Confess your gaming sins, Yea Forums, and they shall be forgiven

Confess your gaming sins, Yea Forums, and they shall be forgiven.

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I recently tried playing Planescape, and quit after about an hour of playing and only just having left the very first floor of the very first area of the game.

There's just so much fucking reading, the whole thing just felt like an insane chore to me. I'm not stranger to slow paced games or dialogue heavy shit, but this is on another level entirely. Going through every dialogue choice seemed necessary due to my character occasionally jotting things down in his journal, but trying to follow this shit myself is ridiculous. The game throws so much fucking story at you from the very first duster character, each zombie has a chance of having some loot on them and each quite a slow interaction to actually get it, and the fact that it took me so long just to get to the second floor turned me off completely. If the entire game was going to be like that, then I wasn't going to torture myself with it.

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I'm browsing Yea Forums right now when I could be playing video games.

Game development sin: I'm working on a game right now (independently) but some afternoons I make very little progress because I can't shake this feeling of doom. Should have finished the game by now..

I've been in DMC threads for years, but I had never once even touched the games. I tried to play DMC3 around 2016, but put the game down because it was just too difficult and frustrating. Still, I posted the memes and pretended like I belonged, even though I didn't. Once DMC5 got announced, that's when I finally picked DMC3 back up and finished it, along with DMC4 and even DMC1. I'll probably watch the anime sometime soon, too. I'm glad I can finally stop pretending and just be a real fan of this series.

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i couldn't get into DMCV and promptly returned it. dont think input-intensive action games are for me unfortunately.

I've never played any Metal Gear, Resident Evil or any Final Fantasy and I don't plan to do it.

no, youre browsing Yea Forums when you could be looking for a job or a girlfriend you lazy fuck. stop visiting this site and make your parents proud by starting a family who will be by your side so youre not laying in your death bed alone watching shitty sitcoms on the little tvs.

no, youre browsing Yea Forums when you could be looking for a job or a girlfriend you lazy fuck. stop visiting this site and make your parents proud by starting a family who will be by your side so youre not laying in your death bed alone watching shitty sitcoms on the little tvs.

i have a job and a girlfriend

I bought a PS4 a few months ago I'm buying a Switch for my birthday. I have a high tier gaming PC but I only really use it to torrent stuff. I've always preferred consoles.

I shitpost as both a hardcore progressive and a Trump supporter, often in the same thread.

I cheat all the time in multiplayer games. I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years and sent all the items to another account.

I think David Cage is very underrated. Heavy Rain was good and Detroit Become Human was awesome, but Beyond Two Souls was garbage.

When I was younger, I S ranked DMC3 on DMD mode, but now I find myself using quick saves, walkthroughs, and playing on lower difficulties more and more

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prove it

Tis not a sin to enjoy the company of others, user. Just don't let it destroy other aspects of your life.

To feel worry is not a sin. You are only prolonging your suffering. My prayer goes out to you.

You were forgiven the moment you got good user.

I detect no sin here. Be true to yourself.

No sins, but you are missing out on some quality games, except with Final Fantasy. Sweet music in that though.

I am able to forgive your sins as they are now, but if your cheating ways continue, not even I can save your soul.

just got home from my date

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hmm, props to you

I fuel the console war between Nintendo and Sony despite owning and liking systems of both companies

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I bought Dragons Dogma purely because I heard you can play as a loli and romance older women

I've never played a Final Fantasy game.

I fapped to Taki in Soul Caliber several times

I hate videogame

Jokes on you almost alI older relatives I knew died alone and had zero contacts save for my mom who helped them and/or a neighbour or a single friend despite having children. What you need are friends, family doesn't matter.


I can forgive your sins, but you should be fostering acceptance, not chaos.

I do not consider this a sin, but you shouldn't support games and devs who don't take 5 minutes to make and release balance patches that could turn underpowered warrior vocations into a decent class. Literally would take them 5 minutes to allow them to use 6 skills and provide a ranged option, or at least a bit more damage, but they don't.

That's ok user. But you should certainly check out the music. There's good stuff.

Chill dude she's hot.

Tis not a sin, but it is self-destructive for you to be here. You can be bettter.

That's why I don't want partners. No matter how cool people are, as soon as they have a partner they mutate to these cringe figures.

I used gold orb in my Vergil fight.

