For the last fucking time, how do I fix this?

For the last fucking time, how do I fix this?

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send it for repairs, ignoramus

Unironically stick it up your butt. The force of your sphincter should push it into place, and if it doesn't work just buy a new one.

by taking better care of your shit, numbnut

Bend it back over, duh

>Make a thread
>Get roasted
>Bail and make another thread
lmao @ your life

post another thread

Buy a PS4

install gentoo

>Yea Forums is /g/ and it can fix my hardware problems when I drop my switch

>"roasting" a meme poster
You Reddit faggots really think you're so great

stop being a nigger and posting this

You're too young to post here

>Yea Forums user pretends /g/ is their personal tech support forum
You and OP both please stay here with the rest of the retards please.

For reference, I got really angry on Fortnite and gently slammed my Switch to the ground (not too rough so it wouldn't break the screen) and then went full on autismo and started stomping the fuck out of it until the joycon popped out of place

wash it with onions

god, you 90's babies are fucking pathetic

Any tips on how to make your butthole tight enough to actual squeeze on this thing? I stuck it up there but the damn thing keeps falling back out onto the floor when I try to stand up

probably not OP but I'd believe it


Never said that but clearly this should be on /g/ rather then Yea Forums at the minimum
This is /g/'s business, not Yea Forums
I know mods on /g/ will ban him or he'll be ignored

How loose is your anus? Standing up should make it tighter

/g/ knows as much about tech as Yea Forums knows about video games

You uninstall fortnite for starters.


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>q's page

this show is fucking dumb liberal cancer

Attached: wot.jpg (960x540, 31K)

Anger management class.

>entirely non-political show
Nigga what

Nice serial number. Going to report it to Nintendo as a stolen device. Enjoy your hardware lock.

cuckservatives are even more delusional than SJWs

>Zoom in, times 10
>Sharpen the image
>Vector in on that serial number
>Enhance the blurry ass font
>Got it... this guy's fucked

nuke it in the microwave for 45 secs to loosen up the grips

Send it for repairs or get a new rail part online and repair it yourself. All there really is to do mate. You done fucked up, don't rage at games that hard, especially one for kids.

>generic Facebook/reddit bait
>Doesn't work so he makes another thread

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