DMC thread

DMC thread.

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Reminder that Nico is bi

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Fuck Nico
Marry Lady
Kill Trish

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Give us bloody palace already dammit

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RG exclusive on mission 19 is the easier way to get the no melee achievement


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im finishing SoS today and have found all the shards.

how about you, user?

It's pretty obvious.
Also pretty obvious, but good taste man.

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I'm on mission 12 of SoS. Gonna try to finish, but probably not gonna happen today. Maybe tomorrow.

Just give her a family already

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I know the game is filled with fanservice and references to old games, but throughout the Vergil scenes I was hoping for this line.

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What does this demon's face convey and say to you?

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Is this the most underappreciated devil breaker? I saw a lot of people call it shit and yeah it's a bit situational but I absolutely love how thoroughly it fucks any enemy with a shield or any kind of armor/coating. Even the fucking Scissors get blown the fuck out.

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I did that yesterday. Did the prologue on DMD and the fucking Empusa Queen took me like two minutes to kill. This is gonna be brutal.


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post yfw using sin devil trigger for first time

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Am I missing anything else to boost my rating? I do the combos, gun normal and charged, use air attacks with juggling combos and taunt in the air and on ground but my rating always falls so quick and usually stays in the high A low ish S rank

Guaranteed way to go mission 13 coop with your pals:
Get the Steam chat open with the dude that will be the "host"
Everyone start the mission at the same time
While on the loading screen go the non-hosts go to the host chat, right click his name and an option to Join Game will appear
Keep clicking on Join Game while shit loads and when its done you all should enter the same section

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So which game did Lady look the best?

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I made a thing

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are you going for S ranks eventually?


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Will Dante ever get together with Trish or Lady?

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>tfw just finished the game
>tfw saw my friends name in the credits

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I always have one for using break age, not because it's useful or damaging (which it isn't) but because it's cool as fuck


im playing through 1-4 to get to 5
im already on mission 10

is he a dev?

Go for max style, user.

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I've been doing nothing but using cavaliere, about to start mastering balrog now, anything I should know?

Looks like shit, I love it

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>when she warns Nero not to kill his dad
Felt bad, man.

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>watch some Dante v Vergil vids
>everyone has a completely different beatdown combo for him
What's yours?

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Connecting multiple enemies with a single attack adds a lot of style points

4, but I'm in a minority with that sentiment.

>Play Mission 7
>Get 2 Neros that die
I guess people that play ME NERO ME SMASH have something in common with him

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I wish Dante was my uncle

I got done finding all the upgrades yesterday. Just started SoS. Immediately having a good time with the new higher level enemy placements.


That joke is getting tired user, it wasn't even funny the first time.

It took me about 20 tries to beat Vergil on DH with no revives. Maybe I'm getting too old for this kind of games.

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>will dante ever get together with his mom
nigger what

Summoning autistic monster can photoshop user

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Thanks, will try.

So did we ever get any confirmation on how many years after 4 this takes place? Or Dante's age?

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3, no contest. Plus she actually had a role in it and a character arc.


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It took me a while to actually notice the humanlike face on the Empusa enemies. Made them a lot creepier. I just thought they were silly bugs.

yep, I enjoyed SoS too, fuck the collectibles though

What IS the usual strategy for scissors anyway? in DMC1 I distinctly remember spamming helm breakers a few times til they'd be vulnerable.

>Make fun of nero for being mad for one month about being called dead weight
>mission 20
>tfw he was sad because he felt that way when Credo died and still can't get over that

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Why don't you nigs just mod in shades?

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Can someone confirm how the rating system works? It looks as if only a few fights are calculated into your final letter grade, is that correct? I just did a mission and maintained a few SSS but not in every fight and at the end of the level I got an A rank for 3 different battles. Does your style rank just not matter unless its in the specific fights for each level?

Charge shot gives you fuck all for style. It's basically for damage only, so avoid it if you don't need it. To boost yourself to SS and SSS there's a few things you can do:

1. Try to hit multiple enemies at the same time. You'll get style points for each enemy you hit, so if you can hit two or three enemies with an attack or chain, you're getting 2-3 times as much style.
2. Exceed. Practice ex-act and max-act timings. Exceeded hits get you more style.
3. Break Age. All Break Age moves give you massive style points, so don't be afraid to use them.

For V, just summon Nightmare and trash the place. Dante's easier to SSS. Just mix up your attacks and weapons as much as you can.

it's a tough fight, you did alright

Let the unpaid shill do his job. Hes not getting banned anyway

Don't wana dox him, but yeah, didn't tell me he did DMC though, gotta ask him the next time I meet him

>Plus she actually had a role in it and a character arc.
She does in 5, too.

Not OP of the last one but i do have the thing you seek

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Maybe I'm misinterpreting things but did it feel like Nero got too strong too fast?
I mean he was able to pierce Urizen's barrier when even Dante at the start wielding Sparda couldn't pull that off.
That's a huge power leap.

Makes me think of Gohan.

can you co-op even when running denuvo free exe? I haven't tried it because I'm afraid of running into some random crash

This game is loaded with so many small details and their almost always hilarious.

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Well I want yours too

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>two ground slashes with DSD
>high time
>three air slashes with DSD
>three punches with Blow Mode Balrog
>land and do whatever to finish it, Balrog's hook > uppercut usually works

Am I missing some high level tech or is enemy step with V utterly pointless?

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What's the Skill for SIN DT that turns everything into a EDM concert

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im rushing through 1 and 2, im gonna take my time on 3 and 4 since apparently their combat is more similar to the new game


kind of
I think sweet surrender is the worst breaker

3 >>>>>>>>>> 5 >>>> 4.

They need to let Lady go. She was great in 3, but she's just embarrassing now.

I wish he was my daddy(uncle)

Parry their attack to destroy their scissors and while they're vulnerable (glowing red) you can one hit kill them.

