What games exemplify the statement
>easy to learn, difficult to master
What games exemplify the statement
Other urls found in this thread:
dark souls
Super Smash Bros Melee
team fortress 2
old ones.
this is the best example
Smash Bros
Hollow knight
Spam dodge roll, there you mastered it.
my game
what even is that unimportant country on the right
Luckily for us unlike chess those games are also fun to play
2D Mario
Rocket league
Chess is fun to play if you aren't a brainlet.
ARK survival evolved. I've only met two masters of that game. One's life is in shambles, but they are a winner.
damn those boys are cute. i should get into chess.
Chess is a poor man's Go. At this point it's more about memorizing openings than it is about understanding of the game. Chess960 is superior.
I would say the opposite. Hard to learn but easy to master.
It isn't hard in any real sense of the word either way though.
Why aren't there any professional female chess players?
Rocket league
Starcraft 1 and 2
Any game with a high skill ceiling. So a lot of competitive games. Starcraft, League, CS, etc. I know Yea Forums hates multiplayer but the objective truth is that the most skilled gamers are playing it.
inb4 "CS is rng" spam from casuals.
Like every game that was made by more than 60 people.
I guess because you didn't look them up and just assumed there weren't any.
I mean, does ANYTHING exist if you're not capable of doing a two second Google search? Food for thought.
World of Warcraft, Know a top 3 druid feral kitty from tbc and he is still in top 10 druids when he return to play a little bit every expansion
Must be easy to be on top when everyone else quits
Rocket League
>At this point it's more about memorizing openings than it is about understanding of the game.
This is valid and Fischer said as much. Most of these high rated players aren't even that good half the time, they just brute force chess theory memorization and then agree to a draw after 30 moves.
For anyone rated sub-2000 regular chess is still fine though. Chess960 I would argue is the future of chess and essentially turns it into an actual skill and intelligence based game again, even for over 2000 rated players.
People who say Go is better than chess are usually either weebs or contrarians (or not white).
>damn those boys are cute. i should get into chess.
Fischer was peak aesthetics.
Go away bobby
>People who say Go is better than chess are usually either weebs or contrarians (or not white).
Or people that are right. Go is played on a 19x19 field and has far more depth despite having quite possibly the most elegantly simple rules. If extraterrestiral life exists, it's likely they play something similar to Go.
Yes thats the sad part it's not even a challenge to beat kids in a video game when you are not a kid :^(
Devil May Cry
>If extraterrestiral life exists, it's likely they play something similar to Go.
What else do the aliens enjoy? tell us user
This. Go is kino. Chess is just a popular normie game.
They enjoy laughing at humans who use smug anime girl reaction images on Cambodian basket-weaving forums.
literally any rhythm game.
i already know shitters will disagree with me
>Fischer was peak aesthetics.
Yeah, he sure was. youtube.com
Absolute Chad
did they tell you that while you discussed go strategy with them?
Sonic the Hedgehog
I agree but I also want to shill shogi because I'm a weeb faggot I guess.
I very much agree with this. I wouldn't say thats bad at all though, its deceptive in its simplicity. Learning patience has a bigger learning curve than any mechanics in the game. Good game design.
You playing some touhou variant of chess where black goes first?
Unironically Hearthstone.
Copying netdecks is easy, understanding them and the matchups they go into isn't. The only reason you can steamroll to legend if you're barely competent is because of the other players.
Dragon Ball FighterZ
how come women can't play Chess?
>Fischer avoided the Sicilian Defense, with which he had lost game 11, opting for Alekhine's Defense.
>The game swung one way, then another, and was finally adjourned at move 42 with Fischer having an edge in a sharp position but no clear win. The Soviet team's analysis convinced them that the position was drawn. Fischer stayed up until 8 a.m. analyzing it (the resumption being at 2:30 p.m.). He had not found a win either, but managed to win a complicated pawns-versus-rook endgame after Spassky missed a relatively simple draw with 69.
>Spassky's seconds were stunned, and Spassky himself refused to leave the board for a long time after the game was over, unable to believe the result.
>He remarked, "It is very strange. How can one lose with the opponent's only rook locked in completely at g8?"
>Former World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik said this game made a particularly strong impression on him. He called it "the highest creative achievement of Fischer". He resolved a drawish opposite-colored bishops endgame by sacrificing his bishop and trapping his own rook. "Then five passed pawns struggled with the white rook. Nothing similar had been seen before in chess".
or maybe the pawns can move three squares forward
did chess use to be cooler or is it just nostalgia?
I imagine it was cooler before computers.
>be world famous chess champion
>overdose on redpills
>go so crazy that you start calling for the extermination of Jews despite literally being Jewish
>spend the rest of your life dodging international arrest warrants
>die after your kidneys explode due to a blockage in your dick
Tragic figure, really.
Why don't my chess punts ever get written about?
>did chess use to be cooler or is it just nostalgia?
Former world champions of the past like Fischer, Morphy, Tal, and Alekhine used to play to win and would make aggressive and unorthodox moves, often sacrificing pieces, in order to achieve checkmating attacks or other won positions against their opponents.
For example Mikhail Tal played intentionally oddball moves during the 1960 World Chess Championship just because "it would be an interesting position" and screw up Botvinnik's theory memorization.
Meanwhile, if you look at the modern players like Magnus Carlsen or Vladimir Kramnik they play boring, jewish "draw chess" where they avoid risks and play 30+ moves of autistically memorized theory before agreeing to a draw.
Not true. Dota 2 is hard to learn and har to master.