Give me your honest opinion of this game

give me your honest opinion of this game

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It's fun.

its motivating

Great combat but the environments and levels leave much to be desired

I don't need another game. Gonna play this for years and gamble my vidya savings on stocks.

Is worth the 70 shekels I shelled out for the Deluxe ED

the goty

fun game, lots of depth for those that want it, cool characters, pretty good length that doesn't overstay it's welcome, V sucks to play, Nero is the best character, only like 3 songs I actually like

9/10 probably won't replay it though

Enjoying my initial playthrough a lot more than my initial run of DMC4. Nero and Dante are fantastic. I honestly still cant believe just how much I have access to as Dante, moveset-wise.

Fantastic gameplay, mediocre environments, music and story

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Fantastic. The only really thing I have against it is that it’s story isn’t as good as 3 but neither every other game in the series.

Legit 9/10

i'm thinking of buying it but my friend finished it in like 1 day

if i'm not an autist about replaying singleplayer videogames will i get my money's worth out of this game?

It's great but V's gameplay feels a little too spammy and Dante's later levels feel very copy and pasted

Levels are eh, everything else is amazing.

No, plebs will never get their money's worth out of DMC.

Fucking exceptional, I love everything about it except for Subhuman which you can replace anyway


Could use more locations variety. Could really use more enemies, the fights are over too soon. Fun game though, I expected nothing and I am pleased.

Its really fun, I'm enjoying alot. Visuals are kind of boring in some of the stages, a bit too dull for me imo. Vergil being the villain again was lame. But the combat was everything I wanted and more, infinite replayability messing around with different weapons and loadouts and getting good with all of them, well for Dante and Nero atleast. V is fun but he doesn't have the customization like Dante and Nero has since he only has the 3 familiars, so Im not sure if I'll keep playing as him as much as the others in the future. I thought the music was best in the series too.


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You need to replay it, it's too easy on Normal, and it's not one of those games that just up enemy HP on higher difficulty settings.

Even if you don't replay it though, you will have a good time.

its a game you play over and over, upping the stakes when you are ready

great rebuttal


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i'm actually good at games so never felt the need to autistically experience them over and over, rather than moving on to a fresh experience haha
also pretty much drop anything that locks 'difficulty' behind finishing the game on easy

maybe ill pirate this later

Love it. Especially when modders fixed the 2 biggest issues I had with it

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I'll continue here since the will-be-mentioned-below thread just died.

Okay, so, the missing link is that throughout 2/3 of the game, Donte is HEAVILY framed as unreliable narrator, who hallucinates everything supernatural (in the sence of who the fuck knows what REALLY takes place there, during the time player sees all this flashy fantastic imagery), as there are no witnesses (other than Cat) anywhere near said supernatural takinhg place. That ark culminates in the mission with SpecOps attack, with its hopping back and forth between "real" and "imaginary" worlds, again, leaving no conscious human witnesses - other than Cat - any time Donte acts upon "real" world. The scene following this mission (and its resolution), the exchange scene, radically changes two things. First, it introduces the first sharp disagreement between Donte and Vorgil in regard to killing the baby. Second, it answers, that yes, all that Donte experinced, was real, by means of him taking several assault rifle bullets with his back, shielding Cat in the aftermath of baby murder - thus proving that yes, he did have supernatural powers all along, not only in his imagination.

Something like that.

Loved everything but gary stu nero

playing any level with any character and what else?
i'm pretty much just waiting for more costumes and 2B like in DMC4SE
guess a proper remix for Vergil's theme in mission 20 could also be good

Is OK, they put more effort in cutscenes than the game itself (is still pretty much the easy to learn hard to master type of).Is another DMC, take it as that I hate V.

>gets beaten by Urizen
>comes back, gets beaten AGAIN
>need an emotional support from his wife, still has anger management issues
>only manages to see things through because he doesn't want to lose any more of his family and it still probably going to be years before he will see his father again
>gary stu

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It's pretty shit


It's pretty fucking good, but I suck with Dante.

Best DMC yet, I love it

nudmc fans really are autistic

At the end he literally gets a 1000× boost and becomes a replacement for dante.

its top tier; one of the best looking games this gen, well optimized on console/pc, great music, and has a decent story
when the biggest complaints in an action game are the environments you know you're in for a good time

Literally nothing you said was true. Fucking retard, stop shitting up the board.

This, the wait for it was agonising but I'm glad to have made it through a tough year in order to play it. I know a lot of DMC bros didn't get as lucky as me, so my first S rank was for them

I'm really hoping that modders find a way to replace music along with proper style transitions so I can change Subhuman to the Entropy Zero remix ofArmageddon by Blue Stahli.


I dodge your point, since my point is, what I consider the point of this character being, is that whether or not you happen to consider Donte cool, obnoxious or whatever, is your Own Goddamn Business. That having been said, someone either considers such a person genuinely cool - or not. There are no halftones.
This is explicated by him being intentionally divisive.
This isn't the case for any of DMC3-onward characters, which are designed to be liked and produce amazement.
Sometimes you have to make compromises. Even though Donte's looks were toned down, he still acts in the way that gets the point across. If anything, the original design COULD be claimed to be trying way too hard to paint himself a victim of circumstances - something which released game's Donte doesn't, thankfully, do.

I like it a lot.
It's been a long time since I've genuinely enjoyed a new game like this.
I'd forgotten how fun games could be.

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what the fuuuuuck

The fov has been fixed through a ct table. Any fov you want
Now you can see shit no matter how far the camera distance is.

Me too.

So what you want to say is that he has a good character ark and managed to shine well which is not related to being gary stu in the slightest.

have a (You)
you gave me a chuckle

Kind of weird pacing, mediocre music and shit environment variety
But the combat is a lot of fun

stay mad barry

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That having been said, Donte is a Real Deal, and DMC3-onward characters aren't.

No. Dante got strong because he fused with his sword. Nero kept losing the whole game and then becomes stronger then Dante because he wants to protect Dante. It makes no sense. Its WAY too much of a boost and definetly a gary stu at the end.

Made me actually want to play a game.

Kill yourself you faggot shills. The game is average looking at best, it runs like ass on consoles, the music is awful wubshit, and the story was fucking shit even by DMC standards.


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>modders fixed two biggest issues
There’s a mod that lets me play the entire game as a single character AND a mod that applies the Dante v Vergil fight Turbo scaling to the entire game?

It's an apology and a push for looking more western.

I'll take it though, it's not perfect but I love it.

He said it ran well on them which is bullshit.

it's pretty fucking great.
if you like DMC already, yeah. the alt announcers are entertaining and some of the breakers are fun. some of the breakers are annoying to get when they randomly pop up in levels, and I don't think you can disable the additional ones in game, unfortunately. the megaman one and the soft touch are basically not worth picking up unless you just have extra room and want to overcharge it immediately in the next fight.

I want to know what market-trend-chasing producer insisted that the game include a Daily Login Bonus and Red Orb Microtransactions.

does it run like shit in consoles?
on pc my gpu is considered low-mid right now and i can run it at mid-high hard 60fps, and on top of that look great

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>It's an apology
Fuck you it is.

> (OP)
> I don't need another game. Gonna play this for years and gamble my vidya savings on stocks.
>Anonymous 03/13/19(Wed)20:01:34 No.454403823▶

Every game runs like shit on consoles.

It's clearly meant to be just an option, the game shits orbs at you AND you can use the hat to become an orbillionaire in no time

I think it's fucking excellent, and while I have plenty of nitpicks, nothing in it sticks out as making me go "oh, this fucking part".

Biggest problem I have right now is that I don't think the style ranks and style points have anything at all to do with each other, which is really frustrating while trying to S rank stages.

It runs great on my base PS4, keep crying.

I understand that, both of those “features” are pointless bullshit. Which is why I’m asking, who the fuck added them? It’s not a service-game, why the fuck is it emulating those kind of pointless checklist features for service games?

not enough enemy variety
not enough v levels
not enough level variety
levels felt like corridors 90% of the time
nero needed more move variety as hes like a baby compared to dante and his wep/gun switching
v needed a more more attacks/combos
would have like more unlockables and cutscenes

still a 9/10

>skip to random time
>40 fps

the development cutscenes make the deluxe edition worth it all by itself

As good as 3, if not better. Held back a bit by V, but he isn't unbearably terrible like some on this board would tell you. Good music but I wished the battle themes played more often instead of getting replaced by other stuff (this really makes no sense at all and I hope they change it). Story has some pacing issues but is great for fans. Overall its really good.

