Is this what capcucs find attractive? She literally looks like disgusting crack whore. Also she has no thicc on her...

Is this what capcucs find attractive? She literally looks like disgusting crack whore. Also she has no thicc on her. No ass or tits. Anorexic mutt.

Attached: 767E5D11-9D02-40EC-848F-19FA4117B0BC.jpg (1997x5204, 1.52M)

>literally too young to know of a time when coltish was the norm
Thanks for making me feel old faggot zoomer

I'm into the kind of shit. Sometimes I fap to crackwhore porn and stuff.

Lady is the prettiest DMC.

its not a capcom problem. she looks bad tho

>navel piercing hole
>no navel piercing
what the actual fuck is the point of having it at all then?

She’s eyerollingly bad. Awful crack whore face and boring ass body. Looks like the generic white girl roastie who thinks being as thin as possible is the most attractive thing ever.

>Is this what capcucs find attractive?
No it's not, plenty of people think the modelers fucked up with her, which means this thread is fucking useless.

I agree that Trish doesn't look that great in DMC5 though

What's the problem honestly?
She looks like a masterpiece compared to the abomination that is REmake claire.

japanese devs can't into hot women

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I’m sick of the portrayal of women in anime games.

I’m not a feminist or anything but the portrayal of women as weak and under distress is just shit. It’s old and boring and it’s also cringe as fuck.

The female characters in this game don’t do shit. They’re just there to look weak and sexy. I would rather have a female playable character than the garbage that’s V.

Nobody disagrees with you, moron.

Everyone thinks Lady is much better and that they messed up Trish's model.

Close your thread and hang your head on shame for wasting people's time.

Another day, another thread of seething capcom haters.

She looks like she fucks black guys

I'd say V just takes some getting used to.

His playstyle was really weird at first

They should have brought Lucia back

She looks like they modeled her after Sheri Moon Zombie.

Holy shit this

I'd rather bang a crack whore than a transexual like Lady.

No, John. You are the gays.

looks fine I guess
sperging over how vidya characters look is extremely autistic imo

Fuck you

This but unironically.
Same reason why I hate pretty much every Kingdom Hearts girl except for Larxene.

All of Sawaki Takeyasu's characters are drawn like that; he gives them all super skinny proportions.

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no one finds DMC 5 trish attractive, nice try bro

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can't we just accept people and characters for who they are and not rag on them for what they aren't?

It's 2019. What do you think?

>Is this what capcucs find attractive?
Compare that to the previous 4 years of Western produced females. Looks more like Capcuk just cuk'd the leftist by showing them how to at least fucking try.

Here's Trish but better.

Attached: EVADMC5.jpg (964x568, 77K)

Upload a pic of yourshelf and let's see what you look like.

I like her body a lot, but her face is fucked up, I don't know what happened but Eva for some reason looks ok while Trish doesn't

It's unironically the hair, Trish hair makes her face rectangular while Eva hair makes her face ok

i still prefer Lady

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Lady is a miracle of the universe.

Lady is always superior to Trish, I just like Trish's body more.
Lady has been ruined btw, I really liked her DMC3 artwork better, I like my girls on the thin side

I love burnt out women


DMC 3 Lady = DMC 5 Lady > DMC 4 Trish > anime > DMC 1 Trish = DMC 2 Trish > DMC 4 Lady > DMC 5 Trish

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Honestly this face looks fine in the flashback as Eva, but the hair and Trish's get up dont work for it at all

> belly button piercing hole

It's entirely just her shit hair and nose, she'd be fine otherwise

If anything the girls in dmc are the complete OPPOSITE of damsals in distress you fucking retard. Trish , lady AND Nico actually fight. V is the most bitch character in the game

Also to add on to that Trish and lady may very well be getting their own dlc as it’s implied in the ending. basically, you’re a dumbass .

V would fight if he could, he's basically a cripple

Pizza pasta incoming


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shit the text didn't go

i said that probably is who wrote this