I never beat a Mario game until this year. I have played almost every game in the series but until this year, I never beat any of them. And now I have only beaten mario 1 and 3
I'm a giant pussy and the only horror game I've ever completed has been dead space 2, if you could still call it a horror game at that point
I have never played a traditional fighting game that I have honestly liked.
Sometimes I buy games just to justify still owning the system they're on and not because I actually want or am interested in those games
Sometimes there are situations in multiplayer games where if I had simply communicated with my team, we could have won, but instead I stayed quiet because I think my voice is annoying and don't want to make them listen to it
I have played and got super-invested in multiple idle/clicker games.

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Sometimes I don't play games but know everything about the plot and characters because I fap to some of them and download all available lewd fanart with them.

I haven't owned a console since the Wii and my current PC isn't strong enough to handle any of the more intensive new releases but I still idle on Yea Forums multiple times a week anyway
send help

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You were already punished accordingly by the score system. Items exist in the game for a reason user, even if the developers would prefer you not use them.

You should believe in yourself a little more user. I'm certain your team would be happier with the victory, even if your voice is annoying. You carry self destructive qualities, and should avoid clicker titles. Get back into skill based titles, and you will be back on the path of righteousness.

As long as the fanart is at least somewhat character accurate, you're ok. If it's just bib tittied bimbo slut type stuff, then you should get some taste, but I forgive you.

No sins here, but I wish you help all the same.

i didnt finish yume nikki, i didnt finish that one game for the gamecube that gets all psychological and weird, i didnt even finish majoras mask.
i bought one of my favorite final fantasy games from my childhood on steam and i didnt even get 30 minutes into it before i shut it off.
i got really big into abes odysee and dropped it because i let a single mudokan die somewhere in scrabania.
all i do is come home and play 1 mmo game that ive been playing for the past 8 years.
ive installed sex mods into a game i like to play and now i cant play it with or without the sex mods. if mods are enabled all i want to do is jerk off and if theyre off the game just doesnt have the same amount of fun.

Ive only drawn porn of characters from games ive never played and have no intention of playing

i despise battle royale as a genre, and truly don't understand why it got so popular in the first place.

I mean it fucking promotes hiding like a bitch and avoiding conflict what the fuck

You are forgiven user, but seriously, go play something good and skill based instead of turn based/mmo grind fest trash.

Post your deviantart or whatever. You're chill.

I suppose it's kinda of like if you put a bunch of bugs into one container together to see what happens, except you are the bug.

Regardless, you have not sinned.

post it.

I've restarted Front Mission 3 five different times with intent to play it all the way through and lose all ambition to continue once I reach the Philippines every time.

I enjoy a lot Ubisoft open worlds and 100% all of them

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I'm a total gaming casual who has only barely started transitioning outside of Nintendo exclusives these past couple of years. It's not exactly that I'm a fanboy, I was just poor and dumb as a kid so I couldn't afford a PS2 or Xbox let alone a gaming PC. And even then with the money to buy gaming "classics" I usually just end up playing shit I've already liked. I also have a tendency to drop games half way, good or not, because of my ADHD, I dropped both Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, and Persona 4 despite liking them because they didn't appease my extreme ADHD.

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Make sure to tackle DMD in at least one game. Really shakes up your understanding of the bosses and such.

/vp/ user here.
thank you for your time.

I want my gf to start enjoying my hobby but deep down I know women shouldn't play vidya.


boys we found the antichrist

No sins. But you'd save so much time if you just pushed through.

If you are actually having fun it's ok, but I fear you are losing time you could be spending on better games.

I pray for you user.


That's a little unfair of you user, but it certainly is more of a man's thing. You shouldn't force her.

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I want to watch the OP of this thread and the fucker who keeps doing the friday/saturday night threads of this tortured IRL

I play on an AMD APU.

I do the same thing only with tabletop games

I haven't enjoyed video games since like 2009

Still buy'em, but I can't get through one for more than a few hours before I get bored, put it down, and never pick it back up because I'm too lazy to backtrack and remember my progress

I shittalked Dark Souls 2 for years then played it and liked it. Not as much as the others, but it's not the absolute disaster i've told several people it was

user... you know people who only play nintendo are either under the age of 8, or are developmentally stunted right? Good job moving on though.