>nico confirms she has absolutely no life outside of killing demons
>she mentions how killing your father fucks your whole life up
>tfw the DMC crew are her family and Dante just fucking leaves all the time


>mfw fighting Vergil as Dante
>mfw had him on the ropes but his fucking stand got me
Fuck this guy and fuck his shitty stand.

nero inherited vergils complex

3 for sure. 5 seems like a pretty believable "she got old" version of 3. 4 is just bleh and looks like a generic bimbo with a weird face geometry.

I'll bite. What's her arc in 5?

He is a complete joke compared to his dmc3 counterpart. Here you dodge a dash and are free to combo it everytime

>that first punch

>calls me out for ad hominem
>uses the exact same tactic in your response
I would be taking you more seriously if the point you were trying to make actually had a decent argument behind it.
Why don't you use that brain of yours and come up with some evidence that most DMC reader inserts aren't shitty? I'll wait.

Friendly reminder to not reply to the tranny avatarfag. Report and ignore.

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For when you need to get away from shit without pulling Shadow or Griffon.

>and 2

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So just slap them as they strike just like Caveliere angelo?

>The red edgy teleporting fuckers cant break your royal guard even on DmD

Wow just fucking hold down block and they are the easiest enemy in the game.

Also redpill me on DSD

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Can you get a cameo with a pirated version?


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>get paired up with a Dante using only balrog
>just standing there furiously punching the air and switching between fight styles
>not even a femtosecond between punches and style switches
>any enemy that gets within his range gets instantly beat the fuck down with speed previously unseen
>He taunts me and DCs

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People only love the cavaliere angelo boss because of the music. Prove me wrong.

4 because I would eat those titties until I died

2nd is 3 because I'd tie her in my basement to a radiator and neglect/abuse her until she goes insane and then keep going

Definitely not as much as she did in DMC3. In 5 she gets knocked out, rescued, helped Nico a little bit and gave some words of wisdom to Nero, the rest of the time she just takes the back seat when in DMC3 she would have got up and continue fighting even after being defeated.

>Fighting Vergil
>Everything is going fine
>He enters DT
>Proceed to get my shit stomped
It's like I'm playing DMC3 all over again

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>2 is shi-

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Credo’s death was no one to blame but Credo

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She's best as a character in 3 by an absolute fucking mile but I really love her look in 5. Was never a massive fan of her 4 look beyond her massive milkers.

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Enough for Nero to have 2 kids.

I keep wishing it's non-charge feature was an attack and only the charge one that breaks it was a heal. Maybe some kinda grapple. It's especially lame after the first playthrough since you've got DT for healing.

Is Nero a half demon or quarter demon? I mean he went DT pretty easily.

please noo

Is it that one Vfujo?

You're wrong. People love it because her hugely telegraphed attacks are easy to parry.


I get to pretend I'm semi killing Trash.

Balrog is such a cool fucking weapon. I FUCKING LOVE IT WHEN HE SAYS THAT SHIT.

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Devil May Cry is like 80% bisexual.

It’s a great boss with great music.

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if i play on automatic easy will i at least get some story out of it?

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It's mechanically great too. Lots of movelist variety and supports all four styles being used. It's fun with V too. Revolver FUCKS him up. I was struggling with him on SoS until I started spamming Revolver.

that's not how you use that

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I think it's said to be about 5 in the prequel novel, and Dante was described as approaching 40 in 4.

Quarter or a third. Full human mother, half demon half human mother.
>I mean he went DT pretty easily.
Not really. Took him two full games.

I love how him saying it raises the style rank quite a bit


Is V the worst character in the franchise?


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5 years according to the novel

What are my chances with Nero?

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You fool
There is no story

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What are the unlock requirements for EX color V, Vergil, and the super costumes?

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also im new, so in DMC 1 what does taunting do?

>Kyrie exists

Nah, Nero's always been strong. He just hadn't fully awakened yet.

Yeah, that's the problem I'm having. Also forgot image.

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I really don't know how to deal with the clone. I just save DT and rush the clone down with stingers so I can proceed to keep running away from the real Vergil like the little bitch that I am.

someone shop a "parenting for dummies" book

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What the fuck were they thinking?

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The plaid ammo boxes are galaxy brain genius design. I'd love it if someone modded the texture onto her ammo boxes in 5 and made her shorts shorter. 4 is fine, it does exactly what Itsuno wanted it to do, it's just a little bland in comparison. I really like the trails on the back of her shirt in 5.

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Huh? user explain

0. He isn't real.

>EX color V
Do well with Nero and Dante in the credits
>super costumes
Beat DMD

Yeah, that's using the denuvo-less exe.

>Arkham chasing Dante demanding that he breed his daughter so they can have Sparda blooded children

Finished DH, started Human for the cheevo but good lord its a slog because I wanna find collectibles in this run and some of them are so unintuitive I keep looking up guides even though I don't want to.

By the time I'm done with it everyone will probably finish SoS. Getting left behind.

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Is DMCV a good entry point into the series?

Am I retarded, or does Nero have Ichigo's haircut?

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I wish there was a joke for the difficulty ranking SoS so it's like
(Grand)Son of Sparda

I don't think so.
Aren't pirated copies not running on official servers, because, you know
Also forgot to mention those Nero jobbers where on DMD, still no excuse though.

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Thanks, good to know. I'll skip since everyone is saying to. Thats really exciting because I'm closer to getting to 3

Do SoS first. Human's gonna make you lazy.

He has the worst fanbase that's for sure.

Leave that poor demon alone you sick fuck!

new update. Look it up on github

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>Nero and Vergil are the only 100% canon living straights in DMC

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Dante wears shades in DT mode when you have the bike equipped. Maybe somebody can work on that.....

She hangs out in the van the entire time after getting her shit kicked in by Urizen in the prologue. Her and Trish could be removed from the story and it would be fine.

