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Such a bland character from top to bottom.
It's quite something really.

Arakune, maybe Hazama, Nu, or Tsubaki if I feel like mixing it up.

Faces can be deceiving in that game.

There's alot of unique UI elements for most of the cast due to all their gimmick playstyles.

Main Terumi, sub Rags. Trying to learn Hazama but it's fucking hopeless microdashes suck

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Nine if i want to win
Azreal if i want to embrace my unga niggerness
Hibiki if i want to think about combos
Mai if some faggot is playing her extra cheap and i want to beat them in the most convincing way possible

who /squirrel/ here

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Iron Tager every single time
You will be grabbed
And you can't stop me


........shit wrong entry.

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Ahem... Za Warudo.

Ruby pls

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Bet you can't even corner OD loop
Bet you can't even combo off of a RC stakes
Bet you can't even get a 3k combo off

>Literal anime samefaces
>same bangs with a big one in the middle
Weeaboos confuse me just as much as foot fetishists. It's like they have zero standards and would worship anything a slant makes.

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Always and forever.

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>Bet you can't even get a 3k combo
Not anymore. It's been 2 years since I touched CF and I didn't buy Cross Tag because it didn't have Tao. I totally forgot my drive cancel timing and fuck trying to relearn how to do it online again.

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Imagine those swords going right through you.

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Carl in CT, Valk in CS and based Relius on the later games

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Bullet I really wish she wasn't trash.

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you're not actually spending much time looking at their faces, they are not very important

The mecha girls, the alien samurai, Arakune, the puppeteers, Izanami and Hazama all have solid designs


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Only for fapping

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