Heaps of shit.
Breaker switcher (most vital fix for the game).
HUD mod (replace the crappy hud with some sort of actual art like other DMC games)
Face fix mods
Classic costumes and devil arm design mods
Control change mods (forward input for Split, Maximum Bet & Showdown with devil bringer button, ect)
basically i need to control Nero like 4.

Attached: HUD.png (960x541, 528K)

>single character
Right now M4 doesn't work with Nero/dante but M5 does, just fully completed it.

Also extra style mods for dante.
Quicksilver and Douple Ganger.

>Breaker switcher (most vital fix for the game).
Why do people still say this is needed? It would completely destroy the game's balance. Maybe as a fun extra mode or something, but the game would be stupidly easy if you could switch to any breaker on command.

Only cutscenes drop that low, gameplay stays at 60 very consistantly. If you actually watched the video instead of pulling shit out of your ass, you'd know that.

It keeps the bean counters happy

why should i respect your opinion when you haven't seen any of the video you asinine retard

Where? There's like three bosses with electronica themes and that's it. No wubs in sight.

I want that so bad. Or hell, even just Dynamic Mixes of any of the other themes already in the game. I want "THE TIME HAS COME AND SO HAVE I" to start blaring when I hit that S.

It wouldn't destroy shit, it would just be more fun.

Sauce me on this shit fampai, I want Breaker Switcher so fucking bad. There isn’t shit on Nexus apart from retextures.

better than 4 and that is all I wanted it to be

It still drops and either way dropping frames is running like shit especially when the game also looks like shit on console.

Dont' be a dumbass.

Not really, the arms would still break

itsuno is too good for this shitty world
DMC 5 is a fantastic game thats an easy 9/10 thats only brought down because i dont like playing as V
i hope it becomes 1 of capcoms best selling games of all time so itsuno can have the budget to make DD2

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You morons were saying that before the games released but now it's blatantly clear it's just a meaningless limitation. it makes no difference when you can just equip all punchlines or buy a fuckload and switch them up at every checkpoints. even the devs aren't retarded enough to say it's a balance issue they wanted to put it in but itsunos only reason for not doing it was he didn't want nero to be too much like dante. a controversial decision the other devs hated.

Can I have a control change mod that makes Dante execute a style action automatically when I Style Switch? Using a unique Steam binding fucks up menu navigation.

Best in the series, only problem really is the story

I legit don't think I can go back to static themes, after this. It just feels so damn good to have the Chorus kick in FULL OCTANE as you start racking up the style. Even fucking up and getting bumped back down to D, it just makes you want to fight all the harder to reclaim the high ranks.

I usually turn off the music in DMC, and start playing my own in the background, after 2 or 3 playthroughs, but I don't see myself doing that for 5, for a long, long time thanks to the Dynamic themes.

Is moving goalposts LITERALLY all you fucking shitposters know how to do?

It looks amazing on consoles you fucking idiot, name me 3 games on PS4 that look better. I'll give you fucking Red Dead 2.

There are only two critical flaws: 1) there's no gothic atmosphere; 2) female character's aren't hot.

No matter how good the game is Subhuman is still trash

please sauce them mods bro wtf

Itsuno is a faggot who made a completely average DMC5. His favorite DMC is DmC and he borrowed tons of elements from it which just shit on DMC core fans.

I'm sure someone will find a way to make new dynamic themes, the way the game does it doesn't seems too complex and we can already change music in RE engine games

>moving goalposts
Now he's just being a nigger. sub 40fps is not 60fps.

The most fun I've had playing a game since DMC3.

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it's great

one of my favorites games to date

Also it looks like fucking ass on consoles compared to PC, you can't even turn off the CA and it's blurry as fuck. It looks awful. As for better looking games there are fucking dozens.

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Sub 40fps in cutscenes only. What part of that is so hard to fucking understand? It's 60 in gameplay, and that's all that fucking matters. The original point you shitposters tried to make was that the game didn't run well on consoles, which is bullshit.

It's not out yet. it's something were waiting for. I'm looking into modding the game & how similar it is to RE2 but I'm not very experienced. People will chip away at it and eventually we'll make enough progress for a full breaker switching mod.
there's already a perfect switch mechanic in the game. it's triggered when you pick up a new breaker. so I'd say we just need to rework that.
I'd also like to put in a "can't break" cheat for people who want to play around with that.

Do you mean you could switch to whatever breaker you want but the arm would still break upon switching? Because I'd be fine with that.

>fucking dozens
like what?

I greatly enjoy it and will probably be playing it far into the future. It's not perfect, but easily the best DMC game.

V's playstyle is a little shallow, and the lack of accurate and responsive controls for his familiars become a problem in higher difficulties.
Pretty weak soundtrack. Not a fan of any of the battle themes.

Pros: Everything else.

Combat is the best in the series and the story, though incredibly silly, is enjoyable (was anyone expecting a plot with serious depth here?).

That being said, gold orbs are given too often, and I'm one of the few people who enjoys the puzzles in the series, not because they're brainteasers, but because they give nice pacing to the levels and an opportunity to appreciate the level architecture. There were also too many levels that were just boss fights.

All in all, 9/10, the first game is still my favourite but mechanically this one is better.

>Nero has a banger
>V has an alright theme
I-I guess it's a good thing Nero is more fun the play than Dante now....

Actually, the IDEAL way (mechanically) IMO to mod Nero’s breakers would be “when you break one, it adds it back to the end of your magazine”.

You don’t even need to adjust the way the game cycles breakers; you just store the value associated with the breaker that just broke, and then define the Last Slot Breaker as that breaker as soon as it’s unloaded. You essentially can’t break breakers fast enough to run into bugs that way (maybe if you have only one equipped it’d be a problem) and it essentially keeps Nero’s playstyle the same.

Coping consolefag.

Hi Barry


Love it when you shitposters use any variation of this word, it pretty much signals you lost the argument.

Those are mods that I'm waiting for. That pic is a mockup of a hud. I'm not sure how hud mods will look because of how slim the graphics are. but there should be enough room to ad sufficient DMC flair.

you can switch the themes bruh

stay mad lol

>The most fun I've had playing a game since DMC3.

guess you havent played bayonetta 1.

I'd have to test it out but isn't this mechanic already an option in the Void?
if so it would be very easy to make it an option for in game.


No, the only thing special about the void is that you can break off your devil breakers but you get them back when you leave.


The Void doesn’t actually discard breakers permanently but I don’t remember cyclical breakers being a Void mechanic? Then again I didn’t fuck around too much in the settings there.

You're trying way too hard. Settle down, kid.

You are coping. You're pretending your console runs the game well when it runs it like shit. This is the definition.

This game looks next gen as fuck even on a ps4 pro

I remember there being an unlimited breakers option in "player options".
isn't there?

There is already a video by people who analyze games for a fucking living that proves the gameplay runs at 60fps on base consoles, what proof do you have that it doesn't?

And I'm saying gameplay, not cutscenes, I know that may be hard for your peanut-sized brain to wrap their head around.

Stay mad retard.

It's fun with some flaws. Either melee enemies need ranged attacks or they have to buff up their aggressiveness. I've been playing on DMD and enemies sometimes walk around too much instead of attacking. Furies and Judeccas are the only good aggressive ones but they can be countered with a few techniques.

Good combat (they did their best to respectively fill in the gaps in dante and nero move sets, with some + and - results), garbage everything else. I honestly don't have the motivation to detail the endless list of things wrong with 5, but it's a pretty big disappointment, and I probably won't come back to it till BP is released, cause the rest isn't satisfying in the least. I return fully to my belief that 3 was a fluke.

Oh, one point I'll bother with, since it's grey is I will say the bosses aren't that great, but sorta mixed bag. They're all basically remixes of prior bosses (much like enemies in the game), like artemis being a remixed sanctus or vergil being a remixed v3. The reason this is a mixed bag is that they feel sorta dumbed down, like I RG'd vergil for like 50% of his hp without much trouble, when in 3 it was a nightmare to get good at, and I'm seriously, shamefully rusty, and that before mentioning no force edge or beowulf. I dunno, it's combo of nothing feeling new and them being smoothed out to the point they feel neutered, I guess.

Also, V isn't that great, mostly because there's no proper feedback response to his moves. There's no rumble, or sounds, or proper visuals (like a sword swing), to give the feedback for attacks, so everything feels disembodied. Panther being hard to controller, or whatever I've seen people complain about, isn't the problem. It's that he's black, not centered next to the player, far away with a semi low to the ground camera that stretches perspective, so he just comes off as a blob doing stuff, you think, fingers crossed. Griffin on the other hand is often literally off screen, so again you're punting out commands without any cues.

I like the level design. It looks good.
Proud souls should have made a return. The system they had for them in 4 was superior.