>starting with the last game in a series
Great idea, brainlet.

>super costumes decrease rank by 80%
Oh cool I have no motivation to get them now

After seeing stuff like this I decide to give up on DMC.

I'll never be this good, all I can do is y-y-y combos and mix it up with a back Y-Y and stinger.

Sure can't.

Genuinely felt bad for her when she stated that as well as what Morrison said about her in the novel. Now I see why she hangs with Trish all the time

Not going to lie, when Vergil someones his little doppelganger, I legitimately said "Of fuck a gimmick". Honestly is it wrong to say that DMC 5 Vergil is harder then 3's? I recall having problems with DMC 3 Vergil but not as much as 5.

Long-haired Lady

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No, you zoomer.
Play 3 and 4 first, at the very least.

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he's even voiced by Ichigo's VA

>mfw when playing with Dante's alt style rank announcer

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I need some confirmation on Ex-Vergil color, some say it's for beating Heaven or Hell, some say it's for beating DMD without continues and someone said they got it after beating Son of Sparda. Reply with the last thing you did before unlocking Ex-vergil.

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Stuck on mission 17 DH since it just crashes when the gameplay section starts.

I'll try messing around with some drivers later as turning off network settings, adjusting various graphic settings didn't seem to make a difference.

He says it when he first goes Sin DT. Dante taunts him, saying:

>It's about time we finish this!

So he says the line and teleports away to DT.

On mission 17 SoS. Has over all been pretty easy on SoS so I'm excited for DMD since I heard people say SoS was really difficult and DMD being way too hard.

S ranked everything from Human to SoS and HoH. Working on Hell and Hell now; still need to go back and S rank Missions 12, 15 and 18 on DMD but I can always do that later.

He also lost his major power crutch (his DB and Yamato) and betrayed Dante's trust in his eyes be failing to protect what was entrusted to him.

To then be told he was worthless by someone he looked up to kind of kicked him while he was already down.

It was honest but painful.

Remember he was attacked in his home, and powerless to do anything.

If the attacker was interested in let's say killing any witnesses then he could have watched Nico or Kyrie die easily in his eyes.

I like V

I really like taking cool pictures

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The fuck? Did you just want to power through god mode and get rewarded? They're for no reason other than fun.

Alright, Yea Forums, if you're so fucking smart, why don't you write a scenario where every character gets some kind of development, some kind of role, and everything is unified in the story?

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Too in to just switch now, mission 11 atm. I'm trying to keep fresh by switching it up and going training in the void, testing out my inputs, training my royalguard timings. Though that means even more procrastinating from finishing Human. A vicious cycle.

Yea it is. I started with it and the story isn’t hard to get or anything

Why do they keep doing that? being able to unlock them means you're no slouch anyway so why punish you anyway? thanks for saving me time.

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3>4>Its a toss up between 3 and 4 for me.
I really like her blonde alt in DMC4

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Nico needed some frens to stay with her in the van.

Yes and no, it's certainly easier to play compared to 3 and 4 but I think beginner players will feel overwhelmed when they reach Dante and have access to all of his arsenal. I'd suggest release order to get both the story and experience the evolution of the gameplay, but that's my opinion.

Found the triggered Kyrie waifufag
didn't know he could do this, took me by surprised

It's called DMC3.

This game barely has a soundtrack man


I beat son of sparda and did the credits without getting hit.

>The plaid ammo boxes are galaxy brain genius design.
>look closer to DMC3 Lady's ammo boxes
>"Oh never noticed before, that's pretty ne-"
>mfw it hit me
Oh shit that's some galaxy brained design indeed.

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>playing though game on SoS
>get mostly S ranks except for a couple missions
>reach mission 12
>C rank
Teleporting fucking Lizards everywhere, also, fuck Urizen's shields.

Fuck you.

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How do I actually use the photo mode in PC version? Am I retarded? There's no button listed for taking a photo. Does it just expect me to use a screen capture software of my choice. Feels dumb.

>If the attacker was interested in let's say killing any witnesses then he could have watched Nico or Kyrie die easily in his eyes.

Hello DMC6 plot. Mundus kills Kyrie. Not even Kratos legendary anger from the old games will compare to what Nero would do to him

Is that an actual screenshot?

3 = 5 > 4

El Dante Joven

I want to ____ Nero!

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Not for style but it was useful for that boss rush mission since your cane deals pretty good damage during that time. Combine it with JC spam and you got a DPS monster.

*blocks your path*

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>implying vergil wouldn't fuck a dude if it meant for him to beat dante/obtain more POWER
The DMC cast is essentially 90% misfits, broken families and trauma, on top of the bisexuality and whatever the fuck else. I think only morrison really escapes this, and I'd bet he also has some daddy issues deep down.

Trish is a never ever because only Kamiya like this weird shit. Lady maybe with the new director, because Itsuno is too much of a fag and don't want to mess with Kamiya feelings

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In the pause menu. dumbass

Does the last fight with vergil have no lyrics for silver bullet? or am i just retarded and just have to keep an S?

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i just finished getting the collectibles, what a slog, good luck with that

i missed one and couldn't figure out which for about two hours, so I'll share this:

in mission 18, you need to kill all the three enemies to make the shard appear (you'll understand which enemies I'm taking about)

Why didn’t DMC ever have a Flying Fortress level like Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden did?

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They're cool but what exactly is suppose to be blowing my mind?


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Why does Capcom hate the idea of Dante and Lady being a couple?

In the 3142 interviews, Itsuno said that the designers told him that school uniforms were in at the time and they came up with that idea. Bless those designers.

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Does anyone happen to know if there's a Vergil model rip out there somewhere? I wanted to make something stupid in SFM and no, not porn

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Do combos on your own capacity user. Just have fun with it, replay missions with online coop, get some pointers from videos and just play on your own pace in general. I'm doing the same and just today I made my own combo that I'm proud of. Not even close to the level of the vid you posted but I'm fine with that.

