>japanese game
>characters are all in highschool
Why are there no salary men characters?
Japanese game
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>Why are there no salary men characters?
But there are.
Japanese games are about fantasy and escapism
The people who play them want to relive their high school days as the popular chad instead of the ostracized nerd who was pushed by parents and the system to spend most of their free time studying
Nobody wants to play as a salaryman because if they arent a NEET they likely already are one
they're too busy killing themselves
But user that's a spy.
Video games are for children. They make characters in high school so that everyone can relate to them. Everyone has been in high school, but not everyone has been a salary man.
Do all Jap schools actually mandate uniforms?
Would you rather be a typical burger flipping loser or chad high school jock. Choice is obvious
yes, and all schools should have uniforms
If they do im sure theyre WAY more conservative than they are in anime and jrpgs and the girls skirts dont actually show their entire ass hanging out
Salarymen don't have any free time. I am actually astonished that they find the time to meet wives and go shopping. Seriously, the Japanese work ethic is on-par with the military, and I've never found a good answer for how military dudes find the time to find a girl and get married either.
There could be some private schools that don't.
What's the gameplay? Sucking off your boss? Talking shit behind people's backs?
Don't ruin my fantasies
>mfw those office ladies are just marriage fodder for all of those salarymen
>If the salaryman rejects his buchou or kaichou's attempts at matchmaking he immediately falls out of favor and gets passed on for promotions
Difference is that people in the military are mostly in good shape and outgoing. Those salarymen are weal beta cucks who are afraid of stepping outside.
Me at the front on the far left
They do in the UK as well. the Idea is that it raises the image of the school and eliminates student bias against each other based on clothing.
You have a fair point there user, but salarymen have the advantage of wealth. If y'ain't good looking, you better be well-off
You aren't on duty 365 days a year. You rotate between service and home.
I don’t think the Japanese salarymen are very wealthy, at least not the empty husks at the bottom of the hierarchy
But you only get 30 days of leave a year, and occasionally a 72 or a 96, so how do guys (especially barracks rats) find the time or opportunity to form a proper relationship?
Back when I was in school I hated the idea of uniforms. Now though, I kind of wish I had them. Like said the Idea is that it raises the image of the school and eliminates student bias against each other based on clothing.
I think if I had worn a uniform it would've made me more professional in a working environment.
*made me feel more
WRONG, they can't wear their skirts too long if anything
They can cost a a fair bit for a growing kids though.
>japanese game
>characters are all of the joestar bloodline
>implying the military isn't full of weebs
>I am actually astonished that they find the time to meet wives
They don't, that's the problem.
God i wish that were me
Unlike a Japs salary job you don't aren't there day in day out until you die by pavement.
Mandated hair color.
I wish more games dealt with adult issues like Catherine, Persona could benefit so much from a setting like they had in P2:EP with some more modern problems instead of the usual high school environment. Hell, that also extends to anime, I'd love to see a slice of life dealing with issues like addiction, dead end jobs, losing contact with people from your childhood, ect.
>meme that salarymen don't have any free time
>when jap high schoolers do
>when their timetables are off the charts and they also have club tier shit after
Have Japan and other north-asian countries been able to develop so quickly because of their built in cultural conformity? I can't imagine they'd be able to get half of what they've got done these past few decades if they were an individualist society.
Japanese schooldays are shorter than elsewhere. Also, contrary to popular belief, they're way less strict about grades. You only need a 30% or higher to pass in Japan. A lot of meme myths about Japan just aren't true, or only apply to people studying to become doctors and other high education occupations.
I'm pretty sure they hike up their skirts when walking home or after school, saw some really high skirts when in Tokyo...but Osaka girls were pretty conservative
Japs working 15 hour days is a myth.
They developed so quickly because the US and USSR were pouring resources into them during the Cold War.
China needed ideas from individualist nations to rip off, and Japan encouraged innovation with a mix of Confucian ethics. You need to have some leeway to allow your individuals to thrive.
