Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong.

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SNES controller is stiff as fuck and belongs in the trash

The duke controller isn't THAT bad

Why would the 360 controller be above the Xbone controller when the Xbone controller is literally the 360 controller except with a better d-pad?

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>atari controller
yeah that fits, not to mention i chewed on it a lot

Put the Duke in B, Gamecube Controller in A, that stupid banana down to C, and pic related in S and we'll be good

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I would put the WiiU pro controller up a tier and lower Single Sideways Joycon to the far reaches of hell. But otherwise I am fine with this list

Same shit with the PS2/PS3 controllers

1/10 list

No DualShock 1?

>stupid banana
If you're talking about the Mega Drive controller, fuck you.

>x360 controller A-tier
The dpad is the worst. The wire is really low quality. Xbone should be A-tier.

the SNES controller is the best controller for any 2D game what the fuck are you talking about?

>play Switch in portable mode
>try to jump cancel Witch Twist
>hit A and die

This never happened with the Wii U Gamepad. Did people not like using it?

>2 sega controllers in S
lol wtf

GC controller is the best ever made don't reply to me.

The third one in S tier, idk what it is but it's fucking stupid

How the fuck is it?

>playing vidya on anything but m+kb

You have to be a literal retard to think any other genre works better on a controller than m+kb. Flight sticks and racing wheels and fight sticks are obviously best in their respective genres, but between controller and m+kb, you're objectively playing a game wrong if you use a controller.

This, Gamecube is definitely the best controller Nintendo has put out.

You forgot to include seperated joycons in S tier you non comfy knowing pleb

You're a fucking troglodyte if you think adventure and platformers are better played with m+kb.

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I got the 130 dollar razer controller

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How fucking small are your hands?

I'd throw up the split joy-con up just one tier for convenience alone


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Smash or actual Bayonetta?

>360 S tier with that d-pad
Let me guess, you never played any game except Cod.
Try play a fightan gayme with that pad.
>DS4 A tier
This is the worse PS controller ever, they are so cheaply made, they break so easy. I bet you never played a fightan gayme on that either.

Your list is shit


Kill yourself nigger

Wii U pro controller should go up a tier, it had God tier battery life and feels great to use

>not playing fighting games with a stick on the first place.

Fucking pleb

>360 controller THAT fucking high
>Xbone controller THAT fucking high
>360 controller below Xbone controller
>Wii U and Switch pro controllers THAT fucking low
>Classic Controller THAT fucking low
Fuck off Microcuck

>octagonal housings
>S rank
Fuck off

Side question, why is DS3 2 ranks below the rest of the ps controllers? It seemed pretty much the same to me.

controller below Xbone controller

The Xbone is better than the 360 controller.
You are retarded. It is consensus that the Dualshock 3 is the worst ps controller ever.

I just want to say that the 360 is the best controller ever made.

Move GameCube to S and NES to C and it's spot-on.

>playing sticks in the year of our lord 2000+19
Fuck off nigger, arcades are dead, sticks are for plebs who can't adapt so they stick with what they know.

Nigga it's good but the ps1 controller was pretty meh


>octagonal gate

I've always had tons of issues with my Bone and 360 controllers. Squeaking triggers, malfunctioning dpad, broken RB and many more. They're so fucking cheap, which is a shame because they're god tier in terms of design.

The Wii U pro controller is definitely S tier. Its a solid controller. The best nintendo has ever made.

Smash. Only game I play. Was perfectly functional on GamePad. In fact it was better than a GameCube controller because the overhead C-stick let me do buffered Uairs effortlessly while moving around with the Control Stick.

is it bad that now I want to see someone try to play Smash with an Atari joystick

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Where does the steam controller fit in?

C = A tier except looks like crap. :)

switch SNES with THE DUKE and move NES/DS3 to B


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>dualshock controllers higher than mid
>nes controller that high
>Gamecube controller that low
>switch pro controller not utter shit tier

You have really bad taste.