No fucking content for post game. There are no unlockable outfits or barely any incentives at all to replay the game, apart from beating DMD to get Super mode. But even then, the developers expect you to beat the game THREE FUCKING times just to unlock something of note. Sorry, but I never liked unlockables that were so time consuming to get that by the time you get them, you're bored and sick to death of the game. It wasn't okay in other games, and it isn't okay here. At most you should just be able to go through the game once, and then again to unlock super mode.

Level design, story, and character interactions blow ass. The only female to get any real screen time is Nico, and she's quite possibly the worst character to grace the DMC series. Obnoxious, a cunt, and isn't even that interesting. Trish and Lady are window dressing, and I am still coming to terms with the fact that one barely gives a shit about it except me. Same for Nero and his uglification.

On the subject of characters, Dante is an asshole in this one. If they're going to make a Dante like this, they should really just make him a stoic mute like in DMC 2. Otherwise, I want fucking uncle Dante back, or the Dante from DMC 3. Stop fucking writing this character so inconsistently.

Also, the deluxe edition still has me fucking mad. Literally all the extra content and its locked behind a paywall. Fuck any of you if you don't think is was terrible. Overall, DMC 5, to me, is one of the worst DMC games to date. Rivals DMC 2 in terms of disappointment for me.

All the charm, likable characters, interesting level design, and boss fights are pretty much gone. Also, they monetized orbs.

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Yeah it's already in there.
Which means we have a perfect fast switch mechanic. and an unlimited magazine mechanic already in the game. They just need to be reworked in the mod.

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Same my neegus

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Well shit. Who do I need to fellate to get that process rolling.

I wants it

how the FUCK do I S rank mission 18
I can't stand it anymore, I already s ranked vergil even
send help

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>He doesn’t like hearing YOU CANNOT KILL ME when hitting S rank.

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combat is once again amazing overshadows everything else. So much replay value.
V is a fun addition
Nero's arms give him the depth that 4 Nero lacked. Nero being a more fun character in general.
Dante weapons are awesome as always. He still has that goofy yet cuhrazyee charm from 1 3 and 4.
story was surprisingly nice. wasn't great but Nero and vergil is more interesting then Nero crying about Kyrie.
graphics are great
Music is great
Level design is ok.
Void is a nice addition to test out moves.
Nico and the van is nice visual touch to replace the Divinity statues for certain points.
Some of the best bosses in a dmc game (goliath, Cavliere angelo, final boss)
Best enemy designs and aggressiveness in a dmc game.
MTX completely worthless with the large amount of red orbs and gold orbs they give you.

Dull colors in certain missions, dmc4, 1, and DmC were better in visual design imo.
Vergil as the main villain doesn't work as well as it did in 3.
Dont know why Dante is suddenly living in poverty with no working water and toilet.
Devil Hunter is fun but a bit too easy. Son of Sparda should've been selectable from the beginning
Its abit too easy to Rank up to SSS with Dante weapons. In 3 and 4 you had to work for it.
Lack of unlockables, only one ex color and a super mode.
while certain bosses were the best in dmc games, alot of bosses were boring (artemis, nidhogg). Facing Urizen the first 3 times was especially lame.
V doesn't have the deep customization that Nero's arms and Dante's weapons have. Still a fun character but not as interesting as the others.
Deluxe edition being a shitty way to withhold finished items behind paywall
steam has Denuvo
Existence of MTX in general. Should not be in a single player game.

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Tim Rogers and that Max guy have said this is literally the best action videogame of all time, and I pretty much agree. Tim have way more weight on the broad critical side of videogame design, but you can't ignore Max experience on fighting games on general. So yeah. Game is a fucking miracle.

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C'mon Max has experience with fighting games but he's not even at the level of Aris. This is also Max. Somebody that hyped Infinite. It's a good game but I don't think it's the best. Bayonetta 1 is still tighter.

Unless it's strictly connected to the void. the unlimited breakers should be as simple as setting a variable from 0 to 1.
I'm gonna fuck around in cheat engine as soon as I get home.

Breaker switching is gonna be a challenge with defining what breaker & re mapping dpad inputs. gotta beg someone in the modding forums who knows their shit to look into it.

>no Crew Cut model swap for Nero
the fuck are you doing modders? Get your priorities straight

Unironically the greatest action game I've ever played.

Has flaws but it got everything that it needed to perfect. Combat, environments, gameplay loops are great. The game is a bit ugly and the story is dumb but it's still my GOTY

Good game, great combat, Nero is finally a good character, V is amazing and fun, Dante is still the best character i every way
The soundtrack is great but the levels aren't that deep

The ending kinda sucks too
9/10 if the endibg was good it could be a 10/10

it's nearly a perfect game. every flaw i can think of is a minuscule nitpick.
unironically one of the best games ever made, full stop.

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user, yeah, Max is kinda a vox populi guy, but when you later see the goddamn Tim Rogers also say this, you can't ignore it. I mean, the guy was playing God Hand with Shinji Mikami at his side on Japan when it was out. From all videogame critics out there, you can't name someone better than him on this regard (the idiot is a MENSA member ffs.)

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Western tryhard weebshit

Oldfag dmcfags allow nuredditzoomerfags to join their fagfanbase

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Great game, but Vergil kind of gets away with slaughtering tons of innocent people in Redgrave City
I mean, yeah, he's trapped in Hell, but he's with Dante, and the two of them can't fucking lose to anything Hell can throw at them

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That wasn't really Vergil's fault, though.
Even back in DMC3 Vergil didn't seem to have any interest in hurting innocents. Urizen was just a personification of Vergil's lust for power taken to its logical conclusion.

-Great combat
-Smooth gameplay and animations
-Graphics are really polished
-Each character feels like they put a lot of handcraft into them, with the exception of perhaps V since his gameplay doesn't evolve all that much
-Took what worked on basically every DMC game and improved on it
-No backtracking half the game

-Weak OST
-Some jokes and dialogue are pretty lame, even by DMC standards
-Nico is the worst character in the game
-No turbo
-Level design in Qliphot missions get very repetitive
-Weak ending, felt rushed and too fanservic-y
-Boss fights aren't all that great, just a couple of them.

And I don't know where to put that I felt like the game's combat is easier than 3 or 4, since I criticized DmC for that but I had more fun playing DMC5. Overall I enjoyed it, and it's up there with 3 IMO opinion.

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Best action game of all time.

Great game overall, but splitting it between three different characters makes it feel even shorter than it already is. Granted, it's made for multiple playthroughs and Bloody Palace is coming, but it felt like my time with each character and their kit was REALLY short on the first playthrough. V is cool on paper, but you can literally face roll the face buttons for S+ Rank and press right trigger to generate DT to summon Nightmare forever and just ass blast everything. That combined with his own movement affecting the moves of his pets kinda makes him shitty to play. I can't get the fuck out of the way or NOT walk awkwardly into the wrong spot and keep a combo going smoothly at the same time, so I'd rather boringly face roll through his missions so I can get to the fun part with Dante and Nero.

fucking kek that pic

FFXV was better.

>weak ost
>Nico is the worst character in the game
How does it feel having opinions that are blatantly wrong?

you can turn on turbo with cheat engine. you need the version with no denuvo obviously.
turbo is 1.2 scale.

forced fun, and dishonest graphics

Must have missed the part in the OP where I had to share the same opinions with everyone. But I only liked a couple of tracks and Nico never grew on me.

>Dante gameplay

>color palette

>V combat
>sorry, but Nero combat

>forced fun, and dishonest graphics
what did he mean by this

>-Weak OST
Subjective. I think it's great overall. See: Voltaic Black Knight.
>-Some jokes and dialogue are pretty lame, even by DMC standards
Cracking corny jokes is what DMC is all about man!
>-Nico is the worst character in the game
I like her :3
>-No turbo
Never used it myself. I think the game's pace is fine even without it.
>-Level design in Qliphot missions get very repetitive
This is true.
>-Weak ending, felt rushed and too fanservic-y
Let's agree to disagree. I think it provided a fitting conclusion to Dante's and Vergil's age old rivalry while they pass on the torch to /ourboy/ Nero.
>-Boss fights aren't all that great, just a couple of them.
Goliath, Cavalere, V's Demons, Artemis, King Cerberus, Urizen, Vergil.

Attached: Dante.jpg (620x413, 26K)

This entire post is really strange and I feel like you think your relatively minute points are actually worse off than they are
Like the shit about beating the game three times, DMC is meant for replays and as a result this wouldn't be as big of a deal if you were as a genuine fan of the series you believed yourself to be

Westernized garbage.

