Get a normie 9-5 labor job 30 hours a week

>Get a normie 9-5 labor job 30 hours a week
>Spend off days eating junk and playing vidya
>work keeps me toned and healthy
>user why no gf?
>keep cool and work on batting off questions while lying out my teeth
>Literally a Yea Forumsirgin in disguise
>Its actually fucking working and no one suspects my degenerate lifestyle

any other Yea Forumsirgins here putting on a good face?

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>Yea Forumsirgin
Fuck off normie

nah im a bitter asshole

Why do you need to hide it is what I want to know

only lazy niggers dont work

I guess. Still trying to lose it before I become a wizard though.

mostly shame and existentiol dread phase im going throug my life and no wanting to present an aura of depression to bring other people around me down. Im in a conflicted state in my life where im not sure what i want to do with my life and drowning myself in excess pleasure is a nice reason to live but i still feel shitty for doing such things.

tldr im a insecure faggot

I have no qualms about telling people how shit my life is

I assume most of the people here are wagecucks and not the basement dwelling neets they appear to be

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those people dont actually go on Yea Forums. they roleplay as belfs in moongaurd while trying to hit up 16 year old girls

Just find yourself a work buddy who likes vidya, or do some normie crap like a trivia night or something to meet people. Friends are the people you can tell about your feelings go out and find some

thanks user

>tfw always on point at work
>anytime person stuff/hobbies, etc. get brought up I'm pretty blunt about what I do since I don't give a fuck what people think at this stage of my life
>actually hang out and become friends with a few dudes that past couple years and go to local fighting game shit
You just gotta take a chance. I had some coworkers think it was weird that I played vidya still (they're older) but whatever. They asked the personal question and any awkwardness gets squashed once we get back to work.

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Shall I say it again?

Fuck off normie.

>Its actually fucking working and no one suspects my degenerate lifestyle
It's not.
They know you're doing SOMETHING, they just dont know what but do know you're cagy about it.
Pick a 'safe' hobby and do it occasionally, like snooker or photography, you dont need expensive shit for that and gives you something to shitpost about with normies instead of being evasive.
Walking to places for the latter is also good for you, in a different way than work is, although granted this does require living in a somewhat nice area.

30 hour week

I wish I had friends that played fighting games. My only friend that did, became a neet and just stays at home. He's been a neet for at least 8 years now.

I assume most people here are teens, I refuse to believe that adults are saying the shit I read on here.

>30 hours a week
>thinking that is an accomplishment or noteworthy in even the slightest way
Get a job.

He works four days with a half hour break, which he doesnt get paid for.

8h*4 = 32h - 2h = 30h

Anyone else bored of gibs?I literally want a job i'm so lonely.

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If you consider 18-35 teens, I suppose.

I'd suck a cock before believing that even half of this board is above the age of 20.
They may gather statistics through trackers and such, but no one is going to put anything under the age of 18 on any account.

Lots of people have careers, a life and play video games. Youve gotta organize your shit dude. Although I just ended it with my Venezuelan chica. I work 9-10 hours a day, work out for an 1 1/2 hours 3 days on 2 day off. Cook almost everyday for an hour and play video games for about 2 hours every night. Weekends vary however closer to 4 hours of video games now that I’m single and have Saturdays and Sundays to myself. Best advice to give you is to start managing your time. And only lurk on here 30 minutes before bed.

20% of Yea Forums is probably underage b& browsing on their phones during middle school or high school.

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I'm 32 dude

Working literally means you are supporting the lifestyle of niggers though, you nigger enabler.

>be Administrator
>blend in seemingly with office Chads
>office Chads have monopoly on thermostat
>slowly gaining their trust
>learn from Frisbee Demon, the Alpha Chadathon they all have been throat punching the interns female intern
>report it to HR right when it’s happening
>they get caught and promptly fucked in the job ass
>mfw I have an interview tomorrow for Frisbee Demon’s position and I’m another step closer to thermostat domination

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I'm not saying everyone is underage, just a decent amount.
I remember being 10-13 and being a console warring twat back and then I grew out of it and became an idort. I just notice a lot of the things I used to do as a child happening on this board, which makes me believe a lot of this board is underage.

