What are Yea Forums's top 3 Total War games?

My personal top 3 are:
1. Shogun 2
2. Medieval 2
3. Rome

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Medieval 2
Rome 2

Medieval 2

stopped playing the franchise after that massive blunder

Shogun 2
Rome 2


1-shogun 2
2-rome 2
3-idk they all suck in their own way.

I love Modded empire but the ottaman turns taking forever in the late game kills me.

>1. Shogun 2
>2. Medieval 2
>3. Rome

Same for me.

Although I still have extremely fond memories of the original sprite based games as that's where I popped my PC cherry, but they absolutely nailed those first forays into 3D and it's kinda sad to see 15 years after Rome that they really haven't improved the formula at all, and have gone drastically backwards in a lot of respects.

Medieval 2 and Rome tied for 1st
Warhammer/Warhammer II(same game)

Yes I'm old.

>Third Age mod
>Medieval 2
Only other one I've tried is Empire and I've barely got any time on it. Might boot it up again once I beat Kingdom Come.

1. Medieval
2. Shogun
3. N/A, series went to shit with 3d campaign map

>Shogun 2 (specifically FotS)
>Medieval 2

1 Medieval 2
2 Shogun 2
3 Rome 1

It's amazing how trash this series has become, I'm so sick and tired of this Warhammer high fantasy garbage. Medieval 2 was damn near perfect aside from the AI, all they had to do was improve on that formula.

>Med2 (Currently playing DaC)
>Shogun 2

1. Rome
2. Medieval 2
3. Shogun 2

I really wish the Warhammer games weren't so shit, there's just a million little things missing and a few big things that are totally fucked (like sieges) that just ruin the whole thing, maybe with 3 they'll be able to bring everything together but i'm not holding my breath.

The fact that you still can't even do basic shit like gift/demand settlements is such bullshit, diplomacy as a whole is fucking terrible, map variation is also painfully shit. The whole thing just pisses me off after playing literally any other Total War.

Shogun 2

1) Rome
2) Medieval 2
3) Napoleon - I think it's massively underated.
I actually do like empire but it's too easy and too long. Even when you win the game forces you to click through the turn counter until the clock runs out.
Warhammer looks like a cash grab, haven't played either.
Shogun 2 is fun but I hate the way units rout, single file of the battlefield is just shit.
Rome 2/Atilla/britannia are all garbo

Also warpath for empire doesn't really add anything.

warhammer 2
warhammer 1
rome 2

Didn't know so many people considered Attila so inferior

same. Empire just killed my interest for the whole franchise entirely
>France is just one city
>Britain is four
>research is just so awful and in part meaningless
>all the units are virtually identical in every way except sometimes the look (and Austria which has a few more guys for some reason)
>siege battles are the same fucking forts every single time, the big star fort being a fucking nightmare to defend because of bad wayfinding mechanics, troops would just look at the enemies below because one soldier was stuck somewhere else
>AI fleets are always 10x stronger than yours, forcing your ships to strike the sails (I could've just been stupid as fuck, yet I saw my first line battleships lose against some frigates and shit)
>cannons are meaningless if there's no hill because they get torn apart in the front lines
>diplomacy was nothing short of a joke as with all TW games
Nothing but bad memories...


No order. they all are fucking amazing at what they do

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Medieval 2
Rome 2

Med 2
Shogun 2

I would pick Rome but as much as I love it the squalor cycle and crashes after a hard fought battle knocks it down a bit


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mine too

anyone else here not hyped at all for 3k?

I'm hyped for the inevitable shitshow that will ensue once it flops hard.

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Shogun 2 FoTS
Shogun 2

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Man this series went downhill after Medieval 2.

I would argue EVER SINCE MEDIEVAL 1 total war.

After Medieval 1 total war, they removed Rebellions, Traitors, and made the AI dumber, but prettier to look at.

Its sad really, instead of awesome AI and a intense campaign. we get graphics but shallow gameplay.

i play Europa Barborum 2. Total war is dead to me.

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1. Warhammer 2
2. Medieval 2
3. Rome 1

I almost always play Stainless Steel with Me2.

Rome 1 I think I usually play Roma Surrectum.

All of this with the addition of:
>performance is so bad that it runs like a slideshow on my pc

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>1. Medieval 2
Amazing for its time and has produced the greatest amount of mods and custom content. Truly /ourgame/ when it comes to TW.

>2. Shogun 2
Not the most interesting, even counting its two expansions, but certainly the most polished TW game at the moment.

>3. Warhammer Total War
Still a game in the making, Warhammer 3 is expected to properly introduce the remaining important factions, but it's very fun as it is. The fantasy setting is something truly unusual for a TW title and, just for being the first TW game that introduced Fantasy, deserves to be in the Top 3.

>Honorable mention
Rome 1. The game that made the franchise truly known.

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Same top three for me but Medieval 2 > Rome > Shogun 2

Total Warhammer 3
Total Warhammer 2
Total Warhammer 1

My negro.

FOTS is by far the most polished TW game ever. Tbh the newer titles have become, if anything, too complicated.

> needs a third game to be finished

Holy shit, OP.
Are you me!? Exact same order.