The game gives you plenty of stuff to be stylish without going into maximum overdrive like the guys in these videos do.

Be like
Only non fag answer


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What exactly were they atoning for?

That buster move where he puts on the gun on the demon's head was too brutal for me, it's got me actually scared or uneasy for some reason.

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It did.

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>pick up blue orb fragment
>Suddenly out of bounds
>Only ranged weapons still worked but had muted sounds
That was weird, had to reload the checkpoint

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these guys put hundreds of hours into these games user

>mundus kill kyrie
>nero goes berserk
>gow 3 zeus scene but more brutal ft devil bringer
>even the sparda brothers are scared by nero's brutality

Use DT.

Do you guys switch weapons on the fly much with Dante? I always swapped back and forth in DMC3 in mid-combo but there are so many options with every weapon now that it seems to just be fucking me up more than anything in DMC5.

Look at what Capcom does to Leon/Ada. Do you really want that?

DT buster his second form so that Nero slams him and his doppelganger together.


The first one sounded so fucking weird

This section alone precludes 3 from being the best DMC game.

They were the Nelo corruption that was killing Vergil, specifically the physical manifestation of his nightmares and as long as they existed, Vergil would still be corrupted.

>Sometimes the baby is deformed!

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killing somebody off for cheap emotional impact is the current cancer killing hollywood

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this looks too realistic

The same thing happened to my aunt's son after he got the blue orb by lvl3 streaking into it

They make a school uniform skirt

Is the game's OST out? I want a quality rip of Nico's theme. Shit's pretty good.

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Not that user, but it's a skirt made of ammo boxes, is what I think they mean.
Why didn't this get in as a DLC track?

Because Itsuno says he didn't created Dante and don't want to make Kamiya sad since Kamiya wants Dante with Trish. Maybe the new director will make this happen.

Capcom is very well known for not liking characters having relationships, which is why Nero having Kyrie is a rare sight to see in a Capcom game, much less a series. Most of the Capcom characters are sexless. Only Barry, Vergil, and Wesker are confirmed to have set. Leon/Ada has sex one time in Damnation, but that was from a writer, despite damnation being canon.

How do I S rank mission 10 as Dante? Enemies just die and even if I finish with SSS rank they give me only 4000ish points (S rank is 5000). Seems S ranking is pretty random and arbitrary, some missions are easy as fuck regardless how you play, and others judges you incredibly harshly.

Also how do you style on Fury? I can parry him no problem, but standing still waiting for parries drain your style gauge pretty fast

Are you sticking with just 2 weapons? That helped me a lot getting comfortable with them before adding more.

It emulates a plaid schoolgirl skirt.

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He really looks like Milo here

Happened to me too, In the Nero mission 15 I think.

post em

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Finished SoS last night. Am currently getting cucked fucking hard by Artemis. Always get her down to the last 1/5 of health and then the enemy DT kicks in and it needs so much damage to kill. I can't bring myself to use my golden orbs this early.

Tickle cute tummy!

I swap weapons fairly often, but I also never swap guns

It's an acceptable entry point. Playing 3 and 4 first (and possibly 1) would be better but if you watch the intro video and maybe do a little bonus research you should know everything you need to have a good time. Can always come back to it again after you've played the others.

>tiny Nero stubble details
so gud

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I'd say it's just below drama with a child dying or otherwise to install emotional impact. Unfortunately even Remake 2 did that.

Leon x Ada is different as the less than legal nature of her actions and Leon's responsibility to his job mean that any match they have would be short lived at best and disastrous at worse if he's ever found to be harbouring somebody that both sides would like to talk to.

Dante x Lady hasn't happened because of some unknown reason known only to Dante.

But what about Lady, Trish and Kyrie?

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Working on that mission too, i'm getting 4800 style points but i do get hit a few times in some encounters so i either man up on those or i go extra careful for no damage

Started DMD and used red orbs to revive against Nidhogg because I hate the fight and he killed me at his last sliver of health. I failed you brothers. I've gone through 1, 3 and 4 DMD without items and now THIS of all things breaks me.

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Shitttt this sounds great! This would also have Vergil have a new motivation in life, to make sure his son doesn’t go down the same revenge path he went through.

>Dante vs Vergil is a strategic fight with lots of dodging
>Nero vs Vergil is an absolute steamroll

I still don't get this. If your dad was Arkham how will killing him scar you? Just because he had the same blood?

Oh. I thought they were just matching Plaid ammo boxes over her skirt.

Who's Milo ?

i beat prologue (you)rizen

Yes, I switch frequently.
>there are so many options with every weapon now that it seems to just be fucking me up more than anything in DMC5
Only stick with 2 weapons until you feel 100% comfortable switching between two at the same time, then work in 3 and practice that, and so on. This is why 5 has the loadout system

I used a guide for collectibles and secret missions because fuck that shit in an action game. That said the secret missions were quite fun and easy to do this time.

I make a conscious effort to switch weapons. I get to do it kinda okay with melee weapons at least but when switching guns, my brain takes a second or two before I start using the new gun.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm struggling to style with Dante. My hands hurt significantly more playing him than Nero, but I'm failing at actually getting style points and I'm mostly getting As on SoS rather than S. My loadout tends to be DSD/Sparda, Balrog and Cerb. I ditched Cavaliere because I find it too slow. Are there any tips on boosting style points with him?

>Time to take a trip to flavor town! Heheh...

Where's Virgil with Dante's hair?

They were fighting for 20 minutes prior to Nero showing up.

How does poetry work?

you can counter the rush with a buster

if you've got a huge dick, you can DT + buster devil breaker charge for a gorillion damage

I wanted to play 3 on the PC after this, how do you fix it up to run right again?

yes, for when you S rank v's pets on your second playthrough

She's not wearing a skirt

>Dante x Lady hasn't happened because of some unknown reason known only to Dante.
read and

>used red orbs to revive against Nidhogg
You're in for a rough future. Anyways I've cleared every DMD with... relative painlessness and this is one of the first times I've ever been fucked up this much.