Pretty fun! Can't wait for more mods

Attached: Lady.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>-Level design in Qliphot missions get very repetitive
I can't agree with this enough. The idea of being inside a living demon tree has so much potential for cool environmental changes, but there's really not much of that anywhere except for the Cerberus area. They could have ran with this concept and made some stuff that was really cool visually but it all looks and plays the same.

It was either this or backtracking. But I still prefer this.

>no true scotsman fallacy
>thinks players should replay the game "just because."
Spotted the DMC fanboy. I've been playing DMC since the first game you little shit. Don't fucking tell me I'm not a true fan. Now fuck off.

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You practically listed every boss fight except Malphas, the giant monster and Nignog or nidhogg whatever the name is. I dunno, I guess that I only liked Cavaliere, Cerberus and Vergil, the rest I thought they were pretty meh. I do agree that Cavaliere's theme and Geryon's are dope af.

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I was complaining to a friend about this and he said "it's like Oblivion gates" and now I can't unthink it.

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I used two continues on Vergil on devil hunter. Trying to go back and do it without orbs but I’m getting my ass kicked, I can get to his second phase without getting hit and then he just rapes me. I don’t have my royal guard upgraded though so that may be the issue, I’m not sure.

The best Devil May Cry game.

You have to fucking remap the controls for each character or else you'll get carpal tunnel within the hour. Dumb fucking button mapping decisions like making the player hold down left stick and the SELECT button to pull of a super taunt. Game is way too frenetic with its narrative. Too many characters, not enough interaction or development. V is a literal throwaway character that won't even be in another game because of how the story plays out. Nero relies on consumables for his combat, which I personally dislike. But that's just me.

SFV had more content at launch than this game. Let that sink in a little.

Attached: No-Sir-I-dont-like-it.jpg (1024x768, 121K)

Then you'd bare minimum know that beating DMC gives you nothing the first time you beat it aside from an alternate campaign and bloody palace, which is coming in april along with online co-op and playable Vergil
But i'm sure you're a true fan, beating DMC games once and then putting them down once after beating them, it's not like the games heavily encourage replay value or anything, such as Nero getting DT and a bunch of new mechanics in SoS or Dante having like all of his moveset, most of which you will not see until SoS unless you grind your heart out
But keep prattling on about how much you like a series and yet a) don't like replaying the game and b) love a game series that prides itself on replay value

FFXVhad absolutely brain dead gameplay and could be easily cheesed with magic

Trickster the fuck out and memorize his patterns. His attacks always have the same properties every time. Make sure to squeeze in as many hits as possible every time he's vulnerable, and save your DT for when you need health.
But yeah it's a really fucking tricky fight. I think he gave me more trouble than Vergil 3 back in DMC3.

I saw someone online use Devil Sword Sparda’s sgockwave attack with devil sword Dante, how do I do this? It’d be incredibly useful for Vergil

Thankfully the DMC fanbase on Yea Forums is extra cancerous helping furthermore cement my dislike of this shit game

>Dumb fucking button mapping decisions like making the player hold down left stick and the SELECT button to pull of a super taunt
That you have to be standing still to even pull off.

The story was absolute garbage. I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit where they waste away a cool new character so that fans can cream themselves over the reveal of their favorite cool katana man. The ending feels like it has no stakes or consequences, they just fight and then everyone is just alright with each other, Vergil killed like millions of people in not London and Dante talks with him like he's just some normal bro.

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>Vergil killed like millions of people in not London and Dante talks with him like he's just some normal bro
I don't know if Vergil's really responsible for that in a sense. Urizen says he doesn't remember or recognize his and Dante's childhood home, which likely lends credence to the fact that Urizen is kind of his own person.
As for the bro shit, Nero basically told them their autistic fighting is gay and they need to nut up. Vergil seems to have listened.

They are absolutely going to anime-tier bullshit V into his own self after he manifests out of that book he left with Nero.

what fanbase on Yea Forums isnt cancer?


Th Etrian Odyssey fanbase is pretty chill and actually discusses game mechanics for the most part.

-4 mandatory missions as V
-5 boss fight only missions (including the summons as it's just one boss with some orbs between each phase)
-4 missions where you get to play as Dante outside of a boss fight mission, 5 if 13 counts but it's only 3 rooms.
It's an alright game but it really fucked up making V playable and having so many boss only missions.
3 is way better.

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dmc before DmC and dmc5

That's just shitposters fishing for yous

>5 boss fight only missions (including the summons as it's just one boss with some orbs between each phase)
This is untrue, there's a bunch of enemy spawns inbetween

you're either an absolute idiot or you're talking out of your ass. my bet is the latter.

>Responding to obvious bait

Literally, every track that isn't a vocal track is complete forgettable shit.

He's not stronger than Dante retard, he's just strong enough to protect the human world now and was strong enough to beat Vergil and Dante AFTER they weakened each other by fighting. Even Arkham managed to do that despite being just a human.

great, not quite as good as 3 but it has potential to be if it gets proper post-launch support

the main thing that will determine this games future is how the vergil DLC turns out, because right now dante can do everything vergil could but in a more interesting way so if they just rehash the same fucking moves for the fifth game in a row then there's gonna be problems.

There are a couple weak enemies but nothing mandatory to fight and the mission itself is very short. I just don't like how many missions are dedicated to a single boss like gilgamesh and urizen. The summons mission could have also been way way longer and the boss rush mission for V was completely pointless.
V has interesting mechanics but he absolutely annihilates the pacing and takes away from opportunities to play as Nero and Dante. Nero got flak for this in dmc4 originally and I'm even more upset about V doing it now since Dante gets even less missions to play around with his fuckload of weapons.

I still don’t understand how stylish points are tallied for a final score. I just finished the Cerberus fight with it saying 5023 but didn’t see it as the score in the breakdown. The average between the breakdown scores times the multiplayer gets me different final totals for the level too. Do I just have one score that raises and lowers throughout the level, based on how I do per battle?

you unlock your moveset way more after the first playthrought. if you only care for story (which is just OK anyway) then no. if you care for figuring out combos and the game mechanics then yes

>sin dt doesn't decay if you combo within SSS style rank

absolutely devilish

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It feels very polished, mechanically but the plot is seriously half baked and I hope they fix this with a special edition. DMC3 has very good story telling and I was let down hard by DMC5's story despite the fan service. Level design isn't bad but I'd rather have Resident Evil level design again rather than giant hallways. We got a little bit of that with Dante's filling the fountain mission, but that's it.

It did not surpass my expectations, which was basically DMC3 but with modern graphics.

Anyone else feel that the concept are for this game kinda looks like shit? I literally thought that was fanart the first time I saw it, it seems so amateur looking to me.

You can disable the deluxe breakers, at least on PC

Nero and Dante are fun
V levels are insufferable and Im hating redoing them for SoS run
The V boss fights are especially boring and painful. Nidhogg is putting me to sleep.

minor issues galore, but close to perfection
the first game I legitimately enjoyed in 10-something years
nips did well i'm proud

I finished it in like 13 hours, but that's because I autistically search for each encounter and secret missions
DMC is the kind of game where your first and second playthrough are significantly different

Why the fuck do characters have their faces all scratched up in late game when that shit should heal in like 2 seconds? what the fuck were the devs thinking?

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For a little while you're allowed to revert back to base Dante too.

Boring game. Lame, cringy story and characters and shitty, dull gameplay.

>they should have used Dante's face model for Ver-

Attached: 20-1552483282-1344797413.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

the problem is all the face models are bad and don't look like the characters. neros in good in most angles but isn't nero.

The game is weird. It feels like I'm enjoying it but at the same time like I'm just turning my brain off.

>tfw missing 1 blue orb fragment
is this what hell feels like? if the game could just tell me what missions i'm missing orbs on i could move on with my life.

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Anyone pleaseeee have the pic of everyone giving the finger to Shadow?

So the whole point of quad S is to get some free Sin DT damage and pop back out before your rank decays?

Attached: bullied shadow.png (552x896, 241K)

Both the fragments I was missing once I finished were in mission 2. One where you have to lead an enemy to a broken floor to fall through after the 2nd nidhogg hatchling and the one you jump up to around the 3rd one before the ground sinks in and you fight two hatchet assholes.

How do I get a SSS score?

Any tips for Dante's Vergil fight? I'm on SoS and I can handle him fairly well until he pulls out the Doppelganger then it all goes to shit.

Best game in the series. Although I'm conflicted on if I'm glad the stages are shorter and simpler. Platforming and puzzle solving was always shit in DMC games and the very little amount of it in 5 is nice in my opinion but at the same time I feel like something's missing.

no bulli Shadow
He's a good boy

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Target doppelganger and kill it, buddy

I think the battle music is really underwhelming yet it still overpowers the actual combat audio to the point where hits don't feel too impactful audio-wise. The ranged weapons sound great though.