But it has the greatest amount of factions in any TW game. And with WH2 and Mortal Empires, perhaps the biggest map as well. The latter will certainly be the case in 3.

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I'm not going to excuse CA's business practices because they're pretty shit but Warhammer has a lot of content, more so than I'd say any other vanilla TW game. This is mainly due to the faction diversity.

Shogun 2
Then Warhammer 1
Wh2 was shit cuz no dorfs.
Shogun has a couple of bugged units and balance issues but with a couple of mods it's the best TW game by far.
Warhammer and the new ones are ok but Shogun's campaign manager looks nice and clean, they other games they're too cluttered and busy

>shit cuz no dorfs
i love dawi boys but holy shit are they boring to play

1.) Rome
2.) Shogun 2
3.) Medieval 1 (still the best battles in the series)

I really, powerfully hate Rome 2 and Warhammer, to the point where I cannot fathom how there are people who also played the old ones that like them. The battles...suck. I just don't know how to elaborate on this, they just suck. All sense of physicality has completely gone, it's become very RTS like where there are units which have appropriate counters and they have abilities on cooldown timers that you deploy at the right time. I know TW has always been a bit light on the wargamey elements but God damn, what few they ever had they removed. It's just not fun at all, and I speak as someone that loved Warhammer Fantasy as a kid and still occasionally plays Shadow of the Horned Rat and Dark Omen.

The game's map should have been like this.
But then it would have been unplayable.

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I've only played Medieval 2 and Shogun 2, is it true that the newer games are shit in comparison?

It's feels like you're commanding water instead of formations of units like in the older games. The second they get into contact they just turn into an amorphous blob.

Warhammer battles are the best in the series so I really don't know what you're talking about, especially considering the gamey "this unit hard counters this unit" has always been a thing, just tempered with the other stats of the unit itself which hasn't changed.

Why did they bother making this game instead of something that would be guaranteed to sell better? Rome 3, Medieval 3, Shogun 3, Alien Isolation 2, the list goes on.

Warhammer 1
Shogun 2
Rome 1

That's literally what happens in Rome 1 though

My personal rankings

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Warhammer 2

In that order. This is coming from a fan since the original shogun dropped.

1. Rome
2. Empire w/ Darthmod
3. Warhammer 2

These are my most played. I just like those two historical time periods the most and Warhammer gets me my fantasy fix. Rome is better than Rome 2 and I never was a huge fan of medieval history. Never played Shogun do to the small scale but I've heard it's great and probably will play it one day.

Medieval II/Shogun II

Sam poster but to comment. Empire is a personal favorite of mine in terms of mods and enjoyment. It is objectively flawed, but I got the most fun out of it.

Medieval 2 was solid but just never did it for me. I expect a lot of people like it because that is the game they entered the series on.

Med 2
Rome 2

I liked S2, never bother playing nepolean or empire because guns, R2s shitty launch killed the franchise for me so not played one since, don't think I will again either.
R2 now has enough content to keep me entertained for life, plus my RTS days are over.

Shogun 1
Medieval 2

All other answers are wrong

>Warhammer 2
>Warhammer 1

t. nostalgiafag

I played shogun first but disliked it. I only picled up Rome after EA killed C&C with generals so I moved to TW, I prefer the grand stat campaign over the RTS maps now.

Try playing Shogun in the current year. It's a masterpiece of simplicity and the AI isn't as retarded as in every other TW game.

>we will never get a steampunk total war with empire earth mod tier physics and damage on a globe map.

It hurts.

2. Medieval
3. Shogun

I'm biased though because I want to save the Roman Empire against all odds. Probably why I have 200 hours in XCOM: EU

1. Shogun 2
2. Medieval 2

With empires darth mod tier*

I think they're hoping the chinks will eat it up.

It literally isn't. Do you ever wonder why you hear this complaint so often if it's a figment of the collective imagination?

I think the lack of area-denial capabilities due to the gimped physics is what helps make the newer games feel so RTS-like. Compare the area denial capabilities of a unit of pikemen in R1 with Warhammer, for example.

give more in-depth settlement management (like attila) and this would be a dream come true

I have yet to see the feel of a rome1 Macedonian phalanx formation repeated.

Shogun 2

Warhammer has great faction variety, but absolutely everything surrounding that has suffered enormously to the point that anything aside from quick battles is so fucking dull.

The campaign/overworld map portion is the shallowest it's ever been by a huge margin and whilst I get that it's a lot of peoples first Total War, for those that have been playing for 20 years now it's pretty horrific to play.

It literally is though and I am convinced that the people that claim Rome 1 was some kind of bastion of quality gameplay haven't played it in the last decade

warhammer 2

warhammer 1

shogun 2

I just want more environments like the central island in warhammer 2.

Just beautiful dark forest with an alpine background. I want to fight all my battles in Switzerland lol

>Barbarian Invasion in low tier
You have to go back, Theoderic.

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>Shogun 2: FOTS
>Shogun 2: Vanilla
>Not yet
I've yet to enjoy ROTS, but Napoleon might change my mind. But something's off about Napoleon. Like, it feels more shit than what I've experienced so far from Shogun 2.