Boy are you in for a surprise later on.

>when you see a Nintendo Switch but are about to get shredded to paste by Cavaliere

i want a 2080 just so i can play this game at 4k

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C.V.: Shuiichi Ikeda

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literally designed to be the victory lap/mandatory nero vs final boss fight

Shame that got thrown out the window after 6. Leon despises the government now, and kills innocents without even giving a fuck now.

I don't know the name, but it's the track that plays in-between encounters in Mission 9. So ominous.

>when Nero gains back his human hand but can still use Devil Bringer

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That's a creepy looking shot.

i think its fine in the DMC HD bundle on steam

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Is there a special way to get the hood taunt? Did it at random and shooting the gun during the taunt left it up for a while

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Buy the HD collection


V ought to have had left and right inputs. The way his summons work inputting becomes a much more important part of combos and juggles than for the other characters. Griffon and Shadow could really use two more moves each. It would also have been could if there was a way to deactivate them completely, for when you don't want them to take damage, outside of dodges and jumps.

DMC3 had four characters.


Beat DMD today, quickly went through Human and got all S there so i'm working on getting all S's before going to Hell and Hell

fuck off fujo

Didn't they already sleep together once?

Why does Kamiya want Dante with Trish at all?

What about Ken and Guile?

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some fag

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All women are secretly bi. Nico is openly bi.

He is Vergil's son after all, look back to DMC3, Vergil managed to DT on his own for his second fight against Dante

holy shit

I fucking hate this image. Vergil looks like hes demanding an explanation for something but no matter what you say you are getting the ass kicking of a lifetime.

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Like many people said, do 2 weapons until you feel 100% comfortable with them then move on to more. Maybe a combination of 2 new ones instead of 3 so you can get used to those and then move on.

Also don't be like me who keeps using 1 weapon even though he just posted advice like he knows shit.

Why hasn't anyone tried to mod in young Dante with Vergil's hair yet?

Damnation confirmed they have fucked. And Ken and Guile you’re absolutely right with, but we barely hear about Guile or his family anymore. SFV made that an embarrassment when he literally didn’t give a shit about Nash, you know, the guy they’ve built all these story arc years of Guile trying to find him.

But you can play this with a 1080Ti at 4k foolish man

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It depends on the style of poetry and the language. Usually it's rhyme and meter.

He just wanted to be loved bros...

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I may be wrong but I thought I saw on Wikia that Kamyia didn't want to see Trish and Dante together .

Gib Malphas milkies pls


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SFM when

DT with Cavaliere

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>Lady spends most of her time with Dante extorting him
>Dante steals not only Kalina Ann but also its replacement from her
They were never going to be a thing, let it go shipfag.

Oh, okay !

answer me nerds

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It's one of the pictures you get after doing missions on your second run. in this case it's for M17

You guys know this will get btfo by Sekiro?


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This is pretty true. Hell, Dead Aim had Bruce get with that Asian chick in the game and they stood a couple, but was immediately never brought up again. Capcom just really hates doing any sort of relationships in general, which is why the very few ones they have are extremely half baked.

>Lady went from being voiced by Saber to being voiced by Saber

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poor buigil

>Why does Kamiya want Dante with Trish at all?
mommy issues

use the bike in DT

1080ti and 1080 can do it, hell the 1070 can kind of do it too though sometimes it drops to 50 ish

When Dante uses Cavaliere he has goggles around his neck. When he DT's he puts them on.


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why does dmc3 dante still feel the fastest sword swinger?

You taunt with a B rank. Damned dead weight.

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Vergil litteraly doesn't look like this guy.

sure bud

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No, I mean of course I found that but when using the photo mode there's no button that actually takes a picture. Just controls for moving the camera around and hiding UI elements. I guess on a PS4 they want you to push the share button and on PC they want you to push print screen maybe? But I have Steam overlay disabled because I've never needed that shit so print screen does dick. Guess I need to enable it now.

In rhymes or prose

fromfags are not welcome

>All that stuff to read in the gallery
Comfy af

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>it sits on the horns

Oh god.

>comparing a stylish freeform action game with a deliberate structured action and stealth game
Galaxy brain on this man.

i currently have a 1070 and i'd rather just get a new 2080 with a fresh warranty instead of a used 1080ti


Everything about this game made me sick to my fucking stomach.
>Nico is an annoying tranny
>Dante and Virgil are boomers
>Combat at its finest was completely mediocre
>Kylo Ren playing as "V"
>Original fans of the series fucking despise 5
>Not even the full game
One good Genocide and we could raise the bar on entertainment expectations.

>vergil gets mad
>mashing that trickster dodge fucking barely gets out of his range

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Did you know Sekiro is going to get btfo by Borderlands 3?

Why doe's it have to be a competition?
It's random faggot.
>hoodie doesn't show up in cutscenes

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Why is mission 5 so hard to S rank on SoS? I got it no problem on DH.

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While it would be his girlfriend/wife dead instead of his mom I feel it would kind of retread the brother's issue with their dead mom.
Except probably a lot more explosive in terms of rage.

I don't care what the normies are playing, I'm having fun. It's always been a niche game.

Literally bamham

>Original fans of the series fucking despise 5
Provide source

Not that i could tell, i get it randomly ranging from A to SS. SSS seems to be a 50/50 between nero clapping or keneeling and going TSSSSS

i completely missed that, thanks

Nice bait. All the original series fans I’ve seen love V


>trish's profiles says nero was inexperienced when he first met her

oh no nero you didn't

It's not. You're just not playing V correctly. I can't speak for DMD, but all of V's missions are easy to S on SoS.