>tfw you're so alienated from society you see getting a girlfriend like most people see winning the lottery
>coworkers look at you like you have two heads when you tell them you're a virgin
>now I just bring mealworms to snack on during lunch break so I can play up the psycho angle

Where did it all go so wrong

>comfy 10-6 office job as an editor
>be heavily addicted to opiates
>on weekends, if not working manual labor with dad, get high/stoned and play vidya
>nobody cares
yeah, I keep it cool

>telling people you're a virgin
Why do people do this
Also why do normies ask the question in the first place?

Goddamn, I hate this bitch so much. I can't believe they thought it was a good idea to have a primary conflict in the fifth season be between the two worst characters.

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Probably when started thinking shit like bringing mealworms to work so you can "pretend" to be retarded was a good idea.

>wow dude I hooked up with this hot chick this weekend
>haha nice bro
>what about you user?
>autistically mutter something about having no experience

it happens

you can just say you haven't gotten laid in a couple of months. I haven't gotten laid in a couple of months (it has been 7 years since I've gotten laid)

kek gospeed user

i only hate Diane when she's with Mr Peanutbutter otherwise she's fine, so yeah that season was painful

wait a second, how come I'm not doing that?

My work friend watches anime and we discuss the anime we watch everytime I see him. He's huge into Jojo and loves part 5, but we end up discussing part 7 and 8.

Start talking about the ethics of guns and how you think some people probably need to be shot. Talk about this while eating your fish food of course.

>decide to un-neet
>get job in trade
>have no idea how to do anything
>show up on time everyday
>try to learn but am retard and forget a lot
>do most stuff right but fuck up a lot too
>stressed that I'm going to get fired for some reason
>secretly wish I was fired so I could be neet again and not piss off family too much
>live in trash and play vidya with all my free time
i hate this life but I guess I have money to actually buy stuff now

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Me too, user, me too. Or maybe it has been 8 years now, it's really easy to lose track after a while. I turned 30 this year and will probably never have sex again in my life. Sort of haunts me but also I'm on Yea Forums with a bunch of literal children so I can only blame myself for my life decisions here.

>co-workers always ask what i did/am doing on the weekend
>always say nothing
>probably think im a dick and dont want to talk
>i actually do nothing every weekend

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>work three 12's a week
>own place
>side girl
>play more games than Yea Forums faggots
>been using Yea Forums for over a decade
>mfw im called a normie reddit here

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Im a nurse
suck my dick you delusional egotistical faggot

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I don't understand this beta mindset. What the fuck is going to happen to you if you say "Because I don't talk with fucking girls." Who cares what they think.

Can't get a gf because I'm too pessimistic towards everyone.
I can't connect personally to anyone new anymore.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night, loser.

why do you NEED a gf?

a gf uses so much free time, not worth it desu

Sad story for me user
>Was working at a shitty place but decent pay
>Frugal as fuck though so managed to save up a bit
>Getting tired of Job because it's getting too hard, eyesight starts getting blurry
>Go to the eye doctor, Retina detachment probably because of work but no way to dump it on then since it was pretty advanced so it could be said i already had damage before i started
>End up finishing contract and obviously they didn't want anything surrounding me
>Had 3 surgeries in the last 9 months, can't work, can't even exercise because of risk of getting blind
>Have gained over 20Lbs and feel like shit
>Only about $700 left

Next month the doctor will make an evaluation about how capable im for work, if im unlucky he will put im unable to work properly and i'll be in deep shit. An hero levels of shit.

God damn 3 12 work days are sweet, wish my job offered that kind of schedule. I'd take working 4 10s too?


user, that's at least 80% of the work force in any job on the planet. Most people just get by at work by faking looking busy without actually doing their job. Just keep it up and you'll be normie in no time.

You're not a normie redditor; you're a faggot who deserves to choke on a big black dick.

