How FF can be saved?

how FF can be saved?

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By Square to stop with the "muh grafix" bullshit and just make games with good gameplay and story.

make it turn based again, dragon quest proved there's still a market for this genre

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The Active Turn Battle system was Final Fantasy's trademark. Going to pure turn based is a bad idea.

The answer is always substance over style.

yeah I mean the atb

Idk, I've only ever played FF-6, FF 1 & 2 remakes or whatever for GBA. I'm going to start FF-X in a few days, any tips, tricks, things too know before going in?

I plan on going for Platinum too.

actually make a FINAL fantasy, there's like sixty of them now jesus fuck

Don't spend a a billion dolars and 10 fuckimg years making one game. Not every FF needs to be a graphical showcase. They should try making a lower budget numerical FF that has a great art style instead of reaching for an ingame Advent Children look

Turn based would be nice

keeping the FFX combat system for FFXVI would be good just need to remove shit ideas like the dodging lightening bolts.

drop that hack of nomura and get back sakaguchi on board

ff15 but with cute tiddy party members
not even joking, the absolute sausagefest made me drop it in 2 hours

by playing as this qt in the next game

>Going to pure turn based is a bad idea.
They did it for FFX

A fucking story, you know the reason that people played these games

>By Square to stop with the "muh grafix" bullshit and just make games with good gameplay and story.

The last time a FF game had good gameplay and a good story was X

do not rely on waifu anime trope styles to cover a shit game.
make it a little lower budget, focus on a good artstyle, make the gameplay atb like ffx, and make an interesting story and cool cutscenes that dont override the entire game.
and make sure the character designs look fucking cool and iconic.

that is all.

This. I don't know how these 40 million dollar projects get greenlit without a solid story in place. We've had like 4 instalments now where the story can't even be considered complete let alone good.

Ask capcom to lend their re engine cause luminous suck balls

luminous is being held back by current gen consoles.

They need new blood in their company. All the talented people are gone.

which is why they need to use stuff OTHER than Luminous if that engine sucks on modern consoles.

Who cares if it makes games look nice, if it's at the price of really crappy FPS

By letting Yōko Taro direct XVI

Less modern shit.

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>Yōko Taro
FUCK OFF. He's overrated hack.

Hiroyuki Itoas director and battle system designer.
Yasumi Matsuno as lead writer.
Masashi Hamauzu and Hitoshi Sakimoto as composers.

The most truthful thing said all thread.

Stop making Final Fantasy ARPGs because they're clearly bad at it. Kingdom Hearts and Platinum games collaborations shit stomps 13-3 and 15 so why try?

nevermind fucking Dragon Quest. Octopath was like the only game they turned a profit on in 2018 or something like that.

FF16 - all female cast only
Written by Taro
Directed by Kojima
Character designs by Nomura

Best game right here

Have a cohesive vision of the game from the start to the end of production.

That and maybe look at what worked in past FFs, but more importantly look at what DIDNT work

woah XII was fun if you liked programming

As soon I heard FFXV would be "a fantasy based on reality" the flags went off. We play FF for the absurd shit, not for the cup noodle stands

ugh.... how about a source for that one user

i don't know, FF13 i was pissed. with 15 i just stopped caring days after the release, not even enough to shitpost

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>Character designs by Nomura

until you found a good gambit set-up that worked for nearly everything.

Note, I have only played the base PS2 version.

>I hate popular things!


no I just hate nomura abuse of black trenchcoats, chains and zips

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Have Masato Kato write the next game

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But Nomura offered us Lulu user.
Without Nomura...without our favorite busty goth milf...what would we have done user? What would we have done....?

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those fucking belt, that's what I'm talking about, he make a great character just to ruin it with this lame shit

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Tifa didn't have a lot of belts though. Only one.

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true, his designs were great in ffvii, dunno what happened after

Bring back the Gooch, Amano is lead artist, and Uematsu composes. Return the soul.

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I heard uematsu was sick, I never understood why they let basedgucci leave, was it because his movie was a flop?

Put Sakaguchi on the phone.

so square tried the all male party - next game should balance it out and go with all female party

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>written by an autist
>directed by a hack
>character design by put zippers on everything xdddd
No fuck you that place is too good for you


kojima actually makes fun games though, except for mgs4, but even there it's not really a matter of the gameplay being bad, just too short

All female party already happened.

Take X or X-2 gameplay, 15 graphics and a any pre X story and characters
It can't be that fucking hard

>tfw old Yea Forums is still alive
Unironically based. Here’s a vintage meme for your trouble

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Trying too hard to fit in.

Kojima has done nothing but shit since MGS3 pure fucking SHIT.

Go back to fantasy and stop the modern/cyber future cancer

No overworld.