>Combat at its finest was completely mediocre
You're bad.

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Don't engage with him. The other two points in short succession were also him. Ignore the mentally ill.

>Donte and Vergin exists


I got you now bro

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I wish there was more. The library of random shit like Vergil's book, the newspaper on Eva's death, and so on just isn't big enough I want to know all kinds of random stuff.

I can't wait for the bloody palace mainly because I'm curious where the hat will be on Malphas.

Vergil has such pretty lips.

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You say that like it's a bad thing.

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Fuck I miss DMC1 Dante’s voice so badly. He was the perfect guy for the role

How hard is this on higher difficulty?

I'm gonna say the D-word.

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What's the secret? I get at least S on all the combat engagements, but I feel like I'm taking more damage than needed on the Greyon fight.

dev team is so silly

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So did this guy liked it? know how much of a contrarian he is he may say it's worse than 2

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What are the differences between Cavalier and Cavalier R aside from the new move?

Mission 13 all day erry day.

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Ending was super anticlimatic

Solid 8/10 game

They're just action games...with really good combat.

I hope there is a chance on an el moderino that could make the hood default, would be cool with the lack of costumes and all


Jabs and body blows will daze enemies leaving them open for an RI. Judecca can be dazed but he'll always teleport first. Flint Wheel (back+SM in kick mode) has i-frames, Pyromania (forward+SM) in kick mode does a shit-ton of damage and gets a shit-ton of style but is long and can't be cancelled so use it wisely.

What did Morrison say about her?

You know I kind of wish we saw Kyrie go through the Ascension ceremony.
Her brother turned into an awesome sword knight, wonder what she'd have become.

Cavalier R doesn't has super armor

How do you S Rank mission 10 on SoS? Just don't get hit?

I keep making 5400+ points but always get an A.

thank you moondust

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I'd give you an answer if you weren't a namefag

What a fag
By that logic vanquish is perfectly comparable to max payne

It's weird as fuck, she looks like his mother wtf

Technically there just third person shooters just with good melee combat

Is this a game for autists?


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Did they ever make a style switcher for it?

He hasn't given a review yet.
Checked his social media and he hasn't said anything yet.
So no clue yet.

I thought I would've gotten used to Vergil since I got used to Dante and Nero very fast after initial "what the fuck" reaction but no matter how many times I see his face it just looks silly as fuck. It's too meaty and rounded or something. The Dante face with Vergil hair and no beard someone posted in a previous thread was 10 times better. They should have really gone with it considering in DMC3 they had the exact same face with different hairstyles.

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I don't think 5 takes time/damage(at least in how much you take, your rank going down will affect it) into account for rank, only gives you a couple extra red orbs at the end with those bonuses.
Only stylish points (wich are tied to rank in a way) is what matters, so try to drag fights and get long strings. or clump them and unleash all of V's fucking AoE because damn son calm down.

Fuck I love the ending to DMC5. It's damn near perfect all it needed was for Dante and Vergil to show up at DMC, kick everyone out, and have the phone ring with Vergil answering it saying with a slight smile "Devil May Cry" like Dante in the DMC3 ending.

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I haven't even beat the game i'm at mission 13 and just got faust. it says it uses red orbs is it good?

Summoned Swords are fucking incredible
>Multi-hit High Time
>Aerial Stinger
>Round Trip just shreds everything
>Access to Drive/Overdrive

It's okay, it's not like I'm going to die without it.

You'd need a big bad or ending that isn't the Vergil fights. The fights don't really mean anything to Vergil's character in the context of the current game. V experiencing remorse and guilt for Vergil's past actions, and carrying that with him when he fuses back into V already tempered his lust for power. His acknowledgment of his son's existence and power consists of "Interesting..." when Nero beats him, and then he just fucks off to Hell with Dante.

They talk about family a lot in this game and I wish that they pushed that angle more. People finding family not in their actual family, but their close friends and shit like that. Vergil's reconciliation is actually kind of antithetical to that though.

>Dante's whole family is dead; he killed his brother
>Lady's whole family is dead; she killed her father
>Trish was made as a mockery of Dante's family and doesn't have one herself
>Nero's parents abandoned him and his dad is a murdering powermonger
>Nico's father was a psychopath that did vile things in the name of research

You could set the game up as the DMC family coming together with all the characters realizing that they have each other as family. Finale would probably have to be some kind of huge coop event with NPCs where the characters are all involved in some big battle to clip the Qliphoth roots together.

Dante and Nero doing their thing. Lady and Trish also fighting. Nico throwing devil breakers for Nero and shouting encouragement on the side. Maybe driving through in her van or something. Have the ending cutscene be everyone being pooped and sitting on Dante's couch in his shop watching TV or something. Get real sappy with the family angle.

He is hot.

I love this cute shit.

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>Thinks Arkham combat is good
Absolute state of sekirofags.

An user in the previous thread mentioned 700k orbs with Dr Faust on mission 13. What’s the trick?

Not DF/Kenshi levels but yeah.
At the long run you make your own fun trying to master combos while looking good

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>Kyrie is ara ara milf
it's suppose to be Nero gf not mother!

>eva hearing heels and bare legged under her skirt


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A bit offtopic, but i haven't been checking anything about it at all, but would Sekiro be a solid timewaster to get as i wait for Bloody Palace to come out for DMC5?

He said he wasn't going to make a video on it.

that's why it's never gonna happen, trish is the most retarded character to ever appear in DMC. Seriously, fuck Kamiya, if it wasn't for him we would have Dante and Lady already

An orgy

mfw the cancerous Souls community is going to tear Sekiro apart more than any other group of people because it's not trying to be Demon's Souls 6

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If you just want to clear, it doesn't matter because you have gold orbs coming out of your asshole, but if you stay on the truth path and don't revive yourself in combat, it gets really hard.

