever play them if someone else wants to

I don't care for them because I'm not an ethnic minority.

I can't even button mash.

Shit but I enjoy them. I can beat my friends in tekken but I get stomped by dude's at my round 1

Can't cancel a light into an input to save my life.

Is Dissidia a fighting game? Cause I'm shit at that too.

Fucking horrible, I keep trying to git gud at ultimate but I just don't have the discipline. My GSP is like 60,000.

Pretty good at ST, intermediate in KOF98. I don't really care for any others right now.

good enough to not go 0-2 in tournaments

Terrible, but I love them.

Fucking horrible.
Melty and Melee are the only ones I'm above button mashing level at.

I'm fucking shit at them.
the first time I tried playing Skullgirls online i got killed 0-3 almost perfectly.
I'm pretty sure it's the reason I don't like competitive multiplayer games anymore.

I don't play fighting games because I have no friends

I've never played anything beyond SNES Killer Instinct. I want to get good at GG, but it looks too complicated.

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>buy fighting game
>practice in training mode until i feel like i'm confident enough for online
>never feel confident enough
>stop playing

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>I want to get good at GG, but it looks too complicated.
It's not, it's all about setplay and dashing in like a retard, there's no real spacing game going on. The game is actually very simple.

The fucks a blockstring?

>do ingame tutorials
>Practice combo strings in training mode
>When I play against another human and my head empties itself and I just push buttons
Every fucking time.

I have 3.9 million gsp with my main Ridley
I don't play any other fighters regularly. I wouldn't say I'm good at any, even Ultimate, but I have a knack for building a decent base in most games pretty quickly.

I'm that guy that chose pic related because he looks cool.
I also suck enormous amounts of cock but I enjoy all the flashy green colors and sword special.

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>practice ingame combos
>only thing I know, makes me predictable cause I wanna use it.

I'm my own worst enemy.

I know shit all about fighting games but I believe it’s knowing how to fully block bread-and-butter combos.

I suck at most games and get my shit kicked in.
It makes me hard

this but not that degenerate faggot shit. i have my clutch moments tho. more often than not i'm the dead weight

Only good with fightan that allow neutered inputs.

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Fuck you Dutch

A blockstring is just a combo where all of the moves are blocked instead of hit. The idea is to prevent the defender from being able to retaliate until the attacker is at a favorable range and frame advantage.

I'm alright at Arcana Heart 3. I could easily beat my friends, I could maybe do ok in a local tournament but no way could I do better than that yet.

I'm trash. I have almost no experience in fighting games except for getting obsessed with JJBA:ASB for a few months over 3 years ago and getting mad at arcade mode in SFV.
I'm planning on getting properly into fighting games soon, I'm reading gootecks' book and going to get unist on steam and maybe get into tekken.

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Probably about as good as Ma, unless she's wearing that shirt ironically.

I rely entirely on timing and never even bother to execute most combos. It works in the lower ranks but holy shit im at green in tekken 7 and I've been there for around 5 months now.

You are doing it wrong.
I just learn and remember strings and soecials via command list while playing story. Try to link while completing story. Think of combos, find a main then do an hour of testing in practice, then just play either online, with friends and AI, leaning while I play. Trial by fire.
Spending all your game time in practice is anti fun. It's fighting games, wins and losses don't matter anyway, just have fun.

blockstrings are epic when I do them but cringe when my opponent does

Better than Yea Forums and can fight some pros without being free. Never went 0-2 in any tourney ever.

>Practice combo strings
>>practice ingame combos
Going about this all wrong.
The key to getting good at fighting games is being able to appropriately react to your opponent's actions.
Not memorizing a bunch of combos. Because when would a human opponent stay long enough for you to start your combo? What kind of opponent would not DI against you?

You git gud by playing against humans more, not staying in practice mode.

Super diamond, but gonna get to master rank soon in SF5 (ranked is aids and doesn't mean much). Good enough to win locals and do decent at a national level. Trying to level up and start making top 8s someday.

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I hate mika so much I wouldn't even bother raping or torturing her. Just point blank in the back of the head.

git gud

Who do you main? Super plat here and I wanna increase my grind.

Mika, of course.

Nice. I play Mika and Urien. We should play a few sets sometime.

I'm down right now if you want to. I'm from the MW, so don't know how the connection will be.

It takes me like 6 times to figure out some pattern my opponent is using, so usually I get wiped out before that. I understand there's always a logical counter to things, but too often I go gorilla mode and start mashing which results in a frustrating loss. For that reason, I'm not very good. It also helps I'm new though, I didn't grow up with these at all.

Kk cool. What's your capcom id / psn / steam?


I'll log on now then.

Yea Forums sucks so much at fighting they lost to narcissa

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Good enough to dumpster my friends/locals, but not good enough to avoid getting trashed myself higher up online and tournies. Bigger issue is it I have no real game at the moment since SC6 just felt off to me so I dropped it. I may try MK11 soon since NRS games are braindead to learn

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i'm great at evading hits and running like a fucking faggot that can't play

I can dodge the fireballs and know how to do most motions reliably but I never put real time into any game to get to a point where I consistently win matches

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Yeah this for me, too.


>fighting game

Even if it is technically one, it's not representative of overall skill. A smash player isn't going to be naturally good at SFV, TEKKEN 7, SC6, or any thing featured at evo

Smash is for clowns my man

>Yea Forums sucks so much they lost to an autist playing the easiest character in the game that played the game competitively for almost a decade

pretty shit desu, but I still love them
whenever I actually do a long string combo I feel great.
win ratio is like, 2/10 matches

>only good at fighting games no one cares about anymore
Anyone else?


good enough to laugh at Yea Forums talking about fighting games, anti-air, zone people, and do combos. but i don't have much of a neutral game beyond;
>stay at range and poke/projectile for a while
>guess i'll dash forward and try a hit confirm/overhead/throw now
but thats what SFV has done to me, i suppose.

Thats why practicing in live combat is so important. Eventually you figure out how to turn your brain on in spite of the stress and thats when all that stuff you practice in training mode starts to matter

I'm proficient enough to know why I'm getting stomped or where I pressed a button when I shouldn't have.



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GGs. Gonna go make some food now. You should join the Mika discord.

Also, always put it on training stage, so it doesn't lag as much.

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>no friends to play/practice fighting games with

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I want to fuck j this catgirl.