What video games will you buy with your 1k/month UBI Yea Forums?
What video games will you buy with your 1k/month UBI Yea Forums?
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A ps5 (which will be fully backwards compatible)
I know this is supposed to be catchy because rhyming, but you'd actually pronounce "Yang" with a long "ah" sound, so it wouldn't really rhyme.
where will the 3 trillion per year come from mr wang?
shoo shoo discord tranny shills
Thats why is called accelerationism, dummy
I literally first heard about Yang from Cosmo fucking Wright. Not a good sign.
jeff bezos
Where can I get that hat?
you've seized amazon's yearly net income. you now have enough to pay each working age american 40 dollars a single time
Anything that has automation. Fuck robots give everyone the wealth they create.
Fuck off discord trannies
I literally, LITERALLY first heard about Yang when Cosmo was doing those sad little streams on Youtube, and would casually bring up Yang before it was even a meme. Definitely not a good sign.
Time to ring the Yong Gong.
>watching cosmo
yeah, definitely not a good sign
Can I still get my 1k if I work full time?
Of course not. People who work for a living get nothing.
Get a job, tranny
I watched the EmptyHero interview. The one where Cosmo said he wanted to get into Internet Blood Sports. It was actually pretty sad.
I mean Cosmo literally is transgender. Can't refute that.
Yes, that's what universal means. Only people who are not included are those on welfare systems already.
No. If you work full time you get nothing but have to pay taxes to support those receiving the UBI.
>Tfw all the candidate choices is either being sold out to corporations and Jews or being sold out but getting 1000$
Based disinfo jews
we are over 20 trillion dollars in debt you dumbass
Yes. Everyone gets it regardless of income levels unless you're in prison or get more via the current welfare system.
lmao how much is this chink paying people to create ''''''''''''''''''''''''memes''''''''''''''''''''''' and shill here? the left just doesn't get it.
>get $1000 a month in UBI
>everything now cost $1000 more
wat do?
same thing happened in seattle area when they raised the min wage to $15/h
I'm gonna suck the Yang dong, who with me?
Didn't UBI already fail in Finland? How could anyone possibly think it would work in a country with literally 32,000,000x more niggers?
A ps5 with exclusive gta vi
con other people out of their UBI obviously, a fool and their money...
Also try not to get fucking murdered what with society descending into hellishness and all
There isn't logic here. At this point it's just NEETs wanting gibs.
Tick tock actual boomers. Pay up.
really funny that frog has been around long enough for his political meme affiliation to take a 180
people are retards who want free stuff with a shallow thought on how it will work or long term impact
While there are price hikes, those price hikes necessarily lag behind the wage increases, meaning there's a net increase in purchasing power. That's not ideological, that's simple mathematics; it literally cannot work out any other way, and if you've gotten through the 8th grade, it should be pretty obvious to you as to why.
ITT People don't know Alaska already has UBI