I don't know, man. Maybe your shit Geryon fights are docking too many style points from your average. I don't really have a strategy for V so much as I just call in Nightmare, constantly charge Barrage with Griffon and Mash out BS with Shadow. Geryon's attacks can all be evaded with a simple jump, so just pay attention, I guess.

This guy is such a fag I don't know why people like his videos so much.

Maybe they'll asspull her daddy back so Lady can be happy too.

/ up with the hair

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After seeing him constantly he's finally grown on me.

>only time i ever get stylish ratings is for a B rank V on mission 14
What the fuck

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Her daddy started literally everything horrible in her life though.
Literally sacrificed his wife/lady's mom to become a demon IIRC.

anime trope

It's a hat trick.

But seriously, you need the skill Hat Trick and Dr Faust 4, just stand in place and spam the style button with Gunsliger everytime you catch the hat you gonna stagger all enemies around you and get a shitton of orbs, simple as that

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haven't seen anything aside from that E3 trailer, Souls fans are swearing by it so if you like the genre might be worth a shot


A white wig flew onto his head from a burned down carnival

DMC bros > Soulscucks

>hold down block and they are the easiest enemy in the game.
they're already the easiest enemy in the game if you ever learned how to parry.

Jabs and body blows will daze enemies leaving them open for an RI. Judecca can be dazed but he'll always teleport first. Flint Wheel (back+SM in kick mode) has i-frames, Pyromania (forward+SM in kick mode) does a shit-ton of damage and gets a shit-ton of style but is long and can't be cancelled so use it wisely. RI and Pyromania can only be used while ignited.

Because he's /ourguy/.

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Because she had a normal family once, and then suddenly her father goes insane kills her mother and tries to kill her

Japanese trope I believe.
Onimusha, Bleach, Inuyasha.

Long hair growth and white hair = power.

Meets her at a motel she’s staying in, and feels that she’s a real loner without Dante & Trish. And that her and Dante feel each other’s pain pretty much. Here’s the novel

Is Eva actually an Umbran Witch or was it just an easter egg reference from Kamiya?

If she is, how did she job and die with all of the shit Bayonetta can do?


After the statue drop down, just stand there and keep doing gunslinger attack with Faust, with Hat Trick after every attack
As soon as all the lizards are dead, restart from checkpoint and repeat.

Have fun user.

>Obedience Training
Go on the offensive without relying on brute force in the Mission 16 boss battle.

what do you have to do for this one?

Thanks user

There are plenty of people who like both, user. Don't fall for the shitposter who is trying (and failing) to start wars

Every DMC since 3 has been for autists yes

Hey, now.
I have multiple thousands of hours in Souls games and only recently got into DMC this year. They're both good and completely different games.
No need to instigate a war between Sekiro and DMC. They're not even remotely similar. That goes for both sides.

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mundus killed her

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Forgot to mention, don't complete the mission, but instead just use the Checkpoint at the pause menu, you get to keep all your orbs and do it faster than restarting the mission



She isn't.
Kamiya I guess headcanons most of DMC1 as having happened in Bayonetta but anything outside of that is a different canon.

>how did she job and die with all of the shit Bayonetta can do?
Bayonetta canonically has never taken a killing bro. At least until Bayo 3 maybe. Anyways Jeanne fucking dies to a literal jobber demon and Rosa gets sliced up by a kid with some yugioh cards.

They're powerful, not invulnerable.

EX nero looks better, white makes him look more angellic and more like Credo/order of the sword.
Wish i could say the same as normal EX nero. Too much white. The coat is GOAT but the boots and maybe the shirt need some color change

>Happy that her father, who murder her mother, is alive

Bayonetta is in no way canon to DMC; thank sparda too, I don't want that little goblin Kamiya anywhere near DMC.

More than my facing during it, it was my face in learning it was something i unlocked and i could use from now on

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This is pretty cringy for a critic.

That's the one with King Cerberus right? To be honest I don't know. I just ended up getting after bombarding him with Kalina Ann from afar while he was in his lightning phase.

Dante is 100% and exlusively pizzasexual.

Maybe they should have had Vergil keep the blue and let Nero take white?

How do you hold a charge on Blue Rose without firing it?

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't give a shit about Bayonetta at all. I played B1 and the combat system is great obviously, but everything else is bland as fuck.

>it has a finisher
>it has a fucking blackhole attack
>you can seamlessly weave in and out of it at S rank
I really wish the last ability was an innate feature.

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I got this randomly during the boss fight. I think I just hit him a lot when his heads are down and it popped up.

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listen, I don't usually care about graphics, but come on, this looks INSANELY REALISTIC

LOOK at his SKIN

Dante players
>UNGA BUNGA nostalgiafags. Have been playing since DMC1 but still button mashes. Thinks they're hot meme stylers because they use RG Bike+Faust on mooks but always pussy swap to Trickster E/I+Rebellion the minute anything bigger then Hell Antenora shows up

Nero players
>hardcore weebs. Thinks they're high IQ because they have 50 different meters to charge. This player will accidently LT at least 4 breakers per mission and tell you that they meant to do that. Has never Max-Acted in his entire life.

V players
>Actual fucking unironic homosexuals. Will read V x Vergil fanfiction while standing on the other side of the arena. Will always use the nude mod if they play on PC. Insists that their walking gimmick has the most depth despite it clearly being shoehorned in at the last second

Can we all agree?

I cant fucking beat nidhogg on HoH
Vs summons getting one shot and the random vomit the faggot tentacles spew at you always fuck me up
Ive gotten the retard down to like 40-50% three times

No she isn't an Umbra Witch. Umbra witches do not exist in DMC. You're a fucking retard.

Yeah, I got it in his first phase (after a bunch of deaths). I have no idea how. I think just go apeshit and dodge /rg his attacks so that you can hammer him as much as possible.