Not sure what you mean.

It's fine dude.

Same reply applies here.

No sins, but seriously, stop destroying your life.

I forgive you. But also I fucking hate Dark Souls 2.

what do you mean by that?

It's a little narrow to say all of them shouldn't. Your gf may surprise you if you try and introduce her to something light like say Katamari.
You'll never know if you don't actually try.

my bad, forgot to attach an image
how do I let go of my poké-philia addiction?

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I did my best to enjoy BfA.
I leveld multiple characters and made a real effort to gear and raid but they just fucking ruined the game.
I think my only real sin was having hope

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I turn off foliage in shooting games for an advantage

I watched video guides to beat the Soulsborne bosses.

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I have like 6 RPGs I've started but never finished despite liking them and can't stop starting more despite this

you may just be burned out if you've been playing a lot of it often. It might be best just to let go and try something new

I genuinely believe if you aren't into a series by 20 you'll never really like it

Apart from playing awful grind games with no real skill involved, I detect no sins.

It's fine.

I understand how it may be annoying to need to figure out what seems to be a puzzle in an otherwise action focused game. I do not blame you.

Seriously the self destructive habits need to stop dude.

Don't be stupid.

Thank you father, I feel slightly better

I savescum like a motherfucker

>/vp/ user here.
Could have stopped there.

I ALWAYS save scum in XCOM 2 no matter what. Idk why but everytime something goes wrong I feel like everything is fucked from there and I've even played Darkest Dungeon without scumming.

I used infinite stasis to beat dead space 1 on impossible mode, and never finished 2 on hardcore.
I like to think I attoned for my sins by finishing RE2R on hardcore with S+ for both claire and leon.

I look up guides for a game if I can’t figure out where to go or what to do within 15 minutes.

This but it's 5 minutes

This updated my journal you fucking sinner

I’m a bit of a cantankerous and super picky gamer in my older age (28) I find it hard to get invested in a lot of games these days, and if I’m being really true to myself I’ve only truly enjoyed a handful of games in the past 6 or 7 years. Games like Nier Automata, Witcher 3, RDR2 and Resident Evil 2 remake come to mind. I also really liked Nioh and will probably get Sekiro when it drops. It’s weird that The time when I have more disposable income is the time I find myself playing less games, just being quite put off by a lot of them. Don’t get me wrong there are purchases I’ve made that I just kind of thought were alright. Spider-Man for example was a game that I thought was cool but really struggled to finish. I lose interest super easily. Still haven’t finished God of War 4 because of this.

I spent the last two nights contemplating if I should take the time to finish DMC 3 and 4 in order to play 5 or if I should buy the Evil Within 2 for the slim chance I’d enjoy it as much as the first. But I eventually said fuck I’ll just wait for Sekiro. And now I’m on a Cantonese Image Board writing a blog post instead of playing video games.

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If the game allows it naturally, it's fine.

Second verse same as the first.

You're all good my dude. Be at peace.

If a game is seriously incapable of giving out basic instruction, and you read all tutorials or whatever, then there is no sin here. If the fault is your laziness however, then stop being a retard.

You are forgiven. My hopes go out to you.

AN ENTIRE FUCKING HOUR user. It's not like I was purposely going slow. I was just trying to experience the game properly without rushing shit. But this is just fucking stupidly dialogue heavy. How the fuck am I supposed to remember all that duster shit and all that history and all those info about other people I've never seen and shit, even with a journal it's confusing as fuck.

Fucking EYE Divine Cybermancy wasn't this hard to comprehend.

Sometimes I buy Paradox dlc at full price

Convince me to finish SMT Nocturne please. I got to the second set of Kalpas and just couldn't bring myself to come back to that level of dungeon crawling anymore. It's just very time consuming and seemingly not that rewarding.
I don't know why this game is giving me more of an issue to continue it. I didn't ave an issue with SMT IV or even something as boring and grind heavy as Innocent Sin.

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My mother called me racist once, but I had to kill her because she was a libtard.

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there is no forgiveness for me father I'm on the road to hell and I'll go there shitposting all the way

I instigate in console war threads despite playing PC only

I bought fate/extella just to fap to Astolfo.

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I'm going to say this with No Irony.......Sonic 06 is actually a good game, it just has a godawful story.

I know I have deeply sinned. And for that I am sorry.

