Where do you get your money to buy vidya?

Where do you get your money to buy vidya?

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The high seas.


Selling second hand junk on MMOs.

im an engineer

Drawing gay furry porn

my mommy buys me games on my birfday

Not everyone works at Taco Bell.

>7 posts
>thread hasn't devolved into a piracy argument yet
haha i just jinxed it

my full time job


my mommy

I work 3 days a week as a parking supervisor. I could work more days but I'm too lazy and depressed to want more money

AC Mechanic. Hate it.

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I'm a paramedic and work two 24 hour shifts, giving me 5 days off a week to play vidya (plus I get to vidya at the station when we have downtime). I laugh at all you 9-5 wage cucks talking about how now that you have money, you don't have time for games. I specifically chose the career that would give me the most free-time for vidya. Get on my level you filthy casuals!!

Where do you get one of those?

Why does your smoker mom play vidya?

I work as an IT professional currently working at a NOC

I have more than enough time to play/buy vidya and fuck my gf in the ass every night

Grow up motherfuckers

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tick tock, wagies

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How do I get in that?

I stay home and get payed to watch my grandpa

I steal

At least I have my pride

but I'd give it up in a heartbeat

I'm a child psychiatrist

I'm a caregiver.

I work 3 days a week at a prison and pull over 60k a year. Just upgraded to an RTX 2080. Feels good senpai.

Retail position at over 30k+ a year

Have sex

>Buying vidya
I just want a job, guys, every day I do nothing buy laze around my house being useless while everything gets more and more expensive, I want to help my family, I want to have my own stuff, I want to buy at least ONE physical game for my 3ds(which was a gift, only reason I could ever have anything on my own). Ive been looking for a job for years and havent found anything yet, now I started some classes that supposedly will give me a job when I finish them in July, I dont know what I will do if I fail the classes/dont get a job.

Neet culture is truly the peak of delusion, it's ok If you can survive by doing nothing, just be ready for the moment when your parents/family/other half just turn around, look at you and say: No more.

Learn to sell yourself. Real advice

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How much over 30k?

I work at Walgreens for $12 /hr.

Not bad honestly.

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You a manager staff?


The first reply was about piracy.

>Learn to sell yourself. Real advice
Yeah but don't you need real actual skills to be in IT?

shut the fuck up you massive retard

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Yes. Middle management at a very specific type of retail

Catfishing desperate men on discord and twitter.

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>cushy office job
>40 work week + the occasional OT pay
>sleep for 7 hours, go in early so I can leave early
>healthcare, dental, 401k w/ company match, and recently started a roth IRA
>With 3-4 vidya hours on weekdays and plenty of weekend vidya time

The funny thing is, It's honestly not that hard. Forsaking the NEET """"""""""'lifestyle""""""""""""" was the smartest decision I ever made.

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I wanna say what you are doing is wrong(and also real) but anyone stupid enough to fall for it does it its hard for me to have empathy for them


Of course! You have to be fucking competent, but you asked how do I get into that

The more detailed answer would be

1.- Have decent skills and knowledge
2.- Work on yourself. Most IT people is ugly or has terrible social skills. Be the opposite. A gorillion extra points if you're good looking.
3.- Learn to sell yourself even if you dont have ALL of the needed skills

You can do it.

I am using my GI bill and do Lyft on the side. I make good money ($50,000+ while receiving a free college education) but I live in one of the most expensive states in the country (Hawaii). At least I can find flights to Japan for less than $300

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Electrical apprentice. Good shit

with epic skill and epic gear!

Show me.
For research.

I meant specifically, I know very very basic css for example, surely that isn't enough.

How the hell does anyone enjoy being a NEET? It was fun for like 10 days. I was jobless for about 5 months when I quit my last job and it was depressing as hell. You just see your bank account get smaller and smaller as the days go by.

I work in sales and all I do all day is play MtG Arena on the computers at work.

6.5% monthly interest from a deposit with tens of thousands in foreign currency.

Literally free money.

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Work in a lab at a chemical plant/complex. Pays well with decent benefits, but I work 12 hour shifts.

Based gi bill user. I'm using it too but in california. Also working a full time job for an ecommerce company. Lifes good. Getting a 2060 next month.

Find an IT job that will pay for your certs.
That’s what I did.
I also workout daily, eat right and have great social skills.
Seriously, a healthy IT guy who is constantly learning is a huge advantage.
Most IT people are fat/lazy nerds who are assholes.
It’s like having a healthy doctor, instead of fat/old one.

my math professor did this and his savings account is a decent 6 figure plus he owns his own house and 3 cars. he admits he literally doesnt have to be a math professor but he enjoys it a lot apparently

C'mon user, you have to give us some stories.

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I work at a level 1 trauma center as a CT tech, honestly not that hard and I get paid pretty well.