How the fuck do you use quadruple S. I've hit triple S constantly and press X doesn't do s
FUCK. I'm retarded. I just realized this entire time I was pressing X as in jump and not X as in the DT button because I use a PS4 controller and am criminally retarded. Fuck me.

Most breaker actions last long enough to hold it. Honestly, I don't even bother with it. Color Up doesn't help your style much.

Beat the shit out of him without using DT
I got it about 40% through his HP bar on SoS

so did I, and I still hated it
I did find most of them myself though

I just don't like looking for collectibles in games where you can't go back at a certain point and just have to restart the whole level

>implying i don't just exclusively Balrog jab and real impact everything

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i default to E/I because of their versatility. It's only recently that I've come to terms that it's okay to be on the ground longer than 3 seconds and use gunslinger shotgun rolls.

I liked the furies at first but is there even a better way of fighting them as nero then spamming payline? That kinda kinda kills them.

>Will read V x Vergil fanfiction while standing on the other side of the arena.

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Nah, I feel the same way. I dropped bayo 1 around mission 12. I really didn't like the bosses and the levels.

going to human after DMD must have been a breeze

How can anyone with a straight face say V has the most depth. Literally the most boring shit to play

No, because everybody plays all three characters.

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I always say this, but don't understimate the autopilot, it juices up their damage by a lot and you can still control them, also use the fact they get revived instantly if you DT

Eva is just a witch, not an Umbran one

Justify Color Up's existence to me. As a replacement for his old charge shot it made sense.
But it isn't that at all.

this game blows

lol why is she so brown

What color range do you fags use?

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> do mission 13 with dante
> S first time
> do it with V next
> get an S, easy
> try it with nero
> barely got B rank

Nero feels so weak compared to the other two.

Learning how to deflect them works. Then you just run up to them while stunned and breakage them. Ragtime also brutally murders the piss out of them and if you have that as your active breaker you can quadruple buster them and that just ends that.

auto pilot and reading poetry is how I play him
on DMD I went the extra mile to park the camera in a corner with no enemies on screen to really tear through shit since i fucking hate playing him

The void is your friend.

I can't wait to see what sort of batshit crazy moves people pull off using quad to end combos.

No one says that. Dante has the most depth, by far. DMC5 Dante is literally peak action vidya.

I had no real specific strat for him as Dante in SoS until the very last leg where I kept using Trickster to dodge out of his like 80 Judgement Cuts so that I could build up the necessary SDT to mulch him.

For Nero, I basically just kept using charge shots to knock him out of combos or JCE recoveries and then start smacking him. I also used Buster Arm's Breakage over DT Buster just because the former allows you to take off up to 30% of his health all at once.

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I finally beat the game last night. Didn't think I would ever be able to do two versions of exceed all the time but relearning Nero is coming better than I thought. Still might go light on the knuckles in gameplay because you can't get much lamer than an accidental snatch

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>finally getting down sword/trickster switching

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Thank you for your input

I've seen people do some nasty shit with it, but I'm not a fan

Air juggling bro

E&I are garbage, though. You need Gunslinger and Twosome Time/Honeycomb to do anything with them at all. I don't understand why Itsuno decided to make them so shitty in 4 and 5. They were perfect in 3.

I'm a Dante player, but i only play with Rebellion and E&I

Like most moves in DMC, it's just there to be there and I mean that in the best way possible
It's just more shit to play with

Not gonna lie, that's some good taste.

Hold shoot and then release it during the animations of other moves.


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I spammed the double kalina ann when ever it stopped to change forms and got it.

Two games with two different appeals
Souls is for people who enjoy being challenged and being immersed.

Dmc is for people who enjoy juggling braindead enemies while stylin' to sick music

Is there any trick to do the multiple caliburs? i know about jump cancelling, but everytime i try it the enemy just ends up way too lot for me to hit the second calibur

>E&I are garbage though
They exist for me as beautiful combo extenders and floor lifts and I'm not using any guns outside of gunslinger because that's just silly.

Can the charge even be held? Everytime I charge it up to lvl3, do any action with lots of animation frames and let go of the charge its just gone.

Entertaining this headcanon.
It would depend on the Demon Mundus sent after her. She could definitely die if he sent someone on the level of Nelo Angelo (Not Nelo Angelo but on that level) or if he offed her himself she wouldn't stand a chance.

Just finished the game. Should I go right into SoS or beat it on human so I can unlock all the moves I still have to buy and get all the orb fragments I missed?

Yeah Vergil pulling a Yeah.. Sorry. Was bonkers. But i'd be lying if i say i'm not glad he and dante are on good terms now

Jump taunt.

Fucking finally! Jesus fuck

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Double calibur is deceptively quick. Like, you should hit jump pretty much right as you expect the first calibur to connect and immediately input a second. Takes some practice but it feels really smooth once you get it and comes natural after a few tries

>prefers the shallow imitator (DaS) over the original (DeS)
No thanks


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His DT looks pretty Bleach-ish too.

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You know the drill.

They're way better than in 4. They can actually do some damage and give style. They were completely useless in 4. If you want to do damage with them use GS.

to people who are playing other modes, are you just playing through them for fun or are you actually trying to S rank each mission?

For Charge Shot? No. You have to keep holding the button, same as in 4. That's why you need to put it on a trigger.

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Get into SoS since the enemy lineup changes everywhere

*DTs out and slaps the shit out of him with Cerbchakus*

Honestly getting deliberately caught by his teleport stab might be a viable strategy provided you can keep your DT gauge up reliably

I expect he'll be disappointed by the narrative a little bit, mainly the stuff at the end, but will be over the moon at the gameplay

Would Dante be able to heal her suffering?

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Can Bayonetta beat Mundus?

Figures. Already did that, thought you guys found a way to have charge without holding a button. Anyway, thanks.

Shirtless Vergil mod when?

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Sorry, I thought your were talking about Color Up, since a lot of people complain when starting about not being able to hold the first shot.