That's "literally" not the case.
It's being shilled pretty hard in China apparently. They even had to adapt some of the lore to please papa Jinping

Nigga I play Rome 1 every single year, it's my most played non-grand strategy game by an absolute mile. It's as good as it's ever been, even vanilla.

>Compare the area denial capabilities of a unit of pikemen in R1 with Warhammer
You aren't wrong but I would argue that having your pike wall hold the opposite side of a bridge while the retarded AI runs into it is far more gamey than anything in TW.
Besides if you want a faction that's really tanky in melee just play dorfs

>no shogun or medieval rating

Absolute casual, go back to plebit

>Still no indication of Total War: Victoria

TEN YEARS later and they're still fucking about with Warscape. Will we ever see a decent Total War battle engine ever again?

Shogun 2

The AI is retarded in all the games, I won't argue that. It's just that there's isn't the same contrast between taking and holding ground in the newer games, there's just no way to physically deny area if a big enough blob attacks it.

Coming off of Attila the campaign gameplay was significantly simpler but I have always felt that it was really overblown.
Besides by Warhammer 2 campaign depth has been achieved with most factions through their unique mechanics rather than universal ones. Empire and Orcs still need a rework though.

but there is nothing to do but fight. It gets old.

Warhammer 2 has probably the best quality DLCs of the warscape era of games. Something like Medieval 2, Shogun 2 and Warhammer 2 are my top 3.

>Warhammer 2 has probably the best quality DLCs of the warscape era of games
Only if you're not counting FOTS since it was a standalone.

If you said you liked Rome 1 for shit like EB I could understand but vanilla is pure trash mate, and yes the AI does struggle to maintain formation.
But if that's your thing then that's your thing.

Why was thrones so shit?

It’s the only game in all of total war series I have not played.

watch this if you still aren't LITERALLY convinced. Keep in mind it was made before they tried to unfuck Rome 2 but the fundamental point still stands
(timestamp at 19:21 since you're a phonefag)

Unlikely, CA is on the verge of collapsing as a studio, they're spreading themselves too thin and chasing too many different revenue streams, they're not focused on improving the core of what they do well.

Rome 2 flopped, Atilla flopped (both are in a reasonable state now, but they didn't see nearly the sales of the earlier titles), Halo Wars 2 flopped, Thrones of Britannia flopped, Total War Arena flopped and then was shit canned, and it'll be interesting to see how Three Kingdoms goes.

Warhammer is the only thing keeping them afloat at the moment, that might be enough to sustain them for the next few years, but i'd expect them to be announcing layoffs within the next 12 months.

idk man ironbreakers can hold a line pretty hard

Shogun 2
The Warhammer games

The combination of Vamp Coast, Tomb Kings, and even the DE/HE lord pack is better than FOTS which was the only good thing on Shogun 2 DLC-wise. The faction mechanics in Warhammer games are also way above previous titles

>in-depth settlement management

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>Anyone putting Rome 2 in their top 3 list

What the absolute fuck?

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Dwarves in general are ridiculous at holding choke points and especially at corner camping.

I've held off and decimated absolutely ludicrously sized armies with nothing but a handful of iron breakers, handful of quarrellers behind them, then a few bolt throwers and grudge throwers.

better than older titles, which was literally "spam farms and roads, and then build every building"
at the very least things like squalor and food actually matter in the late game because of how expensive late-game buildings are to maintain, it is certainly a step up from Rome II or the Warhammer titles

I thought Rome 2 sold quite well but alienated most of the fanbase because it was a bait-and-switch?

>CA is on the verge of collapsing
>Rome 2 flopped
Rome 2 is piece of shit but it's one of their best selling games to date. The Warhammer games sell well and despite the ridiculous prices so do their dlcs. Honestly I don't see CA going under anytime soon.

Shogun 2

For starters, I'm not phoneposting you dink. Secondly, I have never once defended Rome 2 or its gameplay, both at launch and how it plays today. This isn't me saying that Rome 2, or any other warscape game for that matter, is superior to Rome 1. What I am saying is that people look at Rome 1 like it was perfect and units clashed "realistically" when the truth is anything but.
Look at that video, when units collide they have no momentum, they just smack up against eachother, do nothing for a few seconds, and then spread out a bit. Sure, it is better than the fucking joke Rome 2 was at launch (and I'd actually say still better today) but that doesn't mean that Rome 1 was in anyway realistic or good in that regard.

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Never claimed it was perfect, just said it miles better.

1. Shogun 2: FotS
2. Shogun 2
3. Medieval
Conquering the Holy Roman Empire as Denmark will always be my greatest accomplishment.

You know what, fair enough. This argument is stupid and if that's all you're saying then I agree. Rome 1 is better than Rome 2.
Medieval 2 is better than either of them and so is Warhammer and Attila

warhammer 2

This was a very cute argument, anons. You two should get a room.

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The only faggot here is you user

Hello clone of mine what a good taste you have.

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Pretty good list my nigga

Zelda fanboys in a nutshell.

Medieval 2, Medieval 2, Medieval 2