Boss, these two snipers, they KILLED Vietnamese! Our clients are paying well to have these two scum eliminated

>Boss, these two snipers, they KILLED Vietnamese! Our clients are paying well to have these two scum eliminated.

Why the fuck is there a side mission in GZ that has you killing two Vietnam veterans for merely doing their fucking job?!

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>OP didn't extract them both

Because he's a mercenary and he was paid to?

>Actually killing them.

what other nationality of soldier is going to be walking around camp x-ray?

Why would there be a mission about killing two ordinary American soldiers in the first place?


Because Big Boss is a terrorist

the only post that matters.

I am Vietnam people
This game think Vietnam bad?

>duhhh i wuz just doin muh job
literally not an excuse

You don't fight in a civil war because it's your job. You choose a side and fight for them because you share their ideals.

>soldiers get drafted into war
>have to fight for a certain side no matter what

You do know how Vietnam works, right?

I know America fucked it up for everyone involved.

my grandfather was a vietnam vet.
this mission offended me.

there was a draft for the vietnam war, you dumb zoomer

war is bad

I'm sorry for not living in a country that forces me to fight someone elses battles.

>I'm sorry for not living in a country that forces me to fight someone elses battles.
Just because you live in a shithole that doesn't excuse you for being ignorant.

Pretty sure they weren't American, but it's been a while.
Also capturing them sucks, because you can't dismiss them and their stats are fucking garbage.

They're American vets who were apparently too good in Vietnam or something and that makes them bad guys. The whole thing is an excuse for the Japs to paint American soldiers as the enemy. This is only a taste of the kind of Anti Americanism that is full blown in MGSV

It may be a shithole but at least I'm free.

Where's this?

They had Russian nicknames, but they were Americans.
And you mission isn't to kill them. It's to extract them so they can be taken wherever for war crimes. They were murdering children.

Don't be so fucking fragile, WW2 and beyond we fucked up a lot of shit and the world is a murky place. Course if we didn't fuck it up, someone else would have even worse.
Kojima loves us anyway, Japan loves us.

>murdering children

Children armed with guns.

I appreciate that you didn't automatically assume I'm British but I'm not going to say where.

>Killing any other nationality doesn't matter
>Killing American soldiers bad
Based retard.

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>killing American soldiers who fight for freedom across the globe is bad


Because parasites son

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>killing American soldiers who enforce their regime across the globe is bad


Dont worry, I'm sure a jdam will end your misery soon.

Oh I was just sort of chuckling at the naivety of someone believing they are free.

based and blackpilled

>US military
>Fighting for anyone's freedom

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I'm not even a mooselimb you utter cretin. You're whole "wez be fighting for muh freedoms" is cringe tier bullshit.
What are you? 13?

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MGS has always been pretty anti American, where the fuck have you been? Kojima loves American culture but every MGS has been portraying the government as evil and the soldiers as pawns being used to benefit someone else.

>find out kojima is using the delfonics song "walk right into the sun" in deathstranding
>listen to the fuckin song
>it has the fuckin snake eater opening
i think were getting fuckin rused

Aren't they legit war criminals who existed in real life? They were fucking awful.

>frees you from the mortal plane
don't mess with us you filthy commie or we'll throw a bunch of naive farm boys at you to get slaughtered and then just say fuck it and bomb everything

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But they’re American so it’s ok.

more like israel's freedom, amirightbois?

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>in the laotian civil war
op ya dun goofed
>Why the fuck is there a side mission in GZ that has you killing two Vietnam veterans for merely doing their fucking job?!
because that was also just a job. kaz had contacts in the KGB who wanted the sniper team dead, they paid MSF to do them a favour

big boss and kaz were never heroes. they were running a business. and it's still the player's choice to kill them or not

Goddamn Ground Zeroes is so polished.

Why the fuck didn't they let him finish the goddamn game?!

Imagine all 50 missions were as polished as the GZ ones.

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Because he was taking fucking forever and Konami wanted to chase those chink mobile bucks. Konami are still a pack of rat cunts but Kojima was doing something pretty risky with their money and resources.

>parroting the konami drama meme
There's no evidence to back that up. Where do you people get your news?

You know America has a draft, right?

>honor bound to defend freedom
Whoever made that sign should've known it was going to be put outside a prison.

Money and resources any moron knows they would've gotten back tenfold. I'd let the fucker take as much time as he wanted, his name alone would make you money.

It's not a prison, it's a resort for recovering terrorists. Free room and board and waterboard.


Good thing it doesn't go into detail about what Japan did in WWII

your grandfather was gay

>Aren't they legit war criminals who existed in real life?


Give quick summary?

Vietnam fucking shits.

It's almost as if Big Boss, the guy who used child soldiers, isn't a good guy, and that his rogue private military will do anything they're paid to do by any country because his military has no borders.

this was a fun mission

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Because you're a mercenary and you're hired to kill whoever you're asked to.

>Setting up various Japanese friendly regimes in China
>Invade British and Dutch colonial empires under the pretence for freedom but really to gather necessary war materials for their war effort
>set up puppet regimes to govern their conquered lands
>Attack and bomb the US navy to end their embargo of Oil
Basically Japan was guilty of everything Kojima hates of America