Hit different buttons and at different times.

Hopefully the Vergil dlc is playing him in the main game allowing us to fight Dante or Unga, or pic related

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How do I beat Vergil?

hit him until he dies

The same Maximilian that says most anticipated game of the year for nearly every game within the same year.

How can they be identical twins when Vergil is so much cuter?

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Waiting for the Vergil face on Dante swap

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Who the fuck takes either one of them seriously? Tim Rogers is so far up his own ass it's shocking.


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>ywn get impregnated by Vergil
it fucking hurts bros...

>calls someone out on NTS Fallacy
>commits the exactly same fallacy in their response by saying that I'm the true DMC player and that because your opinion isn't like mine that you musn't be one.

You should have just left your post with the implications. Would have been a much better argument.

Agree he doesn't look like him from DMC4 but for me personally DMC5 Nero face is superior and he no longer looks like a Dante knockoff.

he looks liek that "pass me the controller" cheetos kid

Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019-03-08 21-46-17.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Oh sorry, you wanted a bait answer?

My only gripe is that some inputs are tied to buttons even though you set them like Nero's max bet and showdown. Also no Kyrie, patty, or Lucia. Otherwise I give it a 9/10 gameplay wise.

Someone here complained that Nero using breakers post game was lazy because his arm just disappears.
But that's pretty obviously intentional. I think he can just make it disappear and reappear at will.
Imagine what he does to Kyrie's holes.

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So my friend has it and he bought the red orbs for 1.99 and next time he logs in he got ex Nero Dante nico and Vergil?

How? I’m generally confused

Did the exact same thing today. The missing one was in Mission 16.

its pretty cool

Yeah, the first thing I did in SoS was switch Bringer to O. Shame the input is still awkward for his DT moves.

Yeah, I mean Dante can make E&I show up out of nowhere too.

Does this game render 4 obsolete?

4 has better music, art style, and story plus more characters.


Attached: Ruined_Church_DMC4.png (800x450, 606K)

I abused trickster to btfo Vergil

Am I a scrub?

You certainly are if you think you can abuse an ability freely given.

t. scrubs

god this scene would be so good if he just wrote "Dante" or something witty, literally anything but "fuck you"

how? with a CE, or otherwise?

Are there any difference in Sparda sword and rebellion?

The entire point of the Breaker system is improvisation and risk/reward, swapping Breakers would ruin the weight of Break Away and Break Ages as the only ways of swapping your Breakers.

Isn't the new breaker Nico throws him in the credit sequence hollow so his arm could fit in it?

Sparda has a bit more range and damage. There's no reason to use rebellion unless you hate how Sparda or DSD look.
They don't explain the difference, but you see his arm disappear in a blue glow as he puts it on. It would make more sense if he just put it on like a gauntlet, but he doesn't.

v is so boring on dmd i don't even feel shame using a gold orb

Yes, you can get 4 fireballs, a sword combo, a ground punch, or a little bit of the Luce/stinger, but if you don't revert back, you get locked into SDT and have to use your whole bar

The first run of action games like this is basically learning the system and unlocking your full moveset. You're meant to go back through, playing on harder difficulties with all your stuff unlocked. Next month they're actually releasing an update that's just a fuckhuge gauntlet of all the enemies and bosses.

The first two playthroughs are unironically the tutorial.

Good that shit sucks. RNG pickups are fucking terrible game design & we've all had the chance to play with this "improvisation" and it's awful. It's just like the game telling you what to do with an unreliable arbitrary system. We just end up needlessly breaking through them to get the ones we want in that moment & avoiding picking ones up then trying to backtrack to them later Or saying fuck it i'll just break this one and buy it again at the checkpoint. it's like the situation commands in kingdom hearts 3. it only serves to limit freedom and fun & makes working around the retarded spoon feeding system boring and tedious.
not to mention the absolutely devastating effect it has on Neros combo potential.

Well you should. Him being boring shouldn't mean you're a shitter in need of gold orbs.

Just do your missions with a full magazine and don't pick up arms you don't like?

I wish I could play ever level as either Nero or Dante instead of constantly shuffling who I play as and getting stuck as V every now and then..

They aren't RNG, though. They're placed deliberately.

fuck you user its not even hard it's just a slog, especially when one of your summons blocks your view and bye 50% hp

No they're all RNG outside of a few scripted ones. they even change more with DLC added.
there's no smart design here. just limitation & mess.

Can someone post the boomer vergil pictures? I need a good laugh

Aside from a few weak story beats, the high points o the game, especially the stellar gameplay, make up for it.

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Great fan service with a not disappointing ending but not amazing either

It was hype as fuck until V reveals that he's just Vergil.

I seriously hope Dante doesn't say the word

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>swapping Breakers would ruin the weight of Break Away and Break Ages as the only ways of swapping your Breakers.
That could be a completely different attack you faggot, it's like you hate fun and think this limiting system is a good one. The d-pad isn't even used in this game for the most part, you could have all this stuff and more.

got bored in 3 hours, the tunnel levels are not fun

Just beat it 5 mins ago. First fully finished dmc since 3 since I Only fully finished 3 and half of 4. Barely a fourth of 2. Either way that ending rocked and felt great to see the series work up to it.

DMD is a chore but everything else is great.

vergil 3 > vergil 2 > dmc5 vergil > nelo angelo 3 > vergil 1


>especially the stellar gameplay
button mashing, zero positioning combat is shit. there is not other gameplay except running and fighting. game is boring and shallow.
to make high score you simply have to press buttons standing in one place in front of enemy
makes a lot of sense why Yea Forums likes it.

Should I feel shame if I had to use 2 gold orbs on the dante vergil fight? Didnt have to use them ever until the last couple missions. Even had to use one as final nero but i had no fuckin clue how to use his devil trigger.

*is better than all of them*

Attached: Angelo_Credo_render.png (1560x1200, 1.23M)

why does everyone suck off this piss easy embarrassment?

wish it wasn't so fanservicey, all of DMC3's story and content was able to stand on its own (or be trash on its own). Reminds me a lot of dark souls 3 and how half of its best moments were just call backs to the previous games.

3 was a fluke, it's the only good game in the series.

my opinion is that vergil and his fans were eternally BTFO

>Dante has more interesting versions of summon swords, his teleports and his cinematic kill everyone super move
>Vergil was actually a poetry reading faggot who was bullied by his younger brother all along, "le motivation" was just an act he put on out of virgin rage like the kanta loving sperg he is
>Murders a billion people to eat the ultimate fruit as urizen and loses to dante in 10 seconds anyway
>Nero being his son is such an afterthought that even the game itself just skips over trying to justify it

and this is why I'm happy I pirated the game. shit tier fanfic story

I know what you're saying about the fan service but thematically it makes sense. Thing is that they've got to have all new stuff for DMC6 is going to happen. There's only so many times you can do throwbacks because the more you do it not only do you make the game feel like a been there done that but you cheapen the older games.

if you use punch line nero clearly has two regular arms again, it's some kind of magic power glove now

Fun one timer.
Replays become tedious with all the gimmicks and bullshit Plat requirements.

>but thematically it makes sense
Not at all. Nico, the anime bullshit, Dante acting the way he does, and super dead brother coming back makes 0 sense.

Is there any way to get difficulty higher than devil Hunter, if I must play my first playthrough on that easy difficulty that will totally destroy my interest in that game. Hell I can even pay for higher difficulty.

Beat the boss on mission 1 instead of dying like a bitch.

SoS will be a slog without abilities, just play DH faggot

post you mission results, I bet they're all C on normal lmao

This. There is no excuse. If you can't then why even bother. They GIVE you a way to play SoS. You just need to prove yourself.

not him, but this game hands out S ranks like candy, it requires real effort to get below a B

SoS is easy as fuck too. I'm bored half way through DMD.

Beat the prologue boss to skip a difficulty mode though.

I thought DMC4 Dante was deep, but I'm in this game you just keep unlocking more and more stuff which gives the DMC3 arsenal a run for its money; even Nero is a lot of fun now.

Itsuno delivered, and while there are things I enjoy more from 3 and 4, I really look forward to fully sink myself into the combat of this game.

I thought you were talking about the enemies.

Just untick the box next to the DLC in steam

I played prologue and dropped it because of difficulty, so if I beat next stage without dying I unlock sos?