>eliminates student bias against each other based on clothing
Maybe a bit, but there will always be accessories, vehicles, etc. that the rich kids can use to show off their status. The poor kids showing up to school in dirty clothes because their dumb poor parents are too busy working slave jobs and just getting by so they can't manage to keep their kids clothes pristine. Shelling out more money for a new school uni because user ripped his playing zoom ball isn't so easy for the poor parents, but Chad Chadington will just get another one while he sits on his ass and blames the maid for not cleaning his uni properly.
What about OL video game characters?
is that an average? does it include part time jobs?thots will be thots
>The school said they would even ask foreign exchange students with blonde hair to dye it black
Jesus Christ why work anywhere else other than Germany.
>tfw Canada is an overworked shithole
>tfw also have German citizenship
i know where I'm going
Sounds like material for a corporate twist on Harvest Moon
France once had a law that anything over 35 hours was over time.
Feels kinda weird to look a creeper shots of literal schoolkids.
Let me fuck you up even more, those places with the highest work hours actually are the less efficient. Higher work hours doesn't necessary equals high productivity.
I mean if you happen to get overtime pay as an American why on earth would you not take it?
>everyone follows the mandated uniform but the protagonists
name that game
>not realizing how much uncounted overtime is worked in Japan
>japanese game
>characters are all in highschool
>What is Yakuza?
>What is Devil May Cry?
>What is Resident Evil?
>What is MGS?
>What is Vanquish?
>What is Lost Planet?
>What is Street Fighter?
>What is ZoE?
>What is Monster Hunter?
>What is Dark Souls?
>What is Nier?
I thought the japs were the most efficient. What gives? What on earth is Luxembourg doing with their workforce?
Funny thing is that germany is falling into recession idk if this has something to do with it.
What do all these people do, exactly?
M8 Japs still do everything via fax why on earth would they be considered efficient?
Luxembourg is small population finance and tax center so lots of money and large portion of work force commute from neighbors so they produce GDP but don't count in ratio.
Ireland is tax shelter.
Norway has sovereign oil and good culture.
Different cities have different uniforms, there's definetly some that hike up their skirts but in average it's still rather short especially Tokyo and Niigata
that guy in the front with his bag down looks like he is ready to end it all on the next oncoming speeding truck
Fax actually is convenient dumbass.
>t. japanese salaryman
I'll level with you on efax. Actual fax? Why on earth would you not just send it via email attachment? You can even send PDFs through software to check for shit automatically.
Holy shit, I could cuck them all.
Pretend to work for 10 hours a day.
Said nobody who ever had to actually deal with a Japanese company and their autistic fixation on dead technology.
you all already know that japanese workers stay at work after the end of their work day until their boss leaves so i shouldn't have to make this post
Not that user but I work at a bank in the USA and we still fax shit. It is convenient
Because adulthood sucks
Osaka and Fukushima are the best, fukin foite me m8s
>why are there no salary men characters
Wasn't that Work Time Fun on the PSP?
So why not make a game based around a salaryman who gets thrust into some magical fantasy bullshit? It's still escapism.
I strongly disagree and see no reason why you would ever use fax when you can do pretty much everything digitally. My company uses almost exclusively PDFs along with document verification/signature software and anytime you deal with a client using actual paper they take for-fucking-ever.
I used to work at a bank too, might as well go to the scanner and email it
How does this happen?
Kobe is patrician as fuck.
>implying banks aren't stuck in their ways and slow moving when it comes to tech
Banks and law offices are last place I'd expect to adopt new tech.
Not any of them but there's shit you don't want to be saved in the mail
i know it's not a game but the anime black lagoon won me over with this concept
>Source: trust me bro
It's clearly Nigata>>>>Tokyo>Fukuoka>>Naogoya >>>>>> the rest
You shitter
I want to pleasure sensei.
I've never had that problem before, but since you work in a bank with lots of more compliance requirements I can get that.
there will be no such behavior
that's why your family does a marriage meeting for you.
She needs a boyfriend and that's me.
How is China not at the top of the list when their economy is unironically based on slave labor?
I heard they use short skirts in anime not just because of pantsu and shit but because it's easier to draw without caring about physics
Chinese aren't people.
But in truth there's no way you could possibly get accurate information out of China.
better version