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You are forgiven.

Just stop dude. I know shit is praised as good but it's not for everyone. It's a painful lesson, but I myself learned that many games that everyone stated were fucking fantastic were complete trash to me because at its base I hated the genre. The praises are sung by those who like the genre, and others just ignore it.

not vidya

It's up for me to decide but for you to fix.

Foster friendliness, not chaos.

It's chill.

You are mostly forgiven, but don't talk as though you are stating facts. Talk as though you are stating an opinion.

I made a farm macro in gacha games because fuck paying and fuck that long f2p grind.

I've only managed 3 S rank missions in DMC V and I'm on Mission 11, the rest are mostly As and Bs. I hate practicing combos

i voted for bayo in the smash ballot and dont regret it

>You are mostly forgiven, but don't talk as though you are stating facts. Talk as though you are stating an opinion.
My apologies. Let me rephrase it.

"I'm going to say this with No Irony.......I think Sonic 06 is actually a good game, it just has a godawful story.

I know I have deeply sinned. And for that I am sorry."

This was on Devil Hunter difficulty too

I genuinely enjoyed Gone Home.

Stop playing shitty games that even include such a thing.

There's no sins here. I pray for you in the hopes you get better as you so wish.

No sins.

Better. You're chill. May your series gain ever more hot waifu animals.

It's kinda comfy, but boring as hell. No sins though.

I like to play video games and discuss video games only on Yea Forums.

just keep going forward, one day you'll be jacking off to furry then kemono then kemoshota then yourself while looking at a mirror like a true chad and gentleman like myself
don't look back, keep going user

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why would i take absolution from a fucking fatass that cant even do something as simple as not eat

>Fucking EYE Divine Cybermancy wasn't this hard to comprehend.
It was worse, even without the broken english.

I have not actually played a video game in months. I'm slowly building a gaming-tier PC, but I'm not sure how much and if I'm actually going to game on it.

It's a sin to lie. If you liked videogames you wouldn't be here. I forgive you though.

It's hard to get any excercise when I'm sitting in this fucking booth all day forgiven your sins.

Good luck!

Probably going to quit gaming for a while nothing is fun it all feels like a waste of time

Video games bring me no fun anymore, so I upskirt video game girls in dresses/skirts out of boredom. Find out which devs go into detail with the models.

i dont move and am hungry skellington
i just think youre a fat fuck and cant stop eating

I forgot how to pirate games.


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I never played Myst
I never played Oddworld
I never played Baldur's Gate
I never played Doom, Quake, Unreal, Deus Ex, or System Shock 1 or 2

Granted these all fall squarely on my older brother's shoulders because he was a big baby about sharing shit and would hog the systems be they PC or console all the fucking time. Annoyingly enough he'd also blitz through MY games.

On the flipside I did play Metal Gear and Resident Evil and Silent Hill. ... But I didn't enjoy them.

Also I do not have a modern system yet. No PS4, no Switch, no Xbox 1 (but this is on purpose), I don't even have a Vita. We did have everything before then from Atari 2600 to Xbox 360, WiiU, PS3, and PSP.
And yes I have a Virtual Boy.
No NGage or Wonderswans though.

I've found more enjoyment in mobile gaming and freeware games than AAA titles.

thank you user
maybe one day she'll be real :(

I fucking hate OG doom games. They seem so archaic to me and not being able to aim up and down makes it unplayable. Loved Nu Doom though

Everything is a waste of time. But good luck.


You shouldn't be doing it in the first place. Support good devs, don't support bad ones by playing their games.

No sins, but you should play Doom and Quake at least.

Which freeware titles?

This is stupid. You are a game because you're used to other games which don't have the same limitations? Games are build around their limitations, which makes them good. I could argue that Nu Doom is shit because you can't even move at 25% of the speed you did in Doom, but that would be retarded.

That said I forgive you, but you should fix your way of thinking.

you hate a game*

Father, I played TWEWY and didnt beat Panthera Cantus in Hard/Ultimate, forgive my weakness, yet I think I will never do it, its just too hard and the fucker too unforgiving.

I'm playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Mirrors of Fate, and at this point I'm forcing myself through it because it's so bad gameplaywise but I wanna know what happens

I used xp share

You are forgiven.

Stop playing shit you hate.

It's fine.