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Adriana Chechik. Her scene with Megan Rain+Mike Adriano is one of my favorites.

>try to learn but am retard and forget a lot
>do most stuff right but fuck up a lot too
I used to be like that at my first job as well, just ask people how to do things and write it down somewhere so you don't have to ask all the time.

I also do non-Yea Forumsirgin things like drugs and play a popular musical instrument at a high level, so they don't suspect a thing


It's ok to fuck up, at least you're not a surgeon or something that could severely cripple or kill a guy

This year I will officially have been a neet of 10 years with only a month of volunteer/work experience and about two weeks of one seasonal job.

I give most of my benefits to my family as rent and help out (drive people places) when they ask. Also I don't hate women despite not so much as holding hands.

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please user, do not do opiates, not even tramadol or vicodin. I started with oxy, and now I'm snorting heroin, but I've been taking suboxone for a week now, I'm tired of all the bs heroin brings into my life.

I hope everything goes well, user.

user.i hate to break it to you,maybe you just have no clue what ppl been talking about behind your back.they are all just been nice to you

But i treat my fiance like a queen. The other chick gives me so much more energy. Shit was becoming s grind.

Then quit you bitch ass nigga and stop playing the victim.

Good on you op

We all have to deal with the normie questions
>What user, you don't have a gf
>when are you going to get married user?
>Don't you want kids?

Sorry to hear that user, cant qualify for disability to keep you fed until you find blind-friendly work?

I honestly don't care, I've had a lot of sex when I was younger, but lately, 7 years, lol, I just don't care, I rather get my personal projects going and help my family, I do wish I could find a girl to settle down with, but that shit is hard.

>implying I'm playing the victim
it seems like you have trouble reading, because I said I was taking suboxone, that is a step to quitting my vice.

same here, just play vidya, catch a scary movie and thats it, rest here and there and wait for the next paycheck pretty much.

Sorry I freaked out so much. I just really hate cheaters. Are you planning to give up the side chick when you get married? If so, then I can accept that, but hey, I'm just an user

If you're the nurse that means you have to suck MY dick lmao

>Its actually fucking working and no one suspects my degenerate lifestyle
nice fucking meme

everybody probably already knows you're a degenerate, they're just being polite and not prying about it

>Get a shitty 9-5 kitchen job
>Hehe user you're so cute why don't you have a gf yet
>finally get the courage to ask out a girl I like at work
>She ghosts me because i couldn't read her fucking signals when she wanted to get physical (she literally just stared at me for 5 seconds)
>Get depressed having to see her everyday so quit
And we're back to NEETdom boys

suboxone is typically used to help wean people off stuff

If i do that i'll be fucking up my future even more, would you go to a blind physician?

If i do that it's literally saying i can't properly work and the last 7 years of studying would go to waste.

>9-5 4 days a week job
>6'4", a little chubby but muscular
>office work with mainly 35+ white women
I get asked that shit every other day, I always answer "I`ve got more important things to do in my life right now, no need to rush it"

sorry to hear about that user, can you apply for disability or unemployment? so you can at least get a few dollars while you get well.

>Manage bar most of the week
>Train Western boxing 3 - 4 days a week
>Hit the gym periodically
>Have Japanese cutie gf
>Still have enough time to play REmake2 and DMC5 into the ground

Eh, it's okay.

>volunteered somewhere once but other than that never do it for free
>have had a total of 2 interviews at the same place for minimum wage shelf stocking
>no friends currently working that can get me in
>5 CHAR 5 SPEECH that cant into the whole "sell yourself :)" thing
>tried hitting the gym for a month and hated every second of it
>only exercise I tolerate is jogging outside when its not freezing
>no hobbies
Feels great being a lazy blogposting piece of shit.

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Maybe i dunno. I kinda justify cheating as long as its not disrespectful like bringing her to your home or letting friends meet her. I know people that do that shit. I'm also 100% up front with the other girl. A lot of dudes bullshit the other chick too like saying they're unhappy and plan on leaving.

