How do we stop sony?

how do we stop sony?

Attached: 1552432864990.png (633x636, 324K)


Is that good or something?


From what? The censorship? Nothing. I'll just buy on other platforms.

>-0.1GHz CPU clock
>-8 CPU threads
>tiny cache
>-2GB of RAM
>inevitably worse GPU (14.2TF is impossibly high and is likely a FP16 measurement)
>HDD instead of SSD
Sorry but you lost

Attached: anaconda specs.png (854x666, 35K)

>"oh no i cant see bobbies in muh games anymore"

cuck detected.

from ruining the vg industry? not possible

Attached: 1552513660205.png (787x195, 14K)

Well isn't this just the kettle calling the pot black.

By selling cell phones ;)

Why does the OS need 4gb dedicated?

ape escape 4 when?

For what purpose?

>New console
>When PS4 only still has one worthwhile game

What gives? Even the PS3 had some good games after this long.


Honestly the PS5 sounds fucking mediocre.
Good for you sony fanboys who suck Sony's dick after they began enforcing censorship of some as simple as a navel.

Wow I'm so excited to buy a $600 machine and play transsexual black woman antifa soldier kill whitey 2020.

I can't wait to spend $20,000 in lootboxes to find one gay pride rainbow scarf while I die every 3 seconds to hackers in the game

wow so innovative

Attached: tenor.gif (460x404, 169K)

>failed game journo twitter user
>console named after a faggy girls disney movie character
I knew sonyfags were pathetic, but this.....this is next level......

yes, so good that it's either fake or costing 1000+
so fake

Anons should respect the British Police Force.

Too cartoony. You're gonna get post-apocalyptic lesbians and straight white male bikers and you are going to love them.

HAHAHAHAHAHA good luck there
The ram for games would cost as much as the rest of the system combined
Also, isn't it a pretty bad idea to use two different standards of ram? Your OS and games would be loading from different points.
How is it weaker then my laptop?

Great! Console fags will finally get to see what graphics looked like back on 2018 on pc!

>haha it was funny when it happened to Nintendo