I don't know, the game felt incomplete, like i played 1/3th of what the actual game was supposed to be. The gameplay is good but that's what i expect from DMC, the fanservice got really annoying in some parts Did they have to put Cerberus in there? , ending felt the most rushed i'd seen, you solve the DEVIL FRUIT TO RULE THEM ALL in one mission, and mission 19 and 20 are the same with different characters. V and Urizen being Vergil, leading yet to another Vergil boss battle and Vergil big bad made me go limp instantly . The game needs a Special Edition and fast, hope they can add everything they need, until then 3 and 4 are still superior games.

What? You stopped playing because you suck but you want it to be even harder??

I would like if you could switch the order around (somehow), but still had to break the arm to actually change it
And no, pasta breaker doesn't count

There has been nonstop DmC threads shilling this shit since before it's launch and had only intensified. What do you think? OH YEAH, MAKE ANOTHER THREAD ABOUT IT

No idiot, first encounters where so easy that you could get through it with your eyes closed so I dropped it, even in nu gow I died to first enemies 5-10 times

They deserve the 70 smackers for this alone:

Nothing really new both in combat or story wise. I hate new artstyle and music is extremly inconsistent.

But you still died to the first boss?

>well optimized on console
>dips below 60 often on Pro
Yeah, amazing optimization.

I beated that prologue boss, don't know it is counted as a first one it felt that it died on its own

you are legit retarded, the PROLOGUE is easy. Wew.

Tips for breaking Urizen's shield? Fucking crystalized Yamatohas way too much hp.

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Can agree on this. Game is fun to play but doesn't really feel like actually a new game more like a remix of old character and ideas with some forced plot to tie all this shit together somehow. Vergil fight was a scripted letdown and was divided into phases which is annoying and not what it should've be.

lol, you didn't, or else you wouldn't be asking this

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>Also, they monetized orbs.
Funny how nobody pointing this out.
>b-but you can just use orb or load a checkpoint
True BUT notice how game fucking forces you to go to stupid game over screen, then hit checkpoint, then loading, then go to boss again, then skip a cutscene. All this to force you to use golden orb or spend red orbs (and buy if you lack them). Was it so hard just making a quick restart option so I can just jump right into the fight again? How can you fuck up so obvious thing? It's either devs are retarded or it's intentional to force you buy orbs.

King Cerberus was a wall of hp on SoS, I don't even want to think about that fight with 2xhp and DT defense buffs

The reason you replay the DMC games is to unlock all the bonuses and outfits. In DMC5, there's nothing to unlock. So why play it more than once or twice, especially since it's one of the worst games in the series when it comes to the characters and level design?

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The only big flaw is monetisation, which you can ignore, but still thats just a shit practice overall. Besides that game is almost perfect. Don't listen on Yea Forums contrarians, friend, they will hate on everything. I bet they will hate on free blowjob from hot girl too saying something like "but she doesn't have a dick, though. That's no good"

>shit environment variety
this is such a meme complaint. There are plenty of different environments in the game. It only becomes a problem from like mission 13-16

Fuckign this. Even with the turbo mod I have ZERO desire to keep playing. V was so draining and the story is annoying even to skip.

Attached: turbo.webm (674x400, 2.95M)

There's some fuckery at play here.

Even you niggers will shut up when they add bloody palace new lady trish and vergil with new shit to unlock.
>Something good happens

Fuck you, Yea Forums. Nobody likes you anyway

How do I kill scissor bitches

Hit in face.

>he gives two shits about Bloody Timed Wave Mode
Should have been in the main game at the start anyway.

>V's Demons, Artemis, Urizen
All shit fights.

Ok I'll see you in 5 years when we can play those characters? Why are you pretending you have the upper hand right now? That content isn't out, the base game shipped with fuck all and it wasn't even that good. I doubt the blood palance will even be that fun after having player Nier's colosseaum, now that was a challenge.


>Muh shitty opinion
Dmcv is godlike and you cant do shit about that. So keep posting you lame shitty posts, I'm leaving.

Screech harder.

What the fuck I closed the game on a pridge after you have seen that obnoxious bitch at first time, that "first boss" was so easy on devil Hunter that even retarted 5 year old could beat that. So next time when I start new game there will be sos difficulty open?

Either on par or superior to DMC3; just like DMC3 it's not a perfect and has issue but it's polished and doesn't have huge glaring flaw. I regret spoiling myself and following the leaks, it certainly hampered my overall enjoyment
Main problems are
>no direct continue, you have to get through the golrbs & rorbs menu first if you die (which will be a bitch to do on DMD & H&H
>V is a fun character but his presence in the story is underwhelming, his moveset should have been bigger than that with alternates summons. Has less mission than other characters
>Trish & Lady got shafted hard regarding their presence is the story, they just jobbed throughout the whole thing
>environement aren't varied, city section were nice, demon tree gets tiring after a while
>Too many mission are boss only, mission 19 & 20 just make you fight the same boss twice It's a great boss fight on SoS though

The game is fucking great and only gets better on repeat playthroughs. Though I'm getting my ass kicked on DMD.

5578 stylish points and only an A on DMD, feels like basically ahve to go no-hit to get S or manage to keep SS-SSS up for really long periods

What a shame that the worst DMC had the best Dante design and best box art.

I really enjoy serious and depressed quite Dante. I wish we had more of it.

Attached: dmc2dante.jpg (367x550, 50K)

You're either brain damaged or haven't played the game

Stoic Dante will forever be best Dante.

*Stoic-Smug Dante

I like the Dante we have but it would add even more to his character to see him turn legit extremely serious for a portion of a game. Like no wise cracking or anything, he's on a mission and nothing will stop him.

You are fucking retard if you can't answer that simple question.

Are you ESL, a child, or both?

It's messy. I can see people saying 3 is better for it's concise story and constant nothing but Dante gameplay until end game. That being said, it's taken the top spot for me so long as they don't fuck up Bloody Palace somehow. The story especially is a mess that can't keep it self contained, but I love the mix ups on gameplay, the barrage of fun bosses, the characters, and balance in difficulty.

At least I'm not a nibber like you.

They deflect everything though

This. I'm so tired of DMC5 dickriders. None of the new bosses are that great. Urizen crystal fight are literally on the same level as window boss in 4 yet nobody shits on them because you fight cool crystal and not lame window I guess.

Either parry them or pound on them like a 'tard until you break the scissors.

Unlike the window, you actually get to hit the crystal with your attacks

So the guide says you have to beat all chapters on devil Hunter to unlock sos, that's retarted and ruins the game and first playthrough.

Dude, if you defeat the boss of the first level instead of dying to him you unlock a higher difficulty. You didn't beat the first boss.

Both fights suck ass. But it's ok when DMC5 does it.

you can kill urizen in prologue to skip to sos tard

Is the devil bringer arm snatch as long as the devil breaker wire snatch? Ever since ive got it ive been using the devil bringer arm but the breaker snatch has length upgrades. Or are those upgrades transferred to both.

But nobody can fucking die that boss, it just ends on its own, or is there some style rank you must do.

It's great
All my enemy kill pictures just end up being Dante in the hat though, but with the quotes on the pictures it ends up being pretty funny

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What the actual fuck are tou talking about, retard-ESL-kun

there is a time limit, but it sucks that the flying red thing just has so much health and it sucks that he has the slow mo attack as well. i got him down to like 25% left before flying red thing got back up, and chapter ended soon after.
but i kept getting hit a lot and i started the fight with 0 devil trigger

you can't get hit.

I'm not happy with it. After all the hype I had since its announcement to see the final product I feel kinda deflated, It's pretty, it's detailed but it's not what I wanted out of a DMC game.

I really fucking love it, but there are a couple gripes I just can't get over.

-V needed more work. I think he's fun to play as and don't hate him like a lot of people do, but there's some basic design flaws that annoy me. Like, why give him a melee and ranged pet when they can both just teleport directly to an enemy and attack up close?
-Some of the music is bland, and the final boss theme is absolute garbage.
-The ending in general was a bit flat and the overall theme of the plot wasn't very strong. There wasn't a good "who is human and who is demon" moment like in other games.
-The Qliphoth gets very samey to look at very quickly.

But literally everything else surpasses previous games for me. The fact there are no bad bosses and no shitty platforming sections alone show they knew what they were doing, but it's all the little animation and design details that make it soar.

Dante doesn't feel as complex as he was in 4 but the improvement to nero is welcomed. V is fucking shit and keeps the game from being 20/10

Beating bosses the 2nd time also gives you pics like this too IIRC

There's no time limit actually, if the end cutscene starts it's only because you ate a hit that killed you, you just don't see the damage you take because the scene starts as soon as the hit registers

it is fun af

Still no answer, just kys you cuck

Yeah, those are based on style rank
A gets you one picture on completion, S gets you two

>Dante doesn't feel as complex as he was in 4
Excuse me what the fuck

That explains, so you must kill it with in timeline and not taking hit? Then there is some real challenge after all.

lmao based retard

Ok, good that there is actual humans in this board who know how to explain things.

