He "plays" VNs

>he "plays" VNs

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no, I masturbate to them

even the ones without hentai?

I play them while masturbating to them
They are fun

VN's are great when I get bored of too many action games

>he doesn't make VNs

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Okay retard

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>I wanted to fuck a woman but I compromised and jacked off into a tissue instead

Based Phil is /ourguy/

Itt: Puerto Rican whores

Go home and get your fucking shinebox

Yeah I play them
They're videogames

VNs aren't videogames.

Played Crismon Gray recently. It was good

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>A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a two- or three-dimensional video display device such as a TV screen, virtual reality headset or computer monitor.
I'm pretty goddamn sure they are, bucko

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I guess interactive power point presentations are now games. You fucking weeb nigger scum.

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>A video game is an electronic game...
>A game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.
How much of an enjoyable and structured form of play are Power Point presentations you fucking faggot?
>inb4 same as VNs lolololol
seethe harder

You can make a powerpoint presentation quiz. I guess that's more of a game than VNs. You pathetic dork.

if vns aren't games because you're only selecting choices then turn based strategy games aren't games either

>You can make a powerpoint presentation quiz
In which case, that specific quiz could be considered a game. I like to see whe're both on the same page, user.
VNs keep being more of a game than that whether you like it or not

Both aren't games.

But I do.

Ah, I guess the opinion of a literal who on a Taiwanese picture board is worth more than literally every other person's opinion on the entire face of the Earth.

whatever this is a VN thread now, post VNs

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If it has an walkthrough or guide of sorts, it's a game.

Good boy, have a cutie.

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Now go home and get your fucking shine box.

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I usually just dig through the files or go to panda and search for the pictures unless there's animation and sound. In which if that's the case, I'm searching for a way to have a scene selector.

What do you mean there's not-porn VN?

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westards on Yea Forums are fucking pathetic
imagine seething daily over anime, fucking go back to >>/reddit/ already normalfag

Everyone else would say the same. In fact they'd laugh at you for calling them games and call you a manchild.

only VN series ive played and I like it. the call back in travis strikes again had me spinning.

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>Everyone else would say the same
>A visual novel (ビジュアルノベル bijuaru noberu) is an interactive game genre

Post VNkino

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Then why have they been unanimously called video games for the longest time? Why is it that the contrarians are the ones saying they're not? Why are you fighting against dictionary definitons? Why are you such a colossal faggot?

>Theres no holocaust in my history book
how the FUCK did David Chase get away with this?

why did the medication make him do it bros?

You look like a puertorican whore.


Powerpoint presentations aren't games you subhuman weebs.
>using wikipedia as a source

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>"I'm tellin' ya, T. Wooden doors."

based chuunichad

>Give us your lunch money loser

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Moege are literally the perfect replacement for a good traditional wife in the 21st century
Change my mind

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OP you're a faggot, they are video games.

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Better source than you, random pitiful guy on Yea Forums. You do know Wikipedia's rules are strict and all articles are under constant edits and revisions to make them the best possible, right? You do know you can't add bullshit into a Wikipedia article, right? Is the "Wikipedia bad" strawman the only thing you have? Pathetic.

No more shitposts, Billy.

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>Vito "assmuncher" Spatafore picked returning to Jersey over staying with a bf in the cozy state of Maine

what a fag

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Yeah I'm sure an article on Japanese visual novels (not games) would be under constant edits to make them accurate. I'd expect that from an article about something more important, like an article about a country or a historical event. It isn't a strawman when even Professors advise not to use wikipedia as a source, you fucking braindead weeb.

Notice how she's looking at him and not you.

what you don't read?

but that is (me) silly

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VN's are everything a WRPG wishes it was, just without the shoehorned, awful combat.


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cute girl

then explain why there's an article on the holocaust you dumb ironic shitposter

some pulp


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>(not games)
Again, you're the only saying this you fucking schizo. They're games, they're video games, and there's literally zero (0) you can do about it. Cry about it in a random thread in a random page on the internet, sure, but at the end of the day they'll still be VIDEO GAMES and you'll still be a colossal faggot.
>he thinks only THE most important articles in Wikipedia have rules or are maintained
Is this your first day on the Internet?
Like, holy fuck user, there's only so many things you can turn a blind eye on. You're either shitposting or a literal autist.

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the same way you'd play a movie, yes
or play some music.
the whole "play" thing has been retarded for years, if you want to argue if VNs are video games then that's a completely different subject

generic girl

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i had forgotten this existed. thanks for the laugh, user.

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what did he mean by this?

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Well, are they?

muh twenty years

>tfw no decent Sopranos games
Feels bad man

>plays DMC

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>VN subhuman weeb calling anyone an autist
VNs aren't games. Enjoy your powerpoint presentation, retard.

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Nice argument. I'm done wasting my time with you, enjoy being objectively wrong.

>calls people subhuman weebs while posting weeb images

VNs aren't games.
There's a difference between moeshit-watching, waifu-having, VN-reading autists and people who just watch non moeshit.

>all VNs are for the porn
>all VNs are for dating anime girls
>all VNs are moeshit

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just when i thought you couldn't get any more retarded..

unbased kenganbro

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you retards fall for the easiest b8. fucking off yourselfs asap

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Am I supposed to be Joseph?