what was your fondest minecraft memory?
What was your fondest minecraft memory?
Uninstalling it
Jumping on a RP sever that used real money for Gold and actively destroying their economy by burning down their "Bank Boat".
playing late beta with my bro on a local server was THE SHIT.
Playing with like half my grade in a classmate's sever in highschool
Back in 2013 I guess
The survival multiplayer password leaking and everyone spamming the server trying to get in.
building a giant dick on top of some faggot's house and watching them reee in chat when they found it
the janky creative version .30 multiplayer servers with infinite swastikas and anime girls
Playing with my friend in PE before he died in late 2014
did anyone play the mineman demo? That shit was actually comfy
Spending two weeks on a server being the only person building cool shit and befriending people only for them to get me perma banned when I joked around and broke two blocks in their house (which I immediately repaired)
Best memory? Playing on a server with my brothers when we were kids back during the beta.
So one jew allowed?
>playing on server with friends
>"brb guys dinners ready"
>everyone conspires to booby trap his house while he's gone
shooting the last orb with my last arrow, with no way to get down from my pillar, thus sacrificing myself so my group can kill the ender dragon
for anyone keen theres a server up starting today
brominer was better
Playing alone, pretending to be the only person alive after some catastrophic disaster. Learning every single thing about the world, discovering how the game behaved, new items and new mechanics at every corner, and none of them explained to you. It was all such a wonderful, entertaining discovery. It was even scary at times. But, when you know too much about it, it begins to lose its appeal.
You guys on a server?
server going now
This. I bought it in beta back when it was cheap. It was fun watching them add new stuff. Personally, I kinda miss it.
Why are the swedecucks at Mojang so incredibly lazy? Who in the history of gaming has to make a poll vote to add ONE (1) new enemy creature into their game? Guess those caffine free Sòy lattes and vacation trips to China to record panda noises is very arguous and leaves no energy for productive shit.
>Not constantly having a bucket of water on you
You deserve it.
I remember this. It's a real shame the modded autists took over, reliving 1.7.3 was pure bliss.
The first time I played it, back in 2010 I think
Played it for a couple dozen hours for like a week straight, just mining and building a comfy little base in a snow biome, not really knowing anything about the game yet
That was the best time.
Playing on the Zelda Universe server was such a fun time.
My buddy and I would choose random serves to grief. We’d completely break down buildings and just set dirt over it so it looked nothing was ever there in the first place.
Stealing diamonds and steel from our city and then putting the blame on an innocent guy who was logged out while it happened.
Haha, fag.
Never playing it because I lack creativity
is the Yea Forums mine server still up
making first treehouse and putting a sign next to the ladder that read "no jews allowed"
Kek. What did the innocent fella say?
new one
this one is going to stay up for a while
I think he logged in first when the guy who was stolen from ragequitted from the server. He was mostly confused.
Early beta when it was like one cool guy was making an innovative game for everyone else to play.
No info? Vanilla? What version? How many actually on?
Not my screenshot, but I still remember you lovely boys. I left shortly after building a weird pagoda thing for the train station. The overlit tiny house in the centre was mine.
Minecraft griefing can be lots of fun.
Hasn't there been a few minecraft threads lately where people have posted servers? Id rather have one that's semi populated to stay on than a new one every time.
1.13.2 spigot
Pirate friendly
this is gonna stay up for a while and be on the same ip, owner has paid for a while and wants a community
Because mods are the only thing keeping many people playing. Seven years of vanilla Minecraft gets stale.
>making a enemy mob that punishes the player for staying up at night
So fucking dumb. If they insist on adding a mob like this into the game, it should have been one that punishes the player for excessively sleeping.
2b2t is the thinking man's server
wouldn't it be rewarding you for staying up by letting you hit it up close
Playing with the bros on a mindcrack server back in my highschool days.
Is it the same server I screenshoted here the other day?
Connecting cities that were many thousand blocks away with our main base via Nether-Railroad because you needed 10x less distance to build throught.
It was a huge task since the railroad even in nether was pretty damn huge and we did it completely with style, designing tunnels and such, great memory
Why not just play the thinking man's game, Wurm? You aren't a brainlet are you?
diff host
Outer Hea/v/en, never forget.
I'm going to cheat and say two:
1) My first diamond ore was stolen by an enderman
2) I was making a bridge across a lava pool in a ravine, accidentally let go of shift and fell in and deleted my world out of anger
hello fellow hillbro
modded is fine, it just deviated from the purpose of the server.
If you even gave a shit about games like Minecraft or Minecraft itself you have shit taste
Begone Mr. anti-fun
Thank you for bumping the thread.
>rl, probably eceleb picture
>hating on Minecraft
It checks out.
>replying to tripfags
Wow mineycrafta kiddies really are the brightest huh?
Sorry you have shit taste in games and defend your kiddy autism simulators
>not being a minechad
Trying it out for the first time on Xbox 360, I spawned on a beach, with some dirt hills nearby. I built a house on the side of the hill, and soon started to tunnel through the hill, digging upwards to create a huge tower that touched the sky limit. Eventually, I terraformed the whole beachside hill (it was pretty huge) into a massive fortress, with bedrooms, huge storage rooms, a game room, a device that generated cobblestone with water, lava, and a piston, farms for food, and a minecart that circled the place endlessly to make getting around it easier. I even set up railways to other places in the world, and set up (smaller and nowhere near as extravagant) bases in deserts and snowy mountains.
I miss that huge fortress...
Where'd the trip go?
the free web alpha version where lava slowly filled the map, but didn't kill you
I barely remember it
lava survival
Look at this fag with no imagination. Fucking dullard.
And how mushrooms and saplings were op because they couldn't be destroyed by the lava
is there some weird minecraft shilling or discord shit going on here
there's been a huge influx of minecraft threads the past month
Why is it so hard to find a good mc server these days.
Everything is either filled with microtransactions (Which is against the eula now but idk if mojang is enforcing it or not)
Or filled with more plugins then you can count
Probably just a bunch of children who are nostalgic for baby game.
Could be discord faggotry though
>Shit Taste
Goes together like Peaches and more Peaches
It was on 360 version, when it very first came out.
>back when world limit was at its smallest
>me and a group of friends squared off the entire map in creative with stone blocks
>built little checkpoints in each corner of the massive square as "starting zones"
>proceeded to build a dungeon-survival map, dotting the land with secrets and adventure
>hidden chests, dungeons, platforming areas, the works
>we would leave random signs and markers in the world
>some were probably never seen
>extremely intricate, you could find a little bit of something anywhere
>lasted for the better part of a month, then updates killed the map
This actually made me extremely nostalgic.
>green top
>Bank Boat
I was here for this got any more pics?
10 people playing now
Probably hosting my own hamatchi server back in beta with a couple of friends, having to look up item ids to give ourselves items back before there was an ingame inv editor...
Really just the first time I played it back on early alpha. World generation was weird and made like fantastical landscapes and it had that nice calm music. I spent a lot of the first session just roaming around being comfy and looking at the weird environments. It lost its magic pretty quick especially when I started modding. I probably only got a good month out of it before it just became a causal way to pass some time every few weeks. I haven't touched it in a couple years. But that first impression was a good 8.5/10.