He means Dante isn't half finished like he was in 4 and actually plays well so the complexity is lost.

I don't play videogames first playthroughs on casuall difficulty unlike you.

Guard doesnt cancel most animations
Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
No rolling guard
No inertia
No reversals
No turbo
No distortion
DSD fucking up Swordmaster

Yeah, you play videogames to die on the prologue boss like a total loser lol

i really like it (product received for free)

You can't do this in DMC5

Attached: dmc4 sky running.webm (600x338, 1.16M)

wrong webm

Attached: jump cancel dmc4.webm (600x338, 1.21M)

>mfw 4987 points

Attached: 1491380618693.png (622x570, 699K)

>Guard doesnt cancel most animations
>Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
These are good though. Finally combo videos will look better instead of pulling new weapon for one millisecond all the time.
>No inertia
This is royal fuck up though.

Guard flying is autism. Serves no purpose and looks retarded.

it looks like it can be used for dodging pretty well

>Guard doesnt cancel most animations
>Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
Cancelling attacks with the ridiculous RG this game has would be retarded, you have to remember it's an action game first and foremost
>rolling guard
You mean guardflying? Shit was useless for anything that isn't showing off in comboautism videos anyway
>No reversals
But it does have reversals?
>no turbo
That's neither a Dante nor a complexity problem, even though I agree it should be in
>No distortion
That's a good thing
>DSD fucking up Swordmaster
>it doesn't work how it used to so it's bad even though I can change it back to how it was
DSD makes swordmaster more complex and original than it was before

The Nelo Angelo theme that plays when you fight V's demons is unironically better than 90% of the music in the game.

Haven't beaten the game yet but some complaints

-Storytelling is dull as fuck. The stupid notification on what date and time it is, is just so dumb
-V is boring
-Level design is completely absent. It's just corridors of bland textures.
-Music is lame and too low-note

But the gameplay is great. It deserves to be presented in a better made game desu.

>-Music is lame and too low-note
You tipped your hand with that bait-kun.

Get fuck outta here. It's literally two tracks on repeat with only one being good. Such a dissapointment compared to what other action games have produced in recent times such as MGR and Nier Automata.

>Serves no purpose and looks retarded.
Guard flying isn't you, it looks cool and is evasive.

I play games to die and for getting through hard encounters, but you don't need to even kill that boss to get forward in the game, locked difficulty settings and fucking auto assists have always made DMC games casuall friendly and that's almost as pathetic as you.


cope dmcuck

>The stupid notification on what date and time it is
This shit was retarded, yeah.

>waaaah why is difficulty so low
>can't even actually beat the game on normal
Nice one

I can beat every game on hardest difficulty right from the start, if game is not designed by retarted midget.

>game makes you prove you can handle the next difficulty if you want it right here right now
>can't do it

>dmc4 is supposed to be half finished
>City area
>Snow area
>Forest area
>Castle area

>City area
>Resident evil 7 area
Ummmm, which one looks less finished?

Attached: 1552471224836.jpg (1026x508, 78K)

Not to mention DMC4 had actual level design. DMC5 is just a straight fucking line of repetitive corridors. DMC4 is nowhere as unfinished.

Attached: dmc4d.jpg (1920x1080, 940K)

Yeah but DMC4 half the game was backtracking

And how much of DMC5 isn't copypasted corridors? It's just that in DMC5 you don't notice since the backgrounds are so bland.

>Game won't tell that to you lets you through boss and hide proper difficulty behind the bosses and playtrough.
so it was designed by retarded midget after all

Ok shitposter, try harder

If nier automata was a solid 7 out of 10 than Devil May cry 5 this is solid 8 out of 10


Nier automata is leagues ahead of DMC5, and I say this as a DMCfan since 3. Nier automata has more enemy variety, better story, better artstyle, better world maps, is twice as long, WAYYY BETTER MUSIC, and actual fucking characters. The only point in which DMC5 is better is the combat.

Attached: 1551295424407.jpg (750x692, 56K)

So DMC fanboys are undertale tier circle jerkes just as I assumed.

Nier has better combat, 5 just has better combos for autists.

took you a while

>The only point in which DMC5 is better is the combat

Well gee wiz good thing the entire point of the game is gameplay then. Nier is a good RPG but a poor action game and DMC isn't even trying to be an RPG but is a fantastic action game. Why even compare them?

Nah man I loved Nier but DMC5 has the best combat in any action. Especially when you play as Dante.

There's more to a game than just combat. DMC5's boring level design, weak narrative, absent music and poor art direction does bring it down a few notches. DMC5 has better combat but Nier is the better game.

B8 or braindead

Godly 9.2/10

Styleswitching is annoying and needs to be replaced by universal control scheme.


It would've told you if you didn't lose like a babby lmao

No DMC5 as ever has shit tier mobility for an action game. It's nothing more than a combo simulator.

I disagree, I've gotten way more playtime out of any DMC game (except the bad ones) than I will ever have out of Nier almost entirely because of the gameplay. Nier is a better narrative focused game because that's clearly what it was going for, and why the gameplay is relatively easy to accommodate for non action game players. DMC5 is a gameplay focused game and on that front it is a wild success. What is "better" is entirely subjective on if you're looking for a narrative driven experience or if you're looking for a combat sandbox with an absurd skill ceiling. I like the latter more so I value the DMC games more than Nier.

Styleswitching IS a universal control scheme, you chode.

>im autistic
cool bro

>I need every attack to automatically stick to the enemy and am too dumb to use the huge amount of movement options the game gives me

>press other buttons to change a function of another button
It's the opposite of being universal, dumdum.

That isn't what I was getting at, the fuck are you talking about? There isn't a huge amount of options to get around quickly, you run like a turtle to do combos on other turtles. It's not like Nier where you zoom around like a bullet which is much more fun. Most action games give you way more mobility than DMC does and that's more fun.

We all agree the gameplay in 4 was better, right? It was as much tighter and faster.

Lucifer automatically means you are full of shit.

What's your idea for an alternative?

user you can move around very quickly as most characters, have you tried doing anything other than just the normal run?

Holy fuck I just realized you can upgrade your characters...
I played through the game without upgrading

Hard to say, a lot of stuff needs to be reworked. But it has to be done, Dante's controls feel extremely clunky and dated especially compared to Nero who has all kind of stuff without needing to switch styles.

Dante is like the exact opposite of clunky, dude.
You're like those people who call SSBM clunky.

No you can not.

And yes, yes he is.

Sort of fun at times but I'm very awful at this and I didn't play the rest of the series. I can't get past rank S on human I haven't lost a single life yet but still, it makes me feel like I suck at videogames.

You must die to boss to perfect it, but if you are retarted midget or fanboy of a retarted midget you would not know that.

You are, no joke, bad at the game. You're probably bad at action games in general.

And how would you know that? Completely baseless claims. I however do know that you are autistic.

4 and 3 had better enemy and environment design.
Come on, dark caves and almost every monsters are in the shade of dark gray or black.

>no you can not
Dante has TWO different teleports, a dash that can be chained infinitely, and air dash that can be chained multiple times while DT'd, Stinger, Balrog's gap closer, Killer Bee just to name SOME of the stuff he can do to get in close on enemies.

Nero has his Payline, Hardline, Streak, Calibur and Gerbera some of which goes further depending on how many pips he has in the sword.

V can teleport onto enemies with circle and has Illegal Move while on Nightmare.

Yeah, they fucked up visual style badly. Making Trish ugly is also a fucking sin.

>too stupid to use the movement options you are given
He's right, you're probably awful at videogames

Those are all attacks. Running around and jumping is clunky and slow, the mobility sucks.

>tfw you'll never go devil hunting with your old man

Attached: 1552451464292.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

You're a fucking autist. Having to use attacks to get around is a testament to how shit the mobility is.

>b-b-b-b-but you're bad
Fuck off retard we're talking about the game here which clearly you know nothing about.

Pretending to be retarded is worse than actually being retarded.

Don't forget Nero's most OP movement option: Snatch
Also the fact that he gets a quadruple fucking jump

who said you can't use the attacks to get around

No one, why are you pretending anyone said this?

I bet he had trouble with cavaliere angelo

Those attacks are your mobility you dingus, and Dante's trickster stuff are not attacks even in the slightest. You aren't supposed to just run up and hit shit, you're supposed to come crashing onto them with all your fury until they are dead. Both Nero and Dante have new mechanics that prevent the knockback of these attacks so it is easier than ever to combo off of them.

