One MILLION dollars to play a game for a week

What went wrong with the vidya industry?

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We unironically live in a cyberpunk society.

And that's a good thing™!

What the fuck is that shit doing on top of his head?

He got paid a mil to play anthem for a week? It's probably just as expensive as other means of advertising, and probably gets to the people who would actually play it easier

I work for a marketing company that did a lot of projects for video games (mainly advertising on tv and subways, etc.)

I've been slowly watching more and more coworkers get let go because the gaming industry has realized that paying streamers is more profitable and cheaper than paying a company to design art and put stickers on the sides of buildings and trains.

I'm scared, Bros. I've worked shitty retail for six years before this job and thought it was my ticket to a normal life. Now I just sit at work hoping the company found a new client and I can keep my job for another few months.

Covering the thin hair spots

Is he supposed to be the best Fortnite player or why is he so popular?

It's not the industry in this case. It's YOU, zoomers. YOU. You watch him and fags like him so he was deemed an influencer by the corporate world and will continue to be used as a tool to advertise to your dumb asses.

Drake gave him a shout out on Instagram.

Drake paid him to play with him.

You either don't know what cyberpunk is or you don't know most of the world is better off now than in all of history.

Hone your skills, build a portfolio, create a shitty basic site, and try freelance. There's work out there if you seek it, and establishing relationships will always lead to repeat business.

One THOUSAND dollars to do nothing for a month.

>You either don't know what cyberpunk is or you don't know most of the world is better off now than in all of history.
people who trot this line out are like kids fucking up the mansion their grandfather earned. advanced societies regress and you're blind if you can't see shit is going off the rails

Doesn't Shroud make more than him?He has almost 100k subs on twitch too.

>advanced societies regress

>hot water is cold

Ninja was a retard and took a 2 week break off Fortnite which lead to a third of his subscribers leaving and he never recovered because kids found other twinks to watch

Understand that you weren't always going to be needed/wanted. No kitchen/bathroom remodeler is in any fear of losing their job and only have more incentive to hone it further and own their own remodeling business as no algorithm is going to replace them.

This isn't something anyone can do, he is the top streamer.

Most popular streamers get 50k or so for streaming that long.

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I garuantee you that 99% of anone on Yea Forums would love to get paid millions of dollars to play Vidya.

>Not taking advantage of the zoomer hype train to make bank.

C'mon Yea Forums...

He's over 100k subs already

Dude has enough money to retire 6 times over. I'm sure he doesn't care.

Epic pay streamers constantly to play the game, not sure what the point is.

This is also why it was hard to compete with epic because they were paying almost all popular streamers to play fortnite and block out the competition from getting attention

This is standard advertising now.

What i want to know is the buy stats for people who watch these "influncers". Do people really go
>I saw streamer play a game, i go buy it right now
Is it really any different from just seeing an add on youtube?
Almost makes me want to know how many people will jump off a bridge if they saw Ninja and pewdipie do it.

Need a law that prohibits internet usage until age 21

He's pretty smart dressing up like a zoomer and taking all their money

No what we need is the internet to go back to how it was. For outcasts and obsessives. Nomies can go and fuck back off to watching TV.

don't worry, you were always doomed

haven't you ever read any modern academic marketing studies
an increasing amount of them are based around neurology and psychological warfare
traditional marketing has been going the way of the dodo for quite some time

Many of the people who watch these streamers see them as friends, so yes they are called influencers for a reason.

im amazed anyone wanted to give him a dime after 76,i know it was a shit game but that stream made me wonder how he is even popular,drying paint was more entertainment value


Zoomers have zero taste

so you zoomers are just now realizing social media stars are just walking billboards/pundits/reality show stars?

This is actually the smartest thing EA could have done.

>implying I play videogames period

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>donating to streamers
>subscribing to streamers
Zoomers got yidded hella hard. Full fucking brainwash mode. These two activities should be (and are) some of the furthest concepts from a normal working brain. For fucks sake twitch subscriptions are literally just paying for fucking smileys.


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When I was a kid days consisted playing with my friends in the woods using our imaginations and having fun. Nights consisted of playing video games with my friends and joking around. Now kids nights and days consist of watching people they have never spoken to play video games while sitting in their rooms alone. Its not a video game industry problem. This is a societal issue and nobody is talking about it. We are raising an army of retards that won't be able to function in our cutthroat society.

>People are friends with corporate drone #123424
I bet nobody has the balls to go to him IRL and ask where his barcode is on his body.

Why people watch other people play? I don't get it

Thanks obama!

i dont unless its to see a game im considering buying and if it is i tend to go for the more obscure people with 10 viewers or something

Every time a streamer gets paid to play a game they have to disclose it in the title, which was what happend with apex when it came out
Imagine thinking that a company would pay millions of dollars to streamers to play a game for over a year, when they would do it anyway since they are already famous for playing it and get money that way

>Every time a streamer gets paid to play a game they have to disclose it in the title
This is true, but everyone knows this rule gets broken all the damn time. Look at all the shills for Lawbreakers

>he never paid for epic smilies back in the MSN days to impress his gradeschool crush
Get the FUCK out of here you wannabee boomer, you just revealed how underaged you truly are

Even then, why would you watch someone else play a game all the time, hell i can uderstand it if you saw some pro guy once to see some tricks but watching all the time?

is that Kefka retarded brother?

Can confirm. Doomer age range here and spent high schools going home doing homework as quick as possible to play online vidya until sleep time. Now adult me is low social iq manchild. Atleast I haven't sunken low enough to the point of playing DS/ps vita/switch in public and making loud noises. God help my even more autistic brothers out there.

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The best part is that he didn’t even like the game nor brought in numbers. They wasted 1 million