Faces of Yea Forums

Faces of Yea Forums

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I'd be tempted to call you a boomer but I've seen 22 year olds that look like you, sadly...i guess it's all in the genes

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I remember there was a bingo thread awhile back where a boomer in a grey shirt taped a time stamp to his shirt and took a picture in public, anyone got the pic?

Hah. He is zooming

Attached: fa.jpg (3110x2073, 482K)

Me on the right

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Don't be mean pls

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what the fuck does that even mean?
Are you retarded?

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Do not besmirch the face of Medicated Pete.

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Fucking love medicated Pete!

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What about bodies of Yea Forums. You're not a fat neet, are you user?

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Looks like a fuckin' bobble head.

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great thread

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Haven't thought about Medicated Pete in a while.


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so the 56% meme is actually real.

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i like this girl

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idk what's wrong with my hair

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sheathe your weapon

Attached: thhhhhhpre.jpg (969x1398, 247K)

Got any more? I've seen this chick get circulated

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Why the long hair?

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middle looks like vincent martella

That's normal for a late teens early 20s white boy

Nay. Now duel me if you have any honor

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wtf, is he actually pregnant?

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Literally me

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I'd like to imagine that if you took off your glasses your eyes would just be 2 beady little dots.

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user, I...

Ha ha this is a pretty edgy pic...wait a minute

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Get finasteride

There was a pic of a guy who looked a lot like this claiming to be 13 years old on Facebook. Anyone have that screenshot? Shit's hilarious.

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>high waters
>extremely short
>bad genetics like having that long of a neck
Is this really the /fa board? Pretty embarrassing when losers from /v and /a look better than a fashion board.

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