I like this one for fighting games
I'm afraid that the dpad is getting hella loose though
This is easily way fucking better than the DS4 on a functional level, but the build quality might become an issue
I might switch to stick because they don't have to worry about this stuff
(Plus I play a lot of Tetris the Grand Master)

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>consensus that the Dualshock 3 is the worst ps controller ever.
Might have been until the DS4 came. The d-pad is weak as shit and the rubber connectors on all buttons just break so easy. Shitty gloss that attracts much and oil from skin, shitty useless touchpad that gets marked easy and 90min max battery life.
Give the DS3 the DS4 triggers and its perfect.

so is this list juts like pure comfy factor or based on everything considered?

>console.log(“steam controller”)

I second this motion.

>DS4 that high

>Playing action games with mouse + KB

I'll take this bait.

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The Duke is actually very comfortable
The only problem I have is that face buttons over bumpers makes THPS3 harder to play
The only reason you rated the Duke low is because you're just regurgitating what you've heard, admit it. You have never actually held a Duke.

>I like this one for fighting games
Mein niger, I bought this for my PS4 too because the DS4 is shit. Top tier pad for fighting games
>I'm afraid that the dpad is getting hella loose though
Same, looks like I need to open her up, looks like it has dust in it. Thing is user ypu can move the Dpad to put it on an angle. There is a screw at the back to loosen and tighten it, that might be your problem now. You need a T4 screwdriver iirc.

u blind?

N64 should be higher up. This retarded meme about that controller being bad has gone for long enough.

The Dreamcast controller being in C was already an awfully generous stretch, let alone being as high as B

>playing vidya on m+kb when about every game is designed with controller in a mind

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it has terrible grip

>only game I play
Lmao opinion discarded

shit Z button with no feedback,garbage directionals

>playing videogames on a console when every game is made on a PC

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My ds4 from a month after ps4 launch is still fine, maybe don't chuck your controllers when you lose

fuck the stick
the form is 100% fine, the stick is what really kills it

Octagon g8 is gr8 m8

who said anything about playing on a console?

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My scoring pretty clearly weighs competent d-pad design more heavily than about anything else excluding blatant fuckups, and dreamcast was actually not that bad outside of its extreme ugliness.

It's bait

God you are so dumb. This WHOLE LIST is literally just regurgitated Yea Forums opinions and nostalgia faggotry. Fuck you.

1. The Xbox One controller is literally an objective improvement over the 360. Some parts may be SLIGHTLY worse/different in a way that you might not like, but the improvement to the dpad makes it much better.
2. The DS3 should be in the same tier as the other PS controllers. The DS3 is just as good as the others, and perhaps better than the DS4.
3. The fucking NES controller in A tier? This really cemented you as a braindamaged nostalgiaturd. It's a tiny fucking rectangle with sharp edges and 2 buttons. And why is it so much higher than the extremely similar Sega controller? Oh yeah, because you fucking grew up with it, nerdass.
4. The Wii U gamepad is comfortable, dumb memefaggot
5. Overall: Maybe use the controllers before talking about them? You dumb piece of shit?

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DS3 is lighter, has flimsier sticks, and the analog triggers are a pain to use
the wireless feature is nice I guess

If your tier list is any different you're a manlet with baby hands

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wii u, GC and N64 controller and NES controller should all be B tier. otherwise perfect

>being a nintendo nigger

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Yes, that is the Mega Drive 6-button controller, also known as the second best controller for 2D games ever made. Only the Saturn one is better, which is just an upgrade to it.
So yeah, fuck you.

xbone controller fixes the 360's shitty dpad and adds impulse triggers so those two should be swapped
>symmetrical sticks above the 50% line
>duke, dreamcast and n64 that low