>Which freeware titles?
Depends on what I am playing at the moment.
There's fangames like Mario Land Minigame Mayhem, Pokemon Uranium, Final Fantasy Blackmoon Prophecy.
There's stuff like the Cube Escape series,
RPGMaker games like Pocket Mirror, Mica, Dreaming Mary and the original builds of Soma Spirits or Last Word.
Translated stuff like Guardians of Paradise, the original build of La-Mulana, and anything translated by VGPerson.
School projects like Path of Shadows (which was remade as Aragami).
The list just keeps going. Metroidvanias, Platformers, Puzzle games, 3D Platformers, Point & Click Adventures, Text Adventures and CYOAs, RPGs, Action games, RTSs, Action-Adventures, 4x, Strategy, there's even amazing freeware Visual Novels and weird shit that don't fall neatly into any one genre. All of it is free. Many of it is amazing or simply fun.
It is so easy to find actual shit but for every shithole free or mediocre AAA title there's a dozen good works of love out there that doesn't cost a penny.

I don't know how to green text

Not the pastor but you just type >and then whatever you have to say

I get thate games are designed around their limitations. I can olay original RE still, I just couldnt enjoy Doom even as a youngin. To me, the gameplay always looked like a screensaver

I convinced my mentally ill cousin to buy kingdom hearts 3 so that whenever I go over to his house I can play it. But I'm not supposed to be playing his games, so I made an extra save file at the bottom of the screen and kept the one where he's stuck on olympus(he gets lost).

Every time he asks me how I got to the place I'm playing on I tell him it's co-op and I have to "beat" a level before he can advance but it's RNG which one will work.

Holy shit . . .actual, real advice on 4chins.
That's the first time I've seen that.

Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
When I was younger, me and my brothers would play Halo CE on multiplayer. There's 3 of us, so they would always gang up on me and gank me. Being young, I began screen watching so I could kill them.
I also once took all of my oldest brothers GameCube memory cards, and deleted all the data on them. Then, I took all the discs and threw them out the window, ruining them. I was a little shit.
I also one time ripped the head off a kitten and acted like I didn't know who did it, and got away with it.

I can't play a game without imagining tons of porn of every female enemy and NPC I encounter

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>I also one time ripped the head off a kitten and acted like I didn't know who did it, and got away with it.

What in the fuck

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I buy games based on how hot the girls in it are, because nothing it´s fun to me anymore anyway.

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Same, the very first thing I do after I play a game for the first time is to look for porn about it.

I have been spoiled many times for this

Simply ebin, so this is what we've come to on 4channel eh? Redditchannel lel

...I cannot forgive a sin that is literally being committed as we speak. You show no remorse for your actions. You also sound underage. I cannot imagine an adult in this sort of situation.

I forgive your vidya sins, but as for the rest of your soul... please tell me you regret what you did.

Tis only human user.

look up "naked ladies" on google images with safesearch turned off

Hell, even bing wouls suffice.

>I also one time ripped the head off a kitten and acted like I didn't know who did it, and got away with it.
there are no words in the English dictionary to describe the very specific kind of anxiety I'm getting from this post

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The Soiboi Wojak that people tend to post here? I always make a surprised voice everytime I see him.

I spent a few bucks on gacha

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>look up "naked ladies" on google images with safesearch turned off
There is problem with that. In recent years I have developed an obsesion with Jailbait (girls 15-17), to the point adult women don´t turn me on anymore, and fiction is the easiest way to get naked teenagers since finding real JB is complicated because a) It´s illegal, so most webesites wouldn´t allow it, and b) illegal sides mostly focus exclusevely on CP (which I don´t like)

Forgive me father for I have sinned.

I once deleted my sisters memory card because she got farther than me in a game we were playing and told her it was our little brother fault.
Our parents beat his ass because he was always a little shit, but my sister never told him I told her.
To this day they don't speak to each other.

Please forgive me.

You couldn't have included this in your other post fellow redditor?

>There is problem with that. In recent years I have developed an obsesion with Jailbait (girls 15-17), to the point adult women don´t turn me on anymore, and fiction is the easiest way to get naked teenagers since finding real JB is complicated because a) It´s illegal, so most webesites wouldn´t allow it, and b) illegal sides mostly focus exclusevely on CP (which I don´t like)

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