Should of alphad your way through and stayed.

I didnt. I forced myself to get promoted to get away from the situation. She was literally crying one monday because I didnt offer her a ride one friday after many rejected offers, cause she was super serious that time and wanted to see me.

Should of stayed. It was an easy job, and in retrospect, I could have acclimated to the embracment.

>destress by eating junk and playing vidya on the weekend

user, it could be so much worse. there's nothing wrong with doing that shiz. When I get home from work I just browse websites, shitpost on Yea Forums, and watch youtube/anime. On the weekends I play vidya, eat a shit ton of carbs, and watch more anime/tv/movies. At least you're not doing drugs and getting drunk all the time like half the people on /ck/.

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Being alive is just so damned exhausting.

>put a 17 cent package of ramen into a $2 beer
And I bet they charge like $12 for it

My single, burning regret is missing out on young love. I honestly don't care about anything else.

I got fat when I was a stupid retard kid and that coupled with my behavioural issues ruined my life, there's no coming back from it so there's no point in agonising over it. A decade a neet sure, but I'm comfortable and many, many people have it far worse than me, spending all day thinking about it will do nothing but make me depressed, so I don't. My family don't hate me, I'm respectful (not an asshole or druggy)and give them my government money, possibly the benefits of having three successful siblings nothing like me. If I get kicked out I'll be dead in a week, they know it and I know it. It will happen one day, but until then I'm going to make the most of it.

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the job was way too shit for me to deal with that shit too desu, also she kinda turned psycho on me so I probably dodged a bullet, fucking roasties man

lose some weight tubz

Well, user, I don't approve of it, but know that this can't keep up forever. I'd even recommend staying with the side-chick.

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watch the webm you fuck, it's broth

Shit dude I'm married and have a dog and I'm still generally hiding my autistic power level from everyone I work with. I collect toys and play video games most of my free time.

Oh okay, good for you and good luck.

This hit me hard. I had a best friend growing up who is now addicted to MMO's and does nothing.

niggers were forced to work aka enslaved because they were lazy

you neets are no different than niggers

You're what we call a "failed normalfag", user. You desperately want to fit in here, but you are an npc and probably bought Destiny and/or Anthem

It's far too late for that dummy. If you're still a virgin by 22 you're done, simple as that.

Oh, missed the "shitty" kitchen job.

Well, glad you're out.

I wanted to stay for another reason. Something to look for in that situation is to stay to see the games they will pull.

The strings, the passive aggressive comments, how they lie, the fake smile(the eyes never smile) all that to gain insight on behavior of psychos. It can be usefull to weed out personal weaknesses. Cause theyll look for them and go for it like a shark to blood. Then, when they think they have you, BAM!

Haha, anyways, good luck in the future user.

ah, a successful wizard graces us. How was the trail to celibatude, my friend? Thorny, I take it.

this is exactly the type of thing you'd expect a guy wearing a friends t shirt in 2019 to order

Difference is niggers still needed to be whipped to get them moving.

I don't get you young people. You just throw any incoherent shit just so you can have a comeback.

The first guy was right though, and if you can't understand why it's because you're also a normalfag.

>lost weight and got into normal BMI range (no one else in my family is normal weight)
>abstain from alcohol on weekdays except for work events and largely avoid liquor (family is alcoholics)
>smoke herb as alternative to alc also on weekends, play vidya, listen to weird music and read about history, language, philosophy, etc
>graduated uni and got $63k/yr salaried office job w/ 35 hr work week
>however almost $200k in debt because of school w/ $160k at average 10.5% interest (working on refinancing atm)
>only upgraded from khv to kv during college
>never completed learning how to drive after nearly having a head on collision with a truck
>lacking motivation to get back into gamedev, but don't want my passion to die working in a soul crushing environment
>trying to find meaning and reassessing morals after mostly writing my dad out of my life
>still whackin it too much
It's a mixed bag, but I'm sure things will get better if I invest in myself like Aniki wanted

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