Fuck off faggot, I have had like 4 die on me already only 1 slightly my fault and my IRL friend has 3 break on him. People all over the internet having the same thing with these cheap ass crap.
I been playing vidya since the 80s and never had controllers fuck up on me except N64 stick.
These shitty controllers are made extremely cheap and poorly, purposely for sony to recoup ps3 losses from new peripheral sales.
My first one with my ps4 wasn't manufactured properly so the butts weren't flush, buttons started to fuck up. Second one D-pad broke, third one I spilt a minute amount of beer from my mouth that fell in the fucking useless speaker hole and rekt the PCB, next 2 has been a combination of the rubber connectors dying from use and even 1 analogue stick, having to use spares to replace them or buy new ones from ebay.

These things are shit. If you actually played vidya instead of buying one as an ornament, yours would die too. Go play 6 months of daily 6 hours MKX amd SFV see how long it lasts.

Anything can be used as a controller for 2D games.

maybe you are.

put the wiiu tablet at the bottom

I've been using the same DS4 since october 2016 and it works great

A tier?
> ???

swap the switch and wii u pro controllers, and bump the GC controller up a notch, and you've got my list

The Xbone controller has exactly two flaws. The bumpers are weird, which has been mitigated in more recent models, and the D-pad kinda sucks. Other than that, it's perfect.

i like everything about the DS4 but the quality of the thumbsticks, they get too slippery too within a month for me. Also my hands get really sweaty when I use the default thumbsticks

thank god kontrolfreeks exist

I have a thousand hours on my ten year old controller over the past six months alone. Take care of your controllers my man.

dualshock 1 is the one with analog and vibration.

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>no mouse and keyboard
your inferiority is showing.

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a lot of games are better with controller even on pc u nigger retard

Ok, you win this time.

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I'd rather use a single JoyCon controller than a N64 one any day.

Also it's more comfy to play on the couch with controllers.
But you get MUCH better choices to play with if you have a PC on the tv, or at least a raspi.

>original dual shock WITH NO FUCKING JOYSTICK above Wii-U Pro
Impressively shit taste.

not really
a high refresh rate monitor beats a tv any day
1440p 165 hz for the win

Very few actually good games support this.

GC controller has no business being stuck in the same tier as the N64 controller, Wii U and Dreamcast controller.

eh, no wtf
all games i have support my monitor u fucking retard

Then you have very few games.

XBone has a good d-pad, though.
I've completed Hollow Knight on it and had zero issues with it.

fucking nigger i have over 10 thousand games
i can play n64 with 165 fps in 1440p too retard

>PS control in A tier
>Gamecube and Dreamcast in C
>nes/snes/genesis/megadrive for the sake of nostalgia
no need to prove you wrong when you've proved it yourself

No you can't.
The game will cap out at 30-20 fps and not take full advantage of your refresh rate.
Also you would be better off at 120hz in those cases, as uneven frame pacing is crap.

get a load of this retard

>gaems cant go over 60 fps
console nigger cope

Games not programmed to go over 60 fps will not go over 60 fps, specially games that use the vblank as a timer for the movement (everything 2D basically, and dark souls for some bizarre reason)


Describe what is a vblank.

none of you brainlets ever learned to use a steam controller huh

>DS3 that low let alone Lowe then DS2 of all things
>360 in S teir when it’s a B at best and the one is objectively better
Holy shit

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>ten year old controller
>console hasn't even been out for 6 years
Obvious shitposting bait is obvious

Huhm, that's actually an all around pretty good correction.

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Real Yakuza use gampad

Why is the SMS controller in D but the NES is in B? They look very similar to me.

Not them, but the SMS "dpad" blows.

Don't see this controller on any of these rankings, but I would consider the PCE/TG16 controller to be a slight upgrade over NES. Dpad is disc-shaped but it works pretty well and the corners don't dig into your hands like the NES controller does.

Ps4 is terrible, seriously i'm fucking tired of the shoulder buttons getting pressed everytime I rest the controller on the bed or on my lap or whatever