Why aren't you learning to fly the F-14 Tomcat right now, Yea Forums?
Why aren't you learning to fly the F-14 Tomcat right now, Yea Forums?
because jets are dumb and props feel better to fly, i know its you from that other thread you faggot
I have 800/20 vision uc ou.
like in real life?
Fuck mission 8.
This game was going so well until this retarded mission
Because she was put out to pasture due to politics and not because she reached the end of her capabilities!
don't worry, you can still fly Tomcat-chan. just defect to Iran
Its not the same! AHHHHHHHH
because I got kicked out of the ROTC for flunking physics II and having asthma
because I'm not the genetic 1% who get to fly jets for a living
Looks cool, but I don't really trust an AI in the backseat to do most of the work for me.
i stopped playing sims when online fps became a thing. tried again with a rift but just can't be bothered anymore.
>Once chance at life
>Really poor vision and can't do maths if my life depended on it
I've always liked helicopters more though so in another life that's what I'd like to do.
Needs better special weapons.
I'm a fucking casual and can't handle DCS
last I checked USAF and navy accept LASIK pilots now.
... not that they still fly F-14s, but still
why do you like rotors more than jet engines user
genuinely curious
Im math retarded as well and I've been frequenting this board. Been flying ATRs and 737 classics for a few years now. Dont give up.
And PRK, with PRK being the method.
Welcome to the future lads.
I don't know. In vidya it's always helis I've enjoyed flying, in ArmA and Dayz I pretty much only did flying, and I got good at it too. Of course that doesn't translate to real life, but rotary craft is something I've always just liked a lot more, the looks of the heli, the ability to land wherever, and so on just appeals more than fixed wing. Not to say I'd despise flying one of course, but If I could choose heli is where it's at.
Yeah a civilian pilot license where no university education is needed could be viable possibly for me.
physics 2 was the easiest 4.0 of my life you stupid fuck