You got me the Dementoid Expansion Pack

You got me the Dementoid Expansion Pack.

The Expansion Pack, Andy! l need the game! lf l don't have the game, what am l supposed to expand upon? l knew you were incompetent, but l guess l overestimated you.

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you really have to get a foothold by your mid 20s

Dementoid is shit nerd.


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I love Mission Hill, even if it makes me stressed.

Luckily, I'm still 21. It won't set in for a while.

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Imagine trying to show you care about your friend by giving him something that you know he really likes but you don't quite understand and he responds to your act by calling you incompetent

>approaching 25 next august
>still almost no actual experience
>coinstantly rejected by companies i apply to
fuck my masters degree, it took me nowhere
i am not going to make it bros

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Mission Hill was so good.

I thought this show would be hipster trash but it's actually good

>get an associates
>apply to work as a prison guard
>get the job almost instantly
Sure feels nice living in a state full of druggies, makes finding work really easy.

you should at least get something under your belt by 22

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>landed a Pharmacy Tech job by 24
>the experience allowed me to get hired by a insurance/pharmacy company with nearly double the pay due to the 3 years of "experience"
I'm holding onto this for as long as they'll have me.

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>be me
>just turned 23
>have 5 years of experience in IT
>2 certs and an AS in CIT
The secret is literally knowing people, which I know is difficult for anyone browsing this godforsaken hellhole. I got my first IT position by making friends with a professor. Whatever your field, connections works.

This, it also helps that you kinda become friends (or at least "friendly") with people in higher up positions. I've scored better jobs due to not only the glowing recommendations of my one old manager, but she scored me a job in the facility she's also working in too.

penis penis penis penis penis

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>Have salary job making 62k
>Bought a house
>Got a dog since I have a fenced backyard
>Now have a very loving boyfriend
Things have never been so good, also video games.

Enjoy it while you can, because all faggots burn in hell.

Not him but I'm 22 now and have been working at a professional game studio doing cleanup art for a year, my goal is to be a storyboard artist, I'm doing okay for now, right? We're allowed to use our work samples in our portfolios so I'll have a good amount of things to show off when I apply for different jobs.

weirdie beans at
weirdie beans at
weirdie beans at
help me

Got a foothold at 29 and I'm set for life.

whats your masters?

electrical enigneering (electronics)

>currently a tard wrangler makin 28k a year
>applied to be a conductor for freight trains
>might get to see the country and make ~70k a year

Wish me luck bros.

>tard wrangler

...A what?

I always thought that there would be a market for that kinda stuff

A tard guard.

>Being a Christcuck

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Mission Hill is like a fucking time capsule, from the intro theme by Cake, to the 9/11 episode, to the friend with an extremely comfortable job at a massive company thanks purely to figuring out computers before 99% of the population, to the ska music, and so on. I don’t think the show itself is that great, but I’m glad I watched it.

there is (in my country), yet no one wants to hire me. im not perfect... (and rather far from perfect).

its funny how i was able to get 2 out of 3 internships when i started in 2016. then left after like half a year, because i was very dissatisfied with the work i was doing (which was actually lack of any work at all, starring at scream doing nothing all year). then year later i was trying a lot and literally nothing. over 40 cvs, some interviews and nothing. if only i had fucking family working in this area, it would be so fucking easy.

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It's just... *sigh*

The new guy.

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Let he who is without sin tell you to shut the fuck up.

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ah... starring at screen i meant

No way water balloon.

If you don’t have co-op experience or connections or hobbyist experience in your resume it can be brutally difficult. Any tech field will have stiff competition, since some people live and breathe the subject 24/7 for fun. It’s even harder if your school doesn’t have a glowing reputation, and given there’s supposedly a recession coming, it’s frustrating to miss the boat now.

Can I borrow your expansion pack?

Wow, man, maybe they put you in a black list

Why didnt you ask your professors on how to get a foot in the door? Why you no intern??

For quitting an internship? Doubtful. Some fields just have really high bars. He might also be an autistic weirdo in interviews.

Fuck off, you goddamned jew.

>halfway through aviation mechanical school for A&P
>literally have people coming to the school begging us to come work for them because every sector of aviation needs workers and they'll pay out those nose for them
>offering all kinds of good healthcare and extra money for bullshit certificates that you can get in a few weeks
>already have a job lined up when i get out
I guess I'll get a foothold after all. I hope everything works out in the end, I know they're desperate for workers. I just hope I end up liking my job. I could be making 100K in no time if all goes well.

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You should stick to Japanese games anyways. They are way ahead of the curve.

what do you mean?

>He might also be an autistic weirdo in interviews.
yeah, probably this as well.

>19 and failing college

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>Be brainlet who can't pass Accounting
>Switch to Admin
>Do really well in software shit
>Get dogshit placement I can't list/reference because supervisor was the type to scream in my ear about how retarded I am for programming something properly and demands I do it the way school tells you not to do it because it's retarded. That and felt the need to tell me on last day in horrible attempt at a concerned tone about how all my co-workers have totally been saying mean things about me behind my back.
>Only job hunting response I got was one asking if I just forget to mention experience
>Lower expectations and apply to data entry
>Get response email saying they found someone more qualified


I just got into college at 25. Shit. This nursing degree can't come fast enough.

At least you have time to look for other options. The sooner you do, the better. Mid 20's is the last helicopter out of Saigon. The closer you are to 30 without a consistent work history is a death sentence.

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That's not a nice thing to say to your lord and savior, christcuck. Then again, I'd be mad too if everything I believed in was debunked by a few birds and a turtle.

This is something I have been wondering. Is it better to save money to go to college later, or to go to college right out of high school and incur debt to do it. I feel like the latter is still more retarded, but most people do it.

>Why didnt you ask your professors on how to get a foot in the door?
hmmm… maybe i should have. but its not like, common here

>Why you no intern??
after this internship i wnated to take a break (i was fcking mess 15 kilos overweight) and this internship really took toll on my mental state (i was like literally almost crying some of these days, working there, awful shit). now i see it was a big mistake. i do not really regret quitting, but i should have started searching mid 2017. but i was full of myself, excepting i will get something as easily as i got one of these internships earlier

Can confirm. I'm almost 30 and fucked my life completely up. Every day I wonder why I'm not dead yet.

>jesus was a jew
Right, I guess we should ignore John 2:13 and the fact that the jews murdered him with spears, and still get butthurt to this day about him.

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Forget college and learn a trade instead.

i meant expecting. fuck its a bit late here

Quakin in my boots at the thought of your magical sky wizard sending me to a place that cant exist unless you admit the book written by jews who wanted to control people is all made up

It's better to get in right out of high school. Honestly the only reason you shouldn't is because at that age making serious decisions is almost impossible. High schoolers don't know shit about themselves to seriously make the commitment to a field. member kids jusburself

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