Game has physics based combat

>game has physics based combat

Attached: 1549605375659.webm (406x720, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

That was pathetic, they deserved to get beat by that cop.

Should have been a filename thread

>physics based combat.webm

did someone say filename thread?

Attached: visting Little Lamplight with mods.jpg (650x649, 81K)

Attached: critic vs user review.jpg (960x924, 189K)

>dark messiah . webm

The new Toribash looks pretty bad

is this some indie film project or something? that's some really awful choreographing

literally Exanima

Attached: area29.png (900x758, 593K)

Attached: cs_office.jpg (950x675, 289K)


Someone explain what is going on here and did the guy whole fell deaded?

Because they’re drunk. Duh.


Attached: E9A9680A-2B45-445F-9D20-B255FD04610C.jpg (480x360, 30K)

bad game pls add better arena

Koganryu is still alive in UK!

Attached: 20150826213056fb1.jpg (300x259, 43K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 9.11.37 PM.png (700x878, 686K)

Good for him

Attached: working on backlog.webm (624x352, 2.95M)

Make it bigger and with more panels and you could put this next to Warhol. Aesthetic as fuck meme.

American cops are so shit that they're given awards just for not shooting random homeless men.

Drunks being drunk getting dunked

Cop OP. Seriously needs nerfs. Knocking down people in one hit is not fair in a multiplayer based game.

At least we have cops unlike your country.


Fuck bros, I can't WAIT for the new game by these guys to get localized

Our cops are too busy shitposting on facebook

That dude that fell backwards on the 3rd rail is probably dead as shit. Also based britbong cop beating some sense into the homeless

What does CUT mean for a stat?
I am playing demon gaze 2 and don't think is worth creating a thread for a dumb question.

American cop, and they all survived

Do you realize both how funny and inaccurate what you said is?

Fucking thi-
*gets stabbed by homeless man*

Attached: Getting Over It.webm (690x382, 2.58M)

don't spook me like that