V is even less fun on SoS. Cant wait for DMD.

>must die to boss to perfect it
Maybe if you suck

>DMC3 is stupidly easy with Style Switcher!

It's made for fun/bigger combo variety

I know all that you faggot I've been playing these games for 20 years. Back to the original point and not lessons from some tryhard faggot; DMC has shit mobility.

>4 and 3 had better enemy design
Fuck no

It was ultimately worth the wait.

Ok user, whatever you say.

One of the best, levels are pretty depressing after awhile and V is catastrophically dull to play as. Once they release bloody palace and playable Vergil it will be great.

For Nero's mission with the Urizen boss with the enemies dropping on the collapsible platform, how do you kill the enemies quickly enough so that the platform doesn't collapse?

I think the devil breaker snatch is longer than the devil bringer snatch but im not 100% sure.

become a Royal Guard autists

I am struggling too, user. It hurts.

9.5/10 it's the best DMC game ever made.

>here's your mobility bro
>n-n-no it doesn't count

He's right though. The enemy designs in DMC5 look like they were made by westerners.

It really doesn't, it'd be better if Nero could switch between 4 arms and have them break during combat but still be mounted to d pad. You could even add in a mechanic where being more stylish could cause the breakers to regen or something. I'm excited to see where they take it next. -

Why does dantes Sin DT look so fucking ugly? I wanted him to look like a gundam, not a moth.

I did it by using ragtime and (endgame spoiler) Devil trigger in newgame+

You could probably just do it with ragtime though.

You keep shitposting with the same exact post over and over, get a life or drop dead.

Call me a faggot but I don't like the breaker breakability. The rest of Nero is gold though

You don't
If you want the blue orb you need to jump there with double jump+air taunt+flat top/gerbera/shuffle

Felt like 4 was better Nero and V didn't have enough variety. But at least it's not DmC

Can Nero do the dropkcik in 5?

Taunt button while running

Run + Taunt

What mods?

>felt like 4 was better Nero
You're gonna have to explain yourself on that one chief

Being able to swap would break the intention of the mechanic. If you want to swap so badly, blow up your arms with the breakage moves and plan out your magazine better. Being able to swap freely removes one of the big incentives for using breakage moves and no longer requires planning on the part of the player.

I wish the environments were a little more diverse and I just wish there was more to it length-wise. Other than that it’s a fucking blast, no complaints otherwise

Yes, you don't even need to sprint to activate it now

It doesn't count as good, that's been my point this entire time. Are you going to deal with that or?

>getting mad over fucking nothing
What the hell is wrong with you?

I'd still rather play DMC5

Attached: 1552467837911.jpg (1271x488, 311K)

How come I just beat Urizen in the prologue and didn't unlock Dante must die mode?

Contains the best fuck you moment in all of DMC

He probably can't. It's just contrarianism shitposting. All the top Nero players from DMC4 like ChaserTech all say Nero in DMC5 is the best he's ever been.

If you don't die to boss at least 10 times the boss is too easy, like every DMC boss on starting difficulty atleast

You'd have to beat him on Son of Sparda to do that.

That's pretty counter-intuitive as it puts the player in a position where they don't want to actively use them, until they've unlocked everything else.

>no post game content
bloody palace multiplayer literally being added for free with Vergil
>no unlockable costumes
there 5 unlockable costumes retard
>orbs are monetized
oh you mean like in 4se? It literally doesn't matter because you can farm millions of orbs with faust in 30 minutes with Faust.
>AlL ThE ExTrA CoNTenT Is LockED BeHINd a PaYWAlL
literally none of it is, you get soem bonus costume recolors, and some weapon variants, the game still has hidden weapons and other post game unlockables in game, like Nero's entire devil bringer stuff, ex taunts, no weapons Dante, etc.

Are you seriously being this retarded on purpose?

Why does the get more orbs skill cost alot when it sucks?

The intention of the mechanic is shit.

fuck off chaserfag

Honestly pretty fucking fun, my only complaints are that the environments are too samey and the physics aren't as good as they were in 4. And also that V is kinda shallow, even if it's not that boring to play as him it feels like he's lacking some depth in regards to positioning in combat and what not. Glad they cut out the stupid key scavenging and toned down the gay platforming, DMC has been more about the combat than the overral challenge since 3 so it's just a logical conclusion. Easily the second most consistently good DMC game right after 1. About to go into DMD so wish me luck boyos, SoS alredy felt like a different game at parts, Itsuno finally got the difficulty curve right only took him 4 games.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 - HYDE Collaboration Trailer.webm (1280x720, 256K)

Beating the entire Son Of Sparda campaign unlocks Dante May Die, but if you beat just the prologue boss on Devil Hunter it also unlocks it.

With a new game will they make new DMC figures? I need a boomer Dante in my shelf

its a bit weird. considering the benefits of literally anything else its a skill most will pick last.
but when you pick it last you dont need many red orbs anymore. only good for specific Faust Hat nonsense.

they already announced some. they're like 200 or 250$.

It's a 10/10 game. Character action at it's best, it's not a role playing game or a type of adventure game. It's strictly action., People will complain because it's not souls or something while ignoring the fact that there can't be a more definitive action game than this.

What are the chances of us getting get good meat dlc? I wouldn't mind dropping $30 for good meaty content.

My sides

Gameplay is the best DMC has ever been but the focus goes more into combat than on that RE-like puzzles explorations DMC1-3 had which I guess is a leftover from a different time and generation

Other than that it is literally all we have been asking for since 4, except for playable Vergil but hopefully he comes with Bloody Palace

>doesn't count as good
And why, exactly? Because it's too hard for you?

Judging it just as a DMC I put it rather low. Shit story, music, and characters means there's 0 hype over here. Level design and enemy variety was awful too and no turbo mode so not even autistic combos look cool.

Piss easy

You're looking really pathetic right now.

but I just beat him on devil hunter and didn't get it

You should have unlocked Son of Sparda. You have to beat him in the prologue of SoS to unlock DMD.

Those aren't reasonable metrics to judge a game by. That's analogous to judging a book by how much it catered to your intellectual whimsy. The gameplay is an absolute good, it teaches you to play, encourages you to get better. Your personal feelings don't subvert the content itself.

So because it's too hard for you, got it

>Those aren't reasonable metrics to judge a game by
It's literally the majority of the game unless you autistically grind it for.... no tangible reason. It's not fun to do that for 99% of the playerbase. The gameplay is merely okay and it's too easy for it to encourage much improvement.

>i'm actually good at games

no youre not

As someone who didn't get into the series before, how do you parry properly? I don't know if I'm doing it correctly and I just have poor timing or what.

I have unlocked Son of Sparda but that because I finished Devil Hunter but Ill try beating him on SoS difficulty.

> The gameplay is merely okay

You're doing a Ebert right now and conflating your emotions with actual game quality. Just because you're not having fun doesn't mean the game is bad. I've sat and played Melee for hours on end until I were exhausted, that doesn't mean I think it sucks or something. My emotional attachment to something doesn't subtract from the overall quality a game has; it adds to it.

yeah this is going to be a hard cringe for me

>what's wrong with you
you're the one spending his life shitposting, you first loser

>physics aren't as good as they were in 4


Feel free to prove me wrong.

I finished the game and didn't have a lot of fun because the game is simply not very good. You're wrong about the reasons I'm judging it, you're just trying to deflecct away from my intiial points because you can't contend them.

>you're the one spending his life shitposting, you first loser
I broke him, he's not even making sense anymore.

Well, that's just it, you put only four on the dpad, merge some of the mroe useless breakers into a more cohesive singular unit, and them make it so swaping it either breaks it, or blows it up. You could even do some neat mechanics where you need to work it tnto a combo to swap without breaking, or you can do some nuts combos BY breaking your arms in a combo.

I'm deflecting because you keep calling the game bad without being specific. All I can do is deflect. You aren't disagreeing with me so much as you're demanding I agree with you.

I'd rather much laugh at your retarded ass

I was specific and you said I wasn't being reasonable. Meanwhile you're saying the game is 10/10 lol. Fuck off shill.

There are no useless breakers

You're objectively wrong about the gameplay being bad, it's literally the best hack N slash has to offer with tons of unique playstyles, characters, weapons, and mechanics. It's the sweet spot of mechanical depth and coherent gameplay while also offering the most unique character gameplay in the genre in the form of V that I've ever seen.

To say the game is bad because it's "not that good" is more than intellectually dishonest, it's just plain stupid. You being intentionally vague doesn't mask that you can't actually articulate your shitty points against it because you don't have them, or they're purely subjective.