Play R6S
Play R6S
No it took the esports pill and it sucks now
fuck tryhards and fuck rating
and especially fuck Blitz
i haven't played in over a year now
what's changed?
If this post was made a year ago i would agree but now avoid that piece of shit game
Blitz is 2 speed
That's all you need to know.
600+ hours in the game and I'm wholeheartedly seconding this post.
Only maverick that matters
i was going to buy it years ago but then they turned it into overwatch
That feels ironic for a name like Blitz.
What do you mean?
>build a cancerous store
The store was there from day one.
>set up dystopian ban system
Not really, now it just prevents you from posting bad words instead of just banning you.
And who cares about the characters?
Is this guy one of those autists who cares about Overwatch's and TF2's lore or some shit?
Way to focus on the smallest issues in that pic.
And even then I've yet to see the bad words filter actually do anything. I hear about it all the time but never actually seen it get anyone.
>And who cares about the characters?
Don't know. I have a slight autism reaction to the fact that you have all these relatively down to earth fringe gadgets and then that one chick with fucking holograms though. Always triggers that fucking autism. But god knows I've never actually given a single shit about who the actual characters are, it's fucking irrelevant.
Ok if the small issues are irrelevant and we can't talk about them why even post them in that greentext?
They're relevant because they're symptoms of a wider problem, that being mismanagement and a desire to milk the game dry with the lowest effort possible
He used to be 1 speed.
And he was fine in this state.
Blitz as a 2 speed honestly isn't a problem above gold, but he does show the games increasing catering to the CoD, no brain, all rush crowd.
I'm assuming they haven't nerfed bullets, right? Which means that you still die immediately if shot. That seems like it still deters "rushing"
game was great for about 4month, i sometimes boot it up but its not the same bros :(
Only bought to play with friends
One of the worst communities currently
No operators of my country
>Siege used to be """relatively""" grounded
>no ops were overtly annoying and unfun to deal with
>game starts to take a shift with White Noise
>annoying ops get added like Maestro, Maverick, Clash and Dokkaebi
>both attacking and defending starts to feel like less of a strategic endeavor and more of a slog and chore through the infinite gadgets that do nothing but waste time
>new season gets a CGI cutscene with comic relief
>and comic-styled CGI adverts in a reduced framerate to look like anime
>another CGI trailer for lore, as if they're suddenly starting to give a damn about that
>realize the game has become popular and now they're trying to copy Overwatch
Man, I put close to 800 hours in this game. I still enjoy it, but it's just not as fun as when I started back when I started in Y2S1. I don't have any problem against Blitzes or anything like that - I've actually played Blitz since I started the game - but shit like Clash and Maestro and Nomad are just the opposite of enjoyable and make the game painful to play, even with mates on voice.
Yeah, if you get one in the head of one of these twinky little rush goblins, thats without taking into account peakers advantage. Three speeds are busted good, particularly on the new "maze like" maps with large amounts of indestructible walls.
can't get my friends to get on, soppo
I miss when gadgets were mostly simple and believable, sledge just had a big hammer and bandit showed up to work with a backpack full of car batteries.
The last season with plausible gadgets was Blood Orchid.
The thing is I can stretch my belief a little to accept some of the more out there shit